This time of year is tough! It seems like no matter how hard I try sweets will inevitably find its way into my kitchen. It could be a well-meaning neighbor that baked some holiday cookies for me, or maybe it’s my niece who is having a bake sale to raise money for her trip to Cuba.
Sweets always find a way in my home – and then into my belly.
I’m not one to preach “no sugar ever – under any circumstances!” but I do know how horrible those little white crystals are for your health.
I totally get enjoying an occasional cookie or having a piece of cake here and there for a celebration… but this time of year it feels like from Thanksgiving to the New Year is one long party.
A few years ago I really struggled with balance.
How can I support the bake sale without stuffing my face with frosted sugar cookies? How can I say “thank you” to my well-meaning neighbor but find the motivation to not eat her sugary snacks?
Being a health coach/fitness professional I’ve learned a few things over time. I thought I’d share them with you in hopes that they’d help you out during this festive time of year.
Trick #1) When money is an option… opt for that.
I could buy cookies to support my niece, but one time I asked my niece if I could simply give her $20 instead. She could add that to the trip money or if needed, she could purchase $20 worth of cookies for herself and do whatever she wanted with them.
Often times there are simple solutions like this. It’s a win-win because I don’t have to bring sweets into the house and I still get to support the field trip.
Trick #2) Just say thank you and find the trash.
This one is sometimes hard for people because it seems so… well… naughty. These days I have my routine down to a science. I know when I can splurge and when I can’t. So when sugary snacks find their way into my kitchen – even if they’re from my lovely neighbor… they find their way to the trash.
I’ve also passed them along to other friends, but I felt weird about giving sugar to others I care about. I’ve also tried donating them to a local food pantry, but they can only accept canned goods and unopened boxes of food for safety reasons.
And I already knew from my past that if I let cookies sit in my kitchen, or if I try to come up with a rule like only 1 cookie after dinner… well… I knew it wouldn’t work.
So for my own health… I had to trash them.
I should mention that I became pretty good friends with my neighbor and eventually told her I don’t eat any sugar. I brought it up naturally in conversation (not when she is handing me her precious backed goods!) and since that conversation I haven’t gotten cookies. I’ve gotten a card with a lotto ticket instead.
A chance to hit the lotto is much better for my belly than a cookie any day.
Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with me. We’ll work out a plan to reach your goals and ensure that you’re focusing on what matters and leaving the rest of the confusing stuff behind.
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