
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work with 30 seconds break in between  for 3 rounds.
1. Turkish Get Up Right
2. Turkish Get Up Lef


Perform each exercise for 30 seconds of work one after the other with a one-minute break in between sets. Repeat for 3-4 rounds total.

1. 2 Arm Swing
2. One arm Swing Left
3. One Arm Swing Right
4. Hand-to-Hand Swing

Perform 7 reps of snatches each hand for As Many Sets As Possible in 5 or 10 mins.

1. One Arm Snatch Right
2. One Arm Snatch Left

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 second rest for 3 rounds (no rest in between)

1. Double KB Thrusters
2. Double Swings

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds rest one after the other

1. KB Snatches (Alternating)
2. Burpees
3. KB Alternating Cleans
4. Burpees
5. KB Goblet Squat
6. Burpees
7. KB Seesaw Press
8. Burpees
9. KB Swings
10. Burpees

Perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work with no rest in-between for 3 rounds = Total 9 minutes

1. KB Swings
2. KB Goblet Squats
3. KB Figure Eight and Clean


1-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps per side at the top of every minute (x 12, 14 or 16 minutes)# !

Protocol – Set a timer for the indicated duration (12, 14 or 16 minutes).
Perform 10 snatches per side at the top of every minute (when the timer counter reaches “:00”).
Rest for the remainder of the minute.
Repeat this protocol for the entire duration.


(Heavy Grind Day)#
1) Get-Up x 4 reps per side#
2) Staggered Row x 12 reps per side#
3) Goblet Squat x 12 reps#
(x 25 Minutes Total)#

Protocol – Set a timer for 25 minutes and perform as many sets of each exercise within the 25 minutes. You can rest between exercises or after completing the entire round, BUT only rest when necessary.


(Light Ballistic Day)#

1) Snatch x 8 reps per side at the top of every minute (x 20 Minutes Total)# !

Protocol – Set a timer for 20 minutes. Perform 10 snatches per side at the top of every minute
(when the timer counter reaches “:00”).
Rest for the remainder of the minute.
Repeat this protocol for the entire duration.


(Light Grind Day)#

1) Get-Up x 3 reps per side#
2) Staggered Row x 10 reps per side#
3) Goblet Squat x 10 reps#
(x 25 Minutes Total)# !

Protocol – Set a timer for 25 minutes and perform as many sets of each exercise within the 25 minutes. You can rest between exercises or after completing the entire round, BUT only rest when necessary.


(Heavy Ballistic Day)

1) 2-Arm Swing x 25 reps at the top of every minute (x 20 Minutes Total)

Protocol – Set a timer for the indicated duration (12, 14 or 16 minutes). Perform 12 snatches per side at the top of every minute (when the timer counter reaches “:00”). Rest for the remainder of the minute. Repeat this protocol for the entire duration.


1) Get-Up x 1 rep per side#
2) Staggered Row x 5 reps per side#
3) Goblet Squat x 5 reps#
(x 20 Minutes Total)# !
Protocol – Set a timer for 20 minutes and perform as many sets of each exercise within the 20 minutes. You can rest between exercises or after completing the entire round, BUT only rest when necessary.!


1) 2-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15 reps per side at the top of every minute (x 12, 14 or 16 minutes)# !
Protocol – Set a timer for the indicated duration (12, 14 or 16 minutes). Perform 8 snatches per side at the top of every minute (when the timer counter reaches “:00”). Rest for the remainder of the minute. Repeat this protocol for the entire duration.!


1) Get-Up x 3 reps per side#
2) Staggered Row x 10 reps per side#
3) Goblet Squat x 10 reps#
(x 20 Minutes Total)# !
Protocol – Set a timer for 20 minutes and perform as many sets of each exercise within the 20 minutes. You can rest between exercises or after completing the entire round, BUT only rest when necessary.!


1) Snatch x 5 reps per side at the top of every minute (x 12, 14 or 16 minutes)# !
Protocol – Set a timer for the indicated duration (12, 14 or 16 minutes). Perform 5 snatches per side at the top of every minute (when the timer counter reaches “:00”). Rest for the remainder of the minute. Repeat this protocol for the entire duration.!


1) Get-Up x 2 reps per side#
2) Staggered Row x 8 reps per side#
3) Goblet Squat x 8 reps#
(x 20 Minutes Total)# !
Protocol – Set a timer for 20 minutes and perform as many sets of each exercise within the 20 minutes. You can rest between exercises or after completing the entire round, BUT only rest when necessary.! !
I.E. Perform 2 Get-Ups per side, then immediately perform 8 rows per side, then immediately perform 8 Goblet Squats then rest if necessary. Repeat this protocol for the entire 20 minute duration.!


1) Get-Up x 2 reps per side#
2) Staggered Row x 8 reps per side#
3) Goblet Squat x 8 reps#
(x 20 Minutes Total)# !

Protocol – Set a timer for 20 minutes and perform as many sets of each exercise within the 20 minutes. You can rest between exercises or after completing the entire round, BUT only rest when necessary.! !
I.E. Perform 2 Get-Ups per side, then immediately perform 8 rows per side, then immediately perform 8 Goblet Squats then rest if necessary. Repeat this protocol for the entire 20 minute duration.!


1) Snatch x 5 reps per side at the top of every minute (x 12, 14 or 16 minutes)# !

Protocol – Set a timer for the indicated duration (12, 14 or 16 minutes). Perform 5 snatches per side at the top of every minute (when the timer counter reaches “:00”). Rest for the remainder of the minute. Repeat this protocol for the entire duration.!


1) 2-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15 reps at the top of every minute (x 12, 14 or 16 minutes)# !
Protocol – Set a timer for the indicated duration (12, 14 or 16 minutes). Perform 15 swings at the top of every minute (when the timer counter reaches “:00”). Rest for the remainder of the minute. Repeat this protocol for the entire duration.


1) 1-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps per side at the top of every minute (x 12, 14 or 16 minutes)# !
Protocol – Set a timer for the indicated duration (12, 14 or 16 minutes). Perform 10 snatches per side at the top of every minute (when the timer counter reaches “:00”). Rest for the remainder of the minute. Repeat this protocol for the entire duration.!


Front Squat
Perform the following work with this:

Ladder: (1,2,3,4) x 2

So that’s 1 rep of each. Rest. 2 reps of each. Rest. 3 reps of each. Rest. 4 reps of each. Rest. Start over at 1 rep.

That may not look like much, but that’s a total of 80 high quality, high force reps. That’s a fair amount of work.

Rest twice as long as it takes you to complete each complex  or chain. So if it takes you 30 seconds, rest 60 and so on.

Oh yeah, and use a heavier pair of KBs


Swing            x 20 seconds
Clean             x 20 seconds
Front Squat   x 20 seconds
Snatch           x 20 seconds
Press             x 20 seconds

Yep, that’s 1’40s worth of work (100s).

You’ll rest twice as long – 3’20s (trust me, you’ll need to) and if you can, do 4 sets of this complex.

That’s just over 16.5 minutes to get through this workout.

So, it won’t take you much time at all.

What kind of load?

Use a pair of kettlebells you can press approximately 12 times.


Find your 5RM with your double KB Clean + Press
Set your timer for 15 minutes
Perform as many sets of 2 reps as possible, resting as necessary, in that 15 minutes


Use the right sized pair of KBs based on your weakest exercise
Most women will use a pair of 8kg or 12kg
Most men will use a pair of 16kg or 20kg
Perform each rep of each exercise, as explosively as possible
Perform the following complex:
Swing x 6
Snatch x 6
Push Press x 6
Swing x 6
Perform 4 sets
Rest twice as long as it took you to perform your sets (so you’ll need to time them)
Again, make each rep as explosive as possible


Use 1 Pair of medium to medium-heavy KBs
EXERCISES: Long Cycle Clean + Jerks ( or Push Presses) and Front Squats

This one is so simple, yet so effectively brutal for getting your heart thumping, your lungs heaving, and your metabolic rate soaring through the roof, burning extra calories for the rest of  the day…

GOAL: Perform 50 reps of the Long Cycle C+J and 50 FSQs in as little time as possible.

– Do it in as few sets as possible
– If possible, rest the same time it takes you to complete a set
– And after every set of C+Js, perform the same number of Front Squats, i.e.: 10 C+Js, then 10 FSQs.
– Record your final time

Use a Snatch Test size KB (if possible)
– Perform as a circuit, no rest between sets

Get-Up to Sit-Up Left Side x 5
Full Get-Up Left Side x 1
Get-Up to Sit-Up Right Side x 5
Full Get-Up Right Side x 1
Snatch Left x 10
Snatch Right x 10

– Rest 90s between
– Perform 2-4 rounds
– If you can’t Snatch, do 1H Swings


Exercise: 2 Hand Swing.

Workout type: Descending Ladders: 20-15-10-5

– Set your timer for 20 minutes.

– Perform as many rounds of the following as possible   in 20 minutes.

20 swings. Rest.

15 swings. Rest.

10 swings. Rest.

5 swings. Rest.

– Rest as necessary.

That’s 50 swings per ladder. If you can do a ladder every 4 minutes, that’s 250 swings during that 20 minute time period.


You’ll need a light-to-medium pair of KBs.

Men: 16kgs, maybe 20s if you’re feeling strong. 24s if you are strong.

Ladies: 10kg, maybe 12s if you’re feeling strong.16s if youare strong.

Honestly, I’d err on the side of caution here.

Here’s what you’re gonna do:

Row            x 20 seconds
Clean            x 20 seconds
Press            x 20 seconds
Snatch                x 20 seconds
Front Squat         x 20 seconds

Perform that as a complex – each exercise done right after the other without putting your KBs down.

(Complexes are one of the best ways I know to burn off bodyfat.)

That’s means you’ll be hoisting your KBs for 100 seconds or 1:40 of non-stop work.

Rest twice that. 200 seconds of rest.

3 minutes, 20 seconds.

Sounds like a lot. It won’t be. 🙂

Do that for 3 rounds.

That means you’ll be done in about 11 minutes.

That’ll be enough.


3 TGU’s/side
25 swings
6 windmills/side
8 rack squats/side
8 burpees


1. Grab a pair of KBs – any pair – don’t have to be matching
and make sure they’re moderately heavy. A 5 rep max is
going to be the best laod.

2. You’re going to perform the double Front Squat, with a
pause at the bottom – 2 seconds.

3. Set your timer for 20 minutes.

4. Perform as many sets of 2 in that 20 minutes as possible.


C+P x5
Front Squat x 5

C+P x3
Front Squat x 3

C+P x2
Front Squat x2

Repeat for 2 rounds.

Rest about 60s-90s between sets.

H.I.I.T style – AMRAP. Set A Time Limit

8 rack squats/side
8 pull ups
3 TGU’s/side
8 burpees


H.I.I.T style – AMRAP. Set A Time Limit

15 push ups
25 swings
6 windmills/side
10 lunges/side


Select one exercise, eg: snatch

Perform 7 reps on the minute ( when the second hand reaches 12 o’clock )
Continue for 10 min
For single arm exercises, change hands on the minute.


3 TGU’s/side
25 swings
6 windmills/side
8 rack squats/side
8 burpees


8 rack squats/side
8 pull ups
3 TGU’s/side
8 burpees


15 push ups
25 swings
6 windmills/side
10 lunges/side


*Perform AMRAP, max 20 min

8 rack squats/side
8 pull ups
3 TGU’s/side


*AMRAP for a set time. Preferably 20 min max.

15 push ups
25 swings
6 windmills/side

Perform the following either as a complex or, if you’re feeling brave, a chain.

