The other day on Facebook, I was asked about ab exercises that don’t require you to be on the ground.
There’s a secret sauce you should do with ANY standing exercise and that’s to brace your abs as if you’re about to get punched in the gut by Drago, that evil Russian guy in Rocky IV.
Standing Ab Exercise # 1 – One-Arm Shoulder Press
“But Mikey, that’s a shoulder exercise. You don’t make any sense.”
Run this test – do a heavy 1-Arm Shoulder Press (6-8 rep range).
Feel the OPPOSITE oblique (love handle). Feel that? Yeah, it torches your love handles.
Standing Ab Exercise #2 – Cable/DB/Medicine Ball Chop
I prefer cable stations here, but if you don’t have access, you can do this with a DB or or Medicine Ball… or even just your own bodyweight. Here’s how it works:
Use the same motion, but using a Cable, DB or Medicine Ball.
Keep those abs braced HARD. I like the 10 – 15 rep range here for muscular endurance for the abs.
Standing Ab Exercise #3 – KB or DB Swings
Most people look at this as a finisher move or for metabolic conditioning, but man does it crush your core.
Aim for 15 – 20 reps and brace your abs harder than ever. You’ll see what I mean.
Want a new way to work your abs standing up?…
Use complexes.
Moving from one exercise to another with no “transition” time forces your abs to work harder, longer. Plus, you’ll use overhead exercises, which force your abs to stabilize, making your lower back practically bullet proof.
Complexes also…
– Increase your metabolism
– Burn more calories while you sleep than traditional exercise
– Improve your coordination and muscular endurance
– Improve your heart health
– Give you a leaner more athletic look
– Prepare you to fight Chuck Norris (even if you don’t know who Chuck Norris is… it’s THAT powerful)
Now when it comes to complexes done right, without the overtraining or marathon workout sessions…
Complexes are the perfect “hybrid” of cardio and strength training so you can work your heart, melt fat and hit your abs harder than ever with NO wasted time, even transitioning from one exercise to another.
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