# 1 – The Plank to Triceps Extension
One move that will force all stabilizer muscles inside your abdominal wall to work harder, while getting your triceps to pop, the Plank to Triceps Extension is a great go-to exercise. If you’re new to this one, I recommend aiming for 5-8 reps. I typically prescribe 15 reps at the most on this one because anymore after that, your form gets sloppy. I also like to use a very short rep scheme on this exercise using the density method (which you’ll discover below).
Here’s how to do it:
- Raise your body in a straight line and rest your bodyweight on your elbows and toes so that your body hovers over the ground.
- Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold (brace) your abs tight. Contract them as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breathe normally.
- Now contract your triceps and press your palms into the ground and push your body up to the pushup position – taking 2 seconds to do it.
- Slowly return to the start position.
# 2 – High Rep DB Rows
You wouldn’t think that a back exercise would work your core, but here’s the trick to this exercise… you’ll want to aim for a rep range of 15-25 and use a challenging enough resistance that you have to really dig deep starting at around rep 12 – 20 (depending on your goal reps).
Your obliques will work harder than ever because your biceps and back will be fatigued.
Your abs have to “step up” to continue, and this what forces more work from your abs, making them stronger. This is MUCH better than the side bend exercise you see people do at the gym every day (and without wreaking havoc on your spine).
Here’s how to do it:
- Rest the right hand on a flat bench or platform, lean over and keep the back flat.
- Hold the dumbbell in the left hand in full extension and slowly row it up to the lower abdomen.
- Keep the low back tensed in a neutral position and the elbow tight to the side.
- Do NOT round your lower back. Repeat as necessary. Then switch sides.
# 3 Hand Step-ups
This one will fool you. It looks so easy on paper, but it will challenge your abs and your mind. If you’re new to this, you can do them kneeling. I recommend starting out with 8-10 reps. If you’re advanced, you can do more.
Here’s how to do it:
- In the pushup position, place your hands on a small step or block.
- Bring your right hand down to the ground while maintaining a straight line with your body (DON’T let your hips sag.)
- Bring the left hand down.
- Then bring the right hand back up to the step followed by bringing the left hand up.
Now when you combine these strategically with conditioning exercises like KB or DB Swings, Short Sprints, Bodyweight Exercises and more, you can carve your abs, improve your conditioning and coordination and force your body to burn fat 24/7 in 10 minutes or less.
In fact, this is exactly how Hollywood celebrities get ripped for big roles and athletes get shredded so they don’t tear down their bodies while performing at a high level.
And because you’ll use a radical, but effective set and rep scheme, your body will burn a lot calories to return to a normal state. This gives you the “afterburn” effect (which is just a cool way of saying you burn calories for up to 36 hours after this kind of conditioning).
Let’s use exercises 1 and 3 for this Ab Finisher. You can plug this finisher in after your main workout or on your off day to accelerate your fat loss and give your abs more definition…
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 5 minutes, resting only when needed. If your form gets sloppy, you MUST rest.
Tag This 5-Minute Ab Finisher to Your Workout
Box Jumps or Jump Squats (5 reps)
Plank to Tricep Extension (5 reps)
KB or DB Swings (5 reps)
Hand Step-ups (5 reps)
If you’re advanced, you can push this to 7 minutes, but I don’t recommend that the first time you do this.
And if you need to cut back on the intensity, you can cut back to 3 minutes and substitute the Plank to Tricep Extension with holding the Pushup Plank position for 10-15 seconds.
As you can see, the set and rep scheme is drastically different than your standard workout. But that’s the idea… this is your conditioning and accelerated fat loss part of your program that will give your body a new stimulus!
You’ll blow through this circuit numerous times and your heart will pound as you hit a variety of muscle groups.
Thanks to the Plank to Triceps Extension and Hand Step-ups, you’ll also put your abs to work with an elevated heart rate.
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