Short 3-5 minute slow run to warm up / General stretch / 5 minute run around park/area/etc.
Equipment needed:
20+ Cones, Resistance bands, Focus pads, footballs or med balls (1 per 2 campers)
Set up:
Set 1st 5 cones out with 30m gaps / Next 6 cones are spaced 5m apart in a line.
Last several cones (you decide how many) are arranged in a zig-zag course for running.
Tiger crawl to 1st cone
20 jacks (advance group must touch toes and jack in the air)
Run to next cone
In groups of 5-10 squats with resistance bands in a line cycling through clients individually with focus pads.
20 punches out front then 20 high then 20 out front move to next in line and last person gets back into squats. (Depending on size of group cycle through 1-2 times)
Tiger crawl to next cone
Run to next
Next 6cones are spaced 5m apart in a line
Tiger crawl to 2nd cone 5 burpees with push up / Run back to 1st cone
Tiger crawl to 3rd cone 4 burpees with push up / Run back to 1st cone
Tiger crawl to 4th cone 3 burpees with push up / Run back to 1st cone
Tiger crawl to 5th cone2 burpees with push up / Run back to 1st cone
Tiger crawl to last cone
Run to next cone
Next remaining cones in the zig zag course
Sprint around the outside of each cone until they get to the end and jog back and repeat 2-3 times
Rest and repeat (adding another 5 min run before the repeat if time)
Finish with side-by-side running up the park passing a football or med ball
Circuit Workout
Short 3-5 minute slow run to warm up / General stretch
Equipment needed:
20+ Cones / Resistance bands
Set up:
Spread cones around the area in an oval or about 50m length. 2 red and 2 white (the rest any color) as these will be sprint start and finish
Set the sprint cones so that one is 10m in length and the other is 15 m in length on opposite sides of the oval. The red is start and the white is finish
2-minute run
CIRCUIT I – 30 seconds each
Squat and pulse – squat and bounce for 5 in lowered position and then up
Push ups
Jumping jacks
Leg lifts
Close grip push ups
Mountain climbers
T push up
Static crunch with repeated trunk rotation
3-minute run around oval
CIRCUIT II – 40 seconds each
Squat and pulse – squat and bounce for 5 in lowered position and then up
Push ups
Leg lifts
21s with bands (arm curls 7 lower, 7 upper, 7 full motion)
Mountain climbers
T push up
Static crunch with repeated trunk rotation
2 minute run around oval
3-minute walk to cool down / stretch
Circuit Workout
Workout I – lower body, abs, shoulders, chest
High knee skip (cone to cone) / Skip kick (skip as you kick out your leg (cone to cone)
Hi knees(cone to cone) / 30 jumping jacks / 20 push ups / Hamstring stretch
Quad stretch / Calf stretch (curb) / Roll arms forward/back / Head rolls
1 mile run
Circuit I
Step up w/dumbbell press (right leg -1 minute, repeat w/left-1 minute)
Push-ups w/feet on bench-1 minute
Dips-1 minute
Plank-1 minute (advanced alternate knees to elbow)
Squat thrusts-1 minute
Side Step up, right (at top kick leg out to side)-45 sec., repeat with left leg
Push-ups w/feet on bench-45 sec.
Dips- 45 sec.
Plank-45 sec.(advanced alternate knees to elbow)
Mountain climbers-45 sec
WATER BREAK (double time while next circuit is being explained)
Circuit II
Front raise to lateral raise while lunging-1 minute
Pike push-ups(works shoulders)-1 minute
Bear crawl (to cone and back)
Sprint (to cone and back )
Rear delt flyes -1 minute
Crab walk (to cone and back)
Frog jumps (squat & touch hands to ground then jump up)( to cone and back)
Med ball indian run (all run single file, person at front throws med ball back overhead to next, etc., last one runs to front, repeat)
WATER BREAK (double time while next circuit is being explained)
Circuit III
(Pyramid-perform each exercise for 12 counts, then repeat for 11, 10…down to 1)
Basic crunch
Hip thrust (reverse crunch)
Med ball indian run (see above for description)
Quad, hamstring, calf, hip flexor stretches
Arms out to side (pretend to squeeze orange between shoulder blades)
Triceps stretch, head rolls
Circuit Workout
Workout II – arms, back, calisthenics
Stationary lunges / Butt kicks / Hi knees / 30 half jacks (jacks in a partial squaqt position – arms go
out and in at 90 deg angle) / 20 push ups / Hamstring stretch / Quad stretch / Calf stretch (curb)
Roll arms forward/back / Head rolls
1 mile run
Circuit I (cardio, abs)
(3 stations marked with cones (campers run to each station, advanced run with DBs in hand)
1. Burpees – 15 Jacks – 30 (advanced do in air “star jumps”)
2. Downhill skiers (legs together in slight squat, arms at fist at sides – swing arms front & back as you jump from side to side keeping legs together)
Mountain climbers – 30
3. Side bends – 15 ea
Squat jumps – 30
Group ABS (Perform 30 seconds each then repeat at 20 seconds each)
Plank / R side plank / 1-leg plank / L side plank / plank w/repeating knee drop / superman / rope for 90 sec
WATER BREAK (double time while next circuit is being explained)
Circuit II (cardio, arms)
REPEAT 3 stations above
Group ARMS (Perform 40 seconds each then repeat at 20 seconds each)
Ballet squat w/curls / hammer curls / reverse grip curls / OH tri press / tri kickbacks / curb dips / rope for 90 sec
WATER BREAK (double time while next circuit is being explained)
Circuit III (cardio, back)
Back (1 min each – split group into 2 and repeat, etc. if needed for equipment reasons)
MB throws (from overhead, thrown down hard in front of feet) / dumbbell rows / reverse flyes / rope for 90 sec
Group canteen relays (2 groups and they compete – 1st team that goes thru all players wins. Losing team runs a lap)
*need 2 6-gallon water jugs/canteens filled full with water, attach long rope
1st person on each team sits w/feet on ground knees bent and pulls the rope one arm over the other as they are pulling
the canteen all the way down, camper picks up the canteen and carries it back down to the end and brings rope back to
next person in line. 1st person goes to back of line.
