The Most Dangerous Drink!

This is the WORST beverage for your diet…

It’s worse than soda…

It’s worse than milk…

It’s even worse than alcohol…!

Yep – it’s orange juice.


Here’s what happened in this study:

Women did 30 minutes of cardio, and immediately after exercise…

– One group drank 600mL of skim milk

– The other group drank 600mL of orange juice

One hour later, they were fed a meal of pasta and allowed to eat as much as they wanted. (Score!)

Here’s the interesting thing…

The women who drank orange juice ate an EXTRA 250 calories of pasta!

That’s why you’re better off sticking to milk or whey protein drinks… it will help you eat less and feel full!

Obviously, drinking orange juice can cause you to eat more. It’s another reason why you can get fat from endurance athlete-style diet of orange juice and pasta.

But why is the orange juice so bad ?

Most people don’t realize juice is loaded with sugar. Even the freshly squeezed stuff.

In fact, most juices contain the same amount of calories as a sugary soda.

The main sugar found in fruit juice is fructose, and the liver is the only organ that can metabolize fructose in significant amounts.

So here’s the major problem…

When the liver gets a rush of fructose (more than it can handle), it turns into fat.

And even worse, that fat can get lodged in your liver and contribute to fat storage and insulin resistance.

This can be a total disaster for your waistline, especially people with diet-related metabolic problems.

But are you worried about not getting your vitamin C?

Listen, you can get more than a day’s serving of Vitamin C by eating ANY of the following:

– 1 cup of broccoli

– 1 cup of kale

– 1 small kiwi fruit

– 10 strips of capsicum (bell peppers in American)

If you want to get rid of the stubborn belly fat, give the morning jog and glass of OJ a miss.

Try  the Shashido H.I.I.T ( High Intensity Interval Training ) method instead.

Reference: Rumbold, P., et al. (2015) Milk consumption following exercise reduces subsequent energy intake in female recreational exercisers. Nutrients. 7:293-305.

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