The Missing Component In Your KB Workouts

Have you noticed this?

All over Facebook everyone is talking about their workouts.

How much they pressed. How many reps of swings they did.

Pick something.

It’s all over the Internet.

And you know something?

That’s great!

It’s accountability and motivation and social support and those lead to results.

But you know what’s not on there in most cases?

The missing component to 99% of all KB workouts.

What’s that?

Active Recovery.

What’s that?

More than sleep, that’s what.

It’s actively taking steps to speed up the recovery process so you can see your results sooner.

Think about that:

In a world where we want results yesterday, there are very simple actions people can take to speed up there results.

But they don’t.

Why not?

Because they –

a) either don’t know about active recovery

b) they do know about active recover and discount its importance

c) they know about it, acknowledge its importance, and  are too lazy to do anything about it

What are some examples of active recovery?

One of the simplest easiest things you can do are “Fast  and Loose” drills.

What are they?

Where you simply shake your muscles between sets.

(If you want to know specific drills, Pavel has a really good DVD on it – you can get it on

Another example would be lying on the ground after your workout practicing some deep breathing.

There’s a whole list of active recovery measures you can take.

Now here’s the “trap” with active recovery:

You’ll be tempted to increase your training frequency.

Big mistake.

I still think the average person – you know, the one who has a 40 hour a week job that has the unwritten expectation of being a 50-60 hour a week job – a mortgage, 2.2 kids, bills to pay – that sort of thing –

Only needs to train/workout 3 to 4 times a week.

The longer and more “stuff” in the workout, the lower the

The shorter and simpler the workout, the higher the frequency.

Also, the harder the workouts, the lower the frequency (and  the more active recovery work you should be doing).

In fact, there’s some skill involved in designing kettlebell  programs – or any strength training / conditioning / fat loss program.

That’s why I recommend you stop trying to put your own  program together and rely on the “pro’s” – the guys who do this stuff for a living.

I’m betting you take your car to the mechanic’s when you need work done.

Or call an electrician over when you have an electrical problem – or a plumber when you have a plumbing issue that you can’t fix with Drano.

Your body is infinitely more complicated than your car or your house.

Why tinker with it and make up your workouts when you can’t predict the outcome?

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