Working Out Won’t Get You Where You Need to Be…

It’s kind of odd to read that from a fitness expert, huh? I have news for you… it’s the truth. If you’ve followed me for any length of time then you know I’m a straight shooter. I tell it like it is and refuse to sell you a fantasy about true health.
Is working out good for you? YES.
Is working out a good habit to cultivate? YES.
Is working out going to help you lose weight? YES.
Do I recommend working out? YES.
Will it get you to your weight loss goals? NO.
At least it won’t get you there without one other thing… and that is nutrition.
Maybe you’ve heard the saying that weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% working out. I agree with that.
And yes, I realize it may sound odd to have a fitness professional telling you that working out counts for only 20% of your success, but it’s the reality.
You cannot eat salty, sugary, and bad fatty foods and expect to reach your weight loss goals. You just can’t.
You can’t out run a bad diet.
This is one of the reasons why nutrition is part of my programs. We can get you active, we can get you moving, we can get you feeling alive during our sessions together… but we cannot reach your ultimate goals without giving your body the food it needs to thrive.

Eating the right things can be confusing. There are so many different views on this and it seems like one diet conflicts with another. This is why I don’t believe in dieting – I know that sounds cliché but it’s the truth.
You can’t diet through life. You have to eat and enjoy it. You have to love your food and feel as though it’s allowing you to heal and thrive.
Give me a call right now to schedule a 30-minute consultation with me. I know you’re sick of gaining the extra weight each year. I know you’re sick of feeling bloated. I know you’re sick of working out on your own and not seeing the results.
Let’s end that depressing game and get you motivated to reach your ultimate goal – looking great, feeling great, and being proud of who you are.

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