The Best Ways To Train Cardio

So here they are:

#5 Heavy Bag Circuits

The Heavy Bag is one the most overlooked piece of training equipment in the gym.

Practicing punch combos, while moving around the bag at a steady pace will allow you to utilize your oxygen at a lower intensity giving you an aerobic workout.

On the other hand, hitting the heavy bag hard or punching for speed can add a higher intensity anaerobic workout.

#4 MMA Bodyweight Circuits

Now, you may not think of “cardio” when you hear bodyweight training but when you combine the right exercises into a circuit you can get an amazing heart pumping, cardio building workout.

Exercises like burpees, push ups, plyometric squats, stationary sprints, mountain climbers and jumping jacks can elevate and strengthen your heart.

#3. Skipping/Jump Rope

The jump rope is an amazing conditioner that is great for the heart. Along with its calorie burning benefits this plyometric movement also improves your coordination.

Jump Rope is one of the most convenient and effective conditioning tools in the history of athletics.   Plain and simple, it works.

#2. Interval or Circuit Training

This is one of the best ways to develop your overall muscle and strength endurance while improving your cardio strength.

Workouts like metabolic resistance circuits, HIIT training and Tabata Intervals all help to build both aerobic and anaerobic systems with high – low intervals.

#1. Hill/Sprint Training

This is the number one way to build superior cardio quickly.

Sprint training will get you get ripped, strong and explosive without jeopardizing your muscle.

Traditional cardio keeps your heart at one single speed while sprint intervals force your body and heart to work harder getting you into shape faster than ever before.

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