Dear Friend,

Happy Days!

Mother’s Day has come and gone, and hopefully
you had a chance to honour ‘Mum’ in a special and
memorable way.

Today, I’d like to show you how you can honour
something else ? your body!

All you have to do is cut one thing out of your diet…


Yours For Health,
Shane Shiels
Shashido Enterprises
Adelaide’s Premier Health & Fitness Expert

Cutting This Out Of Your Diet Could Help You
 Live Longer

Did you know there’s one thing you can cut from
your diet right now, that could help you live longer?

In fact, cutting this out completely can also help you
get a fitter, healthier body.

What is it?

Any kind of sugar-sweetened beverage!

That includes things like sodas, sports drinks, energy
drinks, and fruit drinks.

Now hang on, because I know what you’re probably
thinking – “Well, duh… of course if I cut out sugary
drinks I’ll be healthier and probably lose some weight.”

Yes, it’s pretty common-sense stuff. But despite it being
common sense, most people still keep drinking what can,
in many cases, only be best-described as ‘liquid candy.’

To make matters worse, we’re drinking more sugary drinks
as a nation than ever before.

For example, soft drink consumption has doubled for women
and TRIPLED for men, over the past 30 years!

And the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that
half of the Australian population (aged 2 or older) drinks
sugary beverages, consuming around 100 – 170 daily
calories of the stuff. [1]

So to help you realise just how serious the health risks can
be, here’s what you probably DON’T know about these
sugar-laden drinks…

They could cause you to ‘kick the bucket’ sooner than later!

The most shocking results come from a new Harvard study
presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology
and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism
2013 Scientific Sessions.

Turns out that drinking sugary soft drinks on a regular basis
can lead to early death!

The researchers spent five years reviewing all the data from
studies on soft drinks around the world.

What they found was alarming:

Sugary soft drinks may have been directly responsible for
133,000 deaths from diabetes… 44,000 from heart disease
and 6,000 from cancer. [2]

Pretty shocking, right?

But if you look at the results from dozens of others studies
exploring the effects of sugary beverages on health, it
becomes a little less surprising.

For instance,a review study on soft drinks analysed 30
other studies, and found a clear link – those who drink
more sugary beverages eat more calories throughout
the day…

It could be that the sweetness leads to cravings for
‘junk’ foods. This of course, little by little, leads to
being overweight, which then opens up the body to
all kinds of diseases, including type-2 diabetes, and
heart disease.

Yet another study published in the journal Circulation,
tracked over 42,000 men for 22 years.

The researchers found that drinking just one sugary
beverage a day increased the participants’ risk of heart
attack by 20 percent (and this took into account other
factors, such as smoking, obesity, etc.)

What’s more, those who drank sugary beverages once
a day also had higher triglycerides and lower HDL. [3]

No matter which way you slice it, drinking too much of the
“sweet stuff” comes with far too many risks and consequences.

Instead of reaching for a can of your favourite sugary beverage,
try and stick with plain old H2O.

If you can’t stand drinking water by itself, add a little lemon.
Also try unsweetened tea. If you prefer it sweet, add stevia,
an all natural, zero-calorie sweetener.

Make this one simple change in your everyday diet and your
body – and waistline – will ‘thank’ you!

Oh and one more thing – if you’re serious about managing your
overall health and fitness, why not take advantage of your FREE
Fitness Consultation? (an $87 value)

During this consult, you’ll receive detailed information on how to
get fit and trim that’s tailored to YOUR body.

There’s no obligation and it’s totally and completely free. To sign up,

click here


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[3] de Koning, Lawrence, et. al. “Sweetened Beverage
Consumption, Incident Coronary Heart Disease and
Biomarkers of Risk in Men” CIRCULATIONAHA.111.067017
Published online before print March 12, 2012

Quote Corner

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but
anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson

Eat Yourself Thin

Spicy Garlic Lime Chicken
(Serves Four)

4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley
2 teaspoons garlic powder
3 tablespoons lime juice

1. In a small bowl, mix together salt, black pepper,
cayenne, paprika, 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, onion
powder, thyme and parsley. Sprinkle spice mixture
generously on both sides of chicken breasts.

2. Heat butter and olive oil in a large heavy skillet over
medium heat. Saute chicken until golden brown, about
6 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with 2 teaspoons garlic
powder and lime juice. Cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently
to coat evenly with sauce.

Prep: 5 mins
Cook: 20 mins
Ready: 25 mins

Amount Per Serving – Calories: 220 / Total Fat: 10.7g /
Cholesterol: 84mg / Sodium: 555mg / Total Carbs: 2.4g
/ Dietary Fibre: 0.3g / Protein: 27.7g

Recipe from

Shashido Enterprises
Strathalbyn, S.A. 5255
Phone: 0420 347 550   Email: [email protected]

(c) Shashido Enterprises 2013 (All Rights Reserved)

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