2 Great Warm-Ups

Here’s a simple 2-move warm-up you can use right now:

The Side Lunge 

The side lunge is one of the best ways to build flexibility (and strength) in your ankles, hamstrings, groin and glutes all at the same time. The reality is that if you have a great side lunge, you have flexible hips.

Simply take a wide stance and lunge to one side while keeping the  other leg straight. Some important things to note as you do the side  lunge are:

a) Make sure your knees always go the same direction as your toes

b) Make sure the straight leg’s toes are towards the sky at the bottom

c ) Keep your foot flat on the ground and don’t let your heel lift up

d ) Try to keep your torso upright

Do 5 – 10 reps for each side, then…

The Bridge 

You can build strength in a way that no other exercise can and your spine and back will thank you because of it.

Simply start on your back, with your feet up by your butt and hands by your ears and press up as high as you can comfortably and hold  for time. For best results remember to keep your glutes tight, your arms locked and your chest pressed forward.

A great goal to shoot for is 1 minute with perfect form.

Just these 2 warm-up exercises will change the way your body feels helping you to increase your flexibility and strength all while reducing the risk of you getting injured.

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