I’ve been a personal trainer for 10 years now and over that time I’ve learned a thing or 2 about weight loss and the journey that most people take when they commit to it.
I’ve heard every single reason to not start this journey and I’ve heard every single reason of why people fall off the wagon.
“It was the holidays.”
“I was sick.”
“I can’t find the time.”
“I don’t have the right equipment.”
“I was too tired.”
“I got really busy at work.”
I’m not saying these aren’t real issues… but they are the common ones that stop people in their tracks. In fact if you pick up any health or fitness magazine you’ll notice the headlines are all designed to overcome one of this issues.
But as I said… I’ve been doing this awhile and there is one obstacle that I NEVER hear people talk about. Not even the experts.
The most under-rated obstacle to weight loss is…. drum roll please….
Say what now?
Yep. Pride.
It’s really hard to ask for help or assistance because… well it means we’re not smart enough, good enough, fit enough, healthy enough, etc.
After all if we were smart enough to figure out the best weight loss plan then we’d be doing that, right?
Our pride stops us so much.
I bet if we look at other areas of our lives we’ll notice the same thing.
Emotions, like pride, are meant to help us too. Sometimes pride can be a good thing. It’s usually pride that will motivate us to do something like become a better person or become more likeable.
So pride is not bad. I’m not saying that.
I’m just saying that we have to understand the good and the bad ways it affects our lives.
Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with me. We’ll work out a plan to reach your goals and ensure that you’re focusing on what matters and leaving the rest of the confusing stuff behind.
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