While all other campers are waiting their turn, they perform push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers etc. and various other
calisthenics. Change the calisthenic as each new person takes their turn.
Quad, hamstring, calf, hip flexor stretches
Arms out to side (pretend to squeeze orange between shoulder blades)
Triceps stretch, head rolls
Workout I – weekend warrior workout
5 minute warm up followed by walk/slow jog
Upper body blast
(Circuit of 1 minute each exercise)
Push ups
Hammer curls
Triceps dips
Reverse bent over flye
Lateral raises
Track/running drills
100 yard dash
Quick feet – 30 sec
Skip hops – 100 yards – 4 times
Quick feet – 30 secs
High knees hops – 100 yards – 4 times
Quick feet – 30 sec
Lower body blast
Walking lunges w/ hand weights – 100 yards
Spider crawls on field
Traveling side squat – 100 yards, then reverse
Bleachers – run up, jog down – 10 times
1- mile jog/run
Yoga cool down, stretches
General warm-up
Interval work:30 seconds each:
Mule Kicks
Split Jumps
1 minute break
45 seconds each:
Mule Kicks
Split Jumps
1 minute break
1 minute each:
Mule Kicks
Split Jumps
30 seconds each:
Close Grip Rotationals
45 seconds each:
Close Grip Rotationals
1 minute break
1 minute each:
Close Grip Rotationals
15 minute jog
A. 4 minutes – 30 secs high intensity followed by 30 secs low intensity
Stationary high-knee sprints (running as fast as possible with knees coming up to waist) – 30 secs
Slow jog on the spot – 30 secs
B. 4 minutes – 30 secs high intensity followed by 30 secs low intensity
Power side-lunges (skaters) – 30 secs
Slow jog on the spot – 30 secs
C. 4 minutes – 30 secs high intensity followed by 30 secs low intensity
Jumping jacks – 30 secs
Slow jog on the spot – 30 secs
General dynamic warm-up – 5 minutes
There are 4 circuits total
There are 4 stations in each circuit
Each station lasts 1 minute
Do each circuit twice before moving to the next circuit
Circuit I
Circuit II
Equalizer pull-up
Hip extensions
Reverse crunches
Mountain climbers
Circuit III
Tubing shoulder press
Traveling lunges
Back extensions
Circuit IV
Squat, curl & press
Lateral squat
High knees
General stretch – 10 minutes
Full-body, bodyweight warm-up
Arm circle
Leg swings
Do three circuits of the following, with a two-minute break between circuits
You will only perform 8 exercises at a time.
Start at exercise #’s 1-8, rest 2 minutes
then 9-6, rest 2 minutes
then 7-4, rest 2 minutes
(endless options of changing the order, etc.)
Each exercise is 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest (off)
1. 2-arm swings
2. Squat rows
3. Get ups
4. Medicine ball rotations
5. Walking lunges
6. Stability ball crunches
7. Squat press
8. Push ups
9. Low box
10. Farmer’s walk
Light stretching to cool down and let the heart rate come down
Full-body, bodyweight warm-up
Arm circle
Leg swings
Do three circuits of the following, with a two-minute break between circuits
You will only perform 8 exercises at a time.
Start at exercise #’s 1-8, rest 2 minutes
then 9-6, rest 2 minutes
then 7-4, rest 2 minutes
(endless options of changing the order, etc.)
Each exercise is 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest (off)
1. Mountain climbers
2. High pulls
3. Burpees
4. Split squats (right leg)
5. Get ups
6. Side bridges (alternate on each circuit)
7. Split squats (left leg)
8. Ab wheels
9. 1-arm snatch
10. Push ups
Light stretching to cool down and let the heart rate come down
2-4 minutes – In order (roughly 20 seconds per movement)
Arm Circles / Torso Rotation / Hip Flexor Stretch (Static) Quad Dynamic Standing Stretch / Hip Flexor Stretch (again) Quad Dynamic Standing Stretch (again) / Leg Swings Ankle Rock / Scapular Protraction/Retraction
2-4 minutes – In order (roughly 30 seconds per movement)
Hip Lift
Forward Lunge with Instep
STATIONS – Campers paired into 2’s
Each round lasts 4 minutes
Switching at 2 minutes into each round at each station
After each round follow with 45 seconds to 1 minute of rest
Participants will get through all 9 stations in roughly 45 minutes (remove a station or two to shorten to 35-40 minutes)
Station 1: Kettlebell Swing / Kettlebell High Pull
Station 2: Dumbbell Suitcase Deadlift / Dumbbell Overhead Squat
Station 3: Jump Rope / Jump Rope
Station 4: Kettlebell Circles / Kettlebell Snatch
Station 5: Medicine Ball Overhead Wall Slam / Medicine Ball Rotational Wall Slam
Station 6: 6” Hurdles lateral High Knees / 12” Hurdles lateral High Knees
Station 7: Bodyweight T-Push-Up / Prisoner Lunge
Station 8: 6” Hurdles Tuck Jumps / 12” Hurdles Tuck Jumps
Station 9: Bodyweight Prisoner Squats / Bodyweight Inverted Row
Minimal cooldown, general stretching, planks and/or simple brief stretch to finish off
2-4 minutes – In order (roughly 20 seconds per movement)
Arm Circles / Torso Rotation / Hip Flexor Stretch (Static) Quad Dynamic Standing Stretch / Hip Flexor Stretch (again) Quad Dynamic Standing Stretch (again) / Leg Swings Ankle Rock / Scapular Protraction/Retraction
2-4 minutes – In order (roughly 30 seconds per movement)
Hip Lift / Forward Lunge with Instep Windmill / T-Roll Inchworm
STATIONS – Campers paired into 4’s
After each series, follow with 45-60 seconds rest)
Series 1: 7-yard drill
(Each round lasts a total of 45-90 seconds)
Cones set apart 7 yards on the floor/field in box format. Cone-lane for each camper.
