I Never Talk About This…

I talk a lot about weight loss, being active, eating whole foods, and resting. I hope by now you’ve started to catch on to some of my basic philosophies when it comes to these points.
But there is something else that is just as important, if not more important, that I rarely talk about.
Mental health.
I don’t mean like deep therapy work… or the kind that requires any sort of medication. That is certainly outside the scope of my expertise.
I mean mental health as in de-stressing.
It’s no secret that most of us are stressed.
We stress about money, our career, our kids, our spouse, our “to do” list, the cleanliness of our house, and yes… our physical appearance.
We go to bed stressing about life and we wake up stressing about life.
It’s our favorite past time – even if we don’t know it.
This is the point in most articles where a bunch of studies get cited. The author tries to diligently prove the connection between stress and added cortisol, added weight, and well… added stress.
It’s like a hamster wheel.
The more stress you have the more stress gets produced.
I don’t want to cite the studies. You know they’re out there. You’ve read them. You’ve heard about them on the nightly news. Your doctor has told you to relax more – enjoy life more.
The last thing you want (or need) is someone telling you about how bad stress is.
So this article is about what you can do to lower stress.
Guess what the top 2 things are…
Yup, you guessed it. Being active and eating good food.
Movement has a way of casting off extra stress. You’ve probably heard that exercise makes you happier – this is one reason why. Exercise lowers stress.
And eating well is all about feeling less bloated and more energized.
But here’s the thing… if thinking about exercise and eating well stresses you out… well then we’re back in the hamster wheel again.
And that is what happens to most of us.
We want to start taking care of ourselves (to lose weight, to feel better, to lower stress) but the actual thought of it seems to stop us in our tracks.
After all, what workout should you do? Should you eat that “healthy” granola bar or not?
Here’s one way to take the stress out of taking care of yourself… get in touch with me. I work with clients all day long on these topics.
I know it can be scary to start something new. I know it’s hard to find the start of the tangled mess of “being healthy”.
That’s why I’m here. It’s literally my job to help you get off the hamster wheel and start moving towards your goals so that you can lower the mental stress of day-to-day life.
Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with me. We’ll work out a plan to reach your goals and ensure that you’re focusing on what matters and leaving the rest of the confusing stuff behind.

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