
Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.
1A) Stick-up (15)
1B) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat (15)


Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

2A) Kneeling Pushups (12)
2B) Waiter’s Bow (10)


Tight Body 10 Minute Workout

Perform 3 times through without Rest and as many reps as possible without sacrificing your form and safety.

1) Alternating Lunge – 60 sec
2) Plank Walk out – 60 sec
3) Normal Stance Squat – 30 sec
4) Commandos – 30 Sec
5) Plank on Elbows – 20 sec


Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes,resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

1A) DB Row (12/side)
1B) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat (15)

Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.
2A) DB Chest Press (12)
2B) Stability Ball Leg Curl (10)

No-Equipment Option
Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

1A) Stick-up (15)
1B) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat (15)

Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

2A) Kneeling Pushups (12)
2B) Waiter’s Bow (10)


Do the following circuit, resting when needed. In the first circuit, you’ll do 6 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you’ll do 5 reps.
Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
Remember, if your form gets ugly, you MUST stop and rest!

1A) Alternating Prisoner Diagonal Lunge (6/side down to 1/side)
1B) Kneeling Elevated Pushup (6/side down to 1/side)
1C) Alternating Bodyweight Chop (6/side down to 1/side)


Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

1A) DB Row (12/side)
1B) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat (15)

Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

2A) DB Chest Press (12)
2B) Stability Ball Leg Curl (10)

Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

1A) Stick-up (15)
1B) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat (15)


complete 3 rounds as quickly as possible on the exercises below… Rest as needed.

1A) Deficit Pushups* – 20 reps
1B) Bulgarian Split Squats – 10 reps each side
1C) Pull-Ups – 8 reps
1D) Wall Walk Outs – 1-minute

*Place hands on plates or blocks 6-inches high. Go down as far as you can on each rep…

**Wall Walk Outs**
Start in the first position then walk your feet up the wall then back out and repeat. If this is too difficult, perform hand walk outs.


Time Needed: Only 6 Minutes

How many Circuits: 2

30 Seconds work, then 15 sec rest


1. Rocking Front Plank L/R
2. Side Burpees L/R
3. Side Plank Oblique Twist L/R4. Reverse Renegades  L/R


Each exercise is to be done for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest. This workout focuses on upper body…

# 1
Superman + Pushup
Prone Iso Ab
Mountain Climbers
Wall Slides

# 2
Inward Int Pushup
Heel Push
Close-Grip Pushup


Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest. After the 10 minutes are up, rest 2 minutes and move into 2A.

1A) DB Row (12/side)
1B) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat (15)

Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

2A) DB Chest Press (12)
2B) Stability Ball Leg Curl (10)

No-Equipment Option
Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest. After the 10 minutes are up, rest 2 minutes and move into 2A.

1A) Stick-up (15)
1B) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat (15)

Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting when needed. If your form breaks down, you must stop and rest.

2A) Kneeling Pushups (12)
2B) Waiter’s Bow (10)


Do the following circuit, resting when needed. In the first circuit, you’ll do 6 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you’ll do 5 reps.
Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
Remember, if your form gets ugly, you MUST stop and rest!

1A) Alternating Prisoner Diagonal Lunge (6/side down to 1/side)
1B) Kneeling Elevated Pushup (6/side down to 1/side)
1C) Alternating Bodyweight Chop (6/side down to 1/side)


Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits.

1A) Goblet Step-up (8/side)
1B) DB Chest-Supported Row (8)
1C) DB Neutral Grip Chest Press (10)

2) Run in Place (20 secs), rest 40 secs – Do this 4 times

No-Equipment Option
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits.

1A) 1-Leg Lying Hip Extension (taking 3 seconds to come down and 1 second to go up) (8/side)
1B) Bodyweight Row or Stick-up (15)
1C) Kneeling Close-Grip Pushup (10)

2) Run in Place (20 secs), rest 40 secs – Do this 4 times


**DONT forget to warm-up, and cool-down!

Do the following superset, resting only when needed. In the first superset, you’ll do 6 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you’ll do 5 reps of each exercise. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
1A) Prisoner Squat (6, 5, etc., etc. down to 1)
1B) Kneeling Pushup (6, 5, etc., etc. down to 1)


Then :
Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.

1A) Lying Hip Extension (8)
1B) Kneeling Pushup (8)

Do the following 3 times, resting for 30 seconds after each set.
2) Total Body Extension (10)


Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.

1A) Bodyweight Step-up (8/side)
1B) DB Row (12/side)

Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.
2A) Kneeling Pushup (8)
2B) Bird Dog (6/side)

No-Equipment Option
Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.

1A) Bodyweight Squat or Lying Hip Extension (8)
1B) Bodyweight Row (15)

Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.
2A) Kneeling Pushup (8)
2B) Bird Dog (6/side)


Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits.
1A) Prisoner Squat (10)
1B) DB Chest Press (10)
1C) DB Row (10/side)

Do the following ONE time, resting when needed
2) Jumping Jacks (25)

No-Equipment Option
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits.
1A) 1-Leg Lying Hip Extension (5/side)
1B) Kneeling Pushup (8)
1C) Bodyweight Row (15)

Do the following ONE time, resting when needed
2) Jumping Jacks (25)


Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.
1A) 2-Arm DB Row (8)
1B) Jumping Jacks (10)

Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.
2A) Goblet Squat (10)
2B) Total Body Extension (12)

No-Equipment Option
Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.
1A) Bodyweight Row (15)
1B) Jumping Jacks (10)

Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 1 minute after each superset.
2A) Bodyweight Squat (10)
2B) Total Body Extension (12)


Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits
1) Prisoner Squats –30 seconds
2) Reverse Lunge –(alternating sides)– 60 Seconds
3) Single leg Bridge –(30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
4) Prone Leg Lift – 30 Seconds
5) Squat Hold – hold 20 seconds


Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits
1) Side Plank – (30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
2) Mountain Climbers – (alternating sides) – 60 seconds
3) Pushups – 30 seconds
4) Plank – 30 seconds
5) Cross Body Punches – (alternating sides) – 20 seconds


Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits
1) Plank walk out – (alternating sides) – 60 seconds
2) Mountain Climbers – (alternating sides) – 60 seconds
3) Downward Dog Pushups – 30 seconds
4) Commandos – (alternating sides)- 30 seconds
5) Straight Arm Plank hold – 20 Seconds


Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits
1) Arm Circles – (30 Seconds Forward, 30 Seconds back) – 60 seconds
2) Forward Punch – (alternating sides) – 60 seconds
3) Pulsed Push Up – 30 seconds
4) Commandos – (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
5) Plank hold – hold 20 seconds


Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits
1) Plank Walk Out – (alternating sides)

60 seconds
2) Spider Mountain Climber – (alternating sides) – 60 seconds
3) Plank – 30 seconds
4) Pulsed Pushups – 30 seconds
5) Double Leg Bridge – hold 20 sec


Butt and Thigh Sculpt
-Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits

1) Single Leg Dead Lift – (30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
2) Reverse Lunge –(alternating sides)– 60 seconds
3) Sumo Squat – 30 seconds
4) Prone Leg Lift – 30 seconds
5) Jumping Jacks – 20 seconds


Maximum Fat Burn
-Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits

1) Swimmer – (alternating sides) – 60 seconds
2) Stationary Lunge – (30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
3) Prisoner Squat – 30 seconds
4) Squat Hold – 30 seconds
5) Double Bridge – 20 Seconds


Thigh and Butt Fat Blaster
-Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits

1) Single Leg Bridge –(30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
2) Pulsed Lunge – (30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
3) Normal Stance Squat – 30 seconds
4) Swimmer – (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
5) Double Bridge – Hold 20 seconds


Butt Lift
-Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits

1) Double Bridge – 30 seconds
2) Clam – (30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
3) Fire Hydrant – (30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
4) Prone Leg Lift – 30 seconds
5) Squat Hold – 20 seconds


Step Booty Reshape
-Repeat 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits

1) Hip Thrust – 30 seconds
2) Bulgarian Squat – (30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
3) Step ups –(30 seconds each side) – 60 seconds
4) Double Bridge – 30 Seconds
5) Jumping Jacks – 20 sec


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1.Sprints In Place* – 10 reps each leg
2.Lateral Jumps – 10 reps
3.Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
4.Ice Skaters – 10 reps total
5.Squat to Squat Jump – 10 reps
6.High Knees** – 10 reps each leg
7.Quick Feet*** – 10 reps each leg
8.X-Body Mountain Climbers– 10 reps total
9.Sit Throughs– 10 reps total
10.Burpees – 10 reps

*Each time one knee comes up, that is considered ONE rep. Perform 10-reps on EACH side.
**High knees is exactly like sprints in place, however, your goal is to drive your knee as high as you can on each rep.
***Quick Feet is exactly like sprints in place, however, your goal is to keep your knees bent and low while tapping your feet as fast as possible.
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1.Pull-Ups – 10 reps
2.Explosive Pushups – 10 reps
3.Box Jumps – 10 reps
4.Close-Grip Pushups – 10 reps
5.Leap Ups – 10 reps
6.Burpee Double Jump – 10 reps each leg
7.Sprints In Place* – 10 reps each leg
8.Chin-Ups– 10 reps total
9.Sit Throughs– 10 reps total
10.Ice-Skaters – 10 reps total
*Each time one knee comes up, that is considered ONE rep. Perform 10-reps on EACH side.
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1.Prisoner Squat Jumps – 10 reps
2.Pull-Ups – 10 reps
3.Burpees – 10 reps
4.T-Pushups – 10 reps
5.Broad Jumps – 10 reps
6.Sprints In Place* – 10 reps each leg
7.Outside Mountain Climbers– 10 reps total
8.Sit Throughs– 10 reps total
9.Squat To Squat Jump – 10 reps
10.Pushups – 10 reps

*Each time one knee comes up, that is considered ONE rep. Perform 10-reps on EACH side.
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round of going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1.Off-Set Pushups (right hand in front) – 10 reps
2.Off-Set Pushups (left hand in front) – 10 reps
3.Pull-Ups – 10 reps
4.X-Body Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
5.Dive Bomber Pushups – 10 reps
6.Rocking Planks – 10 reps
7.Chin-Ups – 10 reps
8.Pushups – 10 reps
9.Outside Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
10.Burpees – 10 reps

Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1.Squat Jumps – 10 reps
2.Alternating Lunges – 10 reps total
3.Bodyweight Squats – 10 reps
4.Reverse Alternating Lunges – 10 reps total
5.Squat Holds – 10 SECONDS
6.Calf Raises – 10 reps
7.Ground Lunge Punches– 10 reps total
8.Squat To Squat Jump – 10 reps
9.Alternating Lunges – 10 reps total
10.Squat Holds – 10 SECONDS

Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1. Pull-Ups – 10 reps
2. Explosive Pushups – 10 reps
3. Box Jumps – 10 reps
4. Close-Grip Pushups – 10 reps
5. Leap Ups – 10 reps
6. Burpee Double Jump – 10 reps each leg
7. Sprints In Place* – 10 reps each leg
8. Chin-Ups– 10 reps total
9. Sit Throughs– 10 reps total
10. Ice-Skaters – 10 reps total
*Each time one knee comes up, that is considered ONE rep. Perform 10-reps on EACH side.
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.

You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1. Prisoner Squat Jumps – 10 reps
2. Pull-Ups – 10 reps
3. Burpees – 10 reps
4. T-Pushups – 10 reps
5. Broad Jumps – 10 reps
6. Sprints In Place* – 10 reps each leg
7. Outside Mountain Climbers– 10 reps total
8. Sit Throughs– 10 reps total
9. Squat To Squat Jump – 10 reps
10. Pushups – 10 reps
*Each time one knee comes up, that is considered ONE rep. Perform 10-reps on EACH side.
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round of going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Upper Body Crush
Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1. Off-Set Pushups (right hand in front) – 10 reps
2. Off-Set Pushups (left hand in front) – 10 reps
3. Pull-Ups – 10 reps
4. X-Body Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
5. Dive Bomber Pushups – 10 reps
6. Rocking Planks – 10 reps
7. Chin-Ups – 10 reps
8. Pushups – 10 reps
9. Outside Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
10. Burpees – 10 reps
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.
Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1. Squat Jumps – 10 reps
2. Alternating Lunges – 10 reps total
3. Bodyweight Squats – 10 reps
4. Reverse Alternating Lunges – 10 reps total
5. Squat Holds – 10 SECONDS
6. Calf Raises – 10 reps
7. Ground Lunge Punches– 10 reps total
8. Squat To Squat Jump – 10 reps
9. Alternating Lunges – 10 reps total
10. Squat Holds – 10 SECONDS
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
1. Sprints In Place* – 10 reps each leg
2. Lateral Jumps – 10 reps
3. Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
4. Ice Skaters – 10 reps total
5. Squat to Squat Jump – 10 reps
6. High Knees** – 10 reps each leg
7. Quick Feet*** – 10 reps each leg
8. X-Body Mountain Climbers– 10 reps total
9. Sit Throughs– 10 reps total
10. Burpees – 10 reps
*Each time one knee comes up, that is considered ONE rep. Perform 10-reps on EACH side.
**High knees is exactly like sprints in place, however, your goal is to drive your knee as high as you can on each rep.
***Quick Feet is exactly like sprints in place, however, your goal is to keep your knees bent and low while tapping your feet as fast as possible.
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
Lateral Jumps – 10 reps
Pushups – 10 reps
Bodyweight Squats – 10 reps
Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
Alternating Lunges – 10 reps total
Plank to Pushup – 10 reps
Hip Raises – 10 reps
Rocking Planks – 10 reps
Leap Ups or Step Ups – 10 reps total
Sprints in Place* – 10 reps each leg
*Each time one knee comes up, that is considered ONE rep. Perform 10-reps on EACH side.
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.


Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed.
You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.
Burpees – 10 reps
Sit Throughs – 10 reps
Reach Through Pushups – 10 reps total
Broad Jumps – 10 reps
Pull-Ups – 10 reps
Ice Skaters – 10 reps total
Outside Mountain Climbers – 10 reps total
Box Jumps – 10 reps
Chin Ups – 10 reps
Leap Ups – 10 reps total
Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible

Do the following circuit ONCE, resting only when needed.
Bulgarian Jump Squats (20/side)
Divebomber Pushups (20)
Bodyweight Squat (20)
Burpee/X-Body Mountain Climber Combo (20)


Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.  Once you finish the first round, repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds.

  • Lying Hip Extensions – 30 seconds
    Rest 30 seconds
  • Kneeling Pushups – 30 seconds
    Rest 30 seconds
  • Bodyweight Squats – 30 seconds
    Rest 30 seconds
  • Stick Ups – 30 seconds
    Rest 30 seconds
  • Glute Bridge – 30 seconds
    Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time


Do each exercise for 35 seconds and rest 25 seconds before moving to the next exercise.  Once you finish the first round, repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds.

  • 1 Leg Lying Hip Extensions (switch legs next round) – 35 seconds
    Rest 25 seconds
  • Plank – 35 seconds
    Rest 25 seconds
  • High Knees Sprint in Place – 35 seconds
    Rest 25 seconds
  • Close Grip Pushups – 35 seconds
    Rest 25 seconds
  • Wall Squat – 35 seconds
    Rest 25 seconds, repeat 1 more time.

We’re using the 20-10 format here, which means 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest.  That equals 1 round.  Complete as many reps as possible in each 20 second interval.  Do the specified number of rounds for each exercise.

  • Close Stance Bodyweight Squats – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds (2 minutes total)
  • Eccentric Pushups (4 second lowering phase) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
  • Split Squats (switch legs each round) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
  • Side Plank (switch sides each round) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
  • Mountain Climber Burpees – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds


Burpees – 40 seconds

Rest – 20 seconds

Stationary Plank – 40 seconds

Rest – 20 seconds

Lunges (Left Side) – 40 seconds

Rest – 20 seconds

Lunges (Right Side) – 40 seconds

Rest – 20 seconds

Mountain Climbers – 40 seconds

Rest – 20 seconds

Prisoner Squats – 40 seconds

Rest – 20 seconds

High Knees – 40 seconds

Rest – 20 seconds



3-Exercise Total Body Cardio

  1. Kettlebell Swings – 10 reps
  2. Burpees – 5 reps
  3. Goblet Squat – 5 reps
    1. Rest 30 seconds, repeat 9 more times.

So you’ll do a total of 10 rounds, but the reps are relatively low, so you can knock it out in around 10 minutes.

And just in case you don’t know what a Goblet Squat is – it’s essentially a bodyweight squat, but you’re holding a dumbbell or Kettlebell with both hands close to your chest.


Quickie Booty Cardio Workout – Beginner Level

  1. Total Body Extensions – 2 rounds of 20-10
  2. Mountain Climbers – 2 rounds of 20-10
  3. Bodyweight Squats – 2 rounds of 20-10
  4. Close-Grip or Kneeling Close-Grip Pushups – 2 rounds of 20-10
    – Repeat the circuit one more time for a total of 8 ‘quickie’ minutes.



  1. Total Body Extensions – 4 rounds of 20-10
  2. Pushups – 4 rounds of 20-10 (use kneeling pushups if you fatigue)
  3. Punisher Squats – 8 rounds of 20-10 (10 second hold in bottom position)

The Total Body Extensions take a total of 2 minutes, as will the Pushups, and then the Punisher Squats is a full 4 minutes, for a total of 8 minutes.

Do this 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits.

3-Exercise Circuit for a Firmer Butt

DB Split Squat (*1-1/2 rep style) (8/side)

Goblet Step-ups (10/side)

Lying Glute Bridge (30 secs)

*Go all the way down, halfway up, then all the way down and then finally all the way up. That’s just 1 rep!


 The Upper-Body Booster Circuit

1A) *DB Incline Press – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

1B) 90% Pushup – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds (come only 90% of way up)

1C) DB 1-Arm Row – 40 seconds per side, rest 20 seconds each

– Rest 1 full minute and repeat the circuit 1 more time.



 The Great Butt Trouble Spot Circuit

1A) Reverse Lunges (alternating sides) – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds each

1B) 1-Leg Lying Hip Extension – 40 seconds per side, rest 20 seconds each

1C) Prisoner Squats – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

1D) Hard-Core Plank (squeeze your glutes HARD!) – 40 seconds, rest 20s

– Repeat the circuit 1 more time.

That will build a great butt in just 10 minutes twice per week. You can also hold dumbbells at your sides for lunges or a in the “Goblet” position at chest height for squats.


  • Pushups – As many reps as possible
  • Jumping Jacks – 50 reps
  • Sumo Squats – 20 reps
  • As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes

Only rest when you need to.  This will help you get back on track with your workouts for the week.

We’re only going 10 minutes here, so don’t pace yourself just so you can make it to the end.



Use the same weight for the 3 weighted exercises:

5 Barbell Squats
5 Deadlifts
5 Overhead Press
25 Burpees
5 Barbell Squats
5 Deadlifts
5 Overhead Press
20 Burpees
5 Barbell Squats
5 Deadlifts
5 Overhead Press
15 Burpees


Do the following superset resting only when needed.
In the first superset, you’ll perform 12 reps of each exercise.
In the next superset, you’ll perform 11 reps of each.
Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
Bulgarian Jump Squat (10/side…1/side)
Mountain Climber Sprint to Start (10…1)


Do the following circuit ONE time, resting only when needed.

Sprinter Step-ups (20)
Alternating Reverse Prisoner Lunge (20/side)
Spiderman Climb Pushup (10/side)
Sprinter Step-ups (20)
Total Body Extension (40)
Skater Hops (20/side)
Close-Grip Pushups (40)
Narrow Stance Squats (40)
Sprinter Step-ups (20)


1) Total Body Extension- 45 seconds (15 second rest)
2) Close-Grip Pushups – 45 seconds (15 second rest)
3) Prisoner Lunges or 1-Leg Hip Extensions – 45 seconds/side (15 sec rest)
4) Burpees or Bodyweight Squats – 30 seconds (30 second rest)
5) Cross-Body Mountain Climber or Plank – 45 seconds (15 second rest)
6) Jumping Jacks – 45 seconds (15 second rest)
7) Prisoner Squat Jumps or Wall Squat Hold – 30 seconds (30 second rest)
8] 90% Close-Grip Pushup or Kneeling version – 45 seconds (15 second rest)
9) Total Body Extensions – 60 seconds
– Do the circuit once for a total of 10-minutes


2A) KB Goblet Squat – 10 reps
2B) Jump Rope (or Jumping Jacks) – 1 minute
– Rest 30 seconds between supersets.
– Repeat the superset 5 times.


1A) KB Goblet Squat – 10 reps
1B) KB Swings – 20 reps
– Rest 30 seconds between supersets.
– Repeat the superset 5 times.


Complete all reps before moving to the next! Complete this workout as quickly as possible.
• Single Leg Burpee: 7 reps each leg
• Clapping Pushups: 10 reps
• Single Leg Burpee: 6 reps each leg
• Wide Grip Pushups: 10 reps
• Single Leg Burpee: 5 reps each leg
• Close Grip Pushups: 10 reps
• Single Leg Burpee: 4 reps each leg
• T-Pushups: 10 reps
• Single Leg Burpee: 3 reps each leg
• Staggered Pushups: 10 reps
• Single Leg Burpee: 2 reps each leg
• Staggered Pushups (opposite hand forward): 10 reps
• Single Leg Burpee: 1 reps each leg
Workout Goal: Your goal is to beat your time each time you do this finisher.


Complete as many rounds as possible of the exercises below in 7-minutes.
• 7 burpees
• 7 kettlebell swings
• 7 box jumps
◦ Complete as many rounds as possible in 7-minutes
Workout Goal: Each time you perform this workout, your goal is to get more rounds
than you did the time before. For example, if you do 3 rounds the first time, your goal
is to beat that the next time.


Move from one exercise to the next only resting when needed. Complete 3
rounds as quickly as possible.
• Bulgarian Split Squat: 10 reps each leg
• Single Arm Burpees: 5 reps each arm
• DB Squat to Single Arm Press: 10 reps each side
• Jump Lunges: 5 reps each side
◦ Repeat for 3 total rounds
Workout Goal: Each time you perform this workout, your goal is to beat your
previous total time.


This uses the jump rope, which burns up to 19 calories a minute! (there’s your REAL cardio). If you don’t have a jump rope, you can use Jumping Jacks.

Jump Rope (20 secs), rest 10 secs – Do this 6 times, then…
X-Body Mountain Climbers (20 secs), rest 10 secs – Do this 4 times, then…
Jump Rope (20 secs), rest 10 secs – Do this 6 times, then…
Bodysaw (20 secs), rest 10 secs – Do this 4 times, then…

10-Minute Total Abs & Arms
1) 90% Close Grip or 90% Kneeling Close-Grip Pushups – 15 seconds
2) Crushing Plank – 45 seconds
3) Burpee – 15 seconds
4) 90% Mountain Climbers – 45 seconds (alternating sides)
5) Plank-to-Triceps Extension – 15 seconds
6) Squat Thrusts – 45 seconds
7) Jumping Jacks – 15 seconds
8) Cross-Body Toe Touches – 45 seconds (alternating sides)
9) Spiderman Pushups – 15 seconds (alternating sides)
10) Total Body Extensions – 45 seconds
– Go through the circuit two times with no rest between exercises.
– Do NOT rest at at the end of the circuit


Go through these 5 exercises is a ladder style of repititions. You will start with 5 reps of each exercise, then go down to 4 reps of each, then 3…all the way down to 1 rep of each exercise. If and when you get to 1 rep, you will start back over with 5 reps each and continue your way back down. You will complete this for 10 straight minutes. Only rest when needed.
1) Inchworm – 5 reps…4 reps..3 reps…1 rep
2) 1 Leg Lying Hip Raise – 5 reps…4 reps…3 reps…1 rep
3) Burpee – 5 reps…4 reps…3 reps…1 rep
4) Prisoner Reverse Lunge – 5 reps…4 reps…3 reps…1 rep
5) Close Grip Pushup (slow pace) – 5 reps…4 reps…3 reps…1 rep


Go through these exercises in a 20-10 style. This means you will exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. If a particular exercise says “2 Rounds” you will repeat that same exercise and sequence before moving on to the next round.
1A) Squat Jumps – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds

1B) Spiderman Climb – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds

1C) Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds

1D) Rocking Plank – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds
Rest one minute before repeating one more time.


Go through each exercise for 1 minute with minimal rest. As soon as your minute is up you will proceed to the next exercise and continue through each exercise until the 10 minutes is up.
Jacks Punching Up (perform a regular jumping jack, but punching up with both fists overhead when your feet go out. Bring your fists back down to chest area when you bring feet back together)

Narrow Stance Squat Side Plank Punches (30 Seconds Per Side)

Ali Shuffle High Knees Punches (Start Running in Place, driving your knees up, while at the same time performing alternating punches) Donkey Kicks (30 seconds per side)

Alternating Knee to Elbow Cross Body Mountain Climbers

1 Leg Lying Hip Raises (30 seconds per side)

Burpee/10 Punch Combo (perform one burpee and immediately followed by 10 straight punches)


Do the following circuit ONE time, resting for 15 seconds between exercises. Do as many as possible in the minute given.
1A) Prisoner Squat (1 minute)
1B) Spiderman Pushups (1 minute)
1C) KB or DB Swings (1 minute)
1D) Squat Thrust (1 minute)
1E) Lateral Jumps (1 minute)
1F) X-Body Mountain Climber (1 minute)
1G) Jumping Jacks (1 minute)


Go through these exercises in a 20-10 style. This means you will exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. If a particular exercise says “2 Rounds” you will repeat that same exercise and sequence before moving on to the next round.
1) Prisoner Squats (2 rounds ) 2) T-Pushups (2 rounds) 3) Total Body Extensions (2 rounds) 4) Pushups (2 rounds) 5) Swing Lunges (2 rounds) 6) Mountain Climbers (2 rounds) 7) *PUNISHER SQUATS!!! (8 rounds)
*The Punisher squat is where you are going to do bodyweight squats for 20 seconds, then hold the bottom of the squat position for 10 seconds. Repeat this for a total of 8 rounds!