Suicides w/cone touches – Hand Walk – Forward Run/Back Pedal w/cone touches – Tuck Jumps
Series 2: 30m Drill (Sprints)
Sprint 30m, Walk back to starting line x 6 Sprints
Series 3: 15 Yard Drill (Body Crawls)
(Each round lasts the length of time to cross 15 yard distance)
Forward Bear Crawl – Lateral Bear Crawl Right – Lateral Bear Crawl Left – Reverse Bear Crawl/Crabwalk Forward/Reverse at halfway mark – Spiderman Crawl at halfway mark Walking Plank
Series 4: Hill Interval (Sprinting up Hill)
Sprint Up Hill, Walk back to starting line x 4 Hill Sprints
Series 5: Bodyweight Drill
(4 Minute Rounds. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Switching between exercises)
A1) Plank with External Rotation Left A2) Plank with External Rotation Right
B1) Overhead Squat B2) Mountain Climber
C1) Reverse Plank C2) Total Body Counters (Burpee’s)
Series 6: 30 Yard Drill (Sprints)
Sprint 30 yards, Walk back to starting line x 3 Sprints
Minimal cooldown, general stretching, planks and/or simple brief stretch to finish off
Functional warm-up – 3 sets of 10
Arm Circles
Hip Rotations
Vertical Chop
Standing opposite arm and leg reach
Lunge with reach
25 jumping jacks
You will need a medicine ball. You will also want to be far enough from the playground equipment so the
campers can sprint to it to perform other exercises. The participant will run after their ball each time they
throw it, once they get it they do the prescribed toss again, 10 x total per throwing exercise, or they can
partner up and toss to each other. Either way they will constantly be moving.
Overhead soccer throw-after 10 reps, sprint to playground and perform 5 assisted pull-ups. Followed by 10
explosive push-up (clap hands), and 25 crunches.
1minute break
Chest pass with partner or alone 10x. Sprint to playground equipment and complete inverted row. Only a
couple of people will be able to do this at a time. While others wait for their turn we perform skaters, skiers
and high knees.
1 minute break
Slams with medicine ball 10x (if there are not enough balls, others can be doing crunches, push-ups until
it is their turn).
Stay where you are and perform 10 squat jumps, 20 speed lunges and 10 mule kicks.
1 minute break
General stretch – 10 minutes
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each one for 2 min and take the breaks as needed.
Backward lunges
Side lunges
Push ups
Toe touches
Jump squats
Reverse crunches
Side/side abs
Butterfly arms
Wide push ups
Mt climbers
Sprinter lunges
Sumo Squats
Run 1 mile
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg scissor kick (on your back) L
One leg scissor kick (on your back) R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Ankle Twist
Reach Through
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do each for 3 min
Side shuffles
Reverse crunch
Jumping jacks
Dbl leg lifts
Resistance runs
Bicycle crunch
Pull thrus
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Knee Tucks
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Each set is 300 reps and they need to try to complete it 3 times.
25 Jump squats
25 Jumping Jacks
25 Push ups
25 Dips
25 Jump Squat turns
25Wide Push ups
25 Lunges
25 Bicycle crunch
25 Burpees
25 V-ups
25 Belly blasters
25 Abs side to side
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The Alphabets
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Each exercise 2 minutes.
Froggy Push ups
Good Mornings
Mt Climbers
Step ups on bench or curb
Step downs on bench or curb
Wide push ups
Sprinter lunges
Arms circle circuit – out, forward, up
Lunges – front, side, back
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each for 2 min.
Jump Jacks / High Knees / Fast Feet
Run 1/4 mile
Push ups – Reg / Butterfly arms / Dips
Run 1/4 mile
Lunges / Jump squats / Sumo Squats
Run 1/4 mile
Flutter kicks / Scissor Kicks / Reverse crunch
Run 1/4 mile
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Each person will do a different group and then they will switch after done. Do each exercise for 1 min:
Group 1:
Jumping jacks / Jump Squats / Push ups
Group 2:
Lunges / Squat kicks / Dips
Group 3:
Burpees / Dbl leg lifts / Bicycle crunch
Group 4:
Bird dog / Reverse crunch / Wide push ups
Group 5:
Ab side to side / Sprinter lunges / Mason twist
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Run/Sprint 1/4 mile
Lunges 6 min
Skip 1/4 mile
Push ups 3 min
Bicycle crunches 3 min
Backwards run 1/4 mile
Sumo Squats 6 min
Side shuffles 1/4 mile
Frankenstein walk 6 min
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Inner thigh leg raise
Outer thigh leg raise
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse crunch
Pull the rope
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do each for 1 min and then run 1 min and do over and over again:
Push ups
Reverse crunches
Jump Squats
Belly Blaster
Butterfly arms
Knee tucks
Wide push ups
Repeat till time is up.
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Hold Hip Bridge
Hip Bridge up and down
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Elevated Bike Crunch
Stir the Pot
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do each for 2 min.