Double High Pull        x10
Double Snatch            x10
Double Push Press      x10

That’s right – 10 reps of each.

Oh, and use a pair of relatively light KBs. The key is to move the bells as explosively as possible on each and every rep.

Remember, for a complex you’ll perform all 10 reps of the  Double High Pull first, then move on to the Double Snatch, then move on to the Double Push Press for the last set of 10 reps.
Now if you choose to go the chain route, you’ll do 1 rep of the Double High Pull, then 1 rep of the Double Snatch, then 1 rep of the Double Push Press… 10 times.
It doesn’t matter which you choose right now, as you’ll see in a second, but I personally think the chain is harder because
the fatigue isn’t as localized, so you can put more force into each rep.
Do 3 sets?

That’s 90 reps.

And set your timer and time yourself cause your rest is twice as long as it took you to do your set.

So if it takes you 90s to get a set, you’ll rest a full 3 minutes before you do the other set.


KB Swings (10)
KB Clean (5/side)
KB Snatch (5/side)

As many rounds as possible 20 minutes…


So here’s a flexible program that you can do in as little as 3 days a week, and as many as 6.

It’ll only take you 15-20 minutes – you decide exactly which – and it can vary from day to day.

Day 1. Pull

Day 2. Push

Day 3. Squat


Here’s the daily template:

After your warm up:

5-10 minutes practicing technique (which can be thought of an extended or specific warm up)

10-15 minutes of your workout

Here’s what it could look like:
Day 1: Single or Double – Swing, Clean, High Pull

Day 2: Single or Double – Get Up (single, obviously), Press, Push Press, Jerk

Day 3: Goblet Squat, Front Squat, Double Front Squat
Then you can repeat this on days 4, 5, and 6.

Pretty simple – 15-20 minutes a day.


Explosive Fatigue Management

Use the right sized pair of KBs based on your weakest exercise

Most women will use a pair of 8kg or 12kg

Most men will use a pair of 16kg or 20kg

Perform each rep of each exercise, as explosively as possible

Perform the following complex:
Swing x 6
Snatch x 6
Push Press x 6
Swing x 6

Perform 4 sets

Rest twice as long as it took you to perform your sets (so you’ll need to time them)

Again, make each rep as explosive as possible


Force Production

Find your 5RM with your double KB Clean + Press

Set your timer for 15 minutes

Perform as many sets of 2 reps as possible, resting as necessary, in that 15 minutes


8 rack squats/side
8 pull ups


Here’s what you’ll need:

– 1 pair of moderately heavy KBs – a pair you can press  8 times max will work great here. (Even your 10RM  may feel heavy.)

– a gut check

Here’s the workout – and as I mentioned, perform itas a complex – so don’t put the KBs down until you’ve done all 5 reps of each exercise for a full 25 non-stop reps:

Clean x5
Front Squat x5
Press x5
Clean x5
Front Squat x5

Perform 3 sets.

Rest twice as long as it takes to perform each set.

(So if it takes you 60 seconds to perform, rest 2 minutes.)

Yes, that’s “it.” It may look easy, but it’s not.


You’ll simply need a pair of KBs – any size.

Here’s what you’re going to do:

1. Find your rep max (RM) on the Clean + Press with  them. (If you really want some “fun” use a moderately heavy pair and do Clean + Push Presses.)

That is, do as many reps as you can with good form.

2. Take 50% of that number, so if you got 5, then do 2.5.

Kidding. Round up and do 3. If you get 10, do 5. You get the picture.

Then rest 2 minutes.

3. Set your timer for 15 minutes and do as many high quality reps as you can – remember to use 50% of your RM – in that
time period.


You’ll need a pair of medium-heavy KBs:

Simply alternate between the following exercises –
A1. Push Press
A2. Front Squat

– Set your timer for 25 minutes
– Do as many sets of 5 as you can with great technique
– Rest as necessary


And strength-based.

You’ll work almost every muscle in your body.

And even though this is strength-based you’ll still get your  heart rate up, so you’ll definitely be burning calories


15 push ups
25 swings


1H Swing x5, then
Clean x5, then
Press x5, then
Front Squat x5, then
Snatch x5, then, Do the other side!
That’s right – no rest!
Rest is for the weak.
But just in case, you can have some – start with twice as much as you worked. That means you need to time yourself.
Work up to 5 sets.


KB Swings (20)

Hanging Leg Raise (8)

3X, resting for 30 secs between rounds


KB Swings (6)

KB Clean (6/side)

KB Push Press (6/side)

KB Snatch (6/side)

Do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes


1. Get Ups, left, then right.
1 rep each side
Perform as many reps as you can in 15 minutes.

2. Get Ups, left then right.
• Ladders. 1,2,3 reps.
Perform 1 rep on your left, then 1 rep on your right. 2 reps left, 2 reps right. 3 reps
left, 3 reps right. Start again at 1 rep. (This is a ladder.)
• Perform as many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.

3. Get Ups with a pause. 1 rep each side. Pause 3 seconds in each position of the Get
Up. For example, pause 3 seconds at the elbow, 3 seconds at the hand, 3 seconds
holding the hips off the ground, etc. Do this 1 rep at a time. Perform for 20 minutes.

4. Reverse Get Ups, left then right. Start in a standing position. Get Down and then back
up. Perform 1 rep at a time. Perform for 15 minutes.

5.The “Stepped” Get Up, left then right. Perform each step of the Get Up by itself. Then
add the next step in the sequence. And so on. It looks like this: To the elbow, to the
elbow + to the hand, to the elbow + to the hand + hips up, to the elbow + to the hand
+ hips up + sweep the knee, etc. So you are adding a step to every “rep.” Perform
twice each side. Rest as needed between “reps” but continually work each step with
no rest.


6. 2-Hand Swings. 10 reps at the top of each minute. 20 minutes.
Set a timer for 20 min
Perform 10 2 Hand Swings every minute when the second hand gets to the 12 or
the numbers zero out.
• Do this for 20 minutes.
7. 2-Hand Swings. 15 reps at the top of each minute. 20 minutes.
8. 2-Hand Swings. 20 reps at the top of each minute. 20 minutes.
9. 2-Hand Swings. Sets of 10. As many sets of 10 in 20 minutes.
10. 2-Hand Swings. Sets of 15. As many sets of 15 in 20 minutes
11. 2-Hand Swings. Sets of 20. As many sets of 20 in 20 minutes.
12.2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30.
Perform 10 reps. Rest. Perform 20 reps. Rest.
Perform 30 reps. Rest. Start over at 10 reps. This is a “ladder.” Perform as many
ladders as you want. Rest as you need to.
13. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30.
Work to rest ratio is 1 to 2. For every second
you work, you rest 2 seconds. For example, 10 Swings takes 15 seconds to perform.
You rest 30 seconds, and so on. This means using a timer or standing in front of a
clock with a second-hand.
Perform as many ladders as you want.
14. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30.
Work to rest ratio is 1 to 1. For every second you work, you rest 1 second.
15. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30-40. Perform as many ladders as you want to.
Rest as you need to between rungs of the ladder.
16.2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30-40. Work to rest ratio of 1 to 2. Perform as many
ladders as you want.
17. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30-40. Work to rest ratio of 1 to 1. Perform as many
ladders as you want.
18. Perform workouts 7 through 17 with 1-Hand Swings. Use total reps prescribed.
19. Perform workouts 8 through 18 with 1-Hand Swings. Double the reps so you are
performing one rung for each hand – 10 reps left. Rest. 10 reps right. Rest. 20 reps
left. Rest. 20 reps right. Rest, etc.
20 .Perform workouts 7 through 17 with Hand-2-Hand Swings.
21. Perform in combinations, any of the Get Up based workouts (1 through 5) with the
Swing based workouts (6 through 19).
22. Clean and Press, Left, Right, ladders, 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Rest as needed.
23. Clean and Press, Left, Right, ladders, 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Work to Rest = 1:2.
24. Clean and Press, Left, Right, ladders, 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Work to Rest = 1:1.
25. Clean and Press, Left, Right, ladders, 5,4,3,2,1, up to 5 ladders. Rest as little as
necessary between rungs.
26. Cleans, THEN Presses. Left, Right. Perform all your Cleans first, then perform your
Presses. 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Rest as needed.
27. Cleans, THEN Presses. Left, Right. Perform all your Cleans first, then perform your
Presses. 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Work to Rest = 1:2.
28. Cleans, THEN Presses. Left, Right. Perform all your Cleans first, then perform your
Presses. 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Work to Rest = 1:1.
29 . Perform workouts 22 thru 29 with Two kettlebells – one in each hand (hopefully that
was obvious…)
Bottoms Up (BU) work is incredibly challenging on your nervous system, so the volume should be kept generally low.
30. BU Cleans. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3. Up to 3.
31. BU Presses. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3. Up to 3.
32. BU Clean and Presses. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3. Up to 3.
The Goblet Squat was “discovered” by Senior RKC Dan John, Super-Coach, and itʼs one of the fastest, easiest ways to squat.
• Just hold your kettlebell with both hands by the handle or by the actual bell and sit back and down between your feet.
• Stop when the points of your elbows touch the insides of your knees.
• Keep pulling your butt down, without rounding your back.
• Now push your hips forward and stand back up.
33. Goblet Squat. 5×5
34. Goblet Squat. 5×10.
35. Goblet Squat supersetted with 2 Hand Swings – sets of 10 each.
Perform 10 GS immediately followed by 10 Swings.
Work to Rest = 1:2 or 1:1, depending on your conditioning
Front Squat.
Clean the kettlebell. Hold it in the rack position. Squat. This is the Front Squat.
36. Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed.
37. Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2.
38. Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1
Just like the Clean and the Press, you can perform the Front Squat Bottomʼs Up (BU).
39. BU Front SQ. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3. Up to 3. Rest as needed.
Combinations :
The Front Squat becomes even more “fun” when you start performing combination lifts,
where you add a lift to it, like the Press or the Clean.
40. Front Squat + Press. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed.
41. Front Squat + Press. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2.
42. Front Squat + Press. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1.
43. Front Squat, THEN Press. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,
then perform subsequent Presses. 1 FSQ, 1 PR. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 PR. Left
then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5.

Rest as needed
44. Front Squat, THEN Press. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,
then perform subsequent Presses. 1 FSQ, 1 PR. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 PR. Left
then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2.
45. Front Squat, THEN Press. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,
then perform subsequent Presses. 1 FSQ, 1 PR. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 PR. Left
then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1.
46. Front Squat + Clean. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed.
47. Front Squat + Clean. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2.
48. Front Squat + Clean. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1
50. Front Squat, THEN Clean. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder, then perform subsequent Cleans. 1 FSQ, 1 CL. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 CL. Left then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2.
51. Front Squat, THEN Clean. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder, then perform subsequent Cleans. 1 FSQ, 1 CL. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 CL. Left then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1.
52. Clean + Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed.
53. Clean + Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2
54. Clean + Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1.
55. Clean THEN Front Squat. Perform all Cleans on a given side on the ladder and then perform the Front Squats. Then switch arms. 1 CL then 1 FSQ, left, then right. Then 2 CL then 2 FSQ left, the repeat right. And so on up the ladder. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed.
56. Clean THEN Front Squat. Perform all Cleans on a given side on the ladder and then perform the Front Squats. Then switch arms. 1 CL then 1 FSQ, left, then right. Then 2 CL then 2 FSQ left, the repeat right. And so on up the ladder. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest is 1:2.
57. Clean THEN Front Squat. Perform all Cleans on a given side on the ladder and then perform the Front Squats. Then switch arms. 1 CL then 1 FSQ, left, then right. Then 2 CL then 2 FSQ left, the repeat right. And so on up the ladder. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest is 1:1.
58. Clean + Front Squat + Press. Thats the basic template. Start left, then right.