*30 sec each exercise – AMRAP

*15 sec rest between exercises

1. Rocking Front Plank L/R

2. Side Burpees L/R

3. Side Plank Oblique Twist L/R

4. Reverse Renegades  L/R



1A) Prisoner Squat or Jumping Jacks
1B) Spiderman Pushup or Regular Pushup
1C) Burpee or Total Body Extension
1D) Reverse Split Squat (20 seconds per leg)
1E) X-Body Mountain Climber (alternating sides)
– Do each exercise for 20 seconds and then rest 10 seconds.
– Rest 30 seconds at the end of the circuit before repeating 2 more times.


1.    Bodyweight Squats – 60 seconds (as many reps as possible)
2.    Pushups – 60 seconds (as many reps as possible)
3.    Repeat 4 more times, rest only when necessary


Bodyweight Version
– Take 2 seconds to lower your body and lift in 1 second.
– Do 10 reps per exercise (or set your interval timer for 30 seconds)
– Do NOT rest between exercises.

1) Prisoner Reverse Lunge – 10 reps per side
2) Decline or Close-Grip Pushup – 10 reps
3) Total Body Extension – 20 reps in 30 seconds
4) Pushups – 10 reps
5) Jumping Jacks – 20 reps in 30 seconds
6) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers – 10 reps per side (alternating)
– Repeat 3 times for a total of 10 minutes of Christmas Calorie Burning


For the Goblet exercise, hold a dumbbell in both paws at chest height.
– Take 2 seconds to lower the weight/your body and lift in 1 second.
– Do 10 reps per exercise (or set your interval timer for 30 seconds)
– Do NOT rest between exercises.

1) DB Goblet Reverse Lunge – 10 reps per side
2) DB 1-Arm Standing Shoulder Press – 10 reps per side
3) DB 1-Arm Row – 10 reps per side
4) DB Chest Press – 10 reps
5) DB or KB Swing – 20 reps in 30 seconds (you’ll do this exercise faster)
– Repeat 2 times for a total of 10 minutes…

…You’ll burn 13 to 20 calories per minute, PLUS you’ll enjoy several hours of extended “Afterburn” calorie burning…


10-Minute 20-10 Calorie Blaster

1A) Prisoner Squats

1B) Close-Grip Pushups

1C) Total Body Extensions

1D) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers (alternating sides)

– Do each exercise for 20 seconds & rest 10 seconds as you go to the next.

– Go through the circuit 8 times for a total of 4 minutes of workout time.

2A) Jumping Jacks

2B) Run-in-Place

2C) Burpees

2D) Prisoner Reverse Lunges (alternating sides)

– Do each exercise for 20 seconds & rest 10 seconds as you go to the next.

– Go through the circuit 8 times for a total of 4 minutes of workout time.

3A) Pushups (or hold a Pushup Plank)

3B) Total Body Extension

– Do each exercise once for 60 seconds.


The Bodyweight Fat Blaster to Tighten Your Arms

1) Total Body Extensions (or Burpees) – 30 seconds

2) Close-Grip Pushups (or Mountain Climbers) – 30 seconds

– Rest 30 seconds and repeat as many times as possible in 6-10 minutes.


The Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution to Tighten Your Butt & Thighs

1A) Reverse Lunges – 30 seconds per side

1B) Punisher Squats – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 2

– Rest 30 seconds and repeat up to four times.


 8 Min Density AMRAP Set Of:

  1. a) Bodyweight Squat –> Squat Jump x 3
  2. b) Push Ups –> Push Ups Off Of KB’s or DB’s x 5
  3. c) Single Arm Bent KB or DB Rows x 10 / Arm –> Double KB or DB Bent Row x 10

***(–>) Signifies PROGRESSION in movement

Now what you would do here is try and get in as many full rounds or reps as possible within 8 minutes.

You’d rest when need be, but your focus would be on getting in as much work / volume done as possible.


  • Barbell Front Squats: 10-reps
  • Barbell Overhead Press: 10-reps
  • Barbell Deadlifts: 10-reps
  • Barbell Bent Over Row: 10-reps
  • Bupees with Double Pushup (with barbell): 10-reps
  • Barbell Squat Thrusters**: 10-reps
  • Barbell Lunges (bar on back): 10-reps each side
  • High Pull: 10-reps
  • Spiderman Pushups with hands on Bar: 10-reps each side
  • Bupees with Double Pushup (with barbell): 10-reps

**Squat down and perform a front squat then push the bar straight overhead into an overhead press. Repeat in this fashion in a fluid motion.

Your goal is to complete all 100-reps as fast as possible.

I also tried to keep my hands on the barbell as much as I could to limit rest periods.


This workout crushed my cardio that’s for sure…


1) DB or KB Goblet Squat – 30 seconds

2) DB or KB Swing – 30 seconds

3) Crushing Plank – 30 seconds

4) Burpee – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off

5) Ab Wheel Rollout – 30 seconds

6) DB or KB Swing – 30 seconds

7) Spiderman Pushup – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off

8) Punisher Squat – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off

– Go through the circuit two times.


Perform these 10 Exercises for 1 minute each. Keep rest to a minimum

20 Butt Kicks/20 Ali Shuffles – 1 minute

Squat to Calf Raise – 1 Minute

10 Pushups/20 alt donkey kicks – 1 minute

Alt Reverse Lunge to Front Kick – 1 minute

Jumping Jacks – 1 minute

20 Mountain Climbers/10 Spiderman Climbs – 1 minute

Skater Hops – 1 minute

Jab, Jab, Cross, Side Kick – 30 seconds, switch sides 30 seconds

Crunches – 1 minute

Burpee – 1 minute


Go through these 6 Exercises as many times as possible for 10 minutes. Try to keep rest to a minimum.
Total Body Extension – 12 Reps

Spiderman Climbs – 12 Reps

Squat to Front Kick – 12 Reps

Any Pushup Variation – 12 Reps

Alt Reverse Lunge – 12 Reps

Rocking Plank – 12 Reps


There are 10 exercises below. You will go through each exercise for 1 minute with minimal rest. As soon as your minute is up you will proceed to the next exercise and continue through each exercise until the 10 minutes is up.
Rd1) Bird Dogs – 1 Minute
Rd2) Elevated Pushups – 1 Minute (30 seconds per side)
Rd3) Squat to Uppercut – 1 Minute
Rd4) Reverse Lunges- 1 Minute (30 seconds per side)
Rd5) Mountain Climbers – 1 Minute
Rd6) Prisoner Squat to Calf Raise – 1 Minute
Rd7) Decline Pushups – 1 Minute
Rd8) Plank Punch – 1 Minute
Rd9) Ali Shuffle w/arms overhead – 1 Minute
Rd10) 3 Donkey Kicks per side/3 Burpee Combo – 1 Minute


There are 10 exercises below. You will go through each exercise for 1 minute with minimal rest. As soon as your minute is up you will proceed to the next exercise and continue through each exercise until the 10 minutes is up.
Rd1) 10 Quick Feet/10 High Knees – 1 Minute
Rd2) Narrow Stance Squat – 1 Minute
Rd3) Close Grip Pushup – 1 Minute
Rd4) Total Body Extensions – 1 Minute
Rd5) Spiderman Climb Reach – 1 Minute
Rd6) 4 Punches/2Knees – 1 Minute
Rd7) Lying Glute Raises – 1 Minute
Rd8) Prisoner Walking Lunges – 1 Minute
Rd9) Rocking Plank – 1 Minute
Rd10) Punching it out in Squat Position – 1 Minute


There are 10 exercises below. You will go through each exercise for 1 minute with minimal rest. As soon as your minute is up you will proceed to the next exercise and continue through each exercise until the 10 minutes is up.
Rd1) Jumping Jacks – 1 Minute
Rd2) Squat to Punch – 1 Minute
Rd3) “T” Pushup – 1 Minute
Rd4) Reverse Lunge to Front Kick – 1 Minute
Rd5) Rocking Plank – 1 Minute
Rd6) Ali Shuffle – 1 Minute
Rd7) Cross Body Mountain Climbers (slow pace) – 1 Minute
Rd8) Prison Squats – 1 Minute
Rd9) Side Plank Hold – 1 Minute (30 seconds per side)
Rd10) *Burpee/10 Punch Combo – 1 Minute
*Perform 1 Burpee and 10 Punches = 1 Rep


1) Spiderman Climb Pushups (alternating sides) or Regular Pushups

2) Total Body Extensions

3) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers (alternating sides)

4) Overhead Lunges*** (alternating sides)

5) Burpees

6) Rocking Plank

7) Prisoner Squats

8) Close-Grip Pushups

9) Burpees (Again!) – but NO pushup


– Do each exercise for 30 seconds.

– Rest 30 seconds & repeat one more time for a NO excuses 10-min session.

– For an advanced 20 minute workout, rest 2 minutes after the 2nd circuit and then go through the circuit 2 more times.

*** For overhead lunges, hold a towel, resistance band, or broomstick overhead with your arms in a Y position. Squeeze the muscles between your shoulder blades to work your upper back, just like you do in Prisoner Squats.



200 Rep Metabolic Tidal Wave

  • 30 Dumbbell Chest Presses
  • 10 Pull-Ups
  • 30 Goblet Squats
  • 20 Renegade Rows (10/side)
  • 50 Jump Rope Jumps
  • 30 Dumbbell Forward Lunges (15/leg)
  • 10 Chin Ups
  • 20 Dumbbell Squats

Rest as little as possible between exercises,  You must finish all reps of the exercise before moving on to the next one.


200 Rep Fat-Burning Avalanche

  • 30 Fake Jump Rope Jumps (no rope)
  • 20 Burpees
  • 30 Prisoner Lunges (15/leg)
  • 25 Close Grip Pushups
  • 15 Surfer Pop-Ups
  • 30 Wall Sprints
  • 20 Geronimo’s
  • 40 Flutter Kicks


Perform each exercise below resting ONLY where it says to rest. Rest 1-2 minutes between full rounds and complete 3 TOTAL rounds.


-Bodyweight Squats: 12 reps

-Pushups: 15 reps

-Bodyweight Rows: 10 reps

Rest 30-seconds 

-Split Squats: 10 reps each side

-Incline Spiderman Pushups: 10 reps

-Leg Raises: 12 reps

Rest 1-2 minutes and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3-rounds



-Goblet Squats: 12 reps

-Decline Pushups: 15 reps

-Pull-Ups: max reps

Rest 30-seconds 

-Alternating Lunges : 8 reps each side

-Spiderman Pushups: 10 reps

-Leg Raises with Hip Up: 12 reps

Rest 1-2 minutes and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3-rounds.


Workout #3


-Barbell Squat: 10 reps

-Dumbbell Chest Press: 10 reps

-Weighted Pull-Ups: max reps

Rest 30-seconds 

-Bulgarian Split Squats: : 10 reps each side

-Decline Spiderman Pushups: 10 reps

-Hanging Leg Raises: 10 reps

Rest 1-2 minutes and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3-rounds.


So I want to break down what you just did there… Lets take a look at the first two exercises…

Bodyweight Squats => Goblet Squat => Barbell Squat

Pushups => Decline Pushups => Dumbbell Chest Press

See the progression? 

It’s so key to start at a certain level and really do your best to progress forward in every workout in some way shape or form.

Whether that be…

  • Doing more reps than the time before
  • Performing a harder exercise…
  • Adding more weight…
  • Including an outside force like a jump rope or box…

There’s plenty of ways to make this happen…

As I say…

“If you aren’t progressing, you’re regressing.”


Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 30 secs between



1) Strap Assisted 1-Legged Squat OR *1-Leg Squat (30 secs/side)

2) Renegade Row (30 secs)

3) Skater Hops (30 secs)


*Keep your hand against a wall for balance



  1. Dumbbell Renegade Rows – 10 reps/side
  2. Dumbbell 1-Arm Shoulder Press – 10 reps/side
  3. Wall Sprints – 30 seconds (Go all out!)
  4. Rest 45 seconds, repeat as many times as possible in 10-minutes


  1. Dumbbell Chest Press – 8 reps
  2. Dumbbell Chest Support Row – 8 reps (1 second squeeze at the top)
  3. Rest 45 seconds, repeat as many times as possible in 10-minutes.


Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 30 secs

after each circuit:


Punch/Kick Combo (15)

Lunge Jumps (6/side)

Punch/Kick Combo (15)

Close-Grip Pushups (10)

Punch/Kick Combo (15)


circuit below…


1A: Dumbbell RDL x 8

1B: Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunge x 8

1C: Renegade Row x 8

1D: Push Ups x 8

1E: Plank Jacks x 14


– NO rest between the exercises

– Rest 60 seconds between rounds

– Repeat for 4 rounds


You ONLY need a single pair of dumbbells, and of course your sexy self. Choose a weight you can lift overhead for 10 reps.


