1) Situps or crunches
Why: These are terrible for the low back/spine, as shown by
research from Dr. Stuart McGill. These exercises compress
the discs in your spine and can cause serious low back injuries.
Alternatives: Stability Ball or Power Wheel Rollout, TRX
Mountain Climbers, Plank or Bodysaw/Rocking Plank, or Stability
Ball Plank (30% harder on your abs than a regular plank)
2) Broomstick Twists
Why? Useless. Just useless.
Alternative: Cross body mountain climbers, spiderman climbs,
side plank (with TRX)
3) Leg Press
Why? Possibly dangerous for low back due to the rounding of the
spine in the bottom position.
Alternatives: Split Squats, Forward lunges, Narrow-Stance
Barbell Squat, Goblet Squat
4) Behind the Neck Pulldown or Presses
Why? Likely dangerous for rotator cuff and also leads to terrible
form where people strain neck forward and contort themselves
just to do the movement. Just NOT worth it.
Alternative: Pullup, TRX row, V-grip pulldown to chest, db row
5) “Bodybuilder bench press” – with elbows out and bringing
bar down close to neck
Why? Terrible for the shoulder joint and rotator cuff
Alternatives: Barbell bench brought to bottom of pecs with
elbows tucked into sides, DB chest presses (all varieties),
TRX or Ring Pushups
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