AMRAP – 30 sec each.
Rest for 15 seconds between the exercises. Repeat for a total of 4-5 rounds.
Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Total Body Extensions x 30sec
B) Mountain climbers x 30s
C) Jumping jacks x 30s
D) Burpees x 30s
E) Side to Side Squats x 30s
F) Plank with Alternating Leg Raise x 30s
Warm-Up Then :
A1. Kettlebell Swings x 20
A2. Jump Squats x 15
A3. Single Leg Glute Bridge x15/side
A4. Ski Jumps (or lateral lunges) x15/side
Repeat A1-A4 with minimal rest between exercises and rest 90 seconds between sets.
Finish 3-4 sets.
Do the following as many times as possible in 5 minutes, resting only when needed. Take 2 seconds to go down and 1 second to come up. Once the 5 minutes are up, rest 1 minute and move into 2A.
1) DB Squat or Bodyweight Squat (15)
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 12 minutes, resting only when needed. Once the 12 minutes are up, rest 1 minute and then move into the finisher.
2A) DB Chest Press (8) or Decline Pushups (12)
2B) KB or DB Swings or Total Body Extensions (20)
2C) DB Row (8/side) or *Bodyweight Row (15)
2D) Stability Ball Stir-the-Pot or Spiderman Climb (5/side)
*Extend your arms out in front of you, then pull them in with palms facing the ground and your elbows in a 90-degree angle. Squeeze THE CRAP out of your back at the end of each rep.
Finisher: Burpee/X-Body Mountain Climber (as many as possible in 1 minute)
Set your timing device for rounds, 30 seconds work and 5 seconds transition.
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for 5 seconds between the exercises.
Note: take additional rest breaks when necessary.
Dynamic Warm Up
Do each exercise in order for 30 seconds, with a 5 seconds transition.
Repeat for 2 rounds total.
A: Butt Kicks
B: Single leg glute bridge (switch legs each round)
C: Reverse lunge w knee hug
Reset your timing device for 18 rounds, 35 seconds work and 10 seconds transition.
Do each exercise in order for 35 seconds, with a 10 seconds transition.
Workout Set #1 : 3 rounds
1A: Push ups (hardest variation you can do)
1B: Alternating prisoner curtsy lunges
1C: Toe taps
Workout Set #2 : 3 rounds
2A: Prisoner Squats
2B: Plank (hardstyle)
2C: Seal Jacks
20:10 intervals! 6 rounds (3 mins) 20:10
A) Punisher x 3 rounds 20:10 (1:30 mins)
Bodyweight Prisoner Squats x 20 seconds
Isometric hold at bottom of squat x 10 seconds (thighs parallel to floor)
B) 2 way mountain thruster 20s:10 x 3 rounds (1:30 mins)
Foam Roll and Stretch
1A) DB Reverse Lunge – 30 seconds per side
1B) Decline (feet on bench) or Incline Pushups (hands on bench) – 60 secs
– Do not rest between 1A and 1B.
– Rest 30 seconds after 1B before repeating the superset two more times.
– NOTE: Decline pushups are harder, incline are easier.
2A) DB Row – 30 seconds per side
2B) Bulgarian Split Squat or 1-Leg Hip Extension – 30 seconds per side
– Do not rest between 2A and 2B.
– Rest 30 seconds after 2B before repeating the superset two more times.
– NOTE: 1-Leg Hip Extensions are done while lying on your back and placing one foot on top of a bench. Point the other foot straight up in the air and contract your butt and hamstrings with the other leg to drive hips up.
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