Reps would look like the following – 1 Clean, then 1 FSQ, then 1 Press on your left, then switch to your right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5 ladders. Rest as needed.
59. As for #58 – Work to Rest = 1:2.
60. As for #58 – Work to Rest = 1:1.
61. As for #58 – As a Complex – perform all Cleans, then all Front Squats, then all Presses in each rung of the ladder for each side, then switch hands. Rest as needed.
62. As for #58 – As a Complex – Work to Rest = 1:2.
63. As for #58 – As a Complex – Work to Rest = 1:1
NOW Perform workouts 37 thru 64 with two kettlebells.
Here are some ideas for Snatch workouts. They are all single kettlebell, so youʼll switch hands.
64. Snatch. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Rest as needed.
65. Snatch. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:2.
66. Snatch. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:1.
67. Snatch. Sets of 5. Until you can no longer do sets of 5. Rest as needed.
68. Snatch. Sets of 5. Until you can no longer do sets of 5. Work to Rest = 1:2
69. Snatch. Sets of 5. Until you can no longer do sets of 5. Work to Rest = 1:1.
70. Snatch. Sets of 10. Until you can no longer do sets of 10. Rest as needed.
71. Snatch. Sets of 10. Until you can no longer do sets of 10. Work to Rest = 1:2.
72. Snatch. Sets of 10. Until you can no longer do sets of 10. Work to Rest = 1:1.

Do whatever you can in a specific block of time – 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes.This is a great strategy for Swings and Snatches. Here are some ideas for your Snatch workouts :

73. Snatch. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many as possible in 20 minutes
74. Snatch. Sets of 5. As many as possible in 20 minutes.
75. Snatch. Sets of 10. As many as possible in 20 minutes.

King-Sized Combinations.

Adding other exercises to the Snatch makes for wicked combinations. Here are some that will test your mettle.
76. Snatch + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Rest as needed
77. Snatch + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:2.
78. Snatch + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:1
79. Snatch + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.
80. Snatch + Press. Sets of 3. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing.
81. Snatch + Press. Sets of 5. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing.
82. Snatch + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Rest as needed.
83. Snatch + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:2.
84. Snatch + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:1.
85. Snatch + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.
86. Snatch + Front Squat. As many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.
87. Snatch + Front Squat. Sets of 3. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing.
88. Snatch + Front Squat. Sets of 5. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing
89. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Rest as needed.
90. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Work to Rest = 1:2.
91. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Work to Rest = 1:1.
92. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.
93. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Sets of 3. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing.
94. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Sets of 5. Up to 4 sets. Apply rest period sequencing.
95. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Rest as needed.
96. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Work to Rest = 1:2.
97. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Work to Rest = 1:1.
98. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.
99. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Sets of 3. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing.—————————————————————————————————————
100. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Sets of 5. Up to 4 sets. Apply rest period sequencing.————————————————————————————————————–
101. Of course, you can perform all the Snatch workouts with two kettlebells, performing the Double Snatch, Double Press, and Double Front Squat. These workouts are GIANT KILLERS – so take them slowly!

1. Grab a pair of kettlebells, preferably the same size.

2. Find your rep max (the maximum number of reps you can do with them) on the Clean and Press.

3. Perform HALF that number for as many sets as you’d like in 20 minutes.

(So if you can do 10 reps, do sets of 5.)

4. Do this 3 times per week.

Now here’s the key to progress –

Each workout try to add a set. That’s it.

So that means you don’t want to kill yourself on the first workout. Always leave room in the tank.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how good this feels and how quickly you’ll see the changes in your body if you do this right.

The key is not to try too hard.

Always walk away knowing you could do one more set if you had to.


Perform as a circuit, no rest between sets

Get-Up to Sit-Up Left Side x 5
Full Get-Up Left Side x 1
Get-Up to Sit-Up Right Side x 5
Full Get-Up Right Side x 1
Snatch Left x 10
Snatch Right x 10

– Rest 90s between
– Perform 2-4 rounds
– If you can’t Snatch, do 1H Swings

1A) KB Swings – 4 sets x 8 reps

1B) MB Slams – 4 sets x 10 reps

2A) Double KB Front Squats – 4 sets x 1-rep short of failure

2B) Power Wheel Ab Rollouts – 4 sets x 20 reps

3) KB Reverse Lunges – 4 sets x 10 reps (minimal rest between legs)

4A) Powerblock RDL’s – 4 sets x 10 reps

4B) Planks, stretching, etc. – Done in between sets of RDL’s


Let’s go with 60 days / 2 months.
• 2 Hand Swings – 20 minutes each day, 3 days per week.
• Total time commitment: 60 minutes per week.
• Total Number of Workouts: 26.
• Use a medium-sized kettlebell.
• Set your timer for 20 minutes.
Workout 1: 8 reps top of the minute.
Workout 2: 9 reps top of the minute.
Workout 3: 10 reps top of the minute.
Workout 4: 11 reps top of the minute.
Workout 5: 12 reps top of the minute.
Workout 6: 10 reps top of the minute.
Workout 7: 11 reps top of the minute.
Workout 8: 12 reps top of the minute.
Workout 9: 13 reps top of the minute.
Workout 10: 14 reps top of the minute.
Workout 11: 15 reps top of the minute.
Workout 12: 13 reps top of the minute.
Workout 13: 14 reps top of the minute.
Workout 14: 15 reps top of the minute.
Workout 15: 16 reps top of the minute.
Workout 16: 17 reps top of the minute.
Workout 17: 18 reps top of the minute.
Workout 18: 16 reps top of the minute.
Workout 19: 17 reps top of the minute.
Workout 20: 18 reps top of the minute.
Workout 21: 19 reps top of the minute.
Workout 22: 20 reps top of the minute.
Workout 23: 18 reps top of the minute.
Workout 24: 19 reps top of the minute.
Workout 25: 20 reps top of the minute.
Workout 26: 21 reps top of the minute.
Don!t be deceived, this workout starts out fairly easy. Over the course of the 26 workouts it builds up steam and becomes much harder, literally tripling the amount of work you will be doing.


Try this Program After Following The One Above.

• 2 Hand Swings – 20 minutes each day, 3 days per week.
• Total time commitment: 60 minutes per week.
• Total Number of Workouts: 26.
Use a medium-sized kettlebell.
Workouts 1-3: Work 20 seconds. Rest 40 seconds.
Workouts 4-6: Work 25 seconds. Rest 35 seconds.
Workouts 7-9: Work 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
Workouts 10-12: Work 20 seconds. Rest 40 seconds.
Workouts 13-15: Work 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
Workouts 16-18: Work 35 seconds. Rest 25 seconds.
Workouts 19-21: Work 40 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Workouts 22-24: Work 25 seconds. Rest 35 seconds.
Workouts 25-26: Work 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.


– Find a hill about 30m long

– Do the following circuit ONE time, resting as shown:

Hill Sprints (5) – recovery is walking down the hill

KB or DB Swings (30)

Rest 1 minute

Hill Sprints (4)

KB or DB Swings (30) Rest 1 minute

Hill Sprints (3)

KB or DB Swings (30) Rest 1 minute

Hill Sprints (2)

KB or DB Swings (30) Rest 1 minute

Hill Sprint (1)

KB or DB Swings (30)


Monthly Program

15-20 minutes.
Use a medium kettlebell.
Workouts 1-3: As many sets of 10 Swings as you can.
Workouts 4-6: As many sets of 15 Swings as you can.
Workouts 7-9: As many sets of 20 Swings as you can.
Workouts 10-12: As many sets of 15 Swings as you can.
Workouts 13-15: As many sets of 20 Swings as you can.
Workouts 16-18: As many sets of 25 Swings as you can.
Workouts 19-21: As many sets of 20 Swings as you can.
Workouts 22-24: As many sets of 25 Swings as you can.
Workouts 25-27: As many sets of 30 Swings as you can.
*A Note On The “Swing Seasons” Programs:
Yes, you can switch out 2H Swings and replace them with 1H Swings or even Hand-2-Hand Swings.


Perform this 6 days a week. Rest on the 7th day. (Hey, it!s good enough for God, it!s
good enough for you.)
You!ll train for 15 minutes per day – 5 minutes warm up and 10 minutes of actual

Perform this 6 days a week. Rest on the 7th day.
You!ll train for 15 minutes per day – 5 minutes warm up and 10 minutes of actual workout

Days 1,3, and 5: Get Ups
Days 2,4, and 6: Swings
How To Perform:
• Get a timer or a clock with a second hand. Set it for 10 minutes.
• Days 1,3,5 perform as many Get Ups as you feel like in that 10 minutes. Use sets and reps of your choosing – sets of 1, 2, or 3 work best for Get Ups.
• Days 2,4,6 perform as many Swings as you can in that 10 minute period.
• Sets of 10-20 usually work best. However, every once in awhile, throw in longer sets like 40-60 reps.
• Use 2H Swings or 1H Swings – your choice. Change it up from day-to-day.
Perform this for no more than 6 weeks then move to another program that!s consistent with your goals.


Spend 15 minutes each day, 5 days per week, doing some part of the Get Up.
• Perform between 1 and 5 reps per side.
• Use a light to medium sized kettlebell. Vary the weights each day, based on how
you feel that day.
• Pay attention to how your body feels during each part of this movement.
• As a companion, you may want to check out Kettlebells From the Ground Up,
which covers some really great nuances to the Get Up which will make your body

Spend 15 minutes each day, 5 days per week, doing some part of the Get Up.
• Perform between 1 and 5 reps per side.
• Use a light to medium sized kettlebell. Vary the weights each day, based on how you feel that day.
• Pay attention to how your body feels during each part of this movement.
• As a companion, you may want to check out Kettlebells From the Ground Up, which covers some really great nuances to the Get Up which will make your body

Spend 15 minutes each day, 5 days per week, doing some part of the Get Up.
• Perform between 1 and 5 reps per side.
• Use a light to medium sized kettlebell. Vary the weights each day, based on how you feel that day.
• Pay attention to how your body feels during each part of this movement.
• As a companion, you may want to check out Kettlebells From the Ground Up, which covers some really great nuances to the Get Up which will make your body feel a whole lot better and make your Get Up stronger.

Workout 1: Get Up to the elbow
Workout 2: Get Up to the handWorkout 3: Get Up to the hip bridge (high or low)
Workout 4: Get Up to half kneeling windmill
Workout 5: Get Up to half kneeling (lunge position)
Workout 6: Get Up to the elbow + Get Up to the hand
Workout 7: Get Up to the hand + Get Up to the hip bridge
Workout 8: Get Up to the hip bridge + Get Up to the half kneeling windmill
Workout 9: Get Up to the half kneeling windmill + Get Up to half kneeling (lunge)
Workout 10: Get Up
Workouts 11-20: Repeat 1-10.


