Go through this circuit 3 times. Rest as little as possible between exercises and circuits.
• Chin-up – 12 reps
• Pushups – 30 reps
• Plank Jacks – 15 reps
• Bodyweight Squats 30 reps
• Plank to Triceps Extensions – 20 reps
• Burpees – 10 reps
• Prisoner Forward Lunges – 30 reps (15/side)
• Close Grip Pushups – 20 reps
If you don’t have a pull up bar, you can replace them with Stick Ups.
Do the following superset resting when needed. In the first superset, you’ll do 6 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you’ll do 5 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Once you complete the final rep of 1B, rest 1 minute and
then move into the finisher.
1A) DB Row (6/side… down to 1/side)
1B) Goblet Lateral Lunge (6/side…down to 1/side)
Do the following superset 6 times, resting as shown:
2A) T-Pushup (20 secs), rest 10 secs
2B) KB or DB Swings (20 secs), rest 10 secs
No-Equipment Option
Do the following superset resting when needed. In the first superset, you’ll do 6 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you’ll do 5 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Once you complete the final rep of 1B, rest 1 minute and then move into the finisher.
1A) Bodyweight Row or Stick-up (6… down to 1)
1B) Bodyweight Lateral Lunge (6/side…down to 1/side)
Do the following superset 6 times, resting as shown:
2A) T-Pushup (20 secs), rest 10 secs
2B) Total Body Extension (20 secs), rest 10 secs
Choose a weight in which you can lift for 4-6 more reps than prescribed for your weakest exercise. Use that same weight for the entire complex. Do the following circuit 5 times, resting only as needed. After the 5th circuit, rest 1 minute and move into the finisher.
1A) Barbell Squat (8)
1B) Barbell Row (8)
1C) Barbell Military Press (8)
2) Lunge Jump (20 secs), rest 10 secs – Do this 6 times
No-Equipment Option
Do the following circuit 5 times, resting only as needed. After the 5th circuit, rest 1 minute and move into the finisher.
1A) Bodyweight Triple Squat (12)
1B) Bodyweight Row (12)
1C) Pushup (12)
2) Lunge Jump (20 secs), rest 10 secs – Do this 6 times
Do the following circuit 4 times, resting for 1 minute after each circuit.
1A) 1-Arm DB Push Press (6/side)
1B) DB Bulgarian Split Squat (8/side)
1C) Alternating DB Chest Press (10/side)
1D) Spiderman Climb (10/side)
No-Equipment Option
Do the following circuit 4 times, resting for 1 minute after each circuit.
1A) Pike Pushup (12) or 1-Arm Switch Pushup (6/side)
1B) Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squat (1-1/2 rep style) (8/side)
1C) Elevated Pushup (10/side) or Pushup (20)
1D) *Bodyweight Chop (10/side)
Perform as many rounds as possible in 9 minutes (9.00)
- 15 x 1-Arm Power Clean x Push Press, Right
- 15 x 1-Arm Power Clean x Push Press, Left
- 15 Loaded Lying Leg Raises
- 15 Table top Lifts
Perform 20 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest for 4 rounds (11.20)
- Kip Pulls
- Dive Bomber Push-ups
- Side Lunges
- 1-Arm Inside Row Right
- 1-Arm Inside Row Left
Perform 3 rounds as fast as you can with a 9-minute maximum time limit (9.00)
- 100 Alternating Single Unders
- 20 Overhead Swings With A Twist
- 20 Squat Thrusts
Perform as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes (10.00)
- 10 Split Squats Right
- 10 Split Squats Left
- 10 Climber Toe Taps
- 20 Chest Height Swings
Perform 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest for 3 rounds (9.00)
- Kneeling Plank Up Downs
- 2-Arm Cheat Curl
- 2-Arm Press
Do the following circuit 5 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits.
DB Split Squat (1-1/2 rep style) (8/side)
Decline Pushups (taking 2-3 seconds to go down and 1 sec to come up (8)
Barbell Row (10)
Barbell Military Press (10)
Stability Ball Leg Curl (12)
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) – 3-minutes, rest up to 90 seconds, repeat 3x
Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of the following exercises within a 3-minute time cap. Rest for as long as you need to recover (up to 90 seconds). Repeat the 3-minute AMRAP 3 times.
Reverse Alternating Lunges – 8 reps total (4 each leg) ?
Outside Mountain Climber + Pushup – 8 reps total (4 each leg) ?
Squat Jumps or Squat to Toes – 8 reps
Move from one exercise to the next with no rest. Rest ONLY when needed. Complete 5 full rounds.
- Squat to Toes: 30 seconds
- Crunch Punches: 30 seconds
- Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds
- Bicycles: 30 seconds
Repeat 5 full rounds resting only when needed. Keep track of how long the workout took you.
