If you’re pinched for time, then you really should just take it easy and focus on a couple of “big rocks” – The Big Rock Template.
Which ones are the Big Rocks?
Big Rock #1: Nutrition.
If you want to get lean and stay lean, you just can’t go wrong with this very simple template:
Meat, green veggies, berries.
And every once in awhile, have your favorite meal.
It’s that simple.
Big Rock #2: Strength.
The point is, the stronger you are, the more things you can do.
You can build a bigger work capacity.
You can get better conditioned.
You can work harder, longer, more frequently, which of course is one of the best things you can do for fat loss.
Don’t dismiss the simplicity of this template.
In fact, if you want to see how it really breaks down, this is what it looks like:
– 80% + of your results come from nutrition
– 10-15% of your results come from your strength training
– 5% of your results come from any sort of “cardio” or conditioning
So you can keep neglecting your “diet” – pretending it doesn’t really matter and doing your one million swings or you can use the template I just provided you.
Your choice.
You might be wondering right now –
“This sounds completely counter to everything I ever thought I knew – will it really work?”
Sure will.
The point is, you don’t have to do something “EXTREME!”
to really notice measurable results. They probably won’t be “rapid” but they will be there.
You just need to know which rocks to move.
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