After warming up, set your timer for 10-minutes. You have three different options for this workout as you’ll see below. Your goal for each is the same: complete as many rounds or reps as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed. 


Working Out At Home: Burpees or Jumping Jacks – complete as many reps as possible

Working Out At The Gym: Kettlebell Swings – complete as many reps as possible

Working Out Outside: 50-yards sprints – complete as many rounds as possible



After warming up, set your timer for 10-minutes. Complete as many rounds of the exercises below as possible. Rest ONLY when needed. 


Close Stance Bodyweight Squats: 5 reps

Close Grip Pushups: 5 reps

Mountain Climbers (close grip hand position): 5 reps each side


Move from one exercise to the next without rest. Rest ONLY where it says to rest. If you do get tired during the exercise and feel your form breaking down, take a quick rest then get right back into it. 


Prisoner Split Squats or Prisoner Bulgarian Split Squats: 40-seconds per side

Spiderman Pushups or Off Set Pushups: 20-seconds per side

Skater Hops: 20-seconds

Kettlebell Swings or Burpees: 40-seconds

Rest 60-seconds and complete 2-3 TOTAL rounds.


A) The 7-Minute Big 7 Workout

1) Total Body Extension – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

2) Prisoner Squat – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

3) Pull-up or TRX Bodyweight Row or Plank – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

4) Spiderman Pushup or Close-Grip Pushup – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

5) Prisoner Walking Lunge – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

6) Mountain Climber – 60 seconds

7) Jumping Jacks – 60 seconds

– If you need extra rest, feel free to take it.

– Do the toughest version of the exercise that you can handle.

– Just do one circuit for a 7-minute workout.

– Or rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times for a 20 minute workout.

– Or…see below for a surprise to the question I know you’re going to have.

B) The Tough Twosome 7-Minute Workout (ok, 7 minutes & 30 seconds)

1A) Prisoner Squats – 45 seconds

1B) Decline Pushups – 45 seconds (or whatever pushup you can do)

– Go back and forth between these two exercises.

– Rest as little as possible, but as much as needed, within the 45 seconds.

– Do 5 rounds for a 7.5 minute basic-but-effective fat burning workout.

C) The Max Burpee Test (Advanced Only)

Do as many burpees as you can in 7 minutes.

– I did this last week at the end of a longer bodyweight workout.

– I did 55 burpees in sets of 12, 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, and 7.

– If you are fit, I bet you can beat me.

– DISCLAIMER: This is advanced and you must do perfect reps only!

Now I know what the advanced readers are thinking. Can I put all three of these workouts together in one 20-ish minute workout?

Yes. Enjoy! Give thanks for the workouts!



Complete 10 repetitions on each of the 10-exercises, and complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes. Rest ONLY when needed. You must FIRST complete 10-reps on one exercise before moving to the next.


  1. Pull-Ups – 10 reps
  2. Explosive Pushups – 10 reps
  3. Box Jumps – 10 reps
  4. Close-Grip Pushups – 10 reps
  5. Leap Ups – 10 reps
  6. Burpee Double Jump – 10 reps each leg
  7. Sprints In Place* – 10 reps each leg
  8. Chin-Ups- 10 reps total
  9. Sit Throughs- 10 reps total
  10. Ice-Skaters – 10 reps total


*Each time one knee comes up, that is considered ONE rep. Perform 10-reps on EACH side.


Once the 10-minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and complete an OPTIONAL last round by going through all 10 exercises above ONE TIME through as fast as possible.



Move from one exercise to the next resting ONLY when needed. Complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes!


  1. Pushups: 10-reps
  2. Bodyweight Squats: 10-reps
  3. Burpees: 10-reps
  4. X-Body Mountain Climbers: 10-reps total
  5. Jump Lunges: 10-reps total
  6. Close Grip Pushups: 10-reps
  7. Sit Throughs: 10-reps total
  8. Prisoner Squat Jumps: 10 reps
  9. Rocking Planks: 10-reps
  10. Leg Raises: 10-reps



Protocol: 20 Seconds On 10 Seconds Off For 7 Rounds Of The Following 2 Exercises (Alternate Between The Two Exercises).

Exercises (Make Sure To Do The Variation That’s Appropriate For You):

  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers

Protocol: Set A Timer For 7 Minutes And Perform As Many Rounds As Possible Of The Following 4 Exercises For The Reps Indicated.

Exercises (Make Sure To Do The Variation That’s Appropriate For You):

  • 10 Pushups
  • 15 V Ups
  • 20 Jump Squats
  • 25 Jumping Jacks

Protocol: At The Top Of The Minute For 7 Minutes Perform The Following Circuit Of 3 Exercises As Fast As You Can. After The Lunges Are Done, Hold A Wall Chair For The Remainder Of The Minute.

Exercises (Make Sure To Do The Variation That’s Appropriate For You):

  • 10 Jump Lunges (Total Reps)
  • 10 Steps Walking Lunge
  • Hold A Wall Chair After You Finish For The Remainder Of The Minute

Protocol: Set A Timer For 2 Minutes And Perform The Following 2 Exercises For As Many Rounds As Possible. Rest For 30 Seconds And Repeat For Another 2 Minutes. Rest Again For 30 Seconds And Then Repeat For 1 More 2 Minute Round.

Exercises (Make Sure To Do The Variation That’s Appropriate For You):

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Pushups

Protocol: Set A Timer For 7 Minutes And Perform As Many Rounds As Possible Of The Following 3 Exercises For The Reps Indicated.

Exercises (Make Sure To Do The Variation That’s Appropriate For You):

  • 10 Vups
  • 20 Shoulder Bridge Lifts
  • 50 Steps Sprinting In Place

Protocol: 50 Seconds On 20 Seconds Off For 3 Rounds Of The Following 2 Exercises (Alternate Between The Two Exercises).

Exercises (Make Sure To Do The Variation That’s Appropriate For You):

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Sitouts

Protocol: At The Top Of The Minute For 7 Minutes Perform The Following Circuit Of 3 Exercises As Fast As You Can. After The Burpees Are Done, Do Continuous Mountain Climbers For The Remainder Of The Minute.

Exercises (Make Sure To Do The Variation That’s Appropriate For You):

  • 5 Clap Pushups
  • 5 Burpees
  • Continuous Mountain Climbers After You Finish For The Remainder Of The Minute


complete as many rounds as possible of the 4 exercises below…

Pushups: 10-reps

Squat Jumps: 10-reps

Sit Throughs: 10-reps

Burpees: 10-reps


It’s better than 45 minutes of boring cardio, and if you push yourself, those 10-minutes will feel more like 30 🙂

If you’re advanced, you can do it 2-3 times throughout the day – whenever you have some extra time.

Here we go!

10-Minute Tone It Up Workout

  • High Knee Sprint in Place – 40 seconds
  • Plank – 20 seconds
  • Sumo Squats – 40 seconds
  • Plank – 20 seconds
  • Close Grip Pushups – 40 seconds
  • Plank – 20 seconds
  • Lunge Hold – 40 seconds (hold that lower lunge position, switch legs next round)
  • Plank – 20 seconds
  • Burpees – 40 seconds
  • Plank – 20 seconds

Repeat 1 more time without resting in between and you will be gassed in just 10-minutes.

Instead of taking a normal 20 second rest break in between exercises, you’ll be doing Active Recovery and flattening your belly with the planks.

It’s only 10-minutes, so you need to make every second count!


The 10 Minute Brutal Bodyweight Workout

Every time the clock hits “:00” you will perform the exercises below, depending on if it’s an odd or even minute. Whatever time you have remaining in that minute is your rest period.

  • Odd minutes – 10 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
  • Even minutes – 10 bodyweight squats, 10 shoulder push ups



Then :

1A) Total Body Extensions – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

1B) Rocking Plank – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

1C) Burpees – 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds

*1D) Spiderman Pushups (alternate sides) or Regular Pushups – 60 seconds

1E) Bodyweight Squats – 60 seconds

1F) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers (alternate sides) – 60 seconds

*If you can’t do a full minute of any pushups, hold the top of a Pushup Plank for the remainder of the minute.



Here is the ‘uncensored’ advanced version. A beginner version is below.
1) Spiderman Pushups (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
2) Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds, 10 second rest x 2 rounds
3) Pushup Maximus – 20 seconds pushups, 10 sec “rest” in the top position, repeat 2 more times
4) Bodyweight Squat “Punisher Maximus” – 30 seconds work, 30 seconds “rest” in the bottom position, repeat 4 times


That’s just 7 minutes of hard exercise and you’ll love it. Here are the beginner modifications…
1) Regular or Kneeling Pushups – 30 seconds
2) Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds, 10 second rest x 2 rounds
3) Plank Maximus – 20 seconds plank on elbows, 10 sec “rest” in the top of a pushup position, repeat 2 more times
4) Wall Squat “Punisher Maximus” – 20 second squat hold, 40 seconds, repeat 4 times



Then :

Perform all reps for each exercise before moving on to the next one.  Time yourself, do this Challenge again next week, and bust your butt to beat your previous time.  Only rest when necessary.

  • Plank Reach Outs – 25 reps (each side)
  • Prisoner Squat Jumps – 25 reps
  • Bodysaw – 25 reps
  • Cross Body Mountain Climber Burpees – 25 reps


For the Plank Reach Outs – get into the Plank position, with your forearms and toes on the ground.

Make sure your body is in a straight line, from your shoulders down to your toes.  Brace your abs, squeeze your glutes, and reach your right hand out as far as possible and tap the ground.  Return to the Plank position and then do the same with your left hand.  That’s 1 rep.

If you’re a beginner, cut the number of reps in half, or you can even do just 10 reps of each exercise.  Build yourself up and keep adding a few reps each time.


1A) Total Body Extension (TBX) – 30 seconds

1B) Mountain Climber – 30 seconds

1C) Prisoner Squat – 30 seconds

1D) Close-Grip Pushup – 30 seconds

*1E) Crucifix Hold – 30 seconds

– Do not rest between exercises.

– Repeat the circuit one more time.

– Rest up to one minute before moving to the 2nd circuit.


*Crucifix Hold: Stand with your arms out to your sides at shoulder height. Point your thumbs to the sky and squeeze the muscles between your shoulder blades to work your upper back.


2A) Punisher Squats – 20 seconds squats, 10 second hold (2 rounds)

2B) Pushups – 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest

2C) Punisher X – 20 seconds TBX, 10 second hold (2 rounds)

2D) Bear Crawls -20 seconds crawls, 10 seconds rest

2E) Punisher Maximus – 30 seconds squats, 30 sec hold in bottom position



Beginner 10-Minute Paleo Workout

1) Jumping Jacks – 20-10 (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)

2) Split Squats (place hand against wall for balance if needed) – 20-10/side

3) Pushups or Kneeling Pushups – 20-10

4) Squat or Wall Squat Hold – 30 seconds

5) Mountain Climbers or Plank -30 seconds

– Do each exercise for 20 seconds and rest 10 seconds before the next.

– Rest 1 minute at the end of the circuit.

– Repeat up to 2 more times.


Advanced 10-Minute Paleo Workout

1) Burpees – 20-10 (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)

2) Overhead Lunge – 30s/side (hold broomstick overhead to work upper back)

3) Pushup or Decline Pushup – 30 seconds

4) Prisoner Squats – 30 seconds

5) Bear Crawls or Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds

6) Bodyweight Rows or – 30 seconds

– Rest 30 seconds at the end of each circuit.

– Repeat up to 2 more times.



Prisoner Squat (12)

Spiderman Pushups (6/side)

Note – if Spiderman Pushups are too tough, you can do Regular  or Kneeling Pushups (12 reps).

Do as many supersets as you can in 10 minutes, resting only  when needed. Then if you have 20 minutes, you can “stack”  another 10-minute workout



Then :

1) Punisher Squats – 20 seconds squats, 10 second hold in bottom position

2) Spiderman Pushups – 30 seconds, alternating sides (or normal pushups)

3) Switch Lunges – 30 seconds each side

4) Close-Grip Pushups – 30 seconds (or hold a Plank)

5) Punisher Squats (Round 2!)

6) Burpees – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest

7) X-Body Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds, alternating sides





then :

1) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds

2) Pushup or Decline Pushup – 30 seconds

3) Prisoner Split Squat or Prisoner Lunge – 30 seconds per side

4) Rocking Plank or Cross-Body Mountain Climber – 30 seconds

5) Jumping Jacks or Burpee – 30 seconds

– Do not rest between exercises.

– Repeat the circuit one more time (without rest).