Perform 20-seconds of each exercise below with no rest in between. Move from one exercise to the next and complete 3 times through (3-minutes), then rest for 60-seconds and move to the next set of exercises. Rest ONLY where it says to rest.
Circuit #1
-Jump Lunges
Limit rest and repeat 2 more times for a TOTAL of 3 rounds
After the 3-minutes is up, rest 60-seconds and move to circuit #2.
Circuit #2
-Electric Hops
-Spiderman Pushups
-Lateral Hops
Limit rest and repeat 2 more times for a TOTAL of 3 rounds
After the 3-minutes is up, rest 60-seconds and move to circuit #3.
Circuit #3
Perform 30 seconds on each exercise below. Rest ONLY when needed. Perform ONE round.
-Squat Jumps: 30-seconds
-Outside Mountain Climbers: 30-seconds
-Sit Throughs: 30-seconds
-Sprints In Place: 30-seconds
AGH! Crazy tough one, especially if you limit rest periods…
Complete all seconds or reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
Rest only when needed and repeat 3 full rounds!
Squat Jumps: 30 seconds
Bodyweight Squats: 15 seconds
Superman YTI: 10 reps on each
Lunge Ground Punches: 30 seconds
Side Plank Dips and Reach Through: 30 seconds
Rocking Planks With Side Shoulder Raise: 45 seconds
Repeat 3 times resting only when needed!
Workout Goal:
Each time you perform this workout, try to beat your previous time.
For example, if this takes you 10 minutes the first time, beat 10 minutes the next time you do this same workout.
Complete all seconds or reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
Rest only when needed and repeat 3 full rounds!
Bodyweight Squats: 30 seconds
Squat Holds: 10 seconds
Superman YTI: 10 reps on each
Reverse Lunge Oblique Crunch: 10 reps each side
Side Plank Dips: 12 reps each side
Rocking Planks: 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times resting only when needed!
Workout Goal:
Each time you perform this workout, try to beat your previous time.
For example, if this takes you 10 minutes the first time, beat 10 minutes the next time you do this same workout.
Complete all seconds or reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
Rest only when needed and repeat 3 full rounds!
Bodyweight Squats: 20 seconds
Squat Holds: 10 seconds
YTI: 10 reps on each
Standing Obliques: 10 reps each side
Side Planks: 20 seconds
Planks: 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times resting only when needed!
Workout Goal:
Each time you perform this workout, try to beat your previous time.
For example, if this takes you 10 minutes the first time, beat 10 minutes the next time you do this same workout.
Bodyweight Squats: 15 reps
Pushups: 12 reps
Swing Through Lunges: 9 each side
Single Leg Hip Raise: 6 each side
Burpees: 3
Bodyweight Squats: 6
Pushups: 9
Swing Through Lunges: 12 each side
Single Leg Hip Raise: 15
Move back to the top of the pyramid and repeat 3 times!Workout Goal:
Each time you perform this workout, your goal is to beat your previous time. For example, if this takes you 15-minutes the first time you do this, your goal is to beat that the next time.
Lunge Jumps (10/side…1/side)
Elevated Pushups (10/side…1/side)
Shuttle Sprint (back and forth 10x… 1x)
Once you complete the 4th superset, move into the next superset and repeat for that superset as well.
1A) T Pushup (8/side)
1B) Lateral Jumps (8/side)
4X with 10 secs of rest
2A) Prisoner Switch Lunge (8/side)
2B) X-Body Mountain Climber w/ Feet Elevated (8/side)
4X with 10 secs of rest
Do the following circuit as shown. You’ll perform an exercise for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest for 4 rounds before proceeding to the next exercise.
Burpees (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 rounds
Decline Close-Grip Pushups (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 rounds
Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squats (fast tempo) (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 rounds
Mountain Climbers (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 rounds
Total Body Extensions (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 rounds
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between circuits.
Bodyweight Death Crawl (40 secs)
Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (30 secs)
Bear Crawl (40 secs)
Skater Hops (30 secs)
Bodyweight Death Crawl (40 secs)
Bulgarian Jump Squats (20 reps per side)
Pull-ups (20 reps)
Close-Grip Push-ups (40 reps)
Ab Wheel or Stability Ball Rollout (25 reps)
Jumping Jacks (100 reps)
Alternating Prisoner Cross-Over Lunge (25 reps per side)
X-Body Mountain Climbers (20 reps per side)
Burpee Chin-up Combo (10 reps)
Decline Spiderman Push-ups (10 reps per side)
Burpee Chin-up Combo (10 reps) (Yes, I typed that on purpose)
Stability Ball Jackknife (30 reps)
Switch Lunge (forward lunge into a reverse lunge)
(15 reps per side)
Jumping Jacks x 30
X-Country Skiers x 30
Squat Thrusts x 10
Squat Jumps x 10s
Do this 3 to 5 times with 60-90s rest between sets.
