Let’s get real here. Here are 3 SMART exercise swaps that will actually make life a lot easier…
Exercise Swap #1 The Sumo Deadlift for the Seated Leg Curl
Assume a wide stance with your feet slightly outside shoulder-width apart.
Grab a KB or DB between your feet, keeping your abs tight, chest up and your lower back in a natural arch.
Bend at the knees and grasp the KB or DB, then push through your heels to stand up.
Exercise Swap #2 – Farmer’s Walk for ANY Cardio
Holding a pair of heavy dumbbells, walk (I like to go a certain distance like 25m… or timed sets like 20 seconds).
Keep your shoulders back and your abs tight.
Exercise Swap #3 – Plank with Weight Transfer for Crunches
Hold a Plank position with a dumbbell next to one hand.
Keep your abs braced.
While maintaining a straight line with your body, roll the dumbbell to the other side of your opposite hand.
Repeat and go the other way.
This is a beauty. I like to go 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds. Do this up to 4 times. It looks easy on paper, but it’s brutal.
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