Lunges w/kick / Squat kicks / Sprinter lunges
All Over body:
Burpees / Jump Squats / Jumping Jacks
Up/Up Down/Down plank / Butterfly arms / Mt climbers
V-ups / Bicycle crunch / Dbl leg lifts
Run if time allows
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Bird Dog
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Elevated Knee Tuck
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Indian Run 6 min
Lunges Indian Runs 6 min ( everyone in a line of lunges and the person at the end, runs to the front and does lunges, etc)
Indian Run 6 min
FrankensteinWalk Indian Runs 6 min ( everyone in a line of FSW and the person at the end, runs to the front and does FSW, etc)
Indian Run 6 min
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight, (while laying on tummy)
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse ab twist
Butterfly crunch
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Set 1:
Dips 1 min / Push ups 1 min / Skip 3 min
Set up on curb or bench 1 min each side / Squat Kicks 1 min each side
Set 2: each 1 min
Wide Push ups / Triceps Push ups / Dbl leg lifts
Set 3: each 1 min
Jumping jacks / Reverse crunch / Knee taps / Burpees / Mt climbers
Set 4:
Fast feet 1 min / V-ups 1 min / Narrow push ups 1 min / Backward run 3 min / Backward lunges 2 min
Set 5: each 1 min
Plank / V-ups / Reverse crunch
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight, (while laying on tummy)
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse ab twist
Butterfly crunch
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Resisted run 1/4 mile each (you can do this with a towel around the waist holding back as they run)
Each of these are done as one is running and the other is doing the exercise and then they switch:
Partner 1 – they will do wind sprints 10/20/30/40/50 yards
Partner 2 – do this while partner 1 is wind sprint and when done, switch then go to next exercise after both are done:
Squat hold / Lunges / Up/Up Down Down plank / Jump squat
Jumping jacks / V- ups / Arm circles
Backward resistant run 1/4 mile each
Arm bombers 1 min each / Leg bombers 1 min each / Sit up 1 min each
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg scissor kick (on your back) L
One leg scissor kick (on your back) R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Ankle Twist
Reach Through
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do each for 2 min
Turkish Get ups / Prisoner Squats / Push ups / Butterfly arms
Run/sprints / Jump squats / Jumping jacks / Butterfly arms
Shuffle runs / Narrow push ups / V-ups / Dips
Burpees / Lunges / Knee tucks / Dips
Bicycle crunch / Plank / Reverse crunch
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Knee Tucks
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do 1 rep of each then, 2 of each, then 3 of each all the way to 20 then back to 1:
Push ups / Reverse crunch
Jump squats / V-ups
Run/Sprint 1/4 mile
Dips / Dbl leg lifts
Burpees / Toe touches
Run/Sprint 1/4 mile
Up Up Down Down planks / Spiderman Lunges
Rolling push ups / Mason twist
Run/sprint 1/4 mile
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The Alphabets
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do each in reps of 20 and repeat each set 3 times.
Mt Climbers / Squats with toe raise
One leg squats (each side) / Burpees
Push ups / V-ups
Belly Blaster / Fast Feet
Plank side to side / Ab side to side
Lunges / Jump up/step downs
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Walk 5 min and run 1 min.
Walk 4 min and run 2 min.
Walk 3 min and run 3 min.
Walk 2 min and run 4 min.
Walk 1 min and run 5 min.
Run 10 min.
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do each one for 1 min.
Prisoner squat / Lunges / Skater lunges / Sprinter lunges / One leg squat (each side)
Set cones 20 yards apart with mats on one side.
Sprint to the cone and sprint back and do each exercise for 40 reps, take a break as needed:
Dbl Leg Lifts / Mason twist / Plank (count 60) / Mt climbers / Alt toe touches
Bicycle Crunch / Push ups / Dips / Jumping jacks / Side plank / Fast feet
If more time is available, do again with running 2 times.
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Run 1/4 mile (do each for 1 min)
Fast feet / Sumo Squats / Fast feet
Butterfly arms / Sumo Squats
Run 1/2 mile (do each for 1 min)
Jumping jacks / Dips / Jumping jacks
Push ups / Jumping jacks
Run 2/3 mile (do each for 1 min)
Squat jumps / Lunges / Squat jumps
Knee taps / Squat jumps
Run 1 mile
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Inner thigh leg raise
Outer thigh leg raise
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse crunch
Pull the rope
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Perform exercises assigned to each commercial theme. Just do them from the start to finish of each commercial
thru an entire show or sporting event.
Beer Commercials – good mornings
Auto Commercials – push ups
Drug Commercial – Burpees
Food Commercial – DeepWide Squats
Movie/show previews Commercials – Knee tucks
Insurance Commercials – Lunges
Cell Phone Commercials- sit ups
Diet Commercials – Jump squats
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Hold Hip Bridge
Hip Bridge up and down
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Elevated Bike Crunch
Stir the Pot
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each one for 1 minute.
Circuit 1 – Do 2x’s
Fast feet / High knees /Jump squats
Butterfly arms / Jumping jacks
Circuit 2 – Do 2x’s
Push ups / Butterfly arms
Wide push ups / Dips
Circuit 3 – Do 2x’s
Step up on curb or bench (each side) / Lunges
Squats / Sprinter lunges
Circuit 4 – Do 2x’s
Reg crunch / Reverse crunch / Scissor kicks
V-ups / Flutter kicks
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Bird Dog
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Elevated Knee Tuck
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Set 2 cones about 30 yards apart.
High knee running back and forth 6 min
Low jog in place and drop down when you say and get up quick to a jog
again 6 min
Wind sprint 6 min
Resistance pulls 1/4 mile each partner.
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight, (while laying on tummy)
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse ab twist
Butterfly crunch
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Run 1 mile
Run/sprints 1 mile
Jump up on step or curb and step down 3 min
Sprinter lunges 1 min each side
Run and down stadium any time remaining
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg scissor kick (on your back) L
One leg scissor kick (on your back) R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Ankle Twist
Reach Through
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Turkish get-ups 6 min
Run 30 yards do 30 jumping jacks run back and 30 more. 6 min
Forward lunges 2 min
Side lunges 2 min
Backward lunges 2 min
Side shuffles 2 min
Backwards run 2 min
Run any time left
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Knee Tucks
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Jabs front 2 min / Jabs sides 2 min
Jabs up 2 min / Jabs down 2 min
Jump rope 2 min / Fast feet 2 min
Legs up and over 2 min / Squat Kicks 2 min each side
Skater lunges 2 min / Push ups 2 min
Sit ups 2 min / Skater lunges 2 min
Push up 1 min / Sit up 1 min
Repeat x 4
Run if any time left
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The Alphabets
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Run up and down the stadium steps 5 times. At the end of the set of five do one of the sets of exercises.
