As you’ve probably noticed, more and more bakeries, grocery stores, and restaurants are offering “gluten-free” food choices…
(breads, muffins, cookies, chips, candy, etc..)
In fact, the gluten free (GF) industry has grown well over 30% just since 2010.
So what is Gluten and should you really avoid it?
The “elasticity” found in dough that stretches from homemade breads and pastries is called gluten.
Without it, the ingredients would not bind together into a dough that you could knead.
(Word for Gluten in Latin is GLUE…now it probably makesmore sense.)
Gluten is a protein complex found mostly in wheat, rye, and barley, which can be problematic and inflammatory for thousands of folks.
Gluten intolerant (sensitive) people may have minor symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, digestive discomfort, or constipation.
On the other hand, the symptoms can also be more serious as those with celiac disease, which affects one in every 133 people.
(Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease)
People with celiac cannot tolerate even the smallest amount of gluten.
Symptoms may include anemia, osteoporosis, depression, and organ disorders (just to name a few).
Did you also know that?…
– Until the 1800’s, wheat products were mixed with nuts, seeds and beans (instead of inflammatory gluten).
– On average, you are 4x’s more common to have a gluten intolerance today than 50 years ago.
– For certain gluten sensitive people, reducing gluten intake can help you lose more weight, reduce high cholesterol and high blood
pressure, as well as help with Type II diabetes.
What’s deceiving is that some products, like ice cream, ketchup, and many other so-called “healthy” foods, use gluten as a stabilizer.
Labeling is deceptive…so be careful.
That’s why it’s so darn important that you know exactly what kinds of “healthy” foods to eat in today’s day and age.
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