1) If something isn’t working in any area of your life, do something different to change it.
2) Crunches won’t help you lose belly fat
3) Unplug more. It will help you with your in person relationships, your health and your stress levels.
4) Sprints are one of the best workouts for getting lean quickly.
5) Don’t fall for fad diets. Find what works for you. Start to test things out on yourself. Not just what you read in a book or watch in a movie. If a food doesn’t make you feel good, take note, and eliminate it from your diet.
6) One of the quickest ways to change your body and your health is to minimize sugar.
7) Movies (and research) about health can be spun to make one side look good and one side look bad. Always remember that.
8) A morning routine where you do things for yourself and no one else is one of the best ways to start your day on the right foot.
9) Express gratitude everyday.
10) Have too much stress in your life? Take up meditation.
11) The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
12) Do it now. Sometimes “later” becomes never.
13) Make sure your goals are specific and have a deadline. And make sure they are important to you.
14) One of the quickest ways to achieve your goals is to hire a coach. Doesn’t matter in what area of your life. Health, business, relationships, finances, life, etc. They’re all around.
15) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Be resourceful.
16) Get outside and play everyday.
17) Know what your values are, and then attach your goals to your values. This can become your big “why.”
18) Make a difference in your community.
19) Hug more.
20) Go for a walk and leave your phone at home.
21) See where you can give help before you take help.
22) Travel somewhere new that you haven’t seen before.
23) Include weight training in your workouts to get stronger, mentally and physically.
24) Drive with the windows down.
25) Do something that makes you uncomfortable.
26) Crank up the music loud and dance.
27) Find a cause that’s important to you and support it.
28) Figure out what you love to do, and do more of it.
29) Laugh and have more fun in your life.
30) Play with your kids without having your smartphone with you.
31) Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite foods.
32) Have a date night once a week.
33) Throw away your scale.
34) If you’re not living the life you want. If something feels off. If you’re not making the impact that you want, get away from your everyday environment. Go unplug for a day or a weekend, and think about what you really want in life. It must be clearly defined. You have to have a vision. Then pursue it with discipline and consistency. We often lose our creativity when we’re in front of screens all day. Get out in nature…a river, a lake, a walk in the woods, and do some creative thinking on what you want your life to look like. And then go after it with passion!
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