Run 1/4 mile and Repeat for each of the exercises.
Push ups 40
V ups 40
Dips 40
Burpees 20
Flutter kicks 40
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do this in a parking lot using the parking lines. Count out 20 spaces. Start on the Left hand corner. The campers will go L to R hitting every line doing one exercise on the L and one on the R all the way up. Then run back and start again with new exercise. L. R.
Abs side/side-20.
Squat jumps 10
Butterfly arm 30.
Burpees 10
Good morning 20.
Sumo squat 10
Mt climbers 20.
Jump squat turn 10
Lt Leg swings 40.
Fast feet 30
Jumping Jacks 30.
Lunges 20
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Inner thigh leg raise
Outer thigh leg raise
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse crunch
Pull the rope
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Do each for 2 min
Dead fish
Flutter Kicks
Butterfly arms
Narrow push ups
Bicycle crunch
Sprinter Lunge
Slow bicycle crunch
Run 1 mile
Repeat first 2 sets for 1 min each if time allows
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Hold Hip Bridge
Hip Bridge up and down
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Elevated Bike Crunch
Stir the Pot
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Run 1 mile doing Cadence calls..
Frog jumps 40 yards run back.
Dips 1 min
Push ups 1 min
Run/sprint 1 mile
Repeat set.
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Bird Dog
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Elevated Knee Tuck
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Run 10 yards & back, do first exercise, run 20 yard & back, do first exercise, run 30 yards & back, do first exercise,run 40 yards & back, do first exercise, run 50 yards and back, do first exercise. Repeat then with the 2nd exerciseetc…
10 push ups
10 1 leg hip ext (each side)
10 Reverse crunch
10 Knee tucks
10 v ups
10 side to side abs
10 burpees
10 good mornings (each side)
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Set 2 cones up 20 yards apart. Do each set for 10 min.
Set 1
Sprint 20 yards do 8 squats, sprint back do 8 squats, etc…
Set 2
30 fast feet, skip to cone, 30 fast feet and 30 side to side abs and skip back, etc…
Set 3
Turkish get ups, sprint to cone and do 10 jumping jacks, 10 squat jumps, 30 butterfly arms, etc…
Set 4
Backward run to cone, do 10 good mornings each side, run backwards back 12 lunges on each side, etc…
Set 5
Side shuffle to cone, do 5 burpees, 10 star jumpers, shuffle back and do the burpees and star jumpers, etc….
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
25 Push ups
25 Squat jump turns
25 Burpees
25 V-ups
run 1/4 mile lap
25 Sprinter lunges (each side)
25 8 count
25Wide push ups
25 Jump Squats
run 1/2 mile lap
25 Get ups/or dips
25 Narrow Push ups
25 Side lunges (each side)
25 Double leg lifts
run 3/4 mile lap
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The Alphabets
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Jog in place 1 min / Fast feet 1 min
Jump squats 1 min / Jumping jacks 1 min
Break / Repeat
Squat 1 min / Push ups 1 min
Wide squat 1 min / Wide push up 1 min
Sumo squat 1 min / Narrow push up 1 min
Break / Repeat
Plank 1 min / Spiderman lunge 1 min
Flutter kick 1 min / Bicycle 1 min
Break / Repeat /
Run/sprint remaining time
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Knee Tucks
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Start out by running 1/4 mile. When you get to the stadium steps go up and down steps 4 times. Then run 1/4 mile again and repeat the process over and over again till your time is up.
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Run 10 yards & back, do first exercise, run 20 yard & back, do first exercise, run 30 yards & back, do first exercise, run 40 yards & back, do first exercise, run 50 yards and back, do first exercise. Repeat then with the 2nd exercise
10 push ups
10 1 leg hip ext (each side)
10 Reverse crunch
10 Knee tucks
10 v ups
10 side to side abs
10 burpees
10 good mornings (each side)
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Set 2 cones up 20 yards apart. Do each set for 10 min.
Set 1
Sprint 20 yards do 8 squats, sprint back do 8 squats, etc…
Set 2
30 fast feet, skip to cone, 30 fast feet and 30 side to side abs and skip back, etc…
Set 3
Turkish get ups, sprint to cone and do 10 jumping jacks, 10 squat jumps, 30 butterfly arms, etc…
Set 4
Backward run to cone, do 10 good mornings each side, run backwards back 12 lunges on each side, etc…
Set 5
Side shuffle to cone, do 5 burpees, 10 star jumpers, shuffle back and do the burpees and star jumpers, etc….
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
25 Push ups
25 Squat jump turns
25 Burpees
25 V-ups
run 1/4 mile lap
25 Sprinter lunges (each side)
25 8 count
25Wide push ups
25 Jump Squats
run 1/2 mile lap
25 Get ups/or dips
25 Narrow Push ups
25 Side lunges (each side)
25 Double leg lifts
run 3/4 mile lap
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The Alphabets
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Jog in place 1 min / Fast feet 1 min
Jump squats 1 min / Jumping jacks 1 min
Break / Repeat
Squat 1 min / Push ups 1 min
Wide squat 1 min / Wide push up 1 min
Sumo squat 1 min / Narrow push up 1 min
Break / Repeat
Plank 1 min / Spiderman lunge 1 min
Flutter kick 1 min / Bicycle 1 min
Break / Repeat /
Run/sprint remaining time
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Knee Tucks
Then :
WORKOUT 50:minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Start out by running 1/4 mile. When you get to the stadium steps go up and down steps 4 times. Then run 1/4 mile again and repeat the process over and over again till your time is up.