1) Total Body Extensions – 4 rounds of 20-10

2) Pushups – 4 rounds of 20-10 (use kneeling pushups if you fatigue)

3) Punisher Squats – 8 rounds of 20-10 (10 second hold in bottom position)

The Total Body Extensions take a total of 2 minutes, as will the Pushups, and then the Punisher Squats is a full 4 minutes, for a total of 8 minutes


Duration: 8 minutes

Equipment: One single kettlebell – snatch size or less

Kettlebell Swing – 15 reps
Kettlebell Goblet Squat – 10 reps

Kettlebell 1-Arm Swing (Left arm) – 10 reps
Kettlebell 1-Arm Swing (Right arm) – 10 reps

  • Do all exercises back-to-back with NO rest. Keep going until your 8 minutes is up. Whew! Enjoy.


20 – 10  TABATA

1) Prisoner Squats (2 rounds )
2) T-Pushups (2 rounds)
3) Total Body Extensions (2 rounds)
4) Pushups (2 rounds)
5) Swing Lunges (2 rounds)
6) Mountain Climbers (2 rounds)
7) PUNISHER SQUATS!!! (8 rounds)


In this Kettlebell-Bodyweight circuit, you’ll rest as little as possible between exercises and you will complete 3-5 rounds total. (And yes, you can sub in dumbbells in place of KB’s.)

1) KB Goblet Squats – 10 reps

2) KB 1-Arm Row – 10 reps per side

3) KB Goblet Reverse Lunge – 10 per side

4) Push-up or Decline Push-up – As Many Reps as Possible

5) KB Swing – 20 reps


Warm-Up, then :

1) Total Body Extensions for 8 rounds of 20-10

2A) Pushups – 20 reps (hands on a towel on the floor, of course)

2B) Prisoner Squats – 20 reps – Do 2A and 2B back to back with NO rest. I’ll leave the number of sets to you. ——————————————————————————–

Do the following exercises AMRAP style for 6 minutes:

• Skipping: high knees 30 reps
• 5 pull ups (OR 5 wall sit stick ups)
• Skipping: 10 double unders (OR 30 reps of high knees)
• 5 hanging leg raises (OR prone leg raises)

*AMRAP means ‘as many rounds as possible’

Do the following exercises AMRAP style for 6 minutes:

• Skipping: high knees 30 reps
• 5 pull ups (OR 5 wall sit stick ups)
• Skipping: 10 double unders (OR 30 reps of high knees)
• 5 hanging leg raises (OR prone leg raises)

*AMRAP means ‘as many rounds as possible’

6 rounds of:
– 30 seconds of burpees
– 10 seconds rest (LOL, if you can call it that)
– 30 seconds of jumping jacks
– 10 seconds rest

Fat loss accelerator
• Choose a weight you can lift overhead for 10 reps.
• Perform each exercise in order with correct form.
• Do not rest between exercises.
• At the end of the circuit, break for 30 seconds.
• Repeat for 4 rounds.
• If you don’t know how to do Snatches, then use Swings or 1-Arm Overhead Press.

A) Right arm DB or KB Snatch x 8 reps
B) Left arm DB or KB Snatch x 8 reps
C) Total Body Extension x 30 seconds
D) Push ups x 30 seconds
E) Bodyweight Row x 30 seconds

You can use this workout as a stand-alone conditioning circuit, or if you’re advanced, you can add this Accelerator to the beginning of your workout (after your warm up).

Here’s one of my sample Sledgehammer Madness Finishers:

For 2 Mins, do “As Many Reps As Possible” (AMRAP) Of:

1A) Sledge Hammer Swing x 10
1B) 1 Arm DB OR KB Power Snatch x 5 (one arm only)
1C) Sledge Hammer Swing x 10
1D) 1 Arm DB OR KB Power Snatch x 5 (with opposite arm of 1B)

***Rest 1 Min in between AMRAP sets and Repeat for 4 Total Rounds

***SCORE = Total Reps / Rounds completed + weight used for weighted movements


If you’re looking for a fast finisher, or one to replace your workout because you’re really busy, then here’s what I want you to do. This is a must-use for tonight if you have less than 10 minutes to train.

After you warm-up (never skip your warm-up!), do this circuit:

1) KB Swing or Total Body Extension – 30 seconds
2) Goblet Squat – 30 seconds
3) Max Pushups – 30 seconds
– Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times.

1) Punisher Squats – 4 rounds of 20-10
2) Close-Grip Pushups – 2 rounds of 20-10

3) Total Body Extension – 4 rounds of 20-10
4) Decline Pushups – 2 rounds of 20-10

5) Run-in-Place – 4 rounds of 20-10

6) Bodysaw – 4 rounds of 20-10


2A) Low Box Jump – 8 reps
2B) DB 1-arm Row – 12 reps per side


2C) Spiderman Pushup – 1 rep short of failure


2D) DB Renegade Row – 10 reps per side
– Rest 30 seconds before repeating 2 more times.


Superset Resistance and Cardio, and complete for time:

*All sets are 25 Repetitions:

1. Air Squats

2. Full Jacks

3. Iso-Ab Pushup

4. Full Jacks

5. Cross Iso-Climber, Right

6. Full-Jacks

7. Cross Iso-Climber, Left

8. Full Jacks

9. Walking Prone Iso-ab

10. Full Jacks

11. Wall Sit with Alt. Leg Extensions

12. Full Jacks


T Pushups (20s), rest 10s – 4X

KB or DB Swings (20s), rest 10s – 4X

X-Body Mountain Climber with Feet Elevated (20s), rest 10s – 4X

Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (20s), rest 10s – 4X

Stability Ball or Ab Wheel Rollout or TRX Fallout (20s), rest 10s – 4X


Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 8 minutes, resting only when needed.

Once the 8 minutes are up, rest 1 minute and move into the upper body finisher.


1A) Bulgarian Jump Squat or Bulgarian Squat (6/side)

1B) Stability Ball Leg Curl (8)

1C) KB or DB Swings (10)


Do the following superset twice, resting as shown.

So you’ll do  Chin-ups (or alternative) for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest 4 times, then move into 2B.

2A) Chin-ups, Inverted Row or 2-Arm DB Row (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4X

2B) Close-Grip Pushups (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4X


Ab Finisher

Do the following circuit resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you’ll do 6 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you’ll do 5 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.


3A) Spiderman Climb (6/side…1/side)

3B) DB Chop (6/side…1/side)

3C) Plank to Tricep Extension (6…1)


Beginner: Work 30 seconds – Rest 30 seconds
Intermediate: Work 40 seconds – Rest 20 seconds
Advanced: Work 45 seconds – Rest 15 seconds
Elite: Work 50 seconds – Rest 10 seconds

Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.

At the end of the circuit, repeat for one more round.
A) Total Body Extensions
B) Plank w Alt Leg Raise
C) Side to Side Squats
D) Push Ups
A) 20s Burpees + 10s rest x 4 rounds
B) 20s Jump Squats + 10s rest x 4 rounds
C) 20s Jumping Jacks + 10s rest x 4 roundsThat final 6 minutes alone will help you burn fat fast and give you quick results no matter how busy you are.
Time Investment: 8 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for one more round.
A) Burpees
B) Push Ups to Cross Body Mountain Climber
C) Bulgarian Split Squats (split time between legs)
D) Jump Squats
Time Investment: 8 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for one more round.
A) Jumping Jacks
B) Prisoner Squats
C) Cross
body Mountain Climbers
D) Alternating
Reverse Lunges

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between circuits.
1A) Hulk Jump (3)
1B) Spiderman Pushups (5/side)

1C) Hulk Jump (3)
1D) Spiderman Climb (5/side)


The 7-Minute Big 7 Circuit

1) Box/Bench Jumps or Jump Rope – 30 seconds + 30 second rest

2) Close-Stance Bodyweight Squats – 50 seconds + 10 second rest

3) Pullups or Bodyweight Row or Seated Row – 45 seconds + 15 seconds rest

4) Decline Push-ups or Close-Grip Pushups – 60 seconds, no rest

5) Bulgarian Split Squats – 30 seconds per side, no rest

6) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers – 60 seconds, no rest

7) Shuttle Sprints or Run in Place – 20 seconds + 20 seconds rest + 20 seconds


Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as
possible, with good form.

Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for one more round.
A) Step Ups (right leg)
B) Decline Push Ups
C) Step Ups (left leg)
D) Mountain Climbers


Batman Lunge (12/side)

Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (30 secs)

1-Arm KB or DB Swings (12/side)

Repeat 4X, resting only when needed



Time Investment: 8 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as
possible, with good form.
Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for one more round.
A) Walkouts with Push Up
B) Jump Rope
C) Alternating Cross Over Planks
D) Lateral Ski Jumps
Time Investment: 8 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as
possible, with good form.
Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for one more round.
A) Walkouts with Push Up
B) Jump Rope
C) Alternating Cross Over Planks
D) Lateral Ski Jumps
Time Investment: 8 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form.
Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat 3 more time for a total of 4 rounds.
A) Jumping Jacks
B) Cross Body Mountain Climbers
Time Investment: 8 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat 3 more time for a total of 4 rounds.
A) KB swings
B) Jump Rope
Time Investment: 8 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for one more round.
A) Alternating Prisoner Reverse Lunge
B) Cross Over Walks
C) Burpees
D) Spiderman Planks
  • Do each exercise back to back with no rest between each.
  • But take a break within the time allotted if you need to.
  • Use easier exercises (regular squats, kneeling pushups, etc.) if needed
  • Do not rest at the end of the circuit.
  • Do the circuit 2x’s for a 10-minute.
  • You can do the circuit up to 4x’s if you have 20 minutes.
  • Finally, if you have access to a TRX, use bodyweight rows instead of Cross-Body Mountain Climbers as the 5th exercise.

1) Prisoner Punisher Squats x 2 rounds (20 seconds of squats followed by a10  second hold in bottom position)


2) Punisher Pushups x 2 rounds (20 seconds of pushups followed by a 10 second hold in the top position)


3) Prisoner Lunges x 60 seconds (alternating legs)


4) Total Body Extensions x 60 seconds


5) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers x 60 seconds (alternating sides)


Time Investment: 8 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for one more round.
A) Inverted Rows
B) Low Box Jumps
C) Rotating Planks
D) 10 x 5 Move (Jump Squats x 10, Total Body Extension x 5)


  • Do all exercises for 30 seconds.
  • Do not rest between exercises.
  • Repeat the circuit 2 times for a total of 10 minutes.
  • If you want, rest one minute at the end of the 2nd circuit and repeat two more times for a 21 minute workout.


  1. Prisoner Squat
  2. Toughest Pushup You Can Do
  3. Prisoner Lunge
  4. DB Chest-Supported Row or DB Rear-Delt Raise
  5. Slam Ball Slams or Total Body Extension
  6. KB Deadlift or Dumbbell Squat
  7. Stability Ball or TRX Mountain Climber
  8. Jumping Jacks
  9. Stability Ball or Ab Wheel Rollout
  10. Total Body Extension


Time Investment: 8-24 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as
possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for 1-2 more rounds, depending on your
conditioning level.
A) KB swing
B) Push Ups
C) Pull Up/Inverted rows
D) Bulgarian Split Squat (split time between legs)
E) Jumping Jacks
F) Crab Crawls
G) Shuttle Sprints
H) Plank


Time Investment: 8 – 24 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for 1 – 2 more rounds, depending on your conditioning level.
A) Seal Jacks
B) Burpee T – rotation
C) Sprinting Walkout (left leg)
D) Sprinting Walkout (right leg)
E) Inverted Rows
F) Jump rope
G) Prisoner Squats
H) Lunge Jumps (20s work:10s rest)
Time Investment: 8 – 24 minutes
Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for specified time period between the exercises.
At the end of the circuit, repeat for 1 – 2 more rounds, depending on your conditioning level.
A) Run in Place
B) Burpees
C) Side to Side Squats
D) Mountain Climbers
E) Jump Squats / Total Body Extension
F) T Push Ups
G) Sprinter Starts (Right – Advanced add hop)
H) Sprinter Starts (Left – Advanced add hop)

Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10  minutes, resting only when needed.

1A) Sprint (10 secs)

1B) Alternating Prisoner Lunge (10 reps per side)


Do the following superset as many times as possible in 10

minutes, resting only when needed. Once the 10 minutes are up,

you’re done!


2A) Sprint (10 secs)

2B) *Bodyweight Death Crawl (6 reps) <= Weirdest Bodyweight Exercise


It’s a combination of a jump squat, bodyweight renegade row,

1-arm extended pushup and a squat thrust… and that’s just ONE rep!


a) Total Body Extensions

b) Jumping Jacks

c) Running in Place

d) Jump Rope

No rest between exercises.

Just go as hard as you can for 10 – 15 seconds each exercise.

Do 10 cycles with no more than 30 sec rest between cycles.

Decrease rest period as you get fitter.



1) Lying Hip Extension – 30 seconds

2) Plank – 30 seconds

3) Beginner Bodyweight Row – 30 seconds

4) 1-Leg Lying Hip Extension or Stability Ball Leg Curl – 30 seconds

5) Kneeling or Regular Pushups – 30 seconds

6) Bodyweight Wall Squats or Bodyweight Squats – 30 seconds

7) Jumping Jacks or Run-in-Place – 30 seconds

– Repeat the circuit 2 times for a total of 7-minute. If you have even more time, do up to 4 circuits with 1 minute of rest between each.

