Magnesium and Blood Pressure


I’m not a doctor. Consult your doctor. Talk about it with your doctor. Yada yada yada.


While I can’t give you medical advice, I can tell you one thing — in this day and age you have to think for yourself, or else you’ll probably do everything wrong with your health.


Take high blood pressure, for example. The common way to fix it is to give you medications ranging from beta blockers to diuretics, without forgetting the superstar calcium channel blockers! (1)


If these meds can literally save your life in the short run, by all means take them. But unlike the millions of people who get on meds for the rest of their life, please, have a plan to get off them and restore your body’s natural ability to maintain a healthy blood pressure!


The key is figuring-out why your high blood pressure is high in the first place. A common reason seems to be magnesium deficiency, which is easily fixed with cheap supplements (or foods high in mag. like dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, beans and avocados).


Can simple magnesium really fix blood pressure? Heck yeah. Turns out that your risk of prehypertension (blood pressure of 120-139/80-89) DOUBLE if you suffer from a magnesium deficiency. (2)


And is magnesium deficiency a common problem? You bet. It affects 4 out of 5 people in the US. (3)


There’s not much to add here.


If your blood pressure is too high and you struggle to fix it, I suggest taking a look at this holistic program developed by Dr. Marlene Merritt and which combines the healing powers of…


– Diet

– Supplements

– Healthy weight loss

– Exercise

– Stress reduction

– And toxin elimination


…which are all heavily proven by science to naturally lower your blood pressure. That’s because they fix the ROOT cause, not the darn symptoms. Duh.


Don’t let high blood pressure get in the way — for you or for people you really care about. Dr. Merritt’s holistic approach works, and has already helped more than 75,000 people normally fix their blood pressure…


===>  Normalize Your Blood Pressure The Holistic Way


Have a great day,




PS — Didn’t want to get into politics, but I just read that Big Pharma has been lobbying hard to convince the health authorities to give blood pressure meds to ALL adults over 55 as a preventative measure! Seriously? (4)


This is straight up nonsense. Take charge of your blood pressure holistically instead:


===>  Normalize Your Blood Pressure The Holistic Way












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