Now, I know that you may not be able to do Squat Thrust or Squat Jumps due to “iffy” knees or lower back.
Just sub in Walkouts or Walkouts with a Push Up for Squat Thrusts and Side Lunges with a Reach to the Floor for the Squat Jumps. Same number of reps on both – 10 each.
(A Walkout is where you bend over, put your hands on the floor and “walk out” on your hands until you are in a push up position. When you keep your body straight it works your abzz over really nicely.)
1A) Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds
1B) Close-Grip Pushups – 30 seconds
1C) Prisoner Squats – 30 seconds
1D) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds or if you are advanced, use Burpees!
1E) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
1F) Prisoner Lunges (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
– Rest 60 seconds.
– Repeat 2 more times.
That gives you a total body workout in under 12 minutes, and you’ll be amazed at how many calories you can burn in such a short time.
- Glute Bridge – 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
- Incline Pushups – 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
- Bird Dog – 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
- Stick Ups – 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
- Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
- Repeat 1 more time
Advanced Beginner
- Lying Hip Extensions – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
- Band Pulls – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
- Pushup Hold (hold the top pushup position) – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
- Split Squats – 40 seconds – rest 20 seconds
- Split Squats (other leg) – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
- Repeat 1 more time
- 1-Leg Lying Hip Extensions – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
- 1-Leg Lying Hip Extensions (other leg) – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
- Eccentric Pushups or Kneeling Pushups – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
- Bodyweight Squats – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
- Plank or Kneeling Plank – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
- Repeat 1 more time
- Wall Squat – 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
- Pushups or Kneeling Pushups – 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
- Reverse Lunges – 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
- Dumbbell Row – 50 seconds (25 seconds/side) – rest 10 seconds
- Mountain Climbers – 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
- Repeat 1 more time
500 Rep Elite Ironman Challenge
- 50 Jumping Jacks
- 30 Close Grip Pushups
- 10 Chin Ups or Stick Ups
- 50 Close Stance Bodyweight Squats
- 40 Plank Jacks
- 20 Prisoner Lunges/leg
- 40 Spiderman Climb (20/leg)
- 50 Pop Squats
- 30 Pushups
- 100 Seal Jacks
- 20 Squat Jumps
- 30 Lying Hip Extensions
30 Burpees
1A) Dumbbell (DB) Goblet Squat – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
1B) Decline Pushup or Regular or Kneeling Pushup – 40 seconds, rest 20
1C) DB Chest-Supported Row or Bodyweight Row – 40 seconds, rest 20
1D) Total Body Extension or 2-Leg Hip Bridging – 30 seconds
– Repeat 2 more times.
So all you have to do is pick your favorite cardio or bodyweight exercise and follow the sequence below.
Ab “Targeted” Shashido Metabolic Explosion Protocol
Warm up: 5 minutes (walk, calisthenics, jumping jacks, etc.)
Ab “Targeted” Sequence: Hard as you can go (cardio machine, sprinting, or bodyweight movements like squat presses) for 20 to 30 seconds at a time, walk or rest for 30 to 90 seconds in between, repeat 4 to 8 times.
Cool down: 5 to 10 minutes.
Do the following superset resting only when needed.
In the first superset, you’ll perform 12 reps of each exercise.
In the next superset, you’ll perform 11 reps of each.
Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
Bulgarian Jump Squat (10/side…1/side)
Mountain Climber Sprint to Start (10…1)
Do the following circuit ONE time, resting only when needed.
Sprinter Step-ups (20)
Alternating Reverse Prisoner Lunge (20/side)
Spiderman Climb Pushup (10/side)
Sprinter Step-ups (20)
Total Body Extension (40)
Skater Hops (20/side)
Close-Grip Pushups (40)
Narrow Stance Squats (40)
Sprinter Step-ups (20)
You’ll need a light-to-medium pair of KBs.
Men: 16kgs, maybe 20s if you’re feeling strong. 24s if you are strong.
Ladies: 10kg, maybe 12s if you’re feeling strong.16s if you are strong.
Honestly, I’d err on the side of caution here.
Here’s what you’re gonna do:
Then :
Row x 20 seconds
Clean x 20 seconds
Press x 20 seconds
Snatch x 20 seconds
Front Squat x 20 seconds
Perform that as a complex – each exercise done right after the other without putting your KBs down.
(Complexes are one of the best ways I know to burn off body fat.)
That’s means you’ll be hoisting your KBs for 100 seconds or 1:40 of non-stop work.