– Take as much extra rest as you need to…or do 20 seconds of each exercise and rest for 10 seconds before the next move.



Prisoner Squat – 30 seconds
Rocking Plank – 30 seconds
Total Body Extension or Med Ball Slam – 30 seconds
Stability Ball or Ab Wheel Rollout or TRX Fallout or Inchworm – 30 sec
X-Body Mountain Climber (alternating) – 30 seconds
Burpees – 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest
Side Plank- 15 seconds per side
– Repeat the circuit 2 times for a total of 7-minute. If you have even more time, do up to 4 circuits with 1 minute of rest between each.

– Take as much extra rest as you need to…or do 20 seconds of each exercise and rest for 10 seconds before the next move.


Do the following circuit 3 times:
Close-Grip Pushups (15)
Sprint (15 secs), rest 30 secs
Offset Pushups (8/side)
Sprint (15 secs), rest 30 secs
Pushups (15)
Sprint (15 secs), rest 30 secs


1) Burpee – 20 seconds with 10 second rest

2) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds

3) Cross-Body Mountain Climber (alternating sides) – 30 seconds

4) Prisoner Forward Lunges (alternating sides) – 60 seconds

5) Close-Grip Pushups – 30 seconds

– Repeat this circuit 1 more time.


1) Prisoner Squats (2 rounds )
2) T-Pushups (2 rounds)
3) Total Body Extensions (2 rounds)
4) Pushups (2 rounds)
5) Swing Lunges (2 rounds)
6) Mountain Climbers (2 rounds)
7) PUNISHER SQUATS!!! (8 rounds)

Find a hill about 30 m long and do the following circuit ONE time resting as shown:
Sprint up the hill, rest 30 secs, then walk down the hill
Sprint up the hill, rest 30 secs
Bodyweight Squats (20), walk down the hill
Sprint up the hill, rest 1 minute
Bodyweight Squats (20)
Spiderman Climb (10/side), walk down the hill
Spring up the hill, rest 30 secs
Bodyweight Squats (20)
Spiderman Climb (10/side)
Skater Hops (10/side), walk down the hill
Sprint up the hill
Indoor option – for hill sprints, do any of the sprint substitution exercises for 10 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest.


Metabolic Density Training
– Do 20 seconds per exercise with 10 second rest = 1 round
– Do not rest between exercises
– Do all rounds of the exercise before moving to the next

A) Inverted Rows – 4 rounds of 20-10
B) Total Body Extension – 8 rounds of 20-10
C) Jump Rope – 8 rounds of 20-10

Here are 3 quick tips on the correct form for Total Body Extensions:
– Only do a quarter squat. This is a conditioning move, so the idea is to do quick, powerful reps.
– Squeeze your glutes, calves and shoulder blades together as you explode up
– Brace your core hard the entire time. This will help you control the movement and get more quality reps.


Calorie Burn Fat Loss Accelerator
– Do as many reps as possible in 45 seconds with perfect form
– Rest 15 seconds between exercises
– Repeat for 2 rounds (10 minutes total)

A) Walkout to Push Up
B) Ski Jumps
C) Prisoner Reverse Lunge (alternating)
D) Squat Thrusts
E) KB or DB Swings

Here are 3 quick tips on the correct form for Squat Thrusts:
– Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise.
– Do not allow your back to round… ever!
– If you have limited mobility, raise your hands onto a bench or step

30-30 Beginner 10-Minute Total Body Workout 
Protocol: Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.  Once you finish the first round, repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds. 

  • Lying Hip Extensions – 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Kneeling Pushups – 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Bodyweight Squats – 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Stick Ups – 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Glute Bridge – 30 seconds

Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time


Narrow Stance Goblet Squat or Narrow Stance Bodyweight Squat (40 secs), rest 20 secs
DB Piston Row or Bodyweight Renegade Row (40 secs), rest 20 secs
Plank to Triceps Extension (40 secs), rest 20 secs
Reverse Lunge (Left Side) (40 secs), rest 20 secs
Reverse Lunge (Right Side) (40 secs), rest 20 secs
Plank to Triceps Extension (40 secs), rest 20 secs
Medicine Ball Slams or Alternating Bodyweight Chop (40 secs), rest 20 secs
Plank to Tricep Extension (40 secs), rest 20 secs
Burpee/X-Body Mountain Climber Combo (40 secs), then…
Total Body Extensions (10 secs), rest 10 secs – 5 times


Use a weight with which you can get 20 reps for each exercise. Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 35 seconds between circuits:

DB Squat and Press (15)

2-Arm DB Row or Seated Row (15)

KB or DB Swings (15)

On paper, it looked “easy”, but the short rest period is what makes it challenging (trust me, the 35 seconds goes by FAST).


Do the following circuit resting only when needed.

In the first circuit, you’ll perform 8 reps of each exercise.

In the next circuit, you’ll perform 7 reps of each.
Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
Offset Reverse Lunge or Bodyweight Reverse Lunge (8/side…1/side)
Half Kneeling Pallof Press or Plank to Triceps Extension (8…1)
Renegade Row or Bodyweight Renegade Row (8/side…1/side)
Strap Fallout or Inchworm (8…1)


The Hips & Pushup 10 Minute Workout

  • Do one Warm-up round where you do each exercise for 12 seconds.
  • Then do 3 rounds where you do each exercise for 30 seconds.
  • Rest 30 seconds at the end of the circuit.
  • Boom! 10 minutes & you’ll be moving like you were 20 years younger.
  • If you’re a beginner, that’s enough.
  • If you’re intermediate, stack another 10-minute workout on top.
  • If you’re advanced, use this as a warm-up (2 rounds) to your workout.

1) Total Body Extensions

2) SCREACH (alternating sides)

3) Prisoner Squats

4) Spiderman Pushups (alternating sides)

5) Prisoner Forward Lunges (alternating sides)


This exact circuit (chosen for perfect exercise order) will loosen up your hips and you’ll be moving like it was 1999 all over again. Yep, this circuit will take 15 years off your body’s “tightness” and make you young again, all while building pushup strength and burning belly fat. Enjoy!



1) Can’t do Spiderman Pushups? No worries, just do the toughest pushup you can handle for 30 seconds, whether it’s Spiderman, Decline, T-Pushups, Close-Grip Pushups, Kneeling Pushups, or Wall Pushups.

– you can use Mountain Climbers in place of the SCREACH.


The Beginner-Intermediate 10-Minute Bodyweight Cardio Workout

1A) Total Body Extension – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds
1B) Spiderman Climb – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds
1C) Prisoner Squat – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds
1D) Cross-Body Mountain Climber – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds

  •     Rest one minute before repeating one more time.And now for your Advanced workout that fit folks could STACK on top of the first circuit for a 20-minute Grudge Match against your belly fat…The Clash of the Titans Grudge Match 10-Minute Bodyweight Fat Burner!2A) Burpees – 20 seconds + 10 second rest x 2 rounds
    2B) Punisher Squats – 20 seconds + 10 second hold x 2 rounds
    2C) Spiderman Pushup (alternate sides) – 20 sec + 10 sec rest x 2 rounds
    2D) Sprint-in-Place (high knees!) – 20 seconds + 10 seconds rest x 2 rounds

·     Rest one minute before repeating one more time.


Here is an example of an MRT workout you can try today. This is an intermediate MRT circuit you can do for 4-5 rounds, with no rest between exercises.

Don’t forget a 5m Warm-Up and 5m Cool-Down

Rest for no more than 30s at the end of each round.

– DB swings x 10

– Push ups x 10

– Inverted rows x 10

– Prisoner Reverse Lunges x 10


Do the following circuit resting only when needed.

In the first circuit, you’ll perform 8 reps of the Medicine Ball exercises.

In the next circuit, you’ll perform 7 reps of each.

Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep each of those exercises.

For the Jump Rope, you’ll perform 15 seconds on every circuit.
Medicine Ball or Regular Pushups (10…1)
Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (15 secs) <== Every circuit
Medicine Ball or DB Chops or Bodyweight Chops (8/side…1/side)
Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (15 secs) <== Every circuit


Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between circuits.
Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (30 secs)
DB Piston Row or Bodyweight Row (fast tempo) (30 secs)
Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks (30 secs)
DB Piston Row or Bodyweight Row (fast tempo) (30 secs)


You’ll combine two Tabata 45/15 circuits for one workout. Each Tabata is just 4 minutes… but you MUST do both in order for it work.

Each exercise is to be done for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest. This workout focuses on upper body…

Turbine 1

Superman + Pushup

Prone Iso Ab

Mountain Climbers

Wall Slides

Turbine 2

Inward Int Pushup

Heel Push

Close-Grip Pushup




Do the following circuit as shown. So you’ll do 20 seconds of Renegade  Rows then rest 10 seconds. You’ll do this 4 times, then move into the  Chops, etc., etc.

Renegade Row (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 rounds

Alternating Bodyweight Chops (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 6 rounds

(Keep those abs braced HARD)

Spiderman Climb (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 rounds


We’re doing this one Ladder Up style!  You’ll see the three exercises listed below.  Set your timer for 10 minutes and start by doing one repetition of each exercise, one right after the other.

The next round, you’ll take a step up the ladder and do two repetitions of each exercise.  Then 3 reps, 4, 5 and so on.  Add one rep each round and go as high up the ladder as you can in 10 minutes.

There is no scheduled rest, try and push through for the entire 10 minutes.  Once your form starts to dip, or you’re having trouble catching your breath, take a short break and jump back in when you’re ready.

On to the exercises!

  1. Burpee with a Close Grip Pushup
  2. Mountain Climber Combo (each leg)
  3. Prisoner Reverse Lunge (each leg)

For the Mountain Climber Combo, bring your knee toward your chest (like a regular mountain climber), then immediately go across your body, and then back to the starting position.

I like to think of it as drawing a triangle with your knee.

The only rule is you have to make every second count!

Push yourself and write down how far up the ladder you get in 10 minutes.  Next time you do this workout, shoot for one more repetition than you did the previous time.


Do the following superset 4 times, resting for 30 seconds after each superset
Total Body Extensions (30 secs)
Plank to Pushup (30 secs)


Equipment: Bodyweight Only

Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible in the time specified, depending on your fitness level. Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.

Choose Your Level:

Beginner = 6 minutes as many rounds as possible (AMRAP), sub jump squats for total body extensions.

Intermediate = 8 minutes AMRAP

Advanced = 10 minutes AMRAP

A) Spiderman plank x 10 each side, jump squats x 10

B) Spiderman plank x 9 each side, jump squats x 9

C) Spiderman plank x 8 each side, jump squats x 8

D) Spiderman plank x 7 each side, jump squats x 7


J) Spiderman plank x 1 each side, jump squats x 1


Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 20 seconds between circuits
Skater Hops (40 secs)
Alternating Superman Plank and Reach (20 secs)
Skater Hops (40 secs)
Plank to Triceps Extension (20 secs)
Skater Hops (40 secs)


Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 5 minutes,

resting only when needed. Once the 5 minutes are up, rest 1 minute

and move to 2A…


1A) Long Jump (3)

1B) Stability Ball Jackknife Pushup or Pushup Mountain

Climber Combo (5)

1C) KB or DB Swings (10)



2A) Pull-ups or Inverted Row (2 reps short of failure) or DB

Row (8/side)

2B) Goblet Step-up (10/side)

2C) Iron Cross (30 secs)

Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times


Arm Terror Superset


Choose a weight you can lift for 10 reps for the Bicep Curl


3A) DB Bicep Curl (6 reps), rest 5 seconds – Do this 3 times, then

3B) DB Lying Tricep Extensions (20)

Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times


Do the following circuit, resting as little as possible. In the first  circuit, you’ll perform 6 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit,  you’ll perform 5 reps of each. Continue in this fashion until you  complete 1 rep of each exercise.


Note – short on time? Start at 3 with each exercise…


4A) Stability Ball Stir-the-Pot or Spiderman Climb (6/side…1/side)

4B) Shuttle Sprint (Back and forth 6X… down to 1X)

4C) Mountain Climbers (6/side…1/side)


Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 20 seconds between circuits
Rolling Plank (20 secs left side plank, 20 secs plank, 20 secs right side plank)
Bodyweight Sumo Squat (20 secs)
Rolling Plank (20 secs left side plank, 20 secs plank, 20 secs right side plank)
Total Body Extension (20 secs)


Do the following superset resting only as needed.