This is a Snatch-based training program. The Snatch is considered the Tsar of all kettlebell lifts. (Tsar = King in Russian). Play around with snatching a heavy kettlebell and you!ll soon see why.
This program is based on the Snatch and is designed to not only get you strong, but very well conditioned too.
(Yes, it is a “Snatch-only” program, meaning it is the only exercise you!ll do formally.
The Snatch works every muscle in your body and you will notice a pleasant change in your appearance by the end of this program.)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday – Snatch!
Phase 1: 3 weeks, 3 days per week, 20 minutes per day
Phase 2: 3 weeks, 3 days per week, 20 minutes per day
Phase 3: 3 weeks, 3 days per week, 20 minutes per day
Phase 1: Strength
Use a kettlebell that you can Snatch 7-8 times maximum per hand.
Day 1: Perform ladders of 1,2,3,4,5
Day 2: Perform ladders of 1,2,3
Day 3: Perform ladders of 1,2,3,4
• Perform as many ladders as possible using excellent form in the 20 minute timeframe.
Rest as necessary.
Phase 2: Strength-endurance
Using the same kettlebell as Phase 1, perform the following workouts.
Day 1: Perform sets of 3,6,9
Day 2: Perform sets of 3,6
Day 3: Perform sets of 3,6,9,12
• Perform as many ladders as possible using excellent form in the 20 minute timeframe.
Rest as necessary.
Phase 3: Endurance
Using the same kettlebell as Phases 1 and 2, perform the following workouts.
Day 1: Perform multiple sets of 9 reps
Day 2: Perform multiple sets of 15 reps
Day 3: Perform multiple sets of 12 reps
• Perform as many ladders as possible using excellent form in the 20 minute time frame. Rest as necessary.


Some people have spent a lot of time snatching, and need a little more challenge, with some higher reps.
The benefits of Snatches are really, almost fully realized, through higher rep training.
Not necessarily full on Girevoy Sport rep training, but higher reps nonetheless.

Here is an “advanced” Snatch program.

Phase 1: 3 weeks
(Note: Reps given are per hand, not total. So total means double those numbers.)
Day 1: Sets of 10 reps (20 total, 10 left, 10 right)
Day 2: Sets of 20 reps
Day 3: Sets of 15 reps
Phase 2: 3 weeks
Day 1: Set of 12 reps
Day 2: Sets of 24 reps
Day 3: Sets 18 reps
Phase: 3: 3 weeks
Day 1: Sets of 15 reps
Day 2: Sets of 30 reps
Day 3: Sets of 20 reps
• Perform each workout for 20 minutes.
• Start by using a kettlebell that you can Snatch at least 25 times each hand without
setting it down between hands.
• Do as many sets of the specified reps in that 20 minutes.
• Rest as necessary.
• Do the best you can to not rest between hands.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday – Long Cycle!
Phase 1: 3 weeks, 3 days per week, 20 minutes per day
Phase 2: 3 weeks, 3 days per week, 20 minutes per day
Phase 3: 3 weeks, 3 days per week, 20 minutes per day
Phase 1: Strength
Use a kettlebell that you can Clean & Jerk 7-8 times maximum per hand.
Day 1: Perform ladders of 1,2,3,4,5
Day 2: Perform ladders of 1,2,3
Day 3: Perform ladders of 1,2,3,4
• Perform as many ladders as possible using excellent form in the 20 minute timeframe.
Rest as necessary.
Phase 2: Strength-endurance
Using the same kettlebell as Phase 1, perform the following workouts.
Day 1: Perform sets of 3,6,9
Day 2: Perform sets of 3,6
Day 3: Perform sets of 3,6,9,12
• Perform as many ladders as possible using excellent form in the 20 minute timeframe.
Rest as necessary.
Phase 3: Endurance
Using the same kettlebell as Phases 1 and 2, perform the following workouts.
Day 1: Perform multiple sets of 9 reps
Day 2: Perform multiple sets of 15 reps
Day 3: Perform multiple sets of 12 reps
• Perform as many ladders as possible using excellent form in the 20 minute timeframe.
Rest as necessary.


One Lift A Day
Here’s a 5-day per week template:
Day 1: Get Up
Day 2: Swings
Day 3: Press
Day 4: Squat (Goblet or Front)
Day 5: Snatch
Do this for 12 weeks.
I’ve found that with increased frequency, comes decreased [short-term] recovery. So, decrease your work times.
Here’s what I recommend:
Grinds = 20 minute sessions
Ballistics = 15 minute sessions
So, Days 1,3,5 will be 20-minute workouts. Days 2,4 will be 15-minute workouts.
Here’s how the reps and sets look (sets x reps).
Weeks 1-4: Grinds: 10×2; Ballistics: 100 reps any combination
Weeks 5-8: Grinds: 8×3; Ballistics: 150 reps any combination
Weeks 9-12: Grinds: 5×5; Ballistics: 200 reps any combination
*Grinds = Slow strength exercises: Get Up, Press, Squat
Ballistics = Explosive strength and conditioning exercises: Swing, Snatch
• Time limit: 20 minutes each session.
• Seek to complete the total number of reps in less time each week. That’s how you get stronger.


Here’s a variation of the above routine :

Phase 1:
Day 1: Get Up x 1-3
Day 2: Swing x 10-20
Day 3: Goblet Squat x 5-10
• Train for 20 minutes each day.
• Train on non-consecutive days.
• Do as many high-quality sets as possible in the allotted time period
Do this for 4 weeks.
Then, move on to this –
Phase 2:
Day 1: Clean x 5-10
Day 2: Press x 3-5
Day 3: Snatch x 5-10
• Train for 20 minutes each day.
• Train on non-consecutive days.
• Do as many high-quality sets as possible in the allotted time period
Do this for 4 weeks.


Maybe you want to practice all 6 RKC level 1 exercises but can only work out 3 times
each week, for 20 minutes each workout. Here!s an option for you.
Week 1:
Day 1: Get Up
Day 2: Swing
Day 3: Goblet Squat
Week 2:
Day 1: Clean
Day 2: Press
Day 3: Snatch

Maybe you want to practice all 6 RKC level 1 exercises but can only work out 3 times each week, for 20 minutes each workout. Here!s an option for you.
Week 1:
Day 1: Get Up
Day 2: Swing
Day 3: Goblet Squat
Week 2:
Day 1: Clean
Day 2: Press
Day 3: Snatch

• Alternate between Weeks 1 and 2, so you!ll perform Week 1 twice and Week 2 twice in a 4 week period.
• Perform 6 two-week cycles (12 weeks) and then move on to another program.
Cycles 1-2: Grinds: 10×2; Ballistics: 100 reps
Cycles 3-4: Grinds: 8×3; Ballistics: 150 reps
Cycles 5-6: Grinds: 5×5; Ballistics: 200 reps


This is set up on a two-week cycle, where days 1 through 5 are performed on Monday through Friday. Then, you take the weekend off. The following week days 8 through 12, are performed again on Monday through Friday, again taking the weekend off.
Day 1: Get Up
Day 2: Swing
Day 3: Press
Day 4: Clean
Day 5: Goblet Squat
Day 8: Snatch
Day 9: Front Squat
Day 10: Push Press (or Viking Push Press)
Day 11: Windmill
Day 12: Jerk
Week 1: Perform Days 1 through 5
Week 2: Perform Days 6 through 10
Week 3: Repeat Week 1.
Week 4: Repeat Week 2. Repeat two-week cycle.
Do this for 12 weeks total.
Here!s what I recommend:
Grinds = 20 minute sessions
Ballistics = 15 minute sessions
So, Days 1,3,5 will be 20-minute workouts. Days 2,4 will be 15-minute workouts.
Here!s how the reps and sets look (sets x reps).
Weeks 1-4: Grinds: 10×2; Ballistics: 100 reps any combination
Weeks 5-8: Grinds: 8×3; Ballistics: 150 reps any combination
Weeks 9-12: Grinds: 5×5; Ballistics: 200 reps any combination


Here we!re going to mix the workouts during each week – one will be devoted to Grinds, the other to Ballistics.
Workout A: Grinds
Get Up
Workout B: Ballistics
Grinds: Perform 3-5 sets of 3-5.
Ballistics: Perform 3-5 sets of 10-20
• Duration: 30 minutes per workout, 3 times per week.
• Start conservatively. When you reach 5×5 on Grinds, go up a kettlebell size. When you reach 5 sets of 20 on Ballistics, go up a kettlebell size.
• Rest as you need to between sets.
Do this for no more than 12 weeks.


Here’s another variation.
Workout A: Grinds
Get Up
Goblet Squat
Workout B: Ballistic

Grinds: Perform 3-5 sets of 3-5.
Ballistics: Perform 3-5 sets of 10-20
• Duration: 30 minutes per workout, 3 times per week.
• Start conservatively. When you reach 5×5 on Grinds, go up a kettlebell size. When you reach 5 sets of 20 on Ballistics, go up a kettlebell size.
• Rest as you need to between sets.
Do this for no more than 12 weeks.


Workout A:
Goblet Squat
Workout B:
Grinds: Perform 3-5 sets of 3-5.
Ballistics: Perform 3-5 sets of 10-20
• Duration: 30 minutes per workout, 3 times per week.
• Start conservatively. When you reach 5×5 on Grinds, go up a kettlebell size. When you reach 5 sets of 20 on Ballistics, go up a kettlebell size.
• Rest as you need to between sets.
Do this for no more than 12 weeks.


In this variation of the “Mixed Bag” program, you!ll mix Grinds and Ballistics within each
workout. (If you limited me to one program style to do with kettlebells, this would
probably be it. I think it covers pretty much everything.)
Workout A:
Get Up
Workout B:
Clean & Press

In this variation of the “Mixed Bag” program, you!ll mix Grinds and Ballistics within each workout. (If you limited me to one program style to do with kettlebells, this would probably be it. I think it covers pretty much everything.)
Workout A:
Get Up
Workout B:
Clean & Press

And use the same loading parameters as the “Mixed Bag 1” program. I find that!s one of the best loading parameters with this style of program. In fact, go ahead and use these loading parameters with ALL “Mixed Bag” programs. Here they are again –
Grinds: Perform 3-5 sets of 3-5.
Ballistics: Perform 3-5 sets of 10-20
• Duration: 30 minutes per workout, 3 times per week.
• Start conservatively. When you reach 5×5 on Grinds, go up a kettlebell size. When you reach 5 sets of 20 on Ballistics, go up a kettlebell size.
• Rest as you need to between sets.
Do this for no more than 12 weeks.


Another mix of Grinds and Ballistics

Workout A:
Goblet Squat
Workout B:
Get Up


Workout A:
Goblet Squat
Workout B:


Here we!ll add in some of the more advanced RKC 2 exercises.
Workout A:

Viking Push Press
Workout B:


And another variation with the RKC 2 exercises.
Workout A:
Viking Push Press
Workout B:
Clean and Jerk
Duration: Perform each one of the “Mixed Bag 2.X!s” for a 4 weeks.
That means you!ll end up performing each workout 6 times.
Here!s what that would look like over the course of a month (30 days or so, taking weekends off):
Day 1: Workout A
Day 3: Workout B
Day 5: Workout A
Day 8: Workout B
Day 10: Workout A
Day 12: Workout B
Day 15: Workout A
Day 16: Workout B
Day 18: Workout A
Day 20: Workout B
Day 23: Workout A
Day 25: Workout B
Day 27: Workout A
Day 30: Workout B


Perform 3 days per week on non-consecutive days, for example, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Do this for 4 to 6 weeks. (Then be amazed as your Presses and Snatches effortlessly improve as a result!)
A1. 2H Swing
A2. Get Up
Rest: As necessary
Reps: Swings: 10-20; Get Ups: 1-3
Day 1: Work out for 20 minutes.
Day 2: Work out for 10 minutes.
Day 3: Work out for 15 minutes.
• Do as much work as you can for each exercise, using perfect technique, and
stopping each set just when you feel your technique is about to break down.
• Seek to do more work each week.