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the programMason Twist 4 min
Rolling pushups 2 min
Plank 1 min
Mason Twist 4 min
Up/Up Down/Down plank 2 min
Walk it out 2 min
Mason Twist 4 min
Straight arm plank 1 min
Butterfly arms 3 min
Run/sprint 1/4 mile
Mason Twist 4 min
Mt climbers 1 min
Scissor kicks 2 minBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg scissor kick (on your back) L
One leg scissor kick (on your back) R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Ankle Twist
Reach ThroughCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each set 3 times and each exercise is for 1 minute.
Over Halloween, I found some EYE ball eggs filled with candy at Target. I took out the candy and put in a sheet of paper with an exercise on it and a time to do it in. I then put them in a Halloween basket. Each person would pick
an eyeball and they would do the exercise. You can do this with almost any holiday if they have eggs, etc.BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each of the following for 1 min, 45 sec, 30 sec, 20 sec. then go to the next exercise.
Hip Bridge
Good morning L
Good morning R
Mt Climbers
Push ups
Walk it out
Squat jump
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The AlphabetsCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Take a deck of cards and put exercises on each one. Shuffle the deck.
You will pull the first card and do that exercise for 1 min.
You will pull the next card and do that exercise for 2 min
You will pull the next card and do that exercise for 3 min
Break and do again and again thru the deckBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Hold Hip Bridge
Hip Bridge up and down
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Elevated Bike Crunch
Stir the PotCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Have them go up the bleachers 1 time and do 5 reps of the first exercise. They will go up a total of 5 times and each time ad 5 reps, so they will end at 25 reps.
Push ups 5/10/15/20/25
Run 1/4 mile
Knee tucks 5/10/15/20/25
Run 1/4 mile
Dips 5/10/15/20/25
Run 1/4 mile
V-ups 5/10/15/20/25
Run 1/4 mile
Flutter kicks 5/10/15/20/25BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Bird Dog
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Elevated Knee TuckCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Take a deck of cards and put exercises on each one. Shuffle the deck.
They will have to guess what the card is, hearts, diamond, etc. If they are right you will do the card for 1 min, if they are wrong they will do that card for 2 min.BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight, (while laying on tummy)
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse ab twist
Butterfly crunchCOOLDOWN
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each set of 3 for 2 min each exercise then have them switch groups. Take breaks as needed.
Jump rope/lunges/knee taps
Squat kicks/bicycle crunch/dbl leg lifts
DB triceps above head/DB row/DB shoulder press
Push up/plank/mt. climbers
Med ball swing/ good mornings/sprinter lunges
Run if extra timeBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each set 3 times and each exercise is for 1 minute.
Push up/jumping jacks
Wide Squats/knee taps
Butterfly arms/jump squats
Good mornings/Skater lunges
Calf raises/burpees
Narrow push ups/squat jump turns
Dbl leg lifts/lunges
Get ups/fast feet
Sumo squats/mt. climbers
Plank/spiderman lunges
Bicycle abs/reverse crunchBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). You will go up and down the bleachers 4 times and each of the 4 times will be followed with the following exercise. Do only one of the exercises for the 4 times and when they are done with the 4 times they are to start the next exercise.
Push ups – 10 reps
Jump squats – 10 reps
Jumping jacks- 20 reps
Dips – 10 reps
Knee Tucks- 10 reps
Burpees – 10 reps
Dbl leg lifts 10 repsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Inner thigh leg raise
Outer thigh leg raise
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse crunch
Pull the ropeCOOLDOWN
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each set of 3 for 2 min each exercise then have them switch groups Take breaks as needed.Jump rope/lunges/knee taps
Squat kicks/bicycle crunch/dbl leg lifts
DB triceps above head/DB row/DB shoulder press
Push up/plank/mt. climbers
Med ball swing/ good mornings/sprinter lunges
Run if extra timeBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each set 3 times and each exercise is for 1 minute.Push up/jumping jacks
Wide Squats/knee taps
Butterfly arms/jump squats
Good mornings/Skater lunges
Calf raises/burpees
Narrow push ups/squat jump turns
Dbl leg lifts/lunges
Get ups/fast feet
Sumo squats/mt. climbers
Plank/spiderman lunges
Bicycle abs/reverse crunchBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). You will go up and down the bleachers 4 times and each of the 4 times will be followed with the following exercise. Do only one of the exercises for the 4 times and when they are done with the 4 times they are to start the next exercise.
Push ups – 10 reps
Jump squats – 10 reps
Jumping jacks- 20 reps
Dips – 10 reps
Knee Tucks- 10 reps
Burpees – 10 reps
Dbl leg lifts 10 repsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Inner thigh leg raise
Outer thigh leg raise
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse crunch
Pull the ropeCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).Sprint/run for 1/4 mile
Fast Jacks 1 min
Side Shuffles 1 min
Skaters 1 min
Skips 1 minRepeat set.Do each for 1 min 2 timeslunges/narrow push ups
jump squats/fast feet
spiderman lunge/dips
froggy push ups/plank
dbl leg lifts/wide push ups
Run if time allows
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together
Fire hydrants
One leg scissor kick (on your back) L
One leg scissor kick (on your back) R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Ankle Twist
Reach Through
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).Squat jump turns 2 min
Mt climbers 1 min
Burpees 2 min
Side plank 30 sec each side
Plank 1 min
Side plank with arm stretch 30 sec each side
Wind sprints 10/20/30/40/50/ and then 50/40/30/20/10
Butterfly arms 2 min
Dips 1 min
Wood chop 2 min
Push ups 1 min
Squat twist 2 min
Sprint/run 1/4 mileBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).Push up 1 min
Partner arm push downs 1 min each
Butterfly arms 2 min
Good mornings (no legs) 1 min
run/sprint 1/2 mile
Lunges 2 min
Partner leg throw 1 min each
Jump squat turns 1 min
Rocky runs or bleachers 10 times
run 1 mileBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The AlphabetsCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program) Run 1 mile to start it off (when the first few people are done I call in the rest to stop as well ) Set up 10 cones and put a card at each cone with the exercise. They do each cone for 1 min and move to the next:
Jumping jacks
Abs side to side
Butterfly arms
Push ups
Fast feet
Good mornings
Skip around group
Mt climbers
Side shuffle around groupBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Hold Hip Bridge
Hip Bridge up and down
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Elevated Bike Crunch
Stir the PotCOOLDOWN
Then :WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do each set 3 times and each exercise is for 1 minute.Set 1 – Side step onto bench L
Side step onto bench R
Step onto bench L
Step onto bench R
Step down from bench L
Step down from bench R
breakSet 2 – Push ups
Up/Up Down Down plank
Body blaster
Mt Climbers
breakBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Bird Dog
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Elevated Knee TuckCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program). Do 50 reps of each of the exercises.
