There’s a silent killer in your body, and you probably hear about it every single day in the media.
I’m talking about inflammation.
It’s the root cause of virtually all diseases, and it can literally BLOCK your body from being healthy and losing weight.
The good news is that certain foods can stop inflammation and save your life (more on what to eat in a second).
You see, inflammation is a double-edged sword.
On one hand, you simply can’t burn fat or recover properly when suffering from chronic inflammation.
On the other hand, you NEED small amounts of inflammation to protect yourself by removing damaged cells, irritants, and pathogens from your body.
In other words, inflammation is part of your body’s immune response, which helps speed up healing from a cold or flu, for example.
However, most people are unknowingly suffering from chronic inflammation, which damages your cells and stops your body from shedding unwanted weight.
And it can show up everywhere in the form of:
– Rheumatoid arthritis: Inflammation of the joints.
– Celiac disease: Inflammation of inner lining of the small intestine.
(Triggered by gluten for certain people.)
– Psoriasis: Inflammation of the skin.
– Metabolic Syndrome: A disorder of energy utilization and storage that has been shown to occur in up to 34% of the U.S. population.
But the good news is that what you eat can greatly reduce chronic inflammation.
For example, there is a protein inside your body that can trigger chronic inflammation, especially in the intestines.
But when you combine Ginger and Turmeric, you can greatly reduce this inflammatory effect.
Eating ginger reduces the inflammation in the intestines, while eating turmeric (which gives curry its yellow color) “turns off” the inflammatory effect of this particular protein.
So what are some other foods that are loaded with anti- inflammatory ingredients?
I’m glad you asked 🙂
1 – Raw Nuts (loaded with alpha linoleic acid – ALA)
2 – Wild Caught Fatty Fish (MUST eat broiled or baked to preserve the Omega 3s)
3 – Dark Leafy Greens (VERY alkaline, which fights against inflammation)
4 – Garlic (been shown to be as effective as NSAIDs, like ibuprofen)
5 – Onions (contain allicin and quercitin, both are anti-inflammatory)
6 – Organic Berries & Tart Cherries (super high anti-oxidants and anthocyanins)
7 – Beets (super anti-oxidant food, which protects against cancer and heart disease)
8 – Tomatoes (rich in lycopene which has been shown to reduce inflammation)
9 – Peppers (chili and cayenne peppers are rich anti-inflammatory capsaicin)
10 & 11 – Ginger and Turmeric (mentioned above).
Add these foods to your grocery list today, and over time, you can reduce chronic inflammation.
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