Day 1:
A1. Swing, sets of 10-20
A2. Get Up, sets of 1-3
Day 2:
A1. Clean, sets of 5
A2. Press, sets of 3-5
Day 3:
A1. Front Squat, sets of 5
A2. Snatch, sets of 10
• Use moderate sized kettlebells
Day 1:
A1. Swing, sets of 10-20
A2. Get Up, sets of 1-3
Day 2:
A1. Clean, sets of 5
A2. Press, sets of 3-5
Day 3:
A1. Front Squat, sets of 5
A2. Snatch, sets of 10
• Use moderate sized kettlebells
• Perform on non-consecutive days, like Monday, Wednesday, Friday
• Perform for 20 minutes each session.
• Do as much high quality work as possible in those 20 minutes.
• Rest as necessary between sets
• Perform for 4-8 weeks then switch to another program.
Here!s another, slightly more advanced variation.
Day 1:
A1. Get Up, sets of 1-3
A2. Press, sets of 3-5
Day 2:
A1. Swing, sets of 10
A2. Snatch, sets of 5
Day 3:
A1. Goblet Squat, sets of 5
A2. Clean, sets of 5
And another…
Day 1:
A1. Goblet Squat, sets of 5
A2. Swing, sets of 10
Day 2:
A1. Press, sets of 3-5
A2. Snatch, sets of 5
Day 3:
A1. Get Up, sets of 1-3
A2. Clean, sets of 5
And last one, honest. (I could do this all day. Wait, I do do this all day…)
Day 1:
A1. Get Up, sets of 1-3
A2. Goblet Squat, sets of 5
Day 2:
A1. Swing, sets of 10
A2. Snatch, sets of 5
Day 3:

A1. Clean, sets of 5
A2. Press, sets of 3-5
Why all the different pairings?
Glad you asked. Pairing different exercises quite simply has different effects on the body.
For example, pairing the Swing with the Goblet Squat really pries open the hips, creating space and then greasing that new groove, strengthening it with the Swing. This creates a stronger posterior chain (gluts, hamstrings, low back, even calves) and allows you to run faster, jump higher, and all that good stuff. (Plus, it!s good for the ladies who need a little extra boost back there, if you catch my drift…)
Pairing the Get Up with the Press teaches you where your shoulder belongs in relation to your body in a static shoulder exercise (the GU) and how to translate that into a dynamic shoulder exercise (the Press).
This means you can alleviate shoulder discomfort and even pain when pressing. And that means that for a guy, you can finally get a that set of broad shoulders that are big enough for someone else to stand on. (Ladies look great with well defined shoulders too, especially in that sun dress.)
And, pairing the Swing with the Snatch teaches you how to use your hips and “float” the kettlebell, so that you don!t over-pull with your arms. You then get to see if you “understand” this concept by applying it immediately to the Snatch.
This of course means that you have the potential to burn more calories with each and every rep, because the more explosive each rep is, the more work you!re doing in a given time period.
See how all this works?
Here are most of the RKC Level 2 kettlebell drills incorporated into variations of super sets.
Day 1:
A1. Windmill, weak side then strong side
A2. Pistol, weighted, weak side then strong side
Day 2:
A1. Viking Push Press, Left
A2. Viking Push Press, Right

Day 3:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Jerk
• Use moderate sized kettlebells
• Perform on non-consecutive days, like Monday, Wednesday, Friday
• Perform for 20 minutes each session.
• Do as much high quality work as possible in those 20 minutes.
• Rest as necessary between sets
• Perform for 4-8 weeks then switch to another program.