When so many are done, have the rest stop as well and go to the next.
Butterfly arms
Push ups
Walk it out
Double leg lifts
Hip Extensions
Up/Up Down Down from plank
Body blasters
Arm rotations forward/back/up/out
Reverse crunch
Pull throughsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight, (while laying on tummy)
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse ab twist
Butterfly crunchCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT Everyone will start at the same time but will go at their own pace. Go down the list till you have hit your 50 minutes.
6 min – Backward lunges
2 min – backward arms circles
6 min- Backward skipping
2 min- Belly angels
6 min – Backward running
2 min- Kicks
6 min – Step Downs
2 min- Push up rolls
Run the track for any remaining time backwards.BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :
Do each round 3 times each exercise for 1 min. Stop when you hit your 50 minutes.Double leg lifts
Triceps push ups
Good mornings
Wood chops
Butterfly arms
Abs side to side
Step up on curb or bench
Push upsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. Each exercise is done for 1 min. Take a break at the end of each group.Group 1
– Plank / Side plank / Toe touches
Bicycles / Knee Tucks / Reverse Crunch
Jump squats / Push ups / Fast feet
Jumping jacks
run 1/4 mileGroup 2
– Biceps push ups on side / Reg push ups / Butterfly arms
Wide push ups / Arm circles / Narrow push ups
Jump squats / Push ups / Fast feet
Jumping jacks
run 1/4Group 3
– Wide Squats / Squat holds / Sumo Squats
Lunges / Side lunges / Jump squats
Push ups / Fast feet / Jumping jacks
run 1/4 mileBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Inner thigh leg raise
Outer thigh leg raise
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse crunch
Pull the ropeCOOLDOWN
Then :
Everyone will start at the same time but will go at their own pace, so you will have people doing different things at the same time. Do each item till at least 1 person hits 50 reps. Go down the list till you have hit
your 50 minutes. (Set up stations for the upper body and you will do 3 upper and then 4 core)Upper – Using a short band- open and closing the arms while extended straight out (2 Min)
8 lb weight – lifting straight up (2 min)
Using a long band around a tree or pole – standing back and pulling in from the chest (2 min)
Core- each for 1 min.- V-ups, Plank, Bicycle crunch, Side plank
BreakUpper- Triceps with weight – left side (2 min)
Triceps with weight – right side (2 min)
Butterfly arms (2 min)
Core – each for 1 min – Over head toe touches, Up and overs, Knee tucks, Reverse ab
BreakUpper – Dips (2 min)
Tri Push ups (2 min)
Curls with weights (2 min)
Core – each for 1 min – Reverse ab twist, belly blasters, toe touches, pull thru
BreakBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes
When doing the drills, every time you say “NET” they have to go the other direction.Drill 1 – Run to the line and back peddle back (2 min)
Good monrnings (2 min)
Ab side to side (2 min)Drill 2 – Skip forward to the line and backward skip back (2 min)
Butterfly arms (2 min)
Walk it out (2 min)Drill 3 – Side shuffle to the line and back (2 Min)
Jump squat ( 2 min)Drill 4 – Forward lunges to the line and back ward lunges back (2 min)
Calf Raises (2 Min)Drill 5 – 20 Jumping jacks run to line, 20 jumping jacks and run back (2 min)
Burpees (2 min)BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :
Everyone will start at the same time but will go at their own pace, so you will have people doing different things at the same time. Do each item till at least 1 person hits 50 reps. Go down the list till you have hit
your 50 minutes.
For 8 min your people will go up and down the bleachers and every time they get to the bottom they will do one of the following exercises. After the 8 min, they will break and then do it again with the next exercise on the list
HARD DAY **If you do not have bleachers, you can have them do 40 curb steps.
10 Push ups
10 Squat Jumps
20 Jumping jacks
10 Dips
10 Knee tucks
5 Burpees
10 Leg liftsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Step ups, push ups, dips
Plank, squat hold, side plank
Hip bridge pulse, 1 leg up pulse, other leg up pulse
Fast bicycle, slow bicycle, backwards bicycle crunches
Reg push ups, wide push ups, narrow push upsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogsAbs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The AlphabetsCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUTWORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program). (set up cones about 30 yards apart)Walking lunges 6 min
Mt climbers 2 min
Run do 30 squats each side – 6 min
Butterfly arms 2 min
Indian Run – 1/4 mile
Mix Up drills – do drills back to back. They start off with knee taps and then yell “(whatever the exercise is like
push up) Party” and they will do them till you say stop.
They then do knee taps till you say the next party. Here is the list:push ups, squats, jumping jacks, butterfly arms, wide push ups, burpees, squat jumps, leg lifts, v upsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to skyAbs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Stretch14/5/15Warm-upThen :WORKOUTEveryone will start at the same time but will go at their own pace, so you will have people doing
different things at the same time. Do each item till at least 1 person hits 50 reps. Go down the list till you have hit
your 50 minutes.
