Is Crossfit Dangerous?


The jury is still out. What is the physical toll this style of training takes on your body?

When weighing up if an exercise is safe, I look at the benefits vs the risk. The benefit of doing the exercise or the program must outweigh the associated risk, otherwise it’s a no-go for me and my coaching clients.

#1 Problem with CrossFit

Here is my greatest concern with CrossFit: the use of Olympic Lifting for conditioning.

Olympic lifts (the snatch and clean and jerk) test your explosive strength, which requires greater range of motion and mobility compared to other strength lifts (squats, bench, deadlifts).

Plus, these Olympic lifting moves are HIGHLY technical.

Your form needs to be excellent, and it takes a lot of time (like years) to progress and master the movement to maximize results.

Like I said, the idea of Olympic lifts is to develop your explosive strength. Low reps (1-5 reps) with a heavy load is ideal. Now CrossFit takes highly technical Olympic lifts and prescribes high reps, for the general population.

Think about this: do pro Olympic lifters do high reps of snatches with heavy weight for conditioning purposes?

NO – because there is no benefit. Otherwise they would be doing it, right?

Safety is always an issue with high intensity training. As an amateur, if you don’t have the Olympic lifting techniques down, you can easily run into trouble.

Here’s the problem:

(A) Doing an exercise that is too advanced for you, means you won’t get the desired conditioning effect


(B) You can say “screw technique” and do it anyway… with bad form.

Sure, you use a ton of different muscle groups doing Olympic lifts, so you burn more calories. But as you get fatigued, your form breaks down and your risk of getting injured skyrockets.

High rep Olympic Lifting + fatigue = poor form ===> injury.

4 Interesting CrossFit Observations

Based on my adventure to CrossFit, I also discovered a couple of interesting points on safety and programming:

1. Initial Assessment

You know assessments are great, and essential for effective programming. It’s the best way to track progress.

The initial assessment is designed to do just that – assess. At the one I attended, it was more an initial “I’m going to try and kill you” workout than an assessment. That’s not safe (or cool).

Yes, I could do the workout with a little soreness the next day. But the out-of-shape folks around me must have been in pain for a week. No modifications were offered.

The thing is, the exercises were NOT appropriate. Walking lunges are an advanced exercise and not for the first date.

2. Random Workout VS Program

This separates the good trainers from the great. Programming. You can find any kind of random workouts on the Internet these days and do just it.

But is that workout right for you? Does it consider your current physical state? Is it progressive? Probably not.

That’s why the skill comes down to the program. Planning, progression and even regression, ultimately lead to results.

Again, some CrossFit boxes have excellent programming, while at others it’s non-existent. As an expert, I can tell the difference. But for the general population, unless it’s completely off-the-wall ridiculous – it’s just another tough workout.

3. Lack of Isolation Exercises

You know I rant about isolation exercises being the devil in a fat loss program, however they definitely have a place.

I feel that it’s essential to include some isolation work in your program, especially for your legs. Everyone has a muscle imbalance in the lower body to some degree. It’s just the way it goes.

CrossFit workouts do not incorporate isolated movements, instead focusing on complex total body exercises and executing with speed and power. If this is the only style of training you do, without working isolated muscle groups, you are feeding an imbalance that will eventually lead to disaster i.e. injury.

For instance…

The hamstrings are a great example, especially for the ladies. It is well established that women tend to be more quad dominant than men.

Women tend to have wider hips than men, making them more quad dominant. The big functional moves for your legs include squats, deadlifts and lunges.

If you are only doing these complex functional movements to train the lower body, without balancing isolated work sets with your hamstrings, the movement is feeding the imbalance and overloading your quads.

Plus, huge quads on a lady are not a sexy look. Consider the high knee injury rate for women, this imbalance puts the athlete/trainee at even greater risk for injury.

4. Good Coaches, Bad Coaches

No matter if you go to a box gym or private studio, there will be excellent coaches and some not so great. CrossFit is the same.

But again, if you have a bad coach teaching an amateur how to do highly technical Olympic lifts, then adding a ton of weight, doing high reps and racing the clock and your friends – it’s downright scary.

You trust your coach with your body, and it’s not something to take lightly.

The Last Word

There is no place for high rep, Olympic lifting in a safe fat loss program.

Sure you might burn more calories (and fuel your ego) doing a tougher exercise that uses more muscles, but in my opinion, it’s not worth the risk of injury.

Unless you’re an aspiring athlete or Olympic lifter, it’s just unnecessary.

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