The “foundation” of double kettlebell lifting is really learning how to be comfortable in the
rack position both stationary and while moving.
The three best exercises to do help teach you do that are the Double Clean, Double
Front Squat, and the Double Press. A steady diet of these three exercises will help you
feel like “Master of Your Domain” when performing all double kettlebell exercises. And
not only that, they will serve as great preparatory work for the other double kettlebell
Here!s a 6-week program:
Spend 20 minutes, 3 times per week performing the following on non-consecutive days,
The “foundation” of double kettlebell lifting is really learning how to be comfortable in the rack position both stationary and while moving.
The three best exercises to do help teach you do that are the Double Clean, Double Front Squat, and the Double Press. A steady diet of these three exercises will help you feel like “Master of Your Domain” when performing all double kettlebell exercises. And not only that, they will serve as great preparatory work for the other double kettlebell exercises.
Here’s a 6-week program:
Spend 20 minutes, 3 times per week performing the following on non-consecutive days, such as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Day 1:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Press
Day 2.
A1. Double Front Squat
A2. Double Swing
Day 3.
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Front Squat
• Use a 6 rep max – a pair of kettlebells that you can Press only 6 times. Use them for all of the exercises. Don!t worry, they won’t be too light – Double Front Squats are very demanding for most people.
• Rest as necessary between A1 and A2.
• Do as many sets as you can in each workout.
Week 1: Perform sets of 3 reps on each exercise.
Week 2: Perform sets of 4 reps on each exercise.
Week 3: Perform sets of 5 reps on each exercise.
Week 4: Perform sets of 4 reps on each exercise.
Week 5: Perform sets of 5 reps on each exercise.
Week 6: Perform sets of 6 reps on each exercise——————————————————————————–Here’s a program that will increase your hip mobility, shoulder stability, and general fitness. (You!ll even see those love-handles start to shrink.)
Day 1:
A1. Swing x 10
A2. Get Up x 3
A3. Goblet Squat x 5
Day 2:
A1. Get Up x 1-3
A2. Goblet Squat x 5
A3. Swing x 10
Day 3:
A1. Goblet Squat x 5
A2. Swing x 10
A3. Get Up x 1-3
Rotating the sequencing is a form of changing the loading, and therefore the stimulus on your body. In Beyond Bodybuilding, Pavel refers to it as fatigue cycling.
Here are two options for you.
Option A:
• Perform each circuit for 20 minutes.• Perform the circuit as many times as you can in that 20 minutes.
• Rest as and when necessary.
• Perform on non-consecutive days.
Option B:
Perform each circuit for the following periods of time:
Day 1: 15 minutes
Day 2: 25 minutes
Day 3: 20 minutes
• Perform the circuit as many times as you can in the allotted time period.
• Rest as and when necessary.
• Perform on non-consecutive days.
Perform one of the options for 6 weeks then switch programs.———————————————————————————–Here!s a circuit using the six exercises taught at the RKC. It!s simple. It!s brutal. It!s effective.
A1. Swing x 20
A2. Get Up x 3,3
A3. Clean x 10,10
A4. Press x 5,5
A5. Snatch x 10,10
A6. Front Squat x 5,5
• Perform the above circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes.
• Use a medium-sized kettlebell.
• Perform 3 non-consecutive days per week, for example, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
• Rest as needed.
Perform for 6 weeks then change the program.—————————————————————————————-Expect this to be much harder than the other circuits. And I would only do this after you’ve mastered the fundamentals and the RKC 6 exercises.
A1. Windmill x 3,3
A2. Viking Push Press x 5,5
A3. Pistol, loaded x 5,5
A4. Jerk x 5,5A5. Bent Press x 1,1
A6. Clean & Jerk x 5,5
Perform for 6 weeks then change the program.————————————————————————Hybrids are workouts or programs where kettlebell exercises are mixed with something else – some other implement(s).
My favorite hybrid is simply the kettlebell plus your own bodyweight – combining kettlebell exercises with bodyweight exercises. You literally only need a 4 foot by 6 foot rubber mat (not even that, just that much space) and you can mold your body into whatever you want it to be. And, if you have a Pull-up bar hanging over your head, so much the better!
Here are some really basic hybrids that will get you in great shape.
There really isn’t a muscle that doesn’t get worked/used in this program. And depending on how you set it up, you can really do a number on your conditioning level. These types of programs never cease to produce elevated heart rates, buckets of sweat, and red faces (and of course increases in strength and conditioning and decreases in body fat).
Day 1:
A1. 2H Swings
A2. Push-ups
Day 2:
A1. 2H Swings
A2. Walkouts
Day 3:
A1. 2H Swings
A2. Walkouts to Planks
• Perform each exercise for 30s, then rest 60 seconds. (That!s 2 minutes total.)
• Perform up to 10 rounds total. (That!s 20 minutes.)
When you achieve that, then –
• Perform each exercise for 45s, then rest 60 seconds. (That!s 2 1/2 minutes total.)
• Perform up to 8 rounds total. (That!s 20 minutes.)
When you achieve that, then –
• Perform each exercise for 60s, then rest 60 seconds. (That!s 3 minutes total.)
• Perform up to 6 rounds total. (That!s 18 minutes.)————————————————————————This becomes even harder than the Push Up Edition due to the high levels of relative strength endurance necessary to keep on doing the Pull Up variations in the face of fatigue.
Day 1:
A1. Pull Ups
A2. 2H Swings
Day 2:
A1. Chin Ups
A2. 2H Swings
Day 3:
A1. Mixed Grip Pull-ups
A2. 2H Swings
• Perform each exercise for 30s, then rest 60 seconds. (That!s 2 minutes total.)
• Perform up to 10 rounds total. (That!s 20 minutes.)
When you achieve that, then –
• Perform each exercise for 45s, then rest 60 seconds. (That!s 2 1/2 minutes total.)
• Perform up to 8 rounds total. (That!s 20 minutes.)
When you achieve that, then –
• Perform each exercise for 60s, then rest 60 seconds. (That!s 3 minutes total.)
• Perform up to 6 rounds total. (That!s 18 minutes.)————————————————————————————-Set Your Timer For 25 Minutes – Don!t forget, you!re already using 5 minutes for your
warm up! See how much work you can get done in the allotted time period.
Remember! The following are suggested MAXIMUMS, which means, don!t feel like you
have to hit those numbers, but certainly don!t exceed them!
A1. Clean & Press, L,R
A2. Chin ups (regular and towel)
________________________________________________________________________________Set Your Timer For 25 Minutes – Don’t forget, you’re already using 5 minutes for your warm up! See how much work you can get done in the allotted time period.
Remember! The following are suggested MAXIMUMS, which means, don’t feel like you have to hit those numbers, but certainly don’t exceed them!
A1. Clean & Press, L,R
A2. Chin ups (regular and towel)Day 1: Light
Day 2: Medium
Day 3: Heavy
Weeks 1-6: Use ETK ladders of 1,2,3,4,5
Weeks 7-12: Use “Dan John ladders” of 2,3,5,10
Loading Parameters
• Use traditional ladders of 1,2,3,4,5 using a “Light-Medium-Heavy*” format. Then switch to
• “Dan John ladders” which are 2,3,5,10 using a “Light-Medium-Heavy” format. Then switch to
• A heavier kettlebell
• Alternate workouts between regular Chins and Towel Chins for different effects on the grip
• Rest as you see fit after A2.
• *Heavy = maximum number of rungs on ladder; Medium = maximum number of rungs on ladder minus one rung (make it to 5 reps on heavy day, this day would be 4 reps); Light = maximum number of rungs on ladder minus two rungs (make it to 5 reps on heavy day, this day would be 3 reps)
• Perform this program for 6-12 weeks and then switch to another.—————————————————————————————Here’s a tweak of the previous program. It covers every muscle in your body and you!ll find it quite challenging.
Use the same loading parameters as the “Upper Body Blast.” Obviously, with an extra exercise in this one, you won!t get the same number of ladders as you would without the Front Squats.
A1. Clean & Press, L,R
A2. Chin ups (regular and towel)
A3. Front Squat, L,R
Loading Parameters
• Use traditional ladders of 1,2,3,4,5 using a “Light-Medium-Heavy” format. Then
switch to
• “Dan John ladders” which are 2,3,5,10 using a “Light-Medium-Heavy” format. Then
switch to
• A heavier kettlebell
• Alternate workouts between regular Chins and Towel Chins for different effects on
the grip
• Rest as you see fit after A3.• *Heavy = maximum number of rungs on ladder; Medium = maximum number of rungs on ladder minus one rung (make it to 5 reps on heavy day, this day would be 4 reps);
• Light = maximum number of rungs on ladder minus two rungs (make it to 5 reps on heavy day, this day would be 3 reps)
Perform for 12 weeks then change the program.——————————————————————————-What are “Combinations?”
They are simply one exercise paired with another, for example, the Clean and Jerk.
There are two different forms of combos, a Complex and a Chain –
Complex = A series of compound exercises performed sequentially without rest in which all the reps for one exercise are completed before moving on to the next exercise in the sequence.
For example, 5 Cleans, then 5 Jerks.
Chain = A series of compound exercises performed sequentially where each exercise is performed once before starting the sequence again: Each time the sequence is performed is considered one repetition.
For example, 1 Clean and Jerk, performed 5 times, or, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk.The only thing possibly “better” than the Snatch is combining it with one or two different exercises. The following program is based around the Snatch, the Front Squat, and the Press.
Use a medium-sized kettlebell, one you can Snatch about 10 times each hand without putting the kettlebell down.
Day 1: Snatch + Front Squat
Day 2: Snatch + Press
Day 3: Snatch + Press + Front Squat
• Perform on alternate days – Monday, Wednesday, Friday, etc.
• Perform the Snatch + the exercise listed back-to-back with no rest, as a complex, moving from your weaker hand to your stronger hand.
• Perform for 20 minutes.
• Do as much high quality work as possible in those 20 minutes.
• Rest as necessary, but only after completing both sides.
Week 1: Sets of 3 each exercise
Week 2: Sets of 4 each exercise
Week 3: Sets of 5 each exercise
Week 4: Sets of 6 each exercise——————————————————————————-Chain = A series of compound exercises performed sequentially where each exercise is performed once before starting the sequence again: Each time the sequence is performed is considered one repetition.
For example, 1 Clean and Jerk, performed 5 times, or, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk.Perform the previous program listed above as a chain, instead of a complex. Much different feel…———————————————————————————-Here’s a program based solely on the kettlebell ballistics exercises. Expect to get leaner and better conditioned. Much leaner. And much better conditioned.
Day 1: 20 minutes
Swing + High Pull
Day 2: 20 minutes
Swing + High Pull + Snatch
Day 3: 20 minutes
Swing + High Pull + Snatch + Push Press
• Use a kettlebell that!s moderately heavy (a 10 rep max – each hand – for your Snatch)
• Start with your weaker side and then move immediately to your stronger side
• Perform as a complex
• Perform as many sets with good form as possible in the allotted time period
• Seek to do more work – that is – more sets – each workout
• Rest as necessary, but keep your heart rate elevated
Week 1: Sets of 5
Week 2: Sets of 6
Week 3: Sets of 7
Week 4: Sets of 5
*Note: This is pretty advanced, so make sure you have decent levels of conditioning before you start.______________________________________________________Do the above program, but perform each workout as a chain, instead of a complex.Again, different feeling altogether (and much more “cerebral”)…_______________________________________________________Day 1: 20 minutes
Clean + Push Press
Day 2: 20 minutes
Swing + Clean + Push Press
Day 3: 20 minutes
Swing + Clean + Push Press + Snatch
• Use a kettlebell that!s moderately heavy (a 10 rep max – each hand – for your Snatch)
• Start with your weaker side and then move immediately to your stronger side
• Perform as a complex
• Perform as many sets with good form as possible in the allotted time period
• Seek to do more work – that is – more sets – each workout
• Rest as necessary, but keep your heart rate elevated
Week 1: Sets of 5
Week 2: Sets of 6
Week 3: Sets of 7
Week 4: Sets of 5——————————————————————————————–Do the above program but perform each workout as a chain, instead of a complex.__________________________________________________________Some people just live for the extreme. Here’s that program for you. Go ahead – knock yourself out.
Day 1: 20 minutes
Swing + High Pull + Clean
Day 2: 20 minutes.
Swing + High Pull + Clean + Push Press
Day 3: 20 minutes.
Swing + High Pull + Clean + Push Press + Snatch
• Use a kettlebell that’s moderately heavy (a 10 rep max – each hand – for your Snatch)
• Start with your weaker side and then move immediately to your stronger side
• Perform as a complex
• Perform as many sets with good form as possible in the allotted time period
• Seek to do more work – that is – more sets – each workout
• Rest as necessary, but keep your heart rate elevated
Week 1: Sets of 5
Week 2: Sets of 6
Week 3: Sets of 7
Week 4: Sets of 5__________________________________________________________This is a combo program based on the Clean and Jerk and it!s variations.
Day 1:
Clean + Front Squat
Day 2:
Clean + Press
Day 3:
Clean + Front Squat + PressPhase 1: Ladders: 1,2,3,4,5
Phase 2: Sets of 3.
Phase 3: Sets of 5.
Each phase lasts 4 weeks. Program lasts 12 weeks total.
• Perform as a complex.
• Perform for 20 minutes, 3 days per week, on non-consecutive days
• Use a kettlebell that!s a 7 or 8 rep max (7-8RM) for the Press on for all the
• Perform all the reps for each set on your weaker side first, then immediately move
to your strong side.
• Perform 5 reps on each exercise.
• Perform as many sets of 5 reps as possible in the allotted time period.________________________________________________________This is the same set up as the above routine, only you!ll substitute the Push Press for the
Press.————————————————————————————————Again, same set up as the above, only you’ll substitute the Jerk for the Press.————————————————————————————–Perform all of the 3 routines listed above, as a chain, instead of a complex. The strain on your
system will feel quite different, as will the results.————————————————————————————-Day 1: 15 minutes
Front Squat
• Use 5-rep max and perform as many sets of 2 as comfortable in allotted time period.
Day 2: 20 minutes
A1. Front Squat
A2. Press
• Use 5-rep max for Press and perform as many sets of 3 of each exercise in allotted time period.
Day 3: 20 minutes
A1. Front Squat
A2. Clean
Use 5-rep max and perform as many sets of 3 of each exercise in allotted time period.
• Start with your weaker side
• Perform as a superset, where indicated
• Rest between each set as needed
• Stay on this program for 4 weeks then move on to something else——————————————————————————–Day 1: 15 minutes
Front Squat
• Use 5-rep max and perform as many sets of 2 as comfortable in allotted time
Day 2: 20 minutes
A1. Front Squat
A2. Push Press
Day 1: 15 minutes
Front Squat
• Use 5-rep max and perform as many sets of 2 as comfortable in allotted time
Day 2: 20 minutes
A1. Front Squat
A2. Push Press
• Use 5-rep max for Push Press and perform as many sets of 3 of each exercise in
allotted time period.
Day 3: 20 minutes
A1. Front Squat
A2. Snatch
• Use 5 rep max and perform as many sets of 3 of each exercise in allotted time
o Start with your weaker side
o Perform as a superset, where indicated
o Rest between each set as needed
o Stay on this program for 4 weeks then move on to something else—————————————————————————————-Day 1: 15 minutes
Front Squat
• Use 5-rep max and perform as many sets of 2 as comfortable in allotted time
Day 2: 20 minutes
A1. Front Squat
A2. Jerk
• Use 5-rep max for Push Press and perform as many sets of 3 of each exercise in
allotted time period.
Day 3: 20 minutes
A1. Front Squat
A2. Snatch
• Use 5-rep max and perform as many sets of 3 of each exercise in allotted time
o Start with your weaker side
o Perform as a superset, where indicated
o Rest between each set as needed
o Stay on this program for 4 weeks then move on to something else——————————————————————————–All Exercises In The Following Programs Are Performed With Double Kettlebells
Front Squat
High Pull
Push Press
Renegade RowThe Double Swing (DSW) is a challenging and rigorous movement.
These are programs using just the DSW.
It looks easy, but, trust me, it!s not.
• Use a pair or pairs of medium-sized kettlebells.
• Total time commitment: 60 minutes (excluding warm-up).• Use a pair or pairs of light to medium sized kettlebells
• Time commitment: 45 minutes per week (excluding warm ups)
Day 1: DSW
• Sets of 10.
• As many sets as possible in 20 minutes.
Day 2: DSW
• Sets of 20.
• As many sets as possible in 20 minutes.
Day 3: DSW
• Sets of 15.
• As many sets as possible in 20 minutes.
• Perform this program for 6 weeks. Then switch to something else.
• Start week 1 pretty easy. Week 6 should be your hardest week.—————————————————————————-• Use a pair or pairs of medium-sized kettlebells.
• Total time commitment: 65 minutes (excluding warm-up).
Day 1: DSW
• Sets of 7.
• As many sets as possible in 15 minutes.Day 2: DSW
• Sets of 10.
• As many sets as possible in 10 minutes.
Day 3: DSW
• Sets of 8.
• As many sets as possible in 15 minutes.
Day 4: DSW
• Sets of 12.
• As many sets as possible in 10 minutes.
Day 5: DSW
• Sets of 9.
• As many sets as possible in 15 minutes.
Perform this program for 4 weeks. Then switch to something else.———————————————————————————I teach my students how to be comfortable in, and moving from, the Rack.
The best exercise I have found for this is the Double Front Squat (DFSQ).
The DFSQ is an amazing exercise for total body strength and mobility.
Here!s a series of programs based on the DFSQ.• Use a pair of kettlebells that you can perform 6 strict reps on the DFSQ with.
• Total time commitment: 55 minutes (excluding warm-ups)
Day 1: DFSQ
• Ladder: 1,2,3,4
• Perform as many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.
Day 2: DFSQ• Sets of 2
• Perform as many sets of 2 as possible in 15 minutes.
Day 3: DFSQ
• Sets of 3
• Perform as many sets of 3 as possible in 20 minutes.
Perform this program for 4 to 6 weeks, then switch to another—————————————————————————–• Use a pair of kettlebells you can perform 7-8 strict reps of the DFSQ with.
• Time commitment: Approximately 40-45 minutes per week (not including warm-ups)
Day 1: DFSQ
• Ladder: 1,2,3,4,5
• Perform as many ladders as possible in 30 minutes.
Day 2: DFSQ
• Perform 2 sets of as many reps as possible.
• Rest as needed between those 2 sets.
Perform this program for 4 weeks then switch to something else.—————————————————————————–“One Lift A Day,” or “OLAD.”
The premise is quite simple – pick one lift. Do it and only it on one day of the week, every week, until you stop making progress. Do the same thing with other lifts.
Here’s OLAD 3.1Here!s a 5-day a week template:
Day 1: Double Front Squat
Day 2: Double Swing
Day 3: Double Clean
Day 4: Double Press
Day 5: Double Snatch
Here’s a 12 week cycle:Use a pair or pairs of kettlebells that are your 5RM (Rep Max) for the Grinds and a pair
that!s a 10RM for your ballistics and perform the following program:
Weeks 1-4: Grinds: Sets of 3. Ballistics: Sets of 6-8.
Weeks 5-8: Grinds: Sets of 4. Ballistics: Sets of 7-9.
Weeks 9-12: Grinds: Sets of 5. Ballistics: Sets of 10.
Grinds = 20 minute sessions
Ballistics = 15 minute sessions
*Grinds = Slow strength exercies: Double Front Squat, Double Press.
Ballistics = Explosive strength and conditioning exercises: Double Swing, Double Clean, Double Snatch——————————————————————————————
Here’s a 3-day a week program that uses a compound movement – the Clean + Jerk, and considers it “one lift,” which is technically ok, since this a considered one lift in
• Each workout is 20 minutes.
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes.
Day 1: Double Clean + Jerk
Day 2: Double Front Squat
Day 3: Double Snatch
Here’s another type of loading parameter:
Start with a 5RM on each exercise.
Weeks 1-4:
Day 1:
• Ladders 1,2,3
• As many ladders as possible in allotted time period
• Rest as necessary between sets
Day 2:
• Sets of 3
• As many sets of 3 as possible in the alloted time period
• Rest as necessary between sets
Day 3:
• Sets of 2
• As many sets of 2 as possible in the alloted time period
• Rest as necessary between setsWeeks 5-8:
Day 1:
• Ladders 1,2,3,4
• As many ladders as possible in allotted time period
• Rest as necessary between sets
Day 2:
• Sets of 4
• As many sets of 4 as possible in the alloted time period
• Rest as necessary between sets
Day 3:
• Sets of 3
• As many sets of 3 as possible in the alloted time period
• Rest as necessary between sets
Weeks 9-12:
Day 1:
• Ladders 1,2,3,4,5
• As many ladders as possible in allotted time period
• Rest as necessary between sets
Day 2:
• Sets of 5
• As many sets of 4 as possible in the alloted time period
• Rest as necessary between sets
Day 3:
• Sets of 3
• As many sets of 3 as possible in the alloted time period
• Rest as necessary between sets
________________________________________________________________________________Super sets are the most basic way to save time and structure your workouts to get a large amount of work done.
Our very broad definition of a super set is the following:
Take one exercise, pair it with another, and alternate sets back and forth between them.
You can rest between sets or not. Bodybuilders have been doing this for decades to get better pumps and stimulation. We!ll do it to save time. (It’s also an amazing way to build work capacity.)
Here’s an example:
5 Double Cleans. Rest 30s. Then 5 Double Front Squats. Rest 30s. Repeat for 5 sets of each. It!s designated the following way:
A1. Double Clean x5
A2. Double Front Squat x5
Rest: 30 seconds between sets
Sets: 5 each———————————————————————————Here!s a 3-day a week program using just one super set. It!s pretty intense so it might
be “all” you need.
• Each workout lasts 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time is 60 minutes excluding warm ups.
Day 1:
A1. Double Swing
A2. Double Press
Day 2:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Front Squat
Day 3:
A1. Double Front Squat
A2. Double Press
For pure strength, do the following:
• Use 5RM for each exercise
• Rest as needed between all sets
• Week 1: Sets of 2, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 2: Sets of 3, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 3: Sets of 4, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 4: Sets of 3 – but only 60% of the sets you performed in Week 2.
• Week 5: Find new 5RM OR perform a Rep Max Test with your old 5RM.
*Rep Max Test = As many reps as possible with a given weight with perfect form.
For strength-endurance/moderate hypertrophy/fat loss, do the following:
• Use a 10RM for each exercise
• Rest as needed between all sets
• Week 1: Sets of 6, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 2: Sets of 7, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 3: Sets of 8, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 4: Sets of 7 – but only 60% of the sets you performed in Week 2.
• Week 5: Find new 10RM OR perform a Rep Max Test with your old 10RM.
*Rep Max Test = As many reps as possible with a given weight with perfect form.
For pure conditioning, do the following:Use 20RM for each exercise
• Rest as needed between all sets
• Week 1: Sets of 12, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 2: Sets of 14, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 3: Sets of 16, as many sets as possible in allotted time
• Week 4: Sets of 14 – but only 60% of the sets you performed in Week 2.
• Week 5: Find new 20RM OR perform a Rep Max Test with your old 20RM.
*Rep Max Test = As many reps as possible with a given weight with perfect form.—————————————————————————————Here’s another 3-day a week program using just one super set.
• Each workout lasts 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time is 60 minutes excluding warm ups.
Day 1:
A1. Double Swing
A2. Double Front Squat
Day 2:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Press
Day 3:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Front Squat
Use the same loading parameters as the previous workout—————————————————————————————-3-day a week program using just one super set.
• Each workout lasts 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time is 60 minutes excluding warm ups.
Day 1:
A1. Double Press
A2. Double Snatch
Day 2:A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Push Press
Day 3:
A1. Double Front Squat
A2. Double Front Jerk
Use the same loading parameters as DKB-SS 1.1.
*Of course, you can just keep switching out each exercise ad infinitum and come with tons of different super sets.————————————————————————-Here’s a program that!s designed to be performed 4 days per week.
• Each workout lasts 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time is 80 minutes excluding warm-ups.
• You could only train 15 minutes per day if that’s all your schedule allowed and still have a total training time of 60 minutes per week.
Day 1:
A1. Double Front Squat
A2. Double Press
Day 2:
A1. Double High Pull
A2. Double Push Press
Day 3:
A1. Double Press
A2. Double Front Squat
Day 4:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Jerk
For strength and power do the following:
• Use your 10RM for each exercise
• Work up to 6×6 with each exercise and record the total time
• Keep working with 6×6 but decrease the total time it takes to perform each workout.
• When you!ve decreased your work time by 25%, retest your 10RM.——————————————————————————————-Here’s another program that’s designed to be performed 4 days per week.
• Each workout lasts 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time is 80 minutes excluding warm-ups.
• You could only train 15 minutes per day if that’s all your schedule allowed and still
have a total training time of 60 minutes per week.
Day 1:
A1. Double Front Squat
A2. Double Jerk
Day 2:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Press
Day 3:
A1. Double High Pull
A2. Double Snatch
Day 4:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double Front Squat
Use the same loading parameters as for previous workout.—————————————————————And yet another program that!s designed to be performed 4 days per week.
• Each workout lasts 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time is 80 minutes excluding warm-ups.
• You could only train 15 minutes per day if that!s all your schedule allowed and still have a total training time of 60 minutes per week.
Day 1:
A1. Double Front Squat
A2. Double Clean
Day 2:
A1. Double Clean
A2. Double PressDay 3:
A1. Double Swing
A2. Double High Pull
Day 4:
A1. Double Push Press
A2. Double Snatch
Use the same loading parameters as DKB-SS 2.1
As I mentioned earlier, you could swap out any of these exercises and create your own programs. Don!t think you!re limited to just these.———————————————————————Here’s a circuit that uses three (3) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I.
A1. Clean
A2. Front Squat
A3. Press
Workout II.
A1. Clean
A2. Push Press
A3. Jerk• Use a 5RM on each exercise
• Perform ladders of 1,2,3 of each exercise
• Perform as many circuits of these ladders in the allotted time – 20 minutes
• Rest as and when necessary
• Perform for 4 to 6 weeks then switch programs.———————————————————————–Here’s another circuit that uses three (3) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I.
A1. Clean
A2. Push Press
A3. Squat
Workout II.
A1. Clean
A2. Push Press
A3. Snatch
• Use your 10RM on each exercise.
• Perform sets of 6 on each exercise.
• Perform as many sets of 6 as possible in the allotted time perod
• Rest as and when necessary
• Perform for 4 to 6 weeks then switch programs.—————————————————————————-And here’s another circuit that uses three (3) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I.
A1. Front Squat
A2. Press
A3. Renegade Row
Workout II.
A1. High Pull
A2. Push Press
A3. Snatch
• Use your 5RM for each exercise
• Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I + Workout II)
• Perform the following reps for each block:
• Block 1: Sets of 2
• Block 2: Sets of 3
• Block 3: Sets of 4
• Block 4: Sets of 3
• Block 5: Sets of 4
• Block 6: Sets of 5
• Perform as many sets of the prescribed reps for each exercise in each workout
• Rest between exercises and sets as and when needed————————————————————————Here!s a circuit that uses four (4) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I.
A1. Renegade Row
A2. Clean
A3. Front Squat
A4. Press
Workout II.
A1. Clean
A2. Front Squat
A3. Snatch
A4. Renegade Row
• Use a 6RM for each exercise
• Perform for 4 weeks.
• Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I
+ Workout II)
• Perform the following reps for each block:
• Blocks 1,3,5: 3 reps
• Blocks 2,4,6: 4 reps
• Perform as many sets of the prescribed reps for each exercise in the allotted time
• Rest between sets and exercises as and when needed——————————————————————————–Here!s a circuit that uses four (4) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I.
A1. Renegade Row
A2. Clean
A3. Push Press
A4. Front Squat
Workout II.
A1. Snatch
A2. Front Squat
A3. Push Press
A4. Renegade Row
• Perform for 4 weeks.
• Use your 10RM for each exercise
• Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I
+ Workout II)
• Perform the following reps for each block:
• Blocks 1,3,5: 5 reps
• Blocks 2,4,6: 7 reps
• Perform as many sets of the prescribed reps for each exercise in the allotted time
• Rest between sets and exercises as and when needed