Rest twice that. 200 seconds of rest.
3 minutes, 20 seconds.
Sounds like a lot. It won’t be. 🙂
Do that for 3 rounds.
That means you’ll be done in about 11 minutes.
That’ll be enough.
Don’t forget your Cool-down.
Do the following superset resting only when needed. In the first superset, you’ll perform 12 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you’ll perform 11 reps of each. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
Bulgarian Jump Squat (10/side…1/side)
Mountain Climber Sprint to Start (10…1)
Do the following circuit ONE time, resting only when needed.
Sprinter Step-ups (20)
Alternating Reverse Prisoner Lunge (20/side)
Spiderman Climb Pushup (10/side)
Sprinter Step-ups (20)
Total Body Extension (40)
Skater Hops (20/side)
Close-Grip Pushups (40)
Narrow Stance Squats (40)
Sprinter Step-ups (20)
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 20 seconds between circuits.
Switch Lunge (8/side )
Decline Pushup (2 reps short of failure)
Switch Lunge (8/side)
Mountain Climbers (15/side)
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 7 minutes, resting only when needed.
Lunge Jumps (7/side)
Triple Stop Pushup (7)
Sumo Squat (7)
Medicine Ball Slams (7) or Bodyweight Chops (7/side)
Circuit 1: (4 minutes)
Jumping Jacks x 20s
– Rest 10s
Push ups x 20s (sub: incline push ups)
– Rest 10s
=> Repeat for 4 rounds
REST 1 minute
Circuit 2: (4 minutes)
Jump Squats (or Total Body Extension) x 20s
– Rest 10s
=> Repeat for 8 rounds
REST 1 minute
Circuit 3: (4 minutes)
Burpees (or walkouts) x 20s
– Rest 10s
X-body mountain climbers x 20s
– Rest 10s
=> Repeat for 4 rounds
There you have it. While this may look easy, don’t underestimate the power of the 20:10 intervals. Make sure you give 110% every interval, OK?
Do the following circuit resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you’ll perform 8 reps of each exercise with the first 3 exercises. In the next circuit, you’ll perform 7 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep each of the first 3 exercises. In every circuit, you’ll do:
40 reps of Jumping Jacks.
Squat Thrust (8…1)
Stability Ball Stir-the-Pot (8/side…1/side) or X-Body Mountain Climber (8/side…1/side)
Bodysaw (8…1)
Jumping Jacks (40 with every circuit)
Move from one exercise to the next only resting when needed. Be sure to give yourself enough rest in order to perform the barbell squats safely. If
you need to decrease weight during the workout, do so. Beginners should do goblet or dumbbell squats.
• Barbell Squat: 15 reps
◦ Decline Pushups: 10 reps
◦ Squat Jumps: 10 reps
◦ Mountain Climbers: 10 reps each leg
• Barbell Squats: 12 reps
◦ Decline Pushups: 10 reps
◦ Squat Jumps: 10 reps
◦ Mountain Climbers: 10 reps each leg
• Barbell Squat: 10 reps
◦ Decline Pushups: 10 reps
◦ Squat Jumps: 10 reps
◦ Mountain Climbers: 10 reps each leg
• Barbell Squat: 8 reps
◦ Decline Pushups: 10 reps
◦ Squat Jumps: 10 reps
◦ Mountain Climbers: 10 reps each leg
Workout Goal: Each time you perform this workout, your goal is to beat your previous total time.
Move from one exercise to the next only resting when needed. Complete as quickly as possible.
• 50 double unders
• 40 pushups
• 30 kettlebell swings
• 20 Burpees
• 10, 10 second on 5 second off squat holds.**
◦ Complete as quickly as possible, resting only when needed.
Workout Goal: Each time you perform this workout, your goal is to beat your
previous total time.
**Note** For the 10, 10 second on 5 second off squat holds, here is what you will do:
• Squat hold: 10 seconds
◦ Rest: 5 seconds
• Squat hold: 10 seconds
◦ Rest 5 seconds
• … Repeat until you do 10 squat holds.
Do the following circuit resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you’ll perform 8 reps of each exercise with the first 3 exercises. In the next circuit, you’ll perform 7 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep each of the first 3 exercises. In every circuit, you’ll do 40 reps of Jumping Jacks.
Squat Thrust (8…1)
Stability Ball Stir-the-Pot (8/side…1/side) or X-Body Mountain Climber (8/side…1/side)
Bodysaw (8…1) Jumping Jacks (40 with every circuit)
Do the following circuit 4 times, resting for 20 seconds between circuits.
Jump Squats (10)
Burpee/Chin-up Combo or Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo (10)
Shuttle Sprint (back and forth 10X)
Spiderman Climb (10/side)
1A) Goblet Squat – 45 seconds (hold dumbbell at chest height in both hands)
1B) DB Row – 45 seconds per side
– Rest 15 seconds between exercises.