Superset 1 – 15 Bodyweight Squats, 1 Pushup

Superset 2 – 14 Bodyweight Squats, 2 Pushups

Superset 3 – 13 Bodyweight Squats, 3 Pushups


Keep going until you complete 1 Bodyweight Squat and 15 Pushups


Bodyweight Squats (15…1)

Pushups (1…15)


Do the following circuit ONE time, resting as shown:
Punisher Squat (20 secs followed by a 10-second hold at the bottom) – 4 times
Close-Grip 3/4th Reps (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 times
Alternating Bodyweight Chops (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 times
Bodysaw (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 4 times


Do the following circuit ONE time, resting as shown:


KB or DB Swings or Total Body Extensions (50 secs), rest 10 secs


T Pushups (50 secs), rest 10 secs


KB or DB Swings or Total Body Extensions (40 secs), rest 10 secs


Lateral Plank Walk (40 secs), rest 10 secs


KB or DB Swings or Total Body Extensions (30 secs), rest 10 secs


X-Body Mountain Climbers w/Feet Elevated or X-Body MC (30 secs), rest 10 Secs


KB or DB Swings or Total Body Extensions (20 secs), rest 10 secs


Burpee (20 secs)


Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between circuits. Give yourself a 5-second transition between exercises.

KB or DB Swings (30 secs)

Ab Wheel or Stability Ball Rollout (30 secs)

Run in Place or Split Shuffle (30 secs)

Side Plank with Leg Raise (30 secs/side)

Medicine Ball Slams or Alternating DB Chops (30 secs)


We’re doing this one Ladder Up style!  You’ll see the three exercises listed below.  Set your timer for 10 minutes and start by doing one repetition of each exercise, one right after the other.

The next round, you’ll take a step up the ladder and do two repetitions of each exercise.  Then 3 reps, 4, 5 and so on.  Add one rep each round and go as high up the ladder as you can in 10 minutes.

There is no scheduled rest, try and push through for the entire 10 minutes.  Once your form starts to dip, or you’re having trouble catching your breath, take a short break and jump back in when you’re ready.

On to the exercises!

  1. Burpee with a Close Grip Pushup
  2. Mountain Climber Combo (each leg)
  3. Prisoner Reverse Lunge (each leg)

For the Mountain Climber Combo, bring your knee toward your chest (like a regular mountain climber), then immediately go across your body, and then back to the starting position.

I like to think of it as drawing a triangle with your knee.

The only rule is you have to make every second count!

Push yourself and write down how far up the ladder you get in 10 minutes.  Next time you do this workout, shoot for one more repetition than you did the previous time.


There are three exercises below. Your goal is to finish them as quickly as possible. This is perfect to place as a finisher or off day workout.
1) Burpees: 10 reps
2) Jump Lunges: 10 reps each side
3) 400 Meter Run
Repeat 3 full rounds resting ONLY when needed!


Measure out 10 yards on a track, field, or court. Set your interval timer for 30 seconds on 30 seconds off.
Once the timer goes off, perform as many sprints to the cone and back as possible in the 30 seconds. Mark down how many down and backs you performed.
Then rest 30 seconds and repeat. Complete in this fashion for 6-minutes or 6 total shuttle sprints.
Rest 1 minute then complete as many pushups as possible in 2-minutes.


Set your timer for 9-minutes. Between EACH sprint, perform 10 pushups and 10 squat jumps. Start out sprinting 10 yards and each new sprint round increase the distance by 10 yards.

For example:
10-yard sprint
10 pushups and 10 squat jumps
20-yard sprint
10 pushups and 10 squat jumps
30-yard sprint
10 pushups and 10 squat jumps
40-yard sprint
etc. etc. etc.
Complete until the 9-minute timer runs out.


Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. Rest only as necessary. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level. And if you don’t have a jump rope, no worries. Just pretend. 😉

Choose Your Level:

Beginner = 6 minutes as many rounds as possible (AMRAP), do modified burpees.

Intermediate = 8 minutes AMRAP

Advanced = 10 minutes AMRAP

A) Jump rope x 20 + Burpees x 2

B) Jump rope x 30 + Burpees x 4

C) Jump rope x 40 + Burpees x 6

D) Jump rope x 50 + Burpees x 8

E) Jump rope x 40 + Burpees x 6

F) Jump rope x 30 + Burpees x 4

G) Jump rope x 20 + Burpees x 2


Complete as many rounds as possible as you can in 9-minutes:
400 meter run
20 broad jumps
20 pushups
20 alternating reverse lunges
20 rocking planks


Repeat the exercises below resting only when needed. Complete as many rounds as possible in 9-minutes:
Close Grip Pushups: 10 reps
Run 800 Meters
Up Downs: 10 reps
Superman Jumps: 10 reps
Half Burpees: 10 reps


Your goal for this workout is to finish it in under 9-minutes. If you cannot
complete it in this time, it is something you can work towards.
1) Run 1-mile
2) Then complete 50 pushups and 25 squat jumps

Complete as many rounds as possible in 9-minutes resting only when needed.
Subtract 5 yards and reps from each new round that you do.
Broad Jump 50 yards
Sprint Back 50 Yards
Perform 25 Pushups
Minus 5 Yards and Reps
Broad Jump 45 yards
Sprint Back 45 Yards
Perform 20 Pushups
Continue subtracting 5 yards and reps each round until the 9-minute timer is done.
Complete the exercises below in order resting only when needed. Repeat as many rounds as possible in 9-minutes.
Burpees: 10 reps
Reverse Lunges: 10 reps total
Clapping Pushups: 10 reps
200-meter sprint
Rest as needed and repeat as many rounds as possible in 9-minutes.
Do 7 reps on each exercise below, resting when needed. Repeat as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes. After the five minutes, your goal is to run as far as possible in the remaining 4-minutes (your goal should be to build up to 2 and a half laps around a track or around 1,000 meters).
Circuit A
Spiderman Pushups: 7 reps
Superman Jumps: 7 reps
Outside Mountain Climber: 7 reps
Burpee Star Jumps: 7 reps
Circuit B
Run as far as possible in 4-minutes.


• Complete each exercise below for the recommended amount of time, resting only where it says to rest.
• If you need to take more rest in between exercises in order to keep good form, do so.
• Always be sure you get in a good warm-up before starting the workout.
Circuit #1
• T-Pushups: 30 seconds
• Mountain Climbers: 15 seconds
◦ Rest 30 seconds and repeat 1 more time for a total of TWO rounds.
Rest 30 seconds after round two and move to the next set of exercises.
Circuit #2
• Spiderman Pushups: 30 seconds
• Spiderman Climbs: 15 seconds
◦ Rest 30 seconds and repeat 1 more time for a total of TWO rounds.
Rest 30 seconds after round two and move to the next set of exercises.
• Pushup Burn Out: As Many Reps As Possible in 4-minutes


Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Once you finish the first round, immediately repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds.
 Lying Hip Extensions
 Jumping Jacks
 Kneeling Eccentric Pushups (4 second lowering phase)
 Stick Ups
 Bird Dog


Do each exercise for 30 seconds, rest as little as possible between exercises.

  • Split Squat
  • Split Squat (switch legs)
  • Prisoner Squat Jumps
  • Plank to Pushup
  • Burpees

***Rest 30 seconds, repeat 2 more times.  Then move on to the final circuit.

Final Circuit – 1-Minute Core Killer

Do each exercise for 20 seconds, do not rest between exercises.  Perform this circuit once.

  • High Knees Sprint in Place
  • Mountain Climbers

High Knees Sprint in Place

Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Once you finish the first round, immediately repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds.
  • Lying Hip Extensions
  • Kneeling Pushups
  • Split Shuffle
  • Plank
  • Bodyweight Row


Do each exercise for 35 seconds and rest 25 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Once you finish the first round, immediately repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds.

  •  1 Leg Lying Hip Extensions (switch legs next round)
  •  Total Body Extensions
  •  Kneeling Close Grip Pushups
  •  Split Shuffle
  •  Wall Squat


Complete each exercise below for the recommended amount of time, resting only where it says to rest.
• If you need to take more rest in between exercises in order to keep good form, do so.
• Always be sure you get in a good warm-up before starting the workout.
Circuit #1
• Sprints in Place: 30 seconds
• Burpees: 15 seconds
• Mountain Climbers: 15 seconds
◦ Rest 30 seconds and repeat 1 more time for a total of TWO rounds.
Rest 30 seconds after round two and move to the next set of exercises.
• Sprints in Place: 20 seconds of sprints, 10 second rest for 4 minutes


Do the following circuit as shown one time:

 Bodyweight Squats – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds (2 minutes total)
 Kneeling Eccentric Pushups (4 second lowering phase) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Split Squats (switch legs each round) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Side Plank – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds

 Jumping Jacks – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Wall Squats – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Mountain Climbers – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Split Squats (switch legs each round) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Kneeling Eccentric Close Grip Pushups – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds

 Glute Bridge – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Kneeling Close Grip Pushups – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Split Shuffle – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Reverse Lunges – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Cross Body Mountain Climbers – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1-2 Punch Sprawl – 30 Sec
High Knee Punch Outs – 30 Sec
Mountain Climbers – 30 Sec
Plank with Forward Touches – 30 Sec
Rest 30 Seconds

Repeat for 4 Rounds


Do the following superset as many times as possible in 6 minutes,

resting only when needed.


1-Arm KB or DB Swing (6 per side)

Renegade Row (6 per side)


Beginner: 6 minute
Intermediate: 8 minutes
Advanced: 10 minutes

Equipment: Bodyweight Only
Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Squats x 25 + walkouts x 5
B) Squats x 20 + walkout x 4
C) Squats x 15 + walkouts x 3
D) Squats x 10 + walkouts x 2
E) Squats x 5 + walkouts x 1


Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes,
depending on your fitness level. Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Spiderman plank x 10 each side, jump squats x 10
B) Spiderman plank x 9 each side, jump squats x 9
C) Spiderman plank x 8 each side, jump squats x 8
D) Spiderman plank x 7 each side, jump squats x 7
J) Spiderman plank x 1 each side, jump squats x 1


Workout #1 – Circuit on 20’s
 Bodyweight Squats – 20 seconds
 Kneeling Pushups – 20 seconds
 Split Squats (switch legs next round) – 20 seconds
o Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time. Then move on to Circuit #2.
Circuit #2
 Kneeling Close Grip Pushups – 20 seconds
 Wall Squat – 20 seconds
 Spiderman Climb – 20 seconds
o Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time. Then move on to Circuit #3.
Circuit #3
 Split Shuffle – 20 seconds
 Stick Ups – 20 seconds
 Glute Bridge – 20 seconds
o Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time. Then move on to Circuit #4.
Circuit #4
 Jumping Jacks – 20 seconds
 Plank – 20 seconds
 Jumping Jacks – 20 seconds


  1. 2 Close Grip Pushups + 2 Prisoner Jump Squats – 30 seconds (As many rounds as possible)
  2. Seal Jacks – 60 seconds
  3. Spiderman Climb Burpees – 30 seconds

Repeat 4 times for a total of 5 rounds.  Rest ONLY when necessary.  You’ll get more done in that 10 minutes than most do in their 30 minute workouts.


Do the following circuit resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you’ll do 10 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you’ll do 9 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
A) Burpee x 10 + Total body extension x 10
B) Burpee x 9 + Total body extension x 9
C) Burpee x 8 + Total body extension x 8
J) Burpee x 1 + Total body extension x 1


Do the following circuit resting only when needed. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
A) Single leg walkout x 5 each side, seal jacks x 30
B) Single leg walkout x 4 each side, seal jacks x 25
C) Single leg walkout x 3 each side, seal jacks x 20
D) Single leg walkout x 2 each side, seal jacks x 15
E) Single leg walkout x 1 each side, seal jacks x 10


Do each exercise for 30 seconds, rest as little as possible between exercises.

  • Split Squat
  • Split Squat (switch legs)
  • Prisoner Squat Jumps
  • Plank to Pushup
  • Burpees

***Rest 30 seconds, repeat 2 more times.  Then move on to the final circuit.

Final Circuit – 1-Minute Core Killer

Do each exercise for 20 seconds, do not rest between exercises.  Perform this circuit once.

  • High Knees Sprint in Place
  • Mountain Climbers
  • High Knees Sprint in Place


Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. Rest only as necessary. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A: Jumping Jacks x 20 + push ups x 10
B: Jumping Jacks x 18 + push ups x 8
C: Jumping Jacks x 16 + push ups x 6
D: Jumping Jacks x 14 + push ups x 4
E: Jumping Jacks x 12 + push ups x 2
F: Jumping Jacks x 10 + push ups x 1
G: Jumping Jacks x 12 + push ups x 2
H: Jumping Jacks x 14 + push ups x 4
I: Jumping Jacks x 16 + push ups x 6
J: Jumping Jacks x 18 + push ups x 8
K: Jumping Jacks x 20 + push ups x 10


Do each exercise for 20 seconds and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Count the number of reps you get and try to equal your score each round.
Rest for 20 seconds between exercises. Repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
A) Jump Squats x 20s
– Rest 20s
B) Push Ups x 20s
– Rest 20s
C) Shuttle Sprints or Mountain Climbers x 20s
– Rest 20s


Circuit #1
 1 Leg Lying Hip Extensions (switch legs next round) – 30 seconds
 Plank to Pushup – 30 seconds
 Y-Squats – 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time. Then move on to Circuit #2
Circuit #2
 Reverse Lunges – 30 seconds
 Kneeling Close Grip Pushups – 30 seconds
 High Knees Sprint in Place – 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time.
Iron Man Style
 Jumping Jacks – 1 minute
 Wall Squat – 1 minute


Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. Rest only as necessary. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Explosive push ups x 5
B) Total body extension x 10
C) Burpees x 15
D) Total body extension x 10
E) Explosive push ups x 5


 Prisoner Split Squats – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Pushups – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
 Bodyweight Squats – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 8 rounds
 Oblique Mountain Climbers – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds


Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. Rest only as necessary. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Push ups x 3
B) Jump Squats x 6
C) Cross body mountain climbers x 9
D) Alternating reverse lunges x 12
E) Jump rope x 30
F) Alternating reverse lunges x 12
G) Cross body mountain climbers x 9
H) Jump Squats x 6
I) Push ups x 3


Squat Speed Shuffle – 30 seconds
Cross Body Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds
Split Squats (switch legs each round) – 30 seconds
Kneeling Eccentric Pushups (4 second lowering phase) – 30 seconds
o Rest 30 seconds, repeat 3 more times.


Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. Rest only as necessary. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Jumping Jacks x 50
B) Cross Body Mountain Climbers x 40
C) Jump rope x 30 (pretend)
D) Jump squats/ total body extension x 20
E) Burpees x 10
F) Jump squats/ total body extension x 20
G) Jump rope x 30 (pretend)
H) Cross Body Mountain Climbers x 40
I) Jumping Jacks x 50


Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
Pushups – 30 seconds
Prisoner Squats – 30 seconds
Plank – 30 seconds
1 Leg Lying Hip Extensions (switch legs after 15 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds, repeat 2 more times. Then move on to Final Circuit.
Final Circuit
Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds
Spiderman Climb – 20 seconds
High Knees Sprint in Place – 20 seconds


Bodyweight Squats – 30 seconds
Kneeling Close Grip Pushups – 30 seconds
Split Shuffle – 30 seconds
Oblique Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds
1 Leg Lying Hip Extensions (switch sides next round) – 30 seconds
Lateral Jumps – 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time. Then move on to the 20-10 workout.
20-10 Tabata:
Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 6 rounds


10-Minute No-Equipment Circuit

1) #1 Pushup – 30 seconds
2) Prisoner Split Squat or Bulgarian Split Squat – 30 seconds per side
3) #2 Pushup – 30 seconds
4) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
5) Plank-to-Triceps Extensions – 30 seconds
6) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds


In this circuit, here’s what you’ll do.


1) Choose a “#1 Pushup”. This is the toughest pushup that you can do for 30 seconds with great form, getting close to failure at the end of 30 seconds.

2) Do NOT rest between exercises.

3) Choose a “#2 Pushup”. This is an easier pushup than #1 that you can still do for 30 seconds with great form.

4) The Plank-to-Triceps Extension is one of the unique exercises.

5) Rest 1-minute at the end of the circuit.

6) Repeat the circuit one more time. (Workout takes less than 10 minutes!)


6-Minute Workout Finisher


1A) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds

1B) Bear Crawl – 15 seconds

1C) Low Box Jump – 30 seconds (step-down safely: 1 foot at a time)

1D) Pushups – 15 seconds

1E) Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds

1F) Mountain Climber – 30 seconds (alternating sides)


– Advanced: Do NOT rest between exercises. (Keep on pushing on!)

– Intermediate: Rest up to 15 seconds between exercises.

– Do two rounds of the Workout Finisher in 6 minutes.

– HARD-CORE: Do three rounds in 10 minutes.


1) Total Body Extensions (or Burpees) – 30 seconds

2) Pushups (or Mountain Climbers) – 30 seconds

– Rest 10-20 seconds and repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes.


1A) DB Chest Press – 8-12 reps

1B) DB Row or Chest Supported Row – 8-12 reps

– No rest between exercises.

– Rest 1 minute between supersets.

Repeat as many times as possible in 10 min.


The Female Fat Burning Carve-Your-Curves Solution

1A) Reverse Lunges – 30 seconds per side

1B) Total Body Extensions (or Burpees) – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 2

– Rest 30 seconds and repeat as many times as possible in 10 min.


  1. Goblet Squat – 30 seconds
  2. Elevated Pushups – 30 seconds (switch sides at 15 seconds)
  3. Goblet Split Squat – 30 seconds/leg
  4. Rest 30 seconds, repeat 3 more times.


Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. Rest only as necessary. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Jump rope x 20 + Burpees x 2
B) Jump rope x 30 + Burpees x 4
C) Jump rope x 40 + Burpees x 6
D) Jump rope x 50 + Burpees x 8
E) Jump rope x 40 + Burpees x 6
F) Jump rope x 30 + Burpees x 4
G) Jump rope x 20 + Burpees x 2


Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for 10 seconds between the exercises. Repeat for a total of 2 rounds. Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Sprinter Starts (Right Leg) x 30s
B) Sprinter Starts (Left leg) x 30s
C) Split Shuffle x 30s
D) Push Ups x 30s
E) Lunge Jumps x 30s
F) Push Ups x 30s


Alright, perform these 3 exercises as many times as possible  in three minutes without any rest. After your three minutes is up,  rest 45 seconds and repeat once more.

Your second time through, try to get through the 3 exercises  more times than you did the first.

Round 1

*Squat to Punch – 10 Reps

“T” Pushups – 6 Reps Per Side

Reverse Lunge To Front Kick – 10 Reps Per Side

*Alternate punches while in the squat position <= EVIL


Perform the following exercises as fast as possible with good form. You must complete within a minute and rest for the remainder of time. At the top of the minute, you start again. Do this every minute, on the minute for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
A) Walkouts x 3
B) Mountain climbers x 10
C) Squats x 15


Perform each of the following exercises in order. Remember good form is very important. If your form gets sloppy, please stop and take a break. Do as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes. Record the number of rounds and aim to beat this score each week.
A) Push ups x 5
B) Duck Under x 10
C) Cross Mountain Burpees x 5
D) Lunge jumps x 10


Perform the following exercises as fast as possible with good form. You must complete within a minute and rest for the remainder of time. At the top of the minute, you start again. Do this every minute, on the minute for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
A) Push ups x 10
B) Squats x 10
C) Jump squats x 10


Perform each of the following exercises in order. Remember good form is very important. If your form gets sloppy, please stop and take a break. Do as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes. Record the number of rounds and aim to beat this score each week.
A) Jumping Jacks x 50 + burpees x 10
B) Seal Jacks x 50 + burpees x 10
C) Crocodile jacks x 50 + burpees x 10
D) Plank Jacks x 50 + burpees x 10


Perform the following exercises as fast as possible with good form. You must complete within a minute and rest for the remainder of time. At the top of the minute, you start again. Do this every minute, on the minute for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
A) Burpees x 5
B) Total body extensions x 10
C) Push ups x 10


20-10 Thigh Thrasher

  • Double Pushup Burpees – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 6 rounds
  • Switch Lunges – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
  • Low Pushup Hold – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
  • Squat Punisher – 20 seconds on, 10 second hold at bottom x 6 rounds

**For the Low Pushup Hold, assume the pushup position.  Keep your elbows tucked and bring your shoulder blades together as you lower yourself down toward the ground.  Once you’re about an inch from the ground (or as low as you can go) HOLD for 20 seconds.


10 Minute Elite Ironman

Do each exercise for 1 minute.  Only rest when necessary, especially when your form starts to dip.

  • Around the World
  • Prisoner Squat Jumps
  • Seal Jacks
  • Oblique Mountain Climber Pushups
  • Butt Kicks
  • Repeat 1 more time


This one we’re doing Ladder Up style!  That means you’ll start by doing one repetition of each exercise, one right after the other.  In the next round, you’ll do two repetitions of each exercise, followed by 3 reps, 4 reps, etc.

Each round, simply add one repetition to each exercise.  Go as high up the ladder as you can in 10 minutes, rest only when necessary.

  • Cross Body Mountain Climber Burpees
  • Plank to Triceps Extension

Lunge Jumps


(A) DB Squat or Deadlift (8 reps)

(B) DB Incline Chest Press (10 reps)

(C) DB Row (8 reps per side)

Do as many circuits as possible in 10 minutes, resting only when needed.


Instructions: Complete one descending ladder starting at 10 reps and do a decreasing number of even reps each set. Take as much recovery as needed between movements.
Allotted Time: Less than 10 minutes

Jump Squat
Reverse Lunge
Hand-Release Pushup
Lateral Lunge


Do each exercise for 30 seconds, rest as little as possible between exercises.

– Split Squat (right leg)

– Split Squat (left leg)

– Around the World

– Prisoner Squat Jumps

– Double Jump Burpees

Rest 30 seconds, repeat 2 more times.


Perform the following exercises as fast as possible with good form. You must complete within a minute and rest for the remainder of time. At the top of the minute, you start again. Do this every minute, on the minute for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
A) Mountain Climbers x 10
B) Jump ropes x 40 (pretend)


Do the following circuit in order resting only when needed. Rest only as necessary. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
Note: take a 30 second break between rounds if it’s your first time doing this circuit.
A) Prisoner squats x 13
B) Crab crawls x 13 (each side)
C) Swinging lunges x 13 (each side)
D) Seal jacks x 13


for the first 8 minutes, you’ll perform supersets of:

  1. Triple-Stop Push-ups (8 reps)
  2. Squat Jumps (8 reps)

Once you’ve completed 8 reps of each exercise, rest for 20 seconds, then continue to do as many supersets as possible in 8 minutes. (You can increase or decrease the duration of the rest periods, depending on your current fitness level.)

In the final 2 minutes, you’ll switch it up and do two different exercises:

  1. Cross-Body Mountain Climber Burpees (5 reps)
  2. Jumping Jacks (15 reps)

Perform the prescribed number of reps for each of these exercises. Once you’ve done so for both exercises, that’s one round. Do as many rounds as possible in the final 2 minutes, only resting when absolutely necessary.


We’re doing this one Ladder Up style!  You’ll see the three exercises listed below.  Set your timer for 10 minutes and start by doing one repetition of each exercise, one right after the other.

The next round, you’ll take a step up the ladder and do two repetitions of each exercise.  Then 3 reps, 4, 5 and so on.  Add one rep each round and go as high up the ladder as you can in 10 minutes.

There is no scheduled rest, try and push through for the entire 10 minutes.  Once your form starts to dip, or you’re having trouble catching your breath, take a short break and jump back in when you’re ready.

On to the exercises!

  1. Burpee with a Close Grip Pushup
  2. Mountain Climber Combo (each leg)
  3. Prisoner Reverse Lunge (each leg)

For the Mountain Climber Combo, bring your knee toward your chest (like a regular mountain climber), then immediately go across your body, and then back to the starting position.

I like to think of it as drawing a triangle with your knee.

The only rule is you have to make every second count!

Push yourself and write down how far up the ladder you get in 10 minutes.  Next time you do this workout, shoot for one more repetition than you did the previous time.


  • Close Grip Pushups – 2 reps short of failure
  • Prisoner Bodyweight Squats – 1 minute
  • Repeat as many times as possible in 10-minutes


1A) *DB Chest Fly-Press – 40 seconds

1B) DB Chest-Supported Row – 40 seconds

– Rest 20 seconds

1C) DB 1-Arm Shoulder Press – 40 seconds per side

1D) DB 1-Arm Curl with Palm-Up at all times – 40 seconds per side

– Rest 20 seconds

– Repeat the circuit 1 more time.


*DB Chest Fly-Press – Lower the weights in a DB Chest-Fly motion, then bring the weights into your side and press them back up like a normal chest press. This allows you to use heavier resistance in the Chest-Fly motion because you are stronger when lowering the weights under control.


Do as many rounds as you can of the two exercises below in 4 1/2 minutes.  If you make it all the way through before the time is up, start back at that top.

Once your 4 1/2 minutes are up, rest for 1 minute and repeat 1 more time.

In round 2, bust your butt to do MORE rounds than you did the first time through.  That’s what we call High Intensity Density Training (HIDT) my friend, and it works like magic 🙂


  • 50 Total Body Extensions x 10 Mountain Climber Burpees
  • 40 Total Body Extensions x 8 Mountain Climber Burpees
  • 30 Total Body Extensions x 6 Mountain Climber Burpees
  • 20 Total Body Extensions x 4 Mountain Climber Burpees
  • 10 Total Body Extensions x 2 Mountain Climber Burpees

You’ll work your ENTIRE body in those 2 moves.


Prisoner Squats: 30-seconds

Decline or Regular Pushups: 30-seconds

Alternating Reverse Lunges: 30-seconds

Sprints In Place: Push until you feel you start slowing down (Goal: 15+ seconds)

Rest up to 90-seconds and repeat up to 3 rounds


  1. Kettlebell Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats – 8 reps per leg
  2. Squat Jumps – 8
  3. Inverted Bodyweight Rows – 8

Rest 20 seconds and repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes.