Here’s a circuit that uses four (4) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I.
A1. Front Squat
A2. Clean
A3. Press
A4. Renegade Row
Workout II.
A1. Clean
A2. Push Press
A3. High Pull
A4. Snatch
• Perform for 4 weeks.
• Use your 10RM for each exercise
• Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I
+ Workout II)
• Perform the following reps for each block:
• Blocks 1,3,5: Workout I: 3 reps, Workout II: 5 reps
• Blocks 2,4,6: Workout 1: 5 reps, Workout II: 7 reps
• Perform as many sets of the prescribed reps for each exercise in the allotted time period


Here’s a circuit that uses five (5) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I. Workout II.
A1. Clean A1. Swing
A2. Press A2. High Pull
A3. Front Squat A3. Push Press
A4. Push Press A4. Snatch
A5. High Pull A5. Jerk
• Perform for 4 weeks.
• Use your 10RM for each exercise
• Perform ladders of 2,4,6
• Perform as many ladders as possible in the allotted time period
• Rest between sets and exercises as and where needed.


Here’s another circuit that uses five (5) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I. Workout II.
A1. High Pull A1. Front Squat
A2. Snatch A2. High Pull
A3. Front Squat A3. Renegade Row
A4. Clean A4. Clean
A5. Press A5. Jerk
• Perform for 4 weeks.
• Use your 10RM for each exercise
• Perform 5 reps each set
• Perform as many sets of each exercise as possible in the allotted time period
• Rest as and when necessary between sets and exercises


And another circuit that uses five (5) exercises in each circuit.
• Workout duration: 30 minutes
• Total weekly workout time: 90 minutes
• Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days
Workout I. Workout II.
A1. Snatch A1. Swing
A2. Press A2. Clean
A3. Front Squat A3. High Pull
A4. Push Press A4. Push Press
A5. Renegade Row A5. Snatch
• Perform for 4 weeks.
• Use your 10RM for each exercise
• Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I
+ Workout II)
• Perform the following reps for each block:
• Block 1: Sets of 5
• Block 2: Sets of 6
• Block 3: Sets of 7
• Block 4: Sets of 6
• Block 5: Sets of 7
• Block 6: Sets of 8


Here’s a series of combos that are centered on the most often overlooked and arguably one of the hardest double kettlebell drills – the Front Squat.
• Workout duration: 20 minutes, 3 times per week (max)
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes (not including warm-ups)
Day 1: Front Squat + Press
Day 2: Front Squat + Clean + Press
Day 3: Front Squat + Snatch
• Use a 10RM for your weakest exercise in the combo
• Perform as a complex
• Rest as necessary between complexes
• Perform as much quality work as possible in the allotted timeframe
Week 1: Sets of 4
Week 2: Sets of 5
Week 3: Sets of 6
Week 4: Sets of 5
Week 5: Sets of 6
Week 6: Sets of 7


Perform The above workout as a chain instead of a complex.