– Repeat the superset 2 more times.
2A) DB Split Squat – 45 seconds per side
2B) Pushup or Spiderman Pushup – 45 seconds
– Rest 15 seconds between exercises.
– Repeat the superset 1 more time.
5 minutes (light cardio followed by dynamic movements like lunge walks, inch worms, etc…)
Circuit Workout
1. Kettlebell Swings
2. Plank
3. Knee Tuck Push-Ups (on stability ball)
4. DB Squat Presses
5. Twisting Side Planks
6. Renegade Rows
PROTOCOL: 30 seconds of work, using weights – where applicable – that can no longer be lifted properly after 30 seconds. Rest 15 seconds between exercises and 1 minute after all 6 exercises have been completed once. Complete 3 sets.
Total Workout Time = 22 minutes (5 warm-up + 17 minute workout)
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting as little as possible (try NOT to rest!). Choose a weight in which you can lift for 4-6 more reps than prescribed on 2A and 2C.
A) DB Front Squat (12)
B) Stability Ball or Ab Wheel Rollout (12)
C) DB Rear Lateral Raise (12)
D) Stability Ball Plank with Arms Extended (45 secs)
Then :
Odds and Evens
Every time the clock hits “00” you will perform the exercises below, depending on if it is an odd minute or even minute. Whatever time you have remaining in the minute is your rest period.
Odd Minutes: 10 Pull-Ups, 10 Pushups
Even Minutes: 10 DB Squats, 10 DB Overhead Press
Start (0:00): 10 DB Squats, 10 DB Overhead Press
(1:00): 10 Pull-Ups, 10 Pushups
(2:00): 10 DB Squats, 10 DB Overhead Press
(3:00): 10 Pull-Ups, 10 Pushups
And so on… Until the 11-minute timer goes off!
Equipment: dumbbells
Choose a weight that you can use for ALL exercises.
Do 8 reps of each exercise. Try not to put the DB’s down the entire set, do 6 rounds. Time your workout, match the time with increased load the next time out:
- DB push up (hands on dumb bells)
- Spider crawl (per leg)
- Weighted burpee (squat thrust to deadlift)
- High pull
- Front squat push press
- Rest 30 seconds to one minute
Do 6 rounds
Bulgarian Split Squat: 15 reps each leg
Box Jumps: 20-reps
Single Leg Glute Raise with feet elevated: 10 reps each side
Leap Ups: 10 reps each side
Single Leg Burpees: 5 reps each leg
Rest 30-seconds and complete 3 rounds. Do not rest between exercises.
And here’s some Beginner Variations:
Bulgarian Split Squat => Split Squat
Box Jumps => Squat Jumps
Lying Single leg Glute Raise
Leap Ups => Step Ups
Single Leg Burpees => Burpees
1A) Kettlebell Swings – 30 seconds
1B) Burpees – 30 seconds
1C) Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds
1D) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squats – 30 seconds
1E) Toughest Pushup You Can Do – 30 seconds (your choice)
1F) KB Goblet Squat or KB Front Squat – 30 seconds
1G) Rocking Plank – 30 seconds
– Rest 60 seconds at the end of the circuit before repeating.
– Continue for 15 minutes total.
– Transition from one exercise to the next with minimal rest.
If that’s too tough, use this…
Beginner Bodyweight 15-Minute Fat Burner
1A) Total Body Extensions – 25 seconds + 5 seconds transition to next move
1B) Wall Squat – 25 seconds + 5 second transition
1C) Mountain Climbers – 25 seconds + 5 second transition
1D) Bodyweight Squats or Lying Hip Extension – 25s + 5s transition
1E) Toughest Pushup You Can Do – 25 seconds + 5 second transition
1F) KB Goblet Squat – 25 seconds + 5 second transition
1G) Rocking Plank – 25 seconds + 5 second transition
– Rest 60 seconds at the end of the circuit before repeating.
– Continue for 15 minutes total.
Perform each of the following in order with no rest, and without putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 90 seconds. Repeat for 4 rounds:
A ) Alternating Lunge to Overhead Reach x 6
- B) Squat thrust to Deadlift x 6
- C) Front Squats to Push Press x 6
- D) Push Up to Renegade Row x 6
Then :
For 2 Mins, do “As Many Reps As Possible” (AMRAP) Of:
- a) Sledge Hammer Swing x 10 on R or L
- b) 1 Arm DB OR KB Power Snatch x 5 on R or L
- c) Sledge Hammer Swing x 10 on opposite side
- d) 1 Arm DB OR KB Power Snatch x 5 with opposite arm
***Rest 1 Min in between AMRAP sets and Repeat x 4 Total Rounds
**SCORE = Total Reps / Rounds completed + weight used for weighted movements
Warm-Up :
Then :
Your goal is to complete 2 rounds (500 reps) in less than 7 minutes!
