The Night I Couldn’t Get You Off My Mind

I usually write these articles during the day. I try to build it into my workday so that I can keep “work at work”.
But this article is different.
I’m sitting on my couch and it’s 9:26pm. This last week has been pretty busy. It was one of those weeks where work life and personal life were both super busy.
Even I struggled to find time to take care of myself each day.
That’s news to some people. They assume that because I work in the fitness industry that I must never struggle with food temptations or wanting to skip a workout.
I have it easier than most, truth be told.
This stuff, this healthy life stuff… is what I do for a living. So it’s always front of mind for me, and at this point in life I have a nice track record of eating well and working out.
In other words, I’ve developed some nice habits that work well for me. And I’ve also learned a lot of tools over the years too.
One of those tools that is useful to me right now as I type this article is this: always move with inspiration.
All night I kept thinking about you.
How most of you reading this are working full time jobs, raising kids, and doing what it takes to be healthy.
That’s a lot.
And I am in awe of you.
I just keep thinking about how amazing I think you are and that inspiration has me typing this article at what is now 9:39pm.
Making a life transformation is tough. It’s rough. It’s not for the faint of heart – and it’s the major reason most of us spend a lifetime gaining weight and then losing weight and then gaining weight again.
It’s the yo-yo cycle that we’ve all tasted at one time.
But at some point you decided to pull up your big girl (or big boy) britches and do something different.
It reminds me of that quote from Albert Einstein that says “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
You and Einstein get it.
You figured out that the best way to change your life and get healthy once and for all was to do something different. And that’s how we connected.
So tonight, I raise my glass of water to you!
Cheers for being amazing and stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing what it takes to be the leader of your own life.
What is it that you really want from life?
The ability to play tag with your kids and not be out of breathe? To be able to fit into your favorite pair of jeans from 5 years ago? Maybe to wow your high school friends at your upcoming reunion? Or maybe just to prove to yourself that you are amazing and capable?
Like I said, this article is different. It’s about my clients and the people in my life that are doing it despite – well… despite life happening. Cheers (again) to you!

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