In a recent New York Times exposé, bestselling author Gary Taubes dug into the “research” on salt.

Back in 1972, the National Institutes of Health introduced the National High Blood Pressure Education Program to help prevent hypertension.

Problem was — there were no “meaningful experiments” done yet. There were only two scraps of research.

One, based on observation, they noticed that certain groups of people who ate very little salt had virtually no hypertension.

That’s great, right? But these populations also didn’t eat a lot of other things. Like sugar, for instance. So it doesn’t prove anything.

The second piece of research was based on an animal lab test. Rats were fed a lot of salt and got high blood pressure.

The catch? The scientists gave them sixty times the amount of salt any normal human would ever eat. That’s the equivalent of almost TWO CUPS of salt every day!

And based on that — those two very weak studies — the USDA and FDA declared: “Salt is bad for you!”

An Annoying Lack of Proof…

Thing is, Jeremiah Stamler, a leading cardiologist from the inside, even admitted later… (In both 1972 and 1981), the data was “inconclusive and contradictory” and “inconsistent”.

But that’s not the worst of it…

Another “low salt” cardiologist by the name of Graham MacGregor was once caught saying the poor research was nothing more than “a minor irritation that causes us a bit of aggravation.

In other words, they’re all saying, “We don’t know if salt is really bad for you, but let’s keep the lie going because we’ve been telling it for too long now.

To this day, the people behind the eat-less-salt campaign have stuck to their guns.


And here’s what they don’t want you to know…

Too Little Salt May Actually Cause Heart


This is where it gets stranger…

Eating too little salt actually causes heart health problems!

It’s hard to believe, I know. But it’s true.

You see, outside of the USDA and FDA, scientists around the world didn’t really pay attention to the “salt-is-bad” campaign.

In one European study in 2011, scientists followed 3,681 subjects from Belgium, Poland, Netherlands, Italy and Czechoslovakia over eight years.

They discovered a lower sodium diet actually led to increased cardiovascular-related deaths!

The study appeared in The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA). It was ignored.


Our Body NEEDS Salt

Salt, in its most basic form, is sodium and chloride.

Sodium is an essential mineral. Our body doesn’t know how to manufacture sodium by itself.

Sodium keeps the fluid levels in our bodies balanced. From the water in our cells, to our blood pressure… to our lymph nodes.

Without salt, our heart cannot contract normally, which would damage our valves.

Chloride, on the other hand, keeps our acid-base balanced. It helps stomach acid, raises our pH levels and aids in absorbing potassium.

In short, salt regulates a lot of things in our bodies.

  • There’s a reason why we’ve eaten salt for thousands of years.
  • There’s a reason why we put patients on an IV saline solution when they can’t drink fluids. (Our blood is 0.9% salt).
  • There’s a reason why it’s in our genetic makeup to crave salt.

But somehow, the USDA has turned salt into public enemy number one at our dinner tables.


But Before You Pour Salt All Over Your Food…

Now, I know I just told you how thin the research is on salt being “bad for your heart” but don’t take that as a license to pour salt all over your food.

Moderation is the key. When you use salt, use just enough, not too much, and make sure it is the best salt you can buy.

But there’s another side to this story.

You see, most salts are bad for you. In fact, they’re downright poisonous and toxic to your health.

But here’s the funny thing. When I say “most”, I’m talking about iodized table salt, commercial salt often labeled as “sea salt” and even… kosher salt.

In other words, the salts you get at the grocery store or supermarket.

You see, most big brand salts you see in the store are refined. (And they taste like it too!)

 But it wasn’t the first time JAMA reported something like this.

Another salt-related study a few years before had subjects from Canada, Ireland, Germany, England, the Philippines and even the USA.

They followed them between November 2001 – March 2008. The results were the same. A lower sodium diet meant increased congestive heart failure (CHF).

But the real kicker is…

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey is a government-run health survey.

Over the last 30 years, they’ve found that higher sodium diets are not associated with elevated blood pressure.

Instead, it’s when you have too little minerals (like sodium) that you end up with higher blood pressure!

In fact, studies have shown that low-salt diets can increase the risk of heart attacks by 400%!

A lower sodium diet meant increased congestive heart failure (CHF).

“Higher Sodium Diets Are Not Associated With

High Blood Pressure”

How Many Toxins Are You Willing To Put In

Your Body?

Problem is — anti-caking agents have ingredients which may be toxic to your body. Just take a look at their scary-sounding names: sodium ferrocyanide, ammonium citrate and aluminum silicate.

Now, the government has deemed these chemicals “safe to eat”… and they’re low in toxicity…

The same government also says it’s safe to put Red #40 and Yellow #5 in our children’s cereal too. And as we know, many ingredients deemed safe in the past (like cigarettes), were called unhealthy later.

Why do the big name salt makers do this? In two words: “shelf life.” In one word: “profit.”

What’s more — the FDA allows them to have as much as 2% of your table salt be anti-caking and free-flowing agents!

But that’s not all…

The worst part is — some of them have caught on to America’s “health craze” and now put the “sea salt” label on their boxes.

But it’s all just a marketing ploy. Commercial “sea salt” may come from the sea… the question is — has it been refined?

Now, you may also be wondering — what’s wrong with “99.7% purity”? Isn’t that good?

That’s something else I discovered.

When you strip salt of its minerals… and you eat it, your body doesn’t “get it”. Trace minerals interact with one another, sometimes in ways that can trigger imbalances. Too much of one can cause or contribute to a deficiency of another.

Your body doesn’t know how to use it properly.

So if our body needs salt to live… but table salt, commercial “sea salt” and even koshering salt has toxins in it… what’s left?

Simple. We go back to how salt was made 150 years ago — before it became industrialized.

We eat unrefined sea salt made the way it was meant to be.

Can Refined Salt Kill You?


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