- Bodyweight Squats x 50
- Invisible Jump Rope x 50
- Push-ups x 25
- Split Shuffle x 50 on each side
- Cross-body Mountain Climbers x 25 on each side
- Jumping Jacks x 50
Be warned, this is a hard workout, so be prepared. But it’s a lot more fun than staring at a treadmill screen for an hour!)
You simply want to do each exercise in succession – one right after the other – with minimal rest between exercises (I usually rest about 5 to 10 seconds – just enough time to move to the next exercise).
Do 9 reps of each exercise (there are 9 exercises). Rest 30 seconds after each round. Repeat 3 to 5 times.
- Prisoner Lunge
- Seal Jacks
- Pull Ups
- “Perfect” Push Ups
- Jumping Jacks
- Prisoner Squats
- Feet Elevated Push Ups
- Full Body Extension
- “Frogger” (this is a fun exercise – you simply pretend you’re a frog and jump forward. Saying “ribbit” is optional!)
Perform as many rounds as possible of the exercises below in 15-minutes. Rest ONLY when you need to rest.
- Box Jumps: 15 reps
- Decline Pushups: 15 reps
- Wide-Grip Pull-Ups: 10 reps
- Broad Jumps: 10 reps
- Sprints in Place: 20-seconds
Remember to rest when needed and keep the intensity throughout the entire workout. Track how many rounds you were able to complete in the 15-minutes so that you can beat your score next time you do the same workout!
We’re doing this one 40-20 style, which means 40 seconds of work, and 20 seconds of Active Rest. Since we’re melting away your love handles, instead of normal rest, you’ll be doing Side Planks.
That means you’ll be burning MORE calories, while working those love handles, instead of simply taking a break.
For the Side Plank, pick one side and hold it for the entire 20 seconds. In the next round, switch sides.
Think you can handle it? I KNOW you can :
- Total Body Extensions – 40 seconds
- Side Plank – 20 seconds
- Chin-Ups (or Stick-Ups) – 40 seconds
- Side Plank – 20 seconds
- Eccentric Pushups (4-second lowering phase) – 40 seconds
- Side Plank – 20 seconds
- Wall Squat – 40 seconds
- Side Plank – 20 seconds
- Fake Jump Rope Jumps – 40 seconds (act like you’re jumping rope, without an actual jump rope)
- Side Plank – 20 seconds
- Repeat 1 more time
10 total minutes, no rest, and your love handles will have no clue what him them!
If you’re advanced, or have a little extra time, you can do this workout up to 3 times – back to back to back, or break it up throughout the day.
I’m all about convenience, so whenever you have 10-minutes, focus, push yourself, and do the work!
9-Minute Circuit
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 9 minutes,
resting only when needed. After the 9 minutes are up, rest 1 minute
and move into the finisher…
Prisoner Squat (12)
Spiderman Pushups or Elevated Pushups (5/side)
1-Leg Romanian Deadlift (8/side)
X-Body Mountain Climber (8/side)
3-Minute Finisher:
Total Body Extension or Jumping Jacks (20 secs), rest 10 secs
Do this 6 times
7-Minute Bodyweight Workout
Then :
1) Prisoner Squat – 60 seconds
2) Decline Pushup or Regular Pushup – 60 seconds
3) Bodyweight Row – 45 seconds with a 15 second rest
4) Bulgarian Split Squat – 45 seconds per side with 15 sec rest after each
5) Cross-Body Mountain Climber (alternate sides) – 60 seconds
6) Total Body Extension – 60 seconds
– Advanced: Rest 1 minute and repeat up to 2 more times.
7-Minute Workout with Dumbbells
Then :
1) DB Goblet Squat – 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest
2) Decline Pushup or Regular Pushup – 60 seconds
3) DB Row – 45 seconds per side with a 15 second rest after each
4) DB Goblet Split Squat – 45 seconds per side with 15 sec rest after each
5) Cross-Body Mountain Climber (alternate sides) – 60 seconds
– Advanced: Rest 1 minute and repeat up to 2 more times.
Then :
1A) Push-ups – 25% of your max reps (my max is 57 reps, so I did 15 reps)
1B) Chin-ups – 50% of your max reps (so I did 7 reps)
1C) Barbell Squats (or Bodyweight Squats) – 10 or 20 reps
1D) Bodyweight Rows – 50% of your max reps (so I did 10 reps)
1E) Reverse Lunges – 10 reps per side
– Rest as little as possible between exercises.
