We all know that in order to get great results you have to exercise. The problem is that there are 1,000’s of different workout programs out there and none of them seem to agree on the best way to exercise. So…
What are you to do and who are you to believe? Well…
I believe everyone should do some form of resistance training and higher intensity cardio training 3 days a week. And… your workouts must consistently get harder in order for you to get consistent results.
This does not need to take long and the truth is that the longer your workouts are, the less results you’ll likely get.
The reason for this is that intensity is the #1 factor when it comes to body transformation. The more intense your workouts are, the better your results will be with regards to fat burning and lean muscle building.
And… the longer you exercise, the less intense you can be. It’s simply impossible to maintaining high levels of intensity for a long period of time!
Which is why I recommend, 15-30 minutes of strength training followed by 10-20 minutes of high intensity cardio 3 days a week for best results.
For the additional 4 days each week, I recommend forming the habit of doing something where you move your body in a way you enjoy.
This doesn’t have to be a vigorous workout where you break a mean sweat and it doesn’t have to last for 45 minutes or longer.
Instead, do something physical for at least 10 minutes. This can be riding a bike, doing yoga, dancing, playing frisbee in the park, rolling around on the ground with your kids, gardening or anything else that involves movement.
Try to change it up from week to week and make sure you are moving your body through it’s full ranges of motion every day.
This is so important because lack of movement is one of the hardest things on your body. In fact…
Jack Lalanne, the godfather of fitness said, “move it, or lose it.” Truer words have never been spoken and if you neglect to move your body every day, you eventually won’t be able to move it every day 🙂
QUICK HABIT RECAP: Daily is essential in maintaining a healthy functioning body. Follow a well designed strength and cardio program 3 or more days per week and on the remaining days make sure you get at least 10 minutes of movement based exercise other than walking like riding a bike, gardening, playing with your kids etc.
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