Why The FDA Approves Poisons In Your Food, Water & Supplements

You heard me right. The FDA and most Governments around 
the world APPROVE the use of different toxic chemicals in 
your food, water and even supplements.

You’re probably thinking I’m some sort of conspiracy nut right?

Agent Orange was a defoliant designed  to kill trees, and get rid of mosquitos.

20+ years later it was discovered that the majority of  Vietnam Vets exposed to Agent Orange got Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, AND various forms of cancer.

Good stuff, right?

And would it surprise you that according the the US EPA that Agent Orange wasn’t “meant” to harm humans?


And would it also surprise you if one of the largest food  companies in the world, responsible for manufacturing and promoting, and preventing legislation against GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) foods, Monsanto,  manufactured Agent Orange for the US government?

So forgive me if I sound like some sort of conspiracy nut, but I don’t trust much of what the government tells me,  especially when you know that those jokers in Washington play by a different set of rules:

Not subject to Obamacare. Not subject to Social Security. Lifetime full salaries upon retirement, etc…

So would it come as any real surprise if I told you that instead of making sure the corporations NEVER
 leave any  kind of toxic compound in their products…

…the FDA actually works WITH the companies in order to
 figure out the “safe amount” of poison that can be allowed on

your fruits, veggies, cereals, milk, and anything you eat or drink!

After spending some time testing the effect of a certain water
 contaminant, pesticide or GMO food on rats, they slap the
 “GRAS” (Generally Recognized As Safe) status on that toxic 

(This is depressing… I know. But this is the world we live in,
 and the fact that you’re reading this important email right now
 proves that you are among the few who are taking action and
 getting educated.)

That is why — according to the FDA, of course — it is perfectly “safe” to have the following toxic chemicals in your food,
 water and supplements:

– The average apple can contain 42 different pesticides, and
 19 of those can potentially disrupt your hormones…

– 88% of the corn, 93% of the soy, 90% of the canola and
 54% of the sugar produced in the US has been genetically 
modified — and the effect of GMOs on human health has been documented enough that dozens of countries want to ban them…

– Your tap water contains Atrazine, a dangerous herbicide banned by the European Union the exact same year it was re-approved in the US…

– Your protein powder can contain any amount of heavy
 metals, because the FDA doesn’t even test those…

OK, let’s say that these chemicals are at a safe level, and that 
your body is strong enough to get rid of them.

But the question is… what happens when they stack up?

No Government or regulatory agency steps up to provide 
an answer.

In the meantime, the American Red Cross took samples of  fetal cord blood from 10 newborns and found a shocking
 287 chemicals inside the samples.

(Chemicals that are NOT supposed to be there, that is…)

So whether you like it or not, our environment is getting 
more and more toxic.

The ONLY way to fight back, demand better food, better
 water and cleaner supplements is to get educated on the

Here’s something else that’ll twist your noodle:

Your liver is supposed to detoxify chemicals and metabolize drugs, and burn fat (among other things).

Is it really a stretch then to imagine that if you’ve been struggling to get rid of body fat that your liver may be over- burdened with toxic chemicals from eating the wrong foods –

Foods filled with fillers, additives, preservatives, dyes, and other chemicals that aren’t supposed to be there?

The stone cold truth is you can be proactive about your food and water – your health – now, or you can be reactive  later, once your health has failed you.




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