– Go through the circuit as many times as you can in 10 minutes
Jumping Jacks – 45 seconds + 15 second rest
Alt Reverse Lunge to Front Kick – 2 x 30 seconds + 10 second rest
“T” Pushups – 45 seconds + 15 seconds rest
Rocking Plank – 45 seconds + 15 second rest
Squat to Punch – 45 seconds + 15 second hold in bottom position
Burpee to Punch Combo – 45 seconds
– Go through these 6 exercises.
– Rest 1 minute and repeat once more.
1) Lying 1-Leg Hip Extension – 30 seconds per side
2) Split Squat with Back Foot Elevated (or Split Squat) – 30 seconds/side
3) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
4) Plank with Glute Squeeze – 60 seconds (glutes are your bum muscles)
5) Walking Prisoner Lunge – 60 seconds
6) Close-Grip Pushup – 30 seconds
– Do not rest between exercises.
– Do not rest at the end of the circuit.
– Repeat the circuit 2 more times for a total of 15 minutes.
That’s a great intermediate workout.
Set your timer for 10-minutes. Perform the specified number of reps for each exercise, one right after the other. Once you finish all 3 exercises, that’s 1 round. Do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes and write down your total. Next time, work like CRAZY to beat your total from last time. Rest only when necessary.
- Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps – 8 reps per leg
- Decline Close Grip Pushups – 8 reps
- Kettlebell Squat Jumps – 8 reps
Repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes.
Then :
1) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
2) Kettlebell Swing or KB Goblet Squat – 30 seconds
3) Pushup or Decline Pushup – 30 seconds
4) Prisoner Split Squat or KB Goblet Split Squat – 30 seconds per side
5) Pushup or Decline Pushup – 30 seconds
6) Kettlebell Swing or KB Goblet Squat – 30 seconds
7) Rocking Plank or Cross-Body Mountain Climber – 60 seconds
8) Jumping Jacks or Burpee – 60 seconds
9) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
– Do not rest between exercises.
– Do one circuit. That’s it.
– Rest 47 hours and 59 minutes before repeating the workout.
1) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers (or Plank) – 30 seconds
2) Total Body Extensions – 2 x 20 seconds + 10 seconds rest
3) Pushups (or hold Push-up Plank) – 50 seconds + 10 seconds rest
4) Prisoner Squat Jumps or Prisoner Squats – 20 seconds + 10 seconds rest
5) Bear Crawl or Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds
6) Prisoner Reverse Lunges (alternating) – 60 seconds
– Rest 30 seconds and repeat 1 more time
Complete 20 seconds on,10 seconds rest TWO times for each exercise below (60 seconds each) then move to the next exercise. Once finished with the 4- minutes on circuit 1, rest 60-seconds and complete 30 seconds on each exercise in circuit #2 going through ONE time only.
Circuit #1: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest for two rounds on each exercise, then move to the next exercise.
-Punisher Bodyweight Squats: 20-10 X2
-Punisher Prisoner Squats: 20-10 X2
-Punisher Squat to Toes: 20-10 X2
-Punisher Squat Jumps: 20-10 X2
Once finished with the 4-minutes, rest 60 seconds then complete the circuit below:
-Swing Through Lunges: 30 seconds each side
-Toe Touches: 30 seconds
-Bulgarian Split Squat: 30 seconds each side
-In-n-Outs: 30 seconds
-Jump Lunges: 30 seconds Repeat only once.
Once you are finished , move into the last phase of this workout :
Perform 20-10 interval on the exercises below for 2 total rounds!
-Outside Mountain Climbers
-Spiderman Pushups
Complete 2 TOTAL rounds (4-minutes)
Perform 20-seconds of each exercise below with no rest in between.
Move from one exercise to the next. Complete 3 times through (3-minutes)
Then rest for 60-seconds and move to the next set of exercises.
Rest ONLY where it says to rest.
Circuit #1
-Spiderman Pushups
-Superman Jumps
-Plank Spiderman Climbs
Repeat 2 more times for a TOTAL of 3 rounds (3-minutes)
After the 3-minutes is up, rest 60-seconds and move to circuit #2.
Circuit #2
-Superstar Jumps
-Clapping Pushups or Regular Pushups
-Plank Spiderman Climbs
Repeat 2 more times for a TOTAL of 3 rounds (3-minutes)
After the 3-minutes is up, rest 60-seconds and move to circuit #3.
Circuit #3
Perform 30 or 60 seconds on each exercise below.
Rest ONLY when needed. Perform ONE round.
-Mountain Climbers: 30-seconds
-Sprints in Place: 30-seconds
-Burpee Star Jumps: 60-seconds
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 15 minutes, resting only when needed.
