The Fat- Loss Merry-Go-Round

Round and round he goes.

Up and down up and down.

For many people, fat loss is like that.

Their weight goes up. Then it goes down. Then up. Then down again.

Round and round and round they go, year after year on this cycle of frustration.

If that’s you, keep reading.

You’re going to learn how to get off that Un-Merry-go-round for good.

 It’s really simple – follow these 3 steps:


  1. COMMIT to changing your lifestyle

Getting the body you want – one that’s lean, strong, and healthy is a COMMITMENT.

You have to change some of the things you’re doing now –

The things that are causing you to regain the body fat.

– Overeating

– Excessive alcohol consumption

– Random/drive-by snacking

– Eating sugary foods

– Eating processed foods like crackers, cookies, etc.

(Usually anything made with white or whole wheat flour)

– Poor or lack of sleep

– Random workouts

– Late night snacking


There’s just no way around it – if you want to lose fat,  you HAVE to change your eating habits.


2. Train intelligently using your KBs.

One of the fallacies of KB training is that “all” you need to do is Swings.

Look, I’m not saying “just” doing swings won’t help you strip off SOME fat. They will.

Here’s an interesting correlation though – for some people, the more swings they do, the hungrier they get.

Which means as they increase the number of swings, they increase the amount of food they eat.

And if you know ANYTHING about losing fat, it’s that  over the course of time, you must be in a caloric deficit compared to where you are now.

So, if you’ve done that “Bazillion Swing Workout” and  found your hunger raging out of control – well, that explains it.

Many people actually forget about the “slow strength” work you can and SHOULD do with your KBs to aid/increase your fat loss.

AND you should learn some “advanced” KB exercises to include in your fat loss programming – the Snatch is one of the best exercises I know of for fat loss.

If your fat loss program doesn’t include a healthy dose of snatches in it, there’s a great possibility you’re leaving results on the table.

3. Stop trying to go it alone.

I’m gonna be blunt with some of you:

If you’re not familiar with program design, that is, you don’t make your living as a strength coach or a trainer,  you have no business trying to construct your own KB fat  loss programs.

Your just guessing and hoping and wasting your time.

Many times, this is because many people are opposed to paying for high quality professionally designed training programs.

The famous cliche holds true here: 

You get what you pay for.

Freebies are good.

But one of the reasons there’s a price tag associated with a great professionally designed KB program is not only because they’re built off of the understanding of physiological adaptation which you don’t know how to do – but equally as important –

Because when you pay for something, you are putting skin in the game.

 It’s a form of commitment.

You’re putting your money where your mouth is.

Yeah, I know that’s not popular to say, but durn it!

It’s time to grow up, be honest with ourselves, and do what it is we say we want to do and understand that  there’s a cost associated with doing so.

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