“What’s the best time of day to exercise?”
The answer?
Based on research, there are 2 times that you could consider “the best”.
First, research shows that we’re most limber and physiologically ready for maximum performance at about 4pm. We’ve been moving and warming up all day, so in theory, that would be a great time to exercise.
That said, I know men and women that have won fitness competitions and Olympic gold medals that train at all hours of the day.
What’s most important is picking a time to exercise when you are most likely to stick with it.
One research study found that people who exercise in the morning are MORE likely to stick with their exercise program.
And since sticking to a program is one of the BIGGEST problems a reader has, then perhaps you need to try morning workouts.
I prefer to workout in the morning before breakfast…and yes, it’s okay to exercise on an empty stomach if you are not hungry. There’s nothing bad – or magical – about it. It won’t help or hurt your Turbulence Training results.
So here’s the bottom line:
The best time to exercise is on a day that ends in “y”.
That’s right.
Just find what works for you so that you can stick to it.
Because it doesn’t matter when you do your training, all that matters is that you are consistent with it.
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