Targetted Metabolic Resistance Training

TMRT: The Solution for Toned, Defined & Sexy Curves
By Flavia Del Monte, R.N, C.P.T, C.P.N.

Most female “fat loss workouts” are a joke, relying on high reps, solely bodyweight movements and “going for the burn.”

Now, I’m not slamming any of these methods (each has a time and place) but in a moment, you’ll see their limitations if your goal is toned, defined, and sexy curves.

The popular trend in fitness, as we write, is “metabolic resistance training” (MRT) workouts, which is essentially cardio with weights.

The good news about MRT workouts are they’re very powerful at burning a lot of calories during the workout and increasing your metabolic rate for 48 hours AFTER the workout…

Which is why I love them, do them periodically, and have endorsed them.

However, there can tend to be a downside and a few “hidden” problems with MRT workouts – especially if you want “sexy” curves:

1) You can end up looking soft & skinny, not strong & sculpted

Very little muscle growth occurs when you work with weights that don’t solicit at least a 70-85% maximum effort.

MRT only solicits 60-65%.

The key to developing a hard, lean, and athletic looking female body is to incorporate sets of heavier weights and lower reps to produce neurogenic muscle tone the muscle tone that gives you definition when you contract it.

2) Your body adapts faster to workouts with higher reps and lighter weights

As your body adapts, MRT workouts challenge your aerobic system (training with oxygen) more so than your anaerobic system (training
without oxygen).

When you train with lighter weights for too long, your brain says, “We don’t need this muscle anymore…” and you end up losing muscle.

Then your metabolism slows down and you risk gaining the fat back.

3) MRT workouts can potentially lead to injuries…

Most MRT workouts are performed with faster repetitions, which results in LESS focus on the specific muscle and simply focusing on getting through the reps.

The key ingredient for gaining “sexy,” curvy muscle, and stopping muscle loss, is time under tension.

This simply means that a set needs to last for at least 40-70 seconds with continuous tension on the muscle you’re trying to sculpt.

Introducing: Targeted Metabolic Resistance Training (TMRT)

Here are the benefits if you’re looking for a strong and sculpted body with sexy female curves, instead of a soft and skinny body:

1. You avoid adaptation.

When you keep doing the same exercises, in the same order, for the same number of reps, using the same handgrip or foot stance, the body adapts.

In effect, your nervous system becomes “hardwired” to that particular routine and consequently, fewer fibers are recruited and/or stimulated.

In short, you stop making progress.

With “Targeted” MRT workouts we’re going to apply more direct muscle work to each body part so your body takes on a curvier shape.

Hello hourglass!

2. Shifting rep ranges develops neurogenic and myogenic muscle tone.

Most individuals are hopelessly attached to the old 10-15 rep range scheme.
It’s as automatic as your morning coffee and watching your favorite reality TV show each week. It’s largely habit.

Targeted MRT workouts will include lower rep training (i.e. reps less than 7), intermediate rep ranges (i.e 8-12 reps) and high-rep training (i.e 12-15 and even 15-20 reps) to make the fastest possible progress and develop both types of muscle tone – neurogenic and myogenic.

3. You look harder, curvier, and sexier!

When you directly target a muscle group with a tri-combo (three exercises back to back to back on the same body part) you can almost triple your rate of progress!

Fitness models have known this for years, which is why they have strong yet still feminine bodies.

To date, I’ve never met a female who does solely MRT workouts and lands covers of fitness magazines. They all do a lot of direct muscle work to give their body shape.

4. People will finally notice that you workout!

Getting skinny is EASY. Any girl can do that.

The question is… can you get lean and defined to the point that people say:

“Wow! Look at your arms! I want your legs! You look amazing!”

The answer is a big fat YES (no pun intended).

When you use TRMT Training, people will want to know your secret.

Last, but not least:

5. You’ll burn MORE fat

Targeted MRT workouts will give you an opportunity to actually gain new muscle to increase your daily metabolic rate.

We know that every pound of muscle helps us burn an extra 50 calories a day…

Gain just one pound of muscle and you’ll keep an extra 18,000 calories off your body, which obviously more fat loss.

Of course, fat loss specific programs work to some degree, but without building and sculpting lean muscle, you’ll just end up looking Skinny-Fat.

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