3 Simple Secrets

The nutrition, lifestyle and exercise programs that most people are lead to believe work are terrible! I want you to know…


That being said, I get where you are coming from… I was confused as well… But, where I was once blind, now I see 🙂 Today’s email is all about giving your clarity.

If you want to actually get awesome results in and you’re sick of looking back at yourself months later disappointed with your results, then follow these 3 rules, plain and simple…

RULE #1 – Diet Is Always Gonna Be King

If you don’t eat right then you will never get good results. I can’t make it any simpler then that. Here’s 5 basic rules I teach people in order for them to get lean and provide the correct fuel for their workouts…

1) Drink Enough Water Daily (64-128oz/1-2L Is Plenty For Most People)
2) Eat Real Food 80-90% Of The Time (Meat, Veggies, Nuts, Seeds, Some Fruit)
3) Cycle Your Carbs (50-150g 6 Days A Week, More On Workout Days, Less On Non Workout Days)
4) Kick Up Your Heels And Cheat Once In A While (Once A Week Chill Out, Eat, Drink And Be Merry)
5) Listen To Your Body (If Stuff Makes Your Feel Bad, Tired, Bloated Or Causes Other Reactions Like Acne, Eczema Etc. Avoid It!)

It’s really that simple! Once I was able to follow these 5 rules, I could walk around 24/7/365 relatively lean and still be able to eat what I wanted.

RULE #2 – Workout Progressively And Consistently

Exercise does not need to be as complicated as most people make it out to be. In fact, I would argue that the reason most people don’t get results is because they over-complicate things.

Since your reading this I know you use my workouts and so I’m gonna take this opportunity to tell you something CRITICAL…

If you consistently follow any of my programs, you will get great results in the gym. You will look better, feel better and definitely perform better. Especially if you couple these workouts with a good diet like I just talked about.

I could expand on this rule all day but the reality is that you will never get results unless you do something consistently and progressively. I’ve provided the progressions for you in what I think are the most comprehensive systems ever created.

NOW… You just need to be consistent with them 🙂

RULE #3 – Gradually Build Better Lifestyle Habits

You probably already know that I have a book that tells you what habits you need to form in order to get the best results and completely transform your life.

The truth is, I don’t care if you buy the book or not… What I care about is YOU knowing what YOU need to do in order to become a new person. I thought about what I should write here, maybe give you a sneak peak into 5 of the habits that I think are the most important?

Then… I decided instead of give you a glimpse, I might as well just tell you what 27 habits I think are the most important if you want to completely transform your body and life. So… Here they are:

1.    Drink Enough Water
2.    Eat Your Veggies
3.    Eat Protein For Breakfast
4.    Work On Building A Strong Digestion
5.    Get Your Sleep
6.    Breathe Deeply
7.    Read Your Daily Affirmation With Gratitude
8.    Walk Every Day
9.    Do Some Exercise
10.    Get Some Sunshine
11.    Touch The Earth
12.    Use Cold Water Therapy
13.    Make Sure You Laugh
14.    Read Something
15.    Avoid Obesogens
16.    Kick Your Heels Up And Have A Cheat Meal
17.    Try Or Learn Something New
18.    Spend Some Time Alone Doing Something You Love
19.    Spend Some Time Socializing With Your Friends Or Family
20.    Go Outside And Play
21.    Measure Your Success
22.    Do A Selfless Act For Someone Else
23.    Identify Where You Are Currently At And What Works
24.    Set Or Adjust Your Goals
25.    Create A Plan For The Next Month
26.    Create A New Daily Affirmation That Focuses On Your Plan
27.    Do Something To Take Care Of Yourself

Just pick the 5 that you aren’t currently doing and work on making them a habit. Once you master those 5, pick 5 more and keep going!


If you wanna transform your body in 2014, do these 3 things…
1) Drink enough water and follow a real foods diet that cycles carbs and allows you to have some freedom each week.

2) Exercise progressively and consistently 3 days a week. Seriously, just follow any of my workout systems 3 days a week and focus on getting a little better each workout. When you do this, you’ll finally see the results you really want… I promise!

3) Build the healthy lifestyle habits above that will help transform your body and make you a better person in general.

That’s it!

Here’s to your personal transformation and keeping things simple!


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