3 Exercises You Should Be Doing!

The three exercises below are something that you should incorporate into your training, and work on improving and getting stronger on a weekly basis…

Exercise #1: Pushups

Hands down the best upper body exercise around. The pushup is perfect for building strength, endurance, explosiveness, speed, and more.

And the best part is, you can do them anytime, anywhere.

Make it a goal to improve your pushups over the next 4-6 weeks. If you can do that, you will be surprised at how much of a difference in makes in all aspects of your training.

Exercise #2: Pull-Ups

Definitely a more difficult exercise, however, whether you can do zero or 25 in a row, there’s always room to make progress.

Not only will the pull-up work your back and arms, it will also develop an incredibly strong core and amazing abs.

Like the pushup, make it a goal in the next 4-6 weeks to see improvements. If you can do zero pull-ups right now, make it a goal to do 5 in 4-weeks from now. If you can do 25 straight right now, try to do 35 straight in 4-weeks from now.

Always be progressing.

Exercise #3: Sprints

What I consider to be the most powerful fat burning exercise on the planet…

There’s a reason sprinters are so damn lean and ripped…

You should try to incorporate some sprints into your training 2-3 times per week. And the best part about sprints is that 7-10 minutes is plenty time to see the results you desire.

These 3 exercises alone will make a drastic difference in the way you look and feel in your workouts.

If you can master just these three exercises, you will be well on your way to making great progress in your workouts and in the mirror.


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