Workout duration: 20 minutes, 3 times per week (max)
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes (not including warm-ups)
Day 1: Front Squat + Push Press
Day 2: Front Squat + Clean + Push Press
Day 3: Front Squat + Push Press + Snatch
• Use a 10RM for your weakest exercise in the combo
• Perform as a complex
• Rest as necessary between complexes
• Perform as much quality work as possible in the allotted timeframe

Week 1: Ladders: 2,3,4
Week 2: Ladders: 1,3,5
Week 3: Ladders: 2,4,6
Week 4: Ladders: 3,4,5
Week 5: Ladders: 1,3,5,7
Week 6: Ladders: 2,4,6,8


Perform the above workout as a chain instead of a complex.


Workout duration: 20 minutes, 3 times per week (max)
• Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes (not including warm-ups)
Day 1: Front Squat + Jerk
Day 2: Front Squat + Jerk + Snatch
Day 3: Front Squat + Press + Snatch + Jerk
• Use a 10RM for your weakest exercise in the combo
• Perform as a complex
• Rest as necessary between complexes
• Perform as much quality work as possible in the allotted timeframe
Week 1: Sets of 3
Week 2: Sets of 4
Week 3: Sets of 5
Week 4: Sets of 4
Week 5: Sets of 5
Week 6: Sets of 6


Perform the above workout as a chain instead of a complex.


Beginner Level Workout
Objective: To increase muscular strength and endurance in as wide a variety of muscle group areas as possible while also improving cardiovascular performance
Total time taken (estimated, excluding rest time): 15-45 mins, subject to length of time per exercise.
Number of circuits to be performed in one workout: 3 Exercise Amount of Time Important notes Two –handed Kettlebell Swing 1-3min Remember to drive hips forward explosively (but smoothly) while swinging the kettlebell forward
Two-Arm Kettlebell Row
Pull kettlebells towards your stomach maintaining spine-neutral position (back straight, chest out) and keeping your elbows tucked in Alternating Kettlebell Press 1-3min A good alternative to bench presses but demands a compound wrist and arm movement.
Woodman’s Chop
Remember to keep your lower back in its natural arch and to pivot.

Goblet squat/Front Squat 1-3min

Squat as low as you can and drive back up through your heels


Here!s a Double Clean and Jerk and Double Snatch workout :
Day 1: Double Clean + Jerk
Day 2: Double Snatch
Day 3: Double Snatch, then Double Clean + Jerk, performed as a complex.
• Use moderately heavy kettlebells
• Perform on non-consecutive days, like Monday, Wednesday, Friday
• Perform for 20 minutes each session.
• Do as much high quality work as possible in those 20 minutes.
• Rest as necessary
Week 1: Sets of 5
Week 2: Sets of 6
Week 3: Sets of 7
Week 4: Sets of 8
In the same vein as the above workout, here’s another way you could cook those same exercises using a different loading variation.
Day 1: Double Snatch
Day 2: Double Clean + Jerk
Day 3: Double Snatch, followed by Double Clean + Jerk, performed as a complex.
• Use moderately heavy kettlebells
• Perform on non-consecutive days, like Monday, Wednesday, Friday
• Perform for 20 minutes each session.
• Do as many sets (as much high quality work) as possible in those 20 minutes.
• Rest as necessary between sets
Week 1: 1,2,3,4
Week 2: 1,2,3,4,5
Week 3: 2,3,5
Week 4: 2,3,5,10


Objective: To increase muscular strength and endurance in as wide a variety of muscle group areas as possible while also improving cardiovascular performance
Total time taken (estimated, excluding rest time): 40 mins
Number of circuits to be performed in one workout: 3

Exercise Number of Repetitions/ Amount of Time Important notes :

One-Handed Kettlebell Swing 12-15 repetitions per arm

Your hips and glutes, rather than your arm, should be driving the kettlebell forward, so make sure these are engaged all the time
Kettlebell Figure-Eight
2-3 min
This exercise develops coordination as well as working arms, back and abdominals

Kettlebell High Pull 2-3 min

Keeping your core engaged is crucial
One-Arm Kettlebell Floor Press
8-10 repetitions per side
Remember to turn your wrists towards your feet as you press the kettlebell up

One-Arm Kettlebell Row 8-10 repetitions per side

Maintain spine neutral position at all times
Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up (Lunge-Style)
6-8 repetitions per side
A complex exercise featuring multiple movements, probably the most crucial of which is sliding your leg up from in front of you to have it supporting a lunge position behind


Objective: To enhance total body muscular strength and endurance, focussing on further strengthening the core, as well as increasing cardiovascular capacity.
Total time taken (estimated, excluding rest time): 40 mins
Number of circuits to be performed in one workout: 3

Exercise Number of Repetitions Important notes :

Kettlebell windmill 6-8 repetitions for each side A challenging exercise, for which some may need to use lighter kettlebells than for those exercises which utilize swing. When kettlebells is directly raised overhead, keep your gaze fixed on the weight in order to keep your shoulders aligned.
Kettlebell Deadlift
Aim for 12-15 repetitions, maintaining proper form throughout.
Engage your core, tighten your glutes, and keep your arms extended as you raise your body by pushing up through your feet. Don’t pull the kettlebells up with your arms, just let it come along with you, until you come to a standing position.

Kettlebell Clean 10-15 repetitions.

Grip position is important: At the start, bend your knees to reach down and grip the handle of the kettlebell with your right hand, your thumb pointing behind you. In rack position, the kettlebells should be resting on the forearm, which is tucked close to the body, the fist at your chest.
One-Arm Kettlebell Split Jerk
4-5 each side initially, build to 8-10 with experience and fitness level
Crucial movements such as the clean and overhead press are stages in this complex exercise and need to be mastered first.

Kettlebell Pistol Squat 4-5 for each leg initially, build to 8-10 with experience and fitness level Drive up through your heels when going up.


This is a combo program based on the Clean and Jerk and it’s variations.
Day 1:
Clean + Front Squat
Day 2:
Clean + Press
Day 3:
Clean + Front Squat + Press
Phase 1: Ladders: 1,2,3,4,5
Phase 2: Sets of 3.
Phase 3: Sets of 5.
Each phase lasts 4 weeks. Program lasts 12 weeks total.
• Perform as a complex.
• Perform for 20 minutes, 3 days per week, on non-consecutive days
• Use a kettlebell that!s a 7 or 8 rep max (7-8RM) for the Press on for all the exercises.
• Perform all the reps for each set on your weaker side first, then immediately move to your strong side.
• Perform 5 reps on each exercise.
• Perform as many sets of 5 reps as possible in the alloted time period.


This is the same set up as the above, only you’ll substitute the Push Press for the Press.


Again, same set up as the above, only you’ll substitute the Jerk for the Press.


Perform all the above 3 workouts as a chain, instead of a complex. The strain on your
system will feel quite different, as will the results.


Perform each workout as a complex.
Workout I. – Workout II.
Swing – High Pull
High Pull – Snatch
Snatch – Press
Press – Snatch
Push Press – High Pull
• Perform each workout for 20 minutes
• Perform as much high quality work as possible
• Rest as necessary after each complex
• Alternate between Workouts I and II on non-consecutive days
• Use a 12RM for your weakest exercise in the complex
• Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.”
• Perform the following reps for each block:
• Block 1: Sets of 5
• Block 2: Sets of 6
• Block 3: Sets of 7
• Block 4: Sets of 6
• Block 5: Sets of 7
• Block 6: Sets of 8
Perform for 4 weeks and then move on to something less taxing.


• Perform as a complex
Day 1: – Day 2: – Day 3:
Swing – Front Squat – Clean
High Pull – Clean – Front Squat
Snatch – Front Squat – Press
Push Press – Snatch – Jerk
• Perform as a complex
Day 1: – Day 2: – Day 3:
Swing – Snatch – Swing
Snatch – Press – Snatch
Push Press – Front Squat -Press
Push Press – Front Squat – Jerk


• Perform as a complex
Day 1: – Day 2: – Day 3:
Swing – Front Squat – Clean
Snatch – Snatch – Press
Front Squat – Press – Front Squat
Push Press – Front Squat – Swing
Jerk – Snatch – Jerk
For Strength:
• Use 10RM of weakest exercise in each combo to perform combo
• Perform as many combos of 4 reps per exercise as possible in 20 minutes
• Rest after each combo as needed
For Strength-Endurance:
• Use 15RM of weakest exercise in each combo to perform combo
• Perform as many combos of 7 reps per exercise as possible in 20 minutes
• Rest after each combo as needed
For Endurance and All Over General Bad-A$$ Conditioning:
• Use 20RM of weakest exercise in each combo to perform combo
• Perform as many combos of 10 reps per exercise in 30 minutes
• Rest after each combo as needed
Perform one KCC for between 4 to 6 weeks then switch to something else.


Perform the above workout as a chain instead of a complex.


This is the ultimate time-crunched workout.
1. Take a moderately heavy pair of kettlebells.
2. Perform as many Clean and Jerks as possible.
3. Rest. (See Schedule below.)
4. Repeat.
5. Rest.
6. Repeat.
7. Rest.
8. Repeat.
9. Done. That’s a total of 4 sets.
Do this 2 times per week, with 48 hours between workouts, such as Monday – Thursday, or Tuesday – Friday, Wednesday – Saturday, or similar. You get the picture.
Here’s the schedule –

Workout 1: Rest 60 seconds
Workout 2: Rest 50 seconds
Workout 3: Rest 40 seconds
Workout 4: Rest 50 seconds
Workout 5: Rest 40 seconds
Workout 6: Rest 30 seconds
Workout 7: Rest 40 seconds
Workout 8: Rest 30 seconds
Workout 9: Rest 20 seconds
Workout 10: Rest 30 seconds
Workout 11: Rest 20 seconds
Workout 12: Rest 10 seconds
This program will take six (6) weeks to finish. Do something much easier as your next program.


Do the same program as above, but instead of Clean and Jerks, use Front Squats and Jerks (Perform one FSQ then one JK – that’s one rep.)


Perform the following as a circuit –

A1. Pumps

A2. 2 Hand Swings

A3. Mountain Climbers

A4. 1 Hand Swing

A5. Squat Thrusts / Burpees*

A6. 1 Hand Swing

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds.

Perform up to 10 circuits.

It looks pretty easy on paper, but please notice that there is only 30 seconds of rest after A6 – not a standard long rest like there is after sets of traditional circuits.


*Hand-2-Hand Swing Ladders*

– 10,20,30,40 (total reps per set)

– Use a medium sized kettlebell

– However long you work in each set, that’s how long you rest before then next set. So if 10 Swings take you 15 seconds, you rest 15 seconds before you do your next set of Swings. And so on.

– Hit at least 2 ladders (200 reps). If you’re feeling really bad about yourself, get 5 ladders in.


Perform each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
A) KB Cleans x 3 each side
B) Hand – to – Hand KB Swings x 20 each side
C) Push ups x 20
Perform each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
A) KB Cleans x 5 each side
B) KB Swings x 25
C) PullUps / Inverted Rows x 15
Perform each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
A) Windmills x 3 each side
B) Burpees x 8
C) One arm KB Swings x 25 each side
Perform each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
A)KBCleansx 3 each side
B)Hand-to-Hand KB Swings x 20 each side
C)Push ups x 20KB Accelerator 8:Back Burner Equipment:Kettlebell, BodyweightPerform each of the following inorder, with no rest between exercises andwithout putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds andrepeat for a total of 5 rounds.A)KBCleansx 5 each sideB)KB Swings x 25C)PullUps / Inverted Rows x 15KB Accelerator 9: Burping WindmillsEquipment:Kettlebell, BodyweightPerform each of the following inorder, with no rest between exercises andwithout putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds andrepeat for a total of 5 rounds.A)Windmills x 3 each sideB)Burpees x 8C)One arm KB Swings x 25each side