Get Stronger With These 3 “Tricks”

Did you know that when you become stronger, it can…

  • … Reduce your risk of injury
  • … Help you burn MORE fat at rest (the more weight you can move around, the more calories you burn)
  • … Help you become “insulin resistant”, meaning you can eat more carbs without it affecting your waist line?

Now the bad news – years or even just months of resistance training can wear down your joints if you’re not careful. 

It’s almost like a double-edged sword.

If you’re getting stronger using weights, that’s a good thing.

Yet, by getting stronger, it means you’re pushing around more weight, which can cause frustrating aches and pains to your hips, knees and shoulders.

So how can you work your away around this?

Bodyweight Training…

… but can you get stronger using just bodyweight? Certainly you can… by using these 3 tricks:

  1. Use A Workout Split 

First, avoid the full body approach. While this earns top marks for fat burning, taking some time to use a split can help you overcome recovery issues, protect you from future injuries and help you get stronger with “lagging” muscles.

So you could use an upper/lower split or even a lower/upper split with just one day used for a total body program per week.

To make chest exercises harder, use advanced pushups like Atomic Pushups, Hindu Pushups, etc.

Exercises like Pistol Squats are great to develop leg strength. And even if you think you’re not ready for something like that…

  1. Add Progressive Overload 

Next, you must, must, must add overload. This is the biggest mistake people make. If you don’t keep challenging your muscles, how do you expect them to get stronger?

They simply won’t need to.

You need to overload the muscles as that is what creates the micro-damage that causes growth.

If you aren’t sure how to overload them check out how these masters have done it:

  1. Do Multiple Sets 

Finally make sure you’re doing multiple sets. This is critical. You need sufficient volume in order to get the muscles to react (get stronger).

One set doesn’t cut it when getting stronger is the goal.

With the right bodyweight training, you can use a lower rep range and perform multiple sets just like you would in the gym, all while protecting your joints.

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