These tips will help you avoid missed workouts, low-energy, and slow results.
1) Create Rules for Your Life
Don’t rely on inspiration or energy to stick to your program…you must plan & prepare to get your workouts done & to stick to your nutrition each day.
2) Sleep in Your (fresh) Workout Clothes
Sure it’s not very sexy, but you that way you will be less likely to skip your morning workout. Do everything you can to make Good Habits automatic.
3) Have TWO Solutions for Every Obstacle in Life
If you know that you have a very busy day and will find it hard to fit in a regular 30-minute workout, then make sure you have one of my 4-Minute workout videos prepared for use first thing in the morning.
Or if you know your day is packed with meetings and restaurant meals, plan your snacks in advance and check out the restaurant’s menu online so you know what to order.
4) Use Cut-Off Times
My clients love using Cut-Off Times to help them avoid night eating and to get to bed on time. This comes from the Rules you put in your life. Make a Rule that you NEVER eat after 8pm. This will help you avoid late-night snacking in front of the TV. Add another rule that you always go to bed by 10pm on weeknights and that you get 7-8 hours of sleep. Once you set these Rules in your mind, you’ll make the right decisions Automatic. That’s key!
5) Disconnect & Remove Electronics
Stop using all electronics an hour before bed. Research shows that electronic screens can interfere with a good night’s sleep. So cut off your email, iphone, and lap top use an hour before bed. You should also keep your phone and electronics OUT of the bedroom. If you use your phone as an alarm, set it across the room.
6) Try 1 New Exercise Per Week
7) Try 1 New Healthy Fat Burning Food per Week
8) Gratitude
Writing down what you are grateful for is proven to help reduce stress. Make a list of the great friends you have in life, of the little things that went right for you today, and about the big achievements you made.
9) Breathing
Spend at least a minute, and preferably five minutes or more each day, in deep breathing. Start with 6 deep breaths in a minute, taking 4 seconds to inhale and 6 seconds to exhale. You’ll feel so much better. Do this any time you get stressed, or as a great way to start – or end – the day.
10) Connect & Play Up a Level
Research shows that connecting with other successful people will make you more successful at anything in life.
If you want to lose fat, hang around other people that exercise, eat right, and are losing fat themselves.
If you want to a better person, hang around good, positive people.
If you want to make more money, hang around value-adding business owners that have happy customers.
Success in life is powered by the positive people that you know!
11) Eliminate Junk From Your Life
Get rid of clutter from your mind and manor. Toss the negative thoughts. Avoid the negative people. Get rid of stuff you don’t use that is piling up in your garage. The less negative stuff you have (in your mind and in your house), the happier and healthier you will be.
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