1A) Goblet Squat (8 reps)
1B) DB Row (8 reps per side)
1C) DB Incline Chest Press (10 reps)
1D) Stability Ball Rollout (10 reps)
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 15 minutes, resting only when needed.
1A) Goblet Squat (8 reps)
1B) DB Row (8 reps per side)
1C) DB Incline Chest Press (10 reps)
1D) Stability Ball Rollout (10 reps)
1A) DB Chest-Supported Row (10 reps)
1B) DB Chest Press (8 reps)
1C) Bulgarian Split Squat (1-1/2 rep style) (8 reps per side)
1D) Cable Chops or DB Chops (10 reps per side)
Do the above circuit as many times as possible in 15 minutes, resting only when needed.
13 min Energy Boosting Workout
Perform each of the following exercises in order, for as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes. Remember good form is very important. If your form gets messy, please stop and take a break.
Station 1: 4 mins AMRAP
A: TRX Inverted row x 10 reps (sub for DB row)
B: DB Goblet squat x 10 reps
– 20-30s rest
Station 2: 4 mins AMRAP
A: Bulgarian split squat (3s hold at bottom) x 10 reps each leg
B: Plank with alternating leg raise x 10 each side
– 20-30s rest
Station 3: 4 mins AMRAP
A: DB reverse lunge with curl x 10 reps each leg
B: Push up to mountain climber x 10
Perform each of the following exercises in order, for as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes. Remember good form is very important. If your form gets messy, please stop and take a break.
Station 1: 4 mins AMRAP
A: TRX Inverted row x 10 reps (sub for DB row)
B: DB Goblet squat x 10 reps
– 20-30s rest
Station 2: 4 mins AMRAP
A: Bulgarian split squat (3s hold at bottom) x 10 reps each leg
B: Plank with alternating leg raise x 10 each side
– 20-30s rest
Station 3: 4 mins AMRAP
A: DB reverse lunge with curl x 10 reps each leg
B: Push up to mountain climber x 10
1A) Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds
1B) Close-Grip Pushups – 30 seconds
1C) Prisoner Squats – 30 seconds
1D) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds or if you are advanced, use Burpees!
1E) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
1F) Prisoner Lunges (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
– Rest 60 seconds.
– Repeat 2 more times.
That gives you a total body workout in under 12 minutes and you’ll be amazed at how many calories you can burn in such a short time.
Then :
1A) Dumbbell (DB) Split Squat – 30 seconds per side
1B) Dumbbell Chest Press – 30 seconds
1C) DB Row – 30 seconds per side
1D) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
– Rest 30 seconds.
– Repeat 2 more times.
Here’s the 15-Minute Bodyweight Cardio workout:
– Do as many repetitions as you can in the recommended time
– Rest only where stated
– An ADVANCED version is found below
1A) Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds
1B) Push-ups – 30 seconds (use hardest pushup you can do for 30 seconds)
1C) Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds
1D) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds (alternate sides)
– Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times
2A) Prisoner Squat – 30 seconds
2B) Close-Grip (or other easier) Pushup – 30 seconds
2C) Prisoner Lunges – 30 seconds (alternate sides)
2D) Spiderman Climb – 30 seconds (alternate sides)
– Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times
15 minutes of fat burning “cardio” (even though it is NOT cardio – LOL)
Perform the following exercises as fast as possible with good form. You must complete within a minute and rest for the remainder of time. At the top of the minute, you start again. Do this every minute, on the minute for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
A) Walkouts to T Rotations x 4
B) Jump squats x 15
Odds and Evens
Every time the clock hits “00” you will perform the exercises below, depending on if it is an odd minute or even minute. Whatever time you have remaining in the minute is your rest period.
Odd Minutes: 10 Pull-Ups, 10 Pushups
Even Minutes: 10 DB Squats, 10 DB Overhead Press
Start (0:00): 10 DB Squats, 10 DB Overhead Press
(1:00): 10 Pull-Ups, 10 Pushups
(2:00): 10 DB Squats, 10 DB Overhead Press
(3:00): 10 Pull-Ups, 10 Pushups
And so on… Until the 11-minute timer goes off!
Then :
1A) Bulgarian Split Squats (or regular Split Squats) – 30 seconds per side
1B) Hard-Core Plank (squeeze your abs & glutes HARD!) – 30 seconds
1C) Deep Step-Ups (use a high bench or box – above knee) – 30s/side
1D) Side Plank with Leg Raise – 30 seconds per side
– Repeat the circuit 2 more times with NO rest between exercises or circuits.
That will firm your butt in just 10 minutes done twice per week. Work your way up to holding dumbbells at your sides or a dumbbell or Kettlebell in the “Goblet” position in front of your chest.