Fat loss plateaus are incredibly frustrating… We have all hit one before, and many of you reading this may be going through one right now.
So how can you breakthrough this plateau and start getting back to seeing the kind of fat burning results you want?
First understand that hitting a plateau is NOT a bad thing… Instead, its a NORMAL thing.
All it means is that your body has adapted to what you have been doing and you need to do a bit of a change up.
Having experience going through MANY different plateaus in my own training, I’ve got five tips for you today to help you push past yours.
Tip #1: Re-Start Your Diet
Diet has got to be number one. Most times simple eliminating the “hidden calories” from your day is enough to get that slight boost. Hidden calories are the sugar in your coffee or extra sauce on your chicken. Eliminate the hidden calories first, then look at the rest of your diet to see what may need to change.
Tip #2: Start Mixing Up Your Cardio
If you really want to push past your plateau, you are going to need two kinds of cardio:
High intensity and low intensity. You should be briskly walking for at least 30-minutes everyday, then adding in 2-3 high intensity sprint sessions each week.
Tip #3: Lift HEAVY
Yes, lifting heavy can help you get past your fat loss plateau because it will allow you to add lean muscle. In combination with your high intensity sprints, lifting heavy will turn you into a fat burning machine.
Tip #4: Lessen Rest Periods
For at least one circuit per workout, you should be focused on DENSITY. This means doing a certain amount of work in a very short period of time. For example, instead of doing 4 sets of 10 reps and rest 60-seconds in between, you would do 40 reps as fast as possible resting only when needed.
This is a great way to combine strength and cardio which will lead to immense fat burning!
Tip #5: Add in VARIETY
This is quite possibly the best way to push past your plateau. Like we discussed earlier, a plateau is your body adapting to what you have been doing.
So if you have been doing a similar workout routine for a few months, adding in variety EVERY workout will really help push past your plateau and into new heights in your fitness.
Here’s a few examples of what I mean:
Squat Jumps can be turned into Box Jumps or Depth Jumps.
Pushups can be turned in Explosive Pushups or Stability Ball Pushups.
Mountain Climbers can be turned in Suspension Mountain Climbers or Suspension Spiderman’s.
There are plenty of varieties that you can do. Just make sure the variety you choose FORCES your body to use more muscles. And typically this is done through adding in an outside object…
…Like a box, bell, ball, rope, suspension trainer, etc.
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