Orange juice, even when it’s 100% pure, gives a fraction of the nutrients of a whole orange, and packs 5X the sugar.
And because it lacks the fiber that normally would help you prevent a HUGE spike in your blood sugar… it’s way more fattening and less filling than eating real fruit.
Drinking your calories is a really bad idea when trying to lose weight.
Some people think wheat bread is better than white bread, but it almost always contains ingredients that are horrible for your health and weight loss goals, like high fructose corn syrup and vegetable oil.
In fact, some wheat breads have been shown to spike blood sugar HIGHER than 2 tablespoons of table sugar, forcing your body to store more belly fat and wreaking havoc on your metabolism.
Also, most brown breads actually contain LESS whole grains than white breads. That’s right. You’ve been lied to – again.
Butter? Have you lost your mind?
Nope. Forget about the naysayers who still argue that margarine (15+ ingredients AND chemicals) is more “natural” and healthier than butter (made with cream and salt).
Truth be told, margarine and nearly ALL other alternative butter spreads are made with dangerous vegetable oils that contain up to 4.6% hidden trans fats – the deadliest fat source in existence. Plus, margarine contains a bunch of synthetic vitamins – shown to actually REDUCE the “good” vitamins in your body.
Not to mention all the other nasty ingredients margarine and fake butter spread alternatives contain that you should NEVER eat.
This is one the most common mistakes I see people make.
Low-fat yogurt seems like a good choice because it’s relentlessly marketed as “healthy” but it’s just another nutrition myth that can make you store more belly fat.
Almost all low-fat yogurts contain artificial sweeteners like sucralose (Splenda) or aspartame (Equal) that have been proven to destroy beneficial bacteria in your gut. This is just one of the many reasons artificial sweeteners promote the accumulation of belly fat along with extra cravings and host of other damaging side effects.
One study even demonstrated that eating just 1.5 tsp. of sucralose a day was enough to promote fat GAIN faster than pure sugar. (Reference: Food Chem Toxicol. 2000;38 Suppl 2:S53-69.)
Not to mention the fact that cheap dairy products contain traces of antibiotics and the dangerous hormone rBGH that can disrupt your fat loss hormones.
Don’t get scammed by the marketing hype, just like thousands of others.
“Cage-free” has no legal definition in the United States, and, the Australian industry has also been recently exposed, once again! This is a clear indication that these eggs are produced by hens who are crammed inside small barns by the thousands and force fed hormones and incomplete nutrition.
The second problem with these eggs is the added omega-3s.
You see, the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s independent lab tests revealed that they contain less than HALF of the omega-3 friendly fats than are claimed on the packaging.
This brand of stevia is a HUGE scam.
Stevia In The Raw contains 95% dextrose – also known as PURE sugar.
It’s another “hidden” label loophole that makes you fat. The FDA allows ANY food that contains less than 4 calories per serving to be labelled as “calorie-free”.
This product shows portion sizes of 0.5g or 1/8 of a teaspoon, but it continues to claim it contains ZERO calories. Another food scam.
In 2010, Consumer Reports, one of the most credible and influential non-profit organizations fighting for your consumer rights in the US, revealed that 20% of all olive oils are fake and have been mixed with OTHER cheap fat storing oils. Ditto for Australia!
This ludicrous food scam was confirmed again in 2012, when the UC Davis Olive Center found out that only 27% of all olive oils passed the quality control test to be labeled “extra virgin” – the best and most nutritious kind available.
So again, without even being aware of it, YOUR olive oil could easily contain up to 100% vegetable oil, which is filled with fattening trans fats.
Forget everything you heard about red meat making you fat or giving you high cholesterol. Again, it’s just another nutrition myth.
Grass-fed beef contains 2 to 4 times MORE heart-friendly, fat burning omega-3 fats. It also contains significantly more vitamins and minerals than cheap supermarket meats. It’s also PACKED with the all natural fat burner CLA.
However, this can be misleading because some grass-fed beef are “grain finished”, which means they are fattened with grains right before being slaughtered.
This process may help the farmer or big food company make money faster – but it completely changes the fat profile in YOUR grass-fed beef. The omega-3s transform into inflammatory omega-6s and it completely destroys the all-natural CLA content.
Yes, believe it or not, even your innocent little soy sauce contains all the wrong fat storing ingredients.
Almost all the popular brand soy sauce brands are basically nothing but water, high fructose corn syrup and cheap fat-storing soy protein.
In The Truth About Condiments, Snacks & Seasonings you’ll see below, you’ll discover the 3 “essential” criteria to follow when choosing your soy-based condiments.
You’ll also learn dozens of other condiments you should keep in your pantry at all times in order to KEEP your body in a fat burning environment.
There’s no such thing as fat burning “sugar”, but certain natural sugars like honey are less fattening and WAY healthier for you than processed sugar.
But watch out. A recent study by Food Safety News found out that 75% of the honey sold in the US may be FAKE. In fact, many of the healthy honey products that you may be consuming could contain the banned antibiotic chloramphenicol AND dangerous heavy metals.
And this is really just the tip of the Iceberg. There are literally hundreds of other “hidden” fat-storing ingredients that can end up in your kitchen.
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