I worked with a client once that told me a brilliant story about how her life seemingly flashed before her eyes.
Not in a near-death kind of way… more of a “time has gone so fast” kind of way.
She told me about how she had her kids (a boy and a girl) and before she knew it the kids were grown and off to college.
She felt a little empty. Unsure of her role as an empty-nester…
… and get this…
She realized for the first time in a long time just how bad things were with her health.
As she told me this story I could see the pain in her eyes.
She told me about running the kids from one place to the next as she scarfed down McDonalds fries for dinner. She told me about the guilt she felt at not feeding her kids more vegetables as they were growing up. She told me that she wished her husband took better care of himself and worked out a bit more – not to look better for her necessarily, but because she was scared that he’d have a heart attack like his father had passed away from.
She also shared with me that she felt guilty for feeling tired so often. She was worn out – both emotionally and physically.
She felt like she just completed a 20 year marathon of raising kids and now she needed a break. She needed to take a long deep breath and just relax.
She needed to recharge her personal batteries and refocus on her.
The thought of stepping foot into a huge gym scared the living daylights out of her. She felt intimidated and kind of foolish for letting herself go. She was also smart enough to know that left to her own devices and motivation… she would probably not succeed.
She knew she needed a bit of personal attention to really get her health back on track.
Luckily one of her best friends was a client of mine and she recommended my services. That’s how we got connected and started working together.
There are so many lessons in this little story and I know that many of you, women in particular, can understand the pure exhaustion of raising a family and trying to find time to care for yourself.
And the worst part about trying to get healthy is when you commit to a program and find out it’s not the right one for you and your unique set of circumstances. So you sign up at the local gym and then realize… it’s not what you really want or need.
I am different.
My goal is to sit with you and find out what’s going on in your life and what changes you want to make. I’ll share my program with you and if we’re a good fit… we’ll work together to ensure that you see the results you want to see.
Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with me. We’ll work out a plan to reach your goals and ensure that you’re focusing on what matters and leaving the rest of the confusing stuff behind.
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