Is Your Nutrition Keeping You Fat?

Here’s the top 5 reasons that may be why you are struggling to lose fat right now…
Reason #1. You are eating too many carbohydrates
If not eaten properly, carbohydrates and sugars are the lifeblood of fat storage. When our bodies digest carbohydrates, they send our insulin and blood sugar levels on a roller-coaster ride.
Having too many of these insulin and bloods sugar spikes is a case for disaster when it comes to storing fat. One of the first things I tell people when it comes to getting lean is they need to cut down on the carbohydrates.
This does not mean to cut them out completely but you definitely need to understand when the best times to eat carbohydrates are, so they can work for your body and not
against it.
Best times to eat your carbohydrates:
After a tough workout: The best time to indulge in carbohydrates is after a tough workout.
Because our bodies use up the glycogen in our muscles when going through an intense workout, carbohydrates will help refill the glycogen stores in our muscles and aid in recovery.
Eating carbs after an intense workout will have very little effect on fat storage. In fact, it will help burn fat, aid in lean muscle growth, and help with recovery.
Enjoy them on your Cheat Day: If you focus on eating real natural foods throughout the week, the next best time to eat your carbohydrates is on a cheat day. Each week, if you stay strong to eating healthy foods, you should take one cheat day to boost your fat burning back up.

Reason #2. You are eating too much fat
Lowering your carbohydrate intake allows you to eat a higher fat diet to meet your caloric needs but this does not mean you can just go crazy and eat all the fat you want. Fat contains nine calories per gram compared to carbohydrates and protein, which contain four calories per gram.
Although healthy fats should be a main focus in your diet (along with protein and vegetables), you cannot go overboard or go crazy and expect to lose fat.
Now please note, I am NOT saying you should follow a low fat diet. A low fat diet is far worse than having a diet too high in fats. Good fats should be at least 25% of your daily caloric intake.
If you are focused on incorporating good fats into each meal, along with your protein, vegetables and the right carbohydrates (at needed times) you will see incredible fat burn and results.
Good fats will burn fat so they are a must when trying to get lean.

Fats are great to incorporate to help meet your caloric needs but eating a whole pound bag of almonds or two sticks of butter everyday may not be the best choice…
Remember, a diet high in healthy fats will NOT make you fat. In fact it will help burn fat and make you feel better than ever. You just need to monitor how much fat you eat so you are not going overboard and effecting your results.
Reason #3. You are not eating enough
Don’t think that just because you cut your calories down that you will start losing good weight. Sure cutting calories will help you lose weight but if it’s not the right calories or if you are cutting too many calories, you will start losing muscle and storing fat.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to losing fat is not eating enough.
Cutting down too much on calories is not only dangerous but it will cause your body to store fat and lose muscle (a deadly combination).
According to one study, the first few weeks of a low calorie or crash diet leads to 70% loss in muscle and water weight. So yes, this can help you lose weight but 70% of that weight is water and muscle… Not good…
When trying to lose fat your focus should be on eating whole natural foods, and to eat them when you are hungry and until you are satisfied. You should not be starving
yourself in order to lose fat or lose weight.
If you are eating the right foods, the fat will melt off.
Many times you will hear people complain that they have stopped burning fat or are at a “stand still” when trying to lose weight. The reason is their bodies are being forced to store fat as back up energy because they are not getting enough calories. This is something you do no want and must avoid.
Reason #4. You are not eating enough protein
You will find that when you eat a diet high in protein, it will be easier for you to lose fat and get results.
Protein should be incorporated into every single meal, and should be the bulk of the food that you eat. A good rule to go by is to try and eat at least your bodyweight in protein each day.
This means if you weight 150 pounds, you should eat at least 150 grams of protein a day, if not more.
Protein is the key component when trying to add or maintain lean muscle, and is also a huge contributor to burning fat. So stop shying away from the protein and start upping the intake.
Reason #5. You are drinking too many calories
The morning lattes, the afternoon sodas, and the nightly beers are absolutely killing the results you are getting when it comes to losing fat. Drinking calories or “diet” calorie drinks will contribute straight to fat storage.
This includes fruit juices, sports drinks, milk, lattes, mochas, etc. Focus on drinking water!
Black coffee and unsweetened teas are also ok in moderation but water should be your main focus when it comes to beverages. (try drinking at least 8-12+ glasses of water a day)
Even the “diet” and “zero” calorie drinks are killing your gut. If you want to lose fat, stop drinking calories and put down the soft drinks. Focus on drinking water, simple as that.

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