Fake VS Effective

I often cringe when I walk by fitness or health magazines these days. It doesn’t matter if I am in a bookstore, the grocery store, or simply scrolling through Facebook… I just can’t seem to get away from the splashy headlines.
“Lose 20 pounds in 7 days!”
“Eat tree bark and pine needles to cure cancer!”
“See how Tom added 15 pounds of lean muscle in 59 seconds flat!”
I mean it’s just crazy.
And the photos… don’t get me started. They are airbrushed and manipulated to make you feel bad.
Yup. I said it.
They are designed to make you feel less about yourself so that you buy the magazine to learn the secret to being thinner and sexier – like the fake cover model.
I know this isn’t news to you, but it may surprise you just how impactful these headlines and images are to your self-esteem. A study from Bradley University found that 3 minutes spent looking at a fashion magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty, and shameful.
70% just after 3 minutes – holy moly.
If that were a relationship it’d be considered abuse.
I’ll give you a minute to let that one sink in.
Look, I’m a fan of being healthy and fit and I do believe our culture needs more education on exactly what that means.
But I simply do not endorse an industry that thrives on making you feel horrible about yourself in order for them to sell a magazine or a supplement.
And since I’m feeling a little bold in today’s article… let me say this…
Not all fitness centers are the same.
Most of them sell you a membership and then forget about you. We never do that. NEVER.
It’s not just about the number on the scale. It’s about feeling strong – both physically and emotionally. It’s knowing that you are enough and that you are lovable. It’s about proving to yourself that you matter. It’s about showing your kids how to prioritize themselves and their health – you are their role model.
Magazines and run-of-the-mill fitness centers aren’t the answer. Deep down you know that. You’ve tried at-home magazine routines before. You’ve tried joining a big box gym. And well… not much has changed.
So I invite you to try something different. We’d love to meet you, hear about your goals, and show you around our place. It takes 30-minutes and there’s absolutely no commitment needed from you. We just want to connect and share what we do because it’s so different and it actually works to make you feel healthier, stronger, and more capable!
Book your free 30-minute consult now.

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