If you’re confident with the way your body looks then read no more. However, if you’re the second person sporting a year round beer gut or muffin top, always hiding away and afraid to sport what you’ve got then this article is for you.
That’s because I’m about to teach you 3 POWERFUL tips to help you see your abs for the very first time! Lets dig in…
Tip #1: Don’t Listen To The Mainstream Trends Or Local Fitness “Guru’s”
I’ve been in this game for a long time and I can tell you one thing confidently… The mainstream ab training gizmos and your local gym trainers do NOT know the right way to train your abs for a slimmer waistline and a strong core.
In fact, the research from world renowned spine health expert Dr. Stuart McGill says:
“Herniation (posterior and posterior-lateral regions of the annulus) occurred with relatively modest joint compression but with highly repetitive flexion/extension moments. Increased magnitudes of axial compressive force resulted in more frequent and more severe disc injuries.”
Reference: Callaghan, J.P., and McGill, S.M. (2001) Intervertebral disc herniation: Studies on a porcine model exposed to highly repetitive flexion/extension motion with compressive force. Clin. Biom. 16(1): 28‐37.
I don’t expect you to understand what the above statement means so let me break it down for you… Dr. McGill basically says that repetitive flexion and extension as in exercises like sit-ups and crunches can CAUSE disk herniation in you spine!
That’s crazy, right?
The most popular ab exercises in the world are not only keeping you from slimming your waist and building toned or even 6 pack abs, they’re also potentially hurting you!
Ok, you now know you should avoid ab gizmos, goofy fitness trends and your local goofball trainers telling you that the more crunches, ab rockers and sit-ups you do the better your waist will look. Which means you must…
Tip #2: Make Sure You Choose The Correct Exercises
The best way to train your abs is to use exercises that focus on stabilization not mobilization of your core. Let me explain…
Most mainstream fitness folks believe that your ab muscles were designed to help you flex and extend, or rotate from the waist. While these muscles do perform those tasks, the real design of these ab muscles is to stabilize your core NOT move it.
In fact, performing exercises like sit-ups and side-bends can not only wreck your spine as I just showed you above, it can also cause hypertrophy of your vertical running ab muscles making your belly or gut stick out even more!
Obviously, this isn’t your goal which is why you have to make sure you choose the right exercises like planks and gymnastic style lying leg raises in order to shrink your waistline, NOT make it grow.
However, the truth is, even the right exercises are worthless if you aren’t able to…
Tip #3: Make Sure Your Core Is Fully Activated
That’s right! Prior to any movement, the core needs to brace. So that’s why I cue every client by saying “brace you core” NOT “suck it in”.
You can do all the leg raises and planks you want but if your ab muscles aren’t working properly, you’ll never get the waist slimming results that will leave you confident enough to rip off your shirt or sport that sexy bikini you have sitting in your closet.
So, how do you activate your core muscles and what does that even mean?
Core activation is when all of the muscles of your core work together to create stability for the spine.
To be honest teaching people how to properly activate their core used to be reserved for elite athletes and wealthy physical therapy patients. Until recently.
Contact Shashido Enterprises for the solution!
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