The Pull-up and Chin-up
Nothing compares to chiseling your back and arms like pull-ups and chin-ups. You might be thinking, “But Shane, I’m scared.
I can’t do any pull-ups”.
Strategy # 1
Use “negatives”, but the big key is the starting position. Start by putting a small box or step below the chin-up/pull-up bar and jump and grab the bar. Keep your chest a the BOTTOM of the bar, and not the top.
Here’s why – when most people start off with their chin over the bar, they inwardly rotate their shoulders, causing damage. You want to keep your chest near the bottom part of the bar, and keeping your shoulders back and down, working your lat muscles.
Now take 5 seconds to lower yourself, FOCUSING on your lat muscles. Do as many reps as you can with the perfect form (keeping your shoulders back and down), even if it’s just one.
Strategy # 2
“No power grip! – Make sure to maintain a loose grip on the bar, even though you’re hanging on for dear life. Loosening your grip will save your elbow joints from any radiating pain.
Strategy # 3
Incorporate DB Rows into your program on a consistent basis to work your abs and lats, along with your biceps. This will improve your pull-up/chin-up numbers as you progress and use heavier weights.
The Pushup
Every single one of my clients are going to have some kind of pushups in their programs. This is a must. This is one of the best “bang for your buck” exercises you can use to chisel your arms, shoulders and chest, giving you the lean, athletic look.
Strategy # 1
What most people don’t realize is that you work your core a lot harder than you think when you perform pushups. So, get toplanking. Use a variety of planks in your workouts so that you build up core endurance and strength, which will relate to better pushup numbers.
Bonus tip – Increasing core strength will also improve your pull-up and chin-up numbers, too. Aim for a full minute on the plank.
Increase your core strength, and you’ll increase your pull-up numbers
Strategy # 2
Incorporate DB Chest Presses into your program, particularly the Neutral Grip Chest Press. When performing this exercise, focus on the “eccentric portion” of the movement. This is the lowering phase. So, take at least 3 seconds to lower the weight when performing the chest press.
Strategy # 3
The actual hand position on the pushup is important. Ensure that the thumb side of the hand is right beside the shoulders. If your hands are too narrow you’re going to be taxing the triceps and that won’t allow the shoulders and the chest to help out as much.
The head position is also important. Drop your head so that your eyes are just looking forward; you don’t want to be looking up too much because the hips will drop and if you drop the head too much the buttocks is going to go too high. You want to maintain a straight line from the ears to the shoulders to the hips and then to the toes.
The surprising exercise that will help with pushups is the dumbbell row. Many would think, “why would I do a row to help my pushup?”.
Upper back and shoulder stability is really important in pushup. The dumbbell row is very helpful to develop this.
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