“Apologize to my body? What are you talking about?”
The other night I was watching a TV show (yes, even I watch a little TV) and the main character was complaining that people don’t know how to apologize properly any more.
He went on to explain that most people don’t ever apologize and if they do… they really don’t mean it, or at least the way they express their apology isn’t heartfelt or received well by the hurt party.
It got me thinking about what we do to our bodies over our life time.
• We gorge on candy and sugar as children (anything colored orange, yellow, or red was my favorite)
• We eat lots of processed junk food and drink a lot of alcohol in college (admit it)
• We eat lots of cheap food like spaghetti in our 20’s because we’re living on our own and paying bills for the first time
• We have babies and toddlers and shove food in our mouth as they take a 10-minute cat nap
• We rush to get older children to school in the morning to working long hours to taking care of our aging parents – rarely pausing for a breathe
… and so on.
We’re harsh to our bodies. I didn’t even mention all the crazy work out plans and fad diets we started and stopped. Anyone remember the maple syrup and cayenne cleanse?
We punish our bodies. We run them ragged and are generally unhappy with how they look.
That needs to change.
We need to say “I’m Sorry” to our bodies.
So what does that look like?
Well to properly apologize to someone you should start the sentence with the actual words we’re talking about: I’m sorry.
Then we need to take responsibility for what we did or said and make amends. That means taking actual actions to correct the problem.
Lastly, we need to promise that it won’t happen again.
So here’s an example apology to my body:
“I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry that I expect you to be perfect and don’t give you the food, activity, rest, or hydration that you need to be fully at your best. It’s a lose/lose situation for you. I commit to hiring a personal trainer and a nutritionist because I need to take responsibility that you, my body, are mine and I need to do the work. I promise that I will continue to treat you better and learn to love you more.”
Sometimes just saying the words “I’m sorry” can mean all the difference.
When our mind shift changes from hating the way we look to loving what we have and actively changing to better the bits we don’t like… well that’s where the magic happens.
I’d love to be part of your apology team. I work with clients day in and day out on this stuff and it works. Staying focused and staying committed is much easier when you have someone in your corner.
Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with me. We’ll work out a plan to reach your goals.
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