Swap THIS => For THIS
- Birthing Machines => Lateral Lunges
Why? The fixed range of motion on the inner/outer thigh (aka adductors/abductors) machine targets one area on your hip. It’s not a functional move, as you are strengthening one isolated muscle group and over time, this will create imbalance.
Try lateral lunges. This exercise targets your glutes, inner thigh, hamstrings and quads – plus requires core engagement and integration. You will improve your hip mobility, lower body stability and burn more calories in the process.
- Chest Press Machines => Push Ups
Why? Go for push ups. This move is simply a moving plank (one of my favorite core exercises).
If you can’t do a full push up yet, make that your first goal. Start with an incline (raise your hands, rather than drop your knees to the ground). No girly push-ups, ok? Knees to the floor and you lose core involvement, which is a major component of a full push up.
No problem busting out a ton of push ups? Challenge yourself – try decline push ups, Spiderman push ups or suspend your feet from a TRX and do Atomic Push Ups. Oohh my abs hurt from doing those yesterday.
- Incline Leg Press => Squats
Why? The leg press machine puts a ridiculous amount of force on the discs in your lower back. The expert research on this topic speaks for itself.
Dr. Stuart McGill has dedicated his whole life to researching lower back disorders and is a professor of spinal mechanics at the University of Waterloo. His book “Low Back Disorders” has quality research that suggests the 45-degree leg press machine could seriously damage your lower back.
It may not break you today, but one day “boom”. Your back will be killing you for no particular reason, only thanks to this damn machine.
Learn to love squats. Your bodyweight is the perfect resistance to start with. Work to improve your mobility, and core integration before you add weight to mix.
- Glute machine => Step Ups
Why? Get a sexy butt without spending an hour at Barre class. Switch to step ups – there are plenty of variations to sculpt a lean, defined butt without stepping anywhere near a machine.
As a bonus, you engage your core at the same time and this movement transfers to your daily life. Climbing the stairs? It will be a breeze.
- Leg Extension Machine => Split Squats
Why? Target your quads, hamstrings and glutes all in one move. Isolating and training only your quads on the leg extension machine not only sets you up for muscle imbalances, but it causes excessive strain on your knee.
Once you have the basic split squat down, progress to reverse lunges and the Bulgarian split squat. Oohh good times. Expect burning quads. Sexy burning quads.
- Bicep curls => Chin ups
Why? The bicep curl is an isolated exercise, hitting one muscle group. Maximize your time and hit the whole upper body instead – yes, chin-ups are a tough exercise that requires multiple, large muscle group recruitment.
Struggling to pull your bodyweight? You can use a resistance band for assistance, or do negative chin-ups. You will get stronger, burn more calories in less time and your biceps will look lean and sexy.
- Tricep Dip Machine (or Kickbacks) => Tricep Push ups
Why? Again, replace the isolated exercises with a time saver move. Machine dips place major stress on your shoulder, so avoid this if you can.
Tricep push ups are tricky, particularly if you can’t do a full push up yet. Instead, try incline triceps push ups by bringing your hands closer together.
Just don’t waste your time with isolated exercises and tricep kickbacks anymore.
- Elliptical/Treadmill Intervals => Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT)
Why? Getting tired of mind numbing intervals? Yeah, I know intervals of “30s on, 30s off” gets awfully boring after a while, even if you watch your favorite TV program.
Try doing MRT or Accelerator intervals instead. This style of workout combines big, complex movements (using resistance) with incomplete recovery, to elicit a physiological response similar to interval training.
You can use weights, Kettlebells or bodyweight for resistance. The rep range varies from 8, 12, 15 or even 20 reps with minimal or no rest between exercises.
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