5 Rules For Superhero Results

Forget the myths, the ploys, the magic supplements, …

If you want to start seeing Superhero Results in the shortest period of time, follow these 5 rules for the next 28-days and see what happens.

Far too often, we get sucked into these crazy notions about how this ONE pill or workout or piece of food will “change your life.”

Yet, what it really comes down to is staying consistent and staying PERSISTENT.

Here’s the five rules that you can follow for the next 28-days to start seeing better results that ever before… Or Superhero Results as I call it 🙂

Rule #1 – Eat more protein…

Of all the foods you are consuming, protein should be the one you eat the most. Chicken, eggs, fish, meats, game, etc.

Protein boosts your caloric burn because it takes more energy to digest than carbs and fats. Plus, protein has been shown to keep you fuller, longer.

On top of that, a high protein diet will aid in adding ripped, lean muscle which will also lead to faster fat loss.

Try eating 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day (175 pound person should eat 175 grams of protein per day)

Rule #2 – Don’t skimp on the healthy fats…

Heathy fats burn fat, simple as that.

Eat more grass fed butter, coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, fish, nuts, seeds, etc.

Although it’s HIGHLY recommended to stay away from artificial trans fats, try adding in more healthy fats to your diet while cutting down a bit on the carbs.

Doing so will lead to faster fat loss, help reduce hunger, and maintain optimal hormone levels.

I recommend getting 20-40% of you calories each day from healthy fats.

Rule #3 – Hit “Superhero Status” in your workouts…

In other words… Get STRONGER.

The stronger you are, the leaner you will be. It’s just how the cycle works.

Although cardio plays a role in fat loss, developing your muscles will allow you to burn fat much more efficiently.

When you add lean muscle, you improve your body composition which means you will have LESS fat and LEANER muscles.

Rule #4 – Sleep like your life depends on it…

And this just isn’t referring to the quantity of sleep, but the QUALITY…

Let me ask you this…

Would you rather have 6 hours of SUPER high quality sleep or 9 hours of OK sleep?

My guess tells me you are saying 6 hours of super high quality sleep.

Set out to get as much high quality sleep as your lifestyle allows for.

This means shutting down the computer 2-hours before bed, sleeping in a pitch black quiet room, not eating huge meals a few minutes before bed, avoiding caffeine after 3PM, avoiding alcoholic drinks before bed, etc.

Sleep is what allows you to recover, rejuvenate, and produce powerful fat burning hormones.

Yes, that means you WILL burn fat while you sleep 🙂

Rule #5 – Think like a Superhero…

Mentality plays a HUGE role in the results you see.

As one of my favorite quotes says:

“Some people say I have attitude – maybe I do… But I think you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right there.” -Venus Williams

Believe in yourself and the system you follow. 

​Having the mentality that you can accomplish anything will transform the way you think and act.

If you want to do 10-straight pull-ups, what’s stopping you from doing it?

​If you want to do 100 straight pushups, what’s getting in your way?

If you want to lose 20-pounds in the next 28-days, what’s holding you back?

It ALL starts with the belief in yourself that ANYTHING is possible.

​Then from there…

It’s all about taking action each and everyday. Getting one step closer to your goals and dreams. And never giving up, even when the going gets tough…

Here’s to your many success that are ahead.

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