If you’re familiar with the concept of carb depleting or intermittent fasting, then you probably already know they’re both GREAT ways to burn off belly fat-fast.
However, they can also be a big hassle.
Even though I use both of these strategies at certain times of the year for aggressive bursts of fat loss, it doesn’t mean I necessarily ENJOY them.
It’s no fun constantly cutting carbs or not eating for 16-24 hours at time 5-6 days of the week.
But what if there was an easier, better way?
Enter: Early Day Carb Depletion
Early Day Carb Depletion is a RENEGADE Diet principle where you keep calorie and carb intake very low early in the day.
It gives you all the fat burning benefits of carb depleting and intermittent fasting — WITHOUT the headache of going ultra low carb or not eating for hours on end?
Remember, when you eat a big breakfast, or too many calories early in the day, you send your body into a fat storing environment via insulin, and blood sugar spikes…
Especially if you’re eating the typical breakfast foods like toast, bagels, cereal, pancakes, muffins, or even your so-called healthy orange juice.
EVERY one of these foods is a fat storing nightmare.
This is also why you’ll feel tired and get sleepy after a big breakfast or lunch, even if you eat healthy foods like oatmeal or sweet potatoes.
Also, if you eat every 2-3 hours, you never give your body’s insulin a chance to stabilize, which means you’ll NEVER burn fat, and you could DECREASE insulin sensitivity.
Conversely, LESS frequent meals can actually increase insulin sensitivity more than eating smaller frequent meals.
That’s why eating “light” in the early morning and afternoon is a great way to burn fat.
Here are 3 Early Morning Depletion examples:
1: An omelet cooked in grass fed butter, with some lean animal protein and your favorite veggies.
2: A breakfast including meat and nuts – a favorite because it sets up your neurotransmitters for the day, while keeping your blood sugar stable.
3: A protein shake with greens powder, and add tablespoon of coconut oil in your coffee to get the fast burning fats (MCTs). Great brain food too!
When I’m extremely lean and doing early morning workouts, I typically also add in a spotted ripe banana or have some berries.
NOTICE: Low calories with no starches or impact carbs until later in the day or at night.
Early Day Carb Depletion keeps your body in fat burning mode ALL DAY LONG, because it fuels your metabolism and keeps insulin LOW for faster fat loss and better energy.
This also sets up your body perfectly for a huge dinner that creates an incredible anabolic “effect,” which accelerates your metabolic rate, improves your insulin sensitivity, and increases weight loss even further.
And that’s what the new RENEGADE Diet is all about.
It’s a revolutionary new approaches to rapid fat loss by eating BIGGER meals at night.
I know it may sound like the exact OPPOSITE to what you’ve been led to believe all these years, but now you can enjoy big dinners all summer long, without worrying about getting fat!
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