Adrenaline happens to be one of the most powerful fat burning hormones that your body produces.
When your adrenaline in pumping, you will notice increased strength, heightened senses, boosted energy, better focus, faster fat loss, and more…
Basically it can turn you into a Superhero.
The KEY to maximizing adrenaline and fat loss, however, is to not let your adrenaline stay too high for too long…
Adrenaline is a stress hormone, and we all know that too much stress can have a negative effect on the body…
In order to maximize your adrenaline and fat loss in your workouts, here’s a few key elements:
- Keep the main part of your workouts to 25-30 minutes.
For example…
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Main Workout: 25-30 minutes
Cool Down: 5-minutes
- Add in sprint intervals. (this is KEY)
Oh yea, sprints. You already know what those can do 🙂
Whether this be sprint intervals outdoors or indoors with burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, etc.
Add them to your workouts.
- Focus on gaining strength in your workouts.
The stronger you are, the leaner you are. The leaner you are, the less fat you have.
It’s a beautiful cycle…
- Throw in some jumping exercises.
Jumping really boosts your metabolism and adrenaline… Try some box jumps, leap ups, dunking a basketball…
If jumping is too demanding, try squat to toes or total body extensions.
Each of the 4 points above have been shown to increase adrenaline and fat loss in your workouts…
Apply those to your workouts today!
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