Put out cones for every 10 yards for a total of 100 yards. Each exercise will be done at each cone. After they have
completed the 100 yards, they are to run 1/4 mile and then go to the next item on the list.20 Standing side to side abs
10 Burpees
10 Squat Jump Turns
20 Butterfly arms
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Push upsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to skyAbs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program). Do each set for 1 min and repeat.
Lunges, bear crawls, crab walks Step ups, push ups, dips Plank, squat hold, side plank, Hip bridge pulse, 1 leg up pulse, other leg up pulse
Fast bicycle, slow bicycle, backwards bicycle crunches Reg push ups, wide push ups, narrow push upsBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The AlphabetsCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program). (set up cones about 30 yards apart)
Walking lunges 6 min
Mt climbers 2 min
Run do 30 squats each side – 6 min
Butterfly arms 2 min
Indian Run – 1/4 mile
Mix Up drills – do drills back to back. They start off with knee taps and then yell “(whatever the exercise is like push up) Party” and they will do them till you say stop.
They then do knee taps till you say the next party. Here is the list:
push ups, squats, jumping jacks, butterfly arms, wide push ups, burpees, squat jumps, leg lifts, v ups
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts –
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT : Everyone will start at the same time but will go at their own pace, so you will have people doing
different things at the same time. Do each item till at least 1 person hits 50 reps. Go down the list till you have hit
your 50 minutes.
Put out cones for every 10 yards for a total of 100 yards. Each exercise will be done at each cone. After they have completed the 100 yards, they are to run 1/4 mile and then go to the next item on the list.
20 Standing side to side abs
10 Burpees
10 Squat Jump Turns
20 Butterfly arms
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Push ups
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts –
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kickCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program).
Abs – (do each for 1 min and repeat) Plank / R – Plank / 1 leg plank / L- Plank
Up/Up Down/Down / Superman / Pull the rope
Booty – (do each for 1 min and repeat) Lunges / Squat / Squat Hold / Squat jumps
Cardio – (do each for 1 min and repeat) Burpees / Jumping jacks / Mt climbers
Squat jump turns / Wind sprints
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight, (while laying on tummy)
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse ab twist
Butterfly crunch
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program).Set 1 – Step up on curb or bench – 1 min each side
Push ups 1 min / Dips 1 min / Plank 1 min
Burpees 1 min / Side step up on curb or bench – 1 min each side
Push ups 1 min / Dips 1 min / Plank 1 min / Mt climbers 1 min
break 1 minSet 2 – Lunges 1 min / Froggy push ups 1 min
Bear crawl 1 min / sprint 20 yards back and forth 1 min
crab walk 1 min / Frog jumps 1 min / Indian run 1/4 mile
break 1 minSet 3 – (do each 1 min and repeat) / Pull thru
Bicycle / Reverse Crunch
Indian run 1/4 mileBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg scissor kick (on your back) L
One leg scissor kick (on your back) R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Ankle Twist
Reach Through
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program).Set 1 – Set up 2 cones 30 yards apart. do for 6 min
Turkish get-ups/run – Start laying on back, roll forward and get up without using your hands and run to cone and backSet 2 – Do each for 1 min each side on curb or bench 3 times
Jump up/ step down / Step up knee jab
Step down ( stand on bench or curb and step foot down)Set 3 – do with cones in set 1 for 6 min
Run to cone sprint back – 1 push up, next is 2 push up, next is 3 push up, so on……Set 4 – do for 1 min each side 3 times
One leg squat off curb or benchSet 5 – do with cones in set 1 for 6 min
Run to cone sprint back – 1 burpee, next is 2 burpees, next is 3 burpees, so on……BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Knee Tucks
Then :
WORKOUT : 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program). Each set will be done for 1 min then 45 sec then 30 sec, then go to the next set.
Set 1 – squats, pushups, leg lifts
Set 2 – lunges, butterfly arms, v-ups
Set 3 – Mt climbers, plank, squat jumps
Set 4 – Burpees, Dips, Reverse crunchBUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Inner thigh leg raise
Outer thigh leg raise
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse crunch
Pull the ropeCOOLDOWN
Stretch10/4/15Warm-upThen :
WORKOUT:WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program). Everyone goes in a circle. Do each exercise for 1 min.Squats / Butterfly Arms / Burpees / Jump Squats
break 1 min
Lunges / Abs side to side / High Knees / Push ups / Plank
break 1 min
Up/Up Down/Down / Burpees / Mt ClimbersOnce you are done with each of these, then have one person start and they will run around the group while everyone is doing the first exercise and once they get to their mat the next person goes. You will do this until
everyone has ran then go to the next exercise.
Have the group cheer on the person running each time. (if you have a large group, split them up into groups of 8 or 10)BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Hold Hip Bridge
Hip Bridge up and down
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Elevated Bike Crunch
Stir the PotCOOLDOWN
WORKOUT:WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program).
Make up 2 bags one titled “Right” and the other “Wrong”.
In each bag place 10 exercises each for 1 or 2 min. Place the harder ones in the “wrong” bag…
Google online for a trivia quiz (about 20 questions) on any subject or Holiday. Have them do knee taps
in between the questions and ask each question and if they answer right or wrong, they will pull from that bag.BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Bird Dog
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Elevated Knee Tuck
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the workout).
Jog 5 min
Lunges 3 min
Jog 5 min
Squat jumps 3 min
Jog 5 min
Push ups 3 min
Jog 5 min
Dips 2 min
Jog 5 min
Knee Tucks 2 min
Jog 5 min
Reverse crunch 2 min
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Bird dogs
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
The Alphabets
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. Set out 2 cones about 50 big steps away from each other.
Upper- Reg push up 1 min / Straight arm plank 1 min
Butterfly arms 2 min / Arm circles 2 min / Wide push ups 1 min
Skip around 1/4 mile
Lower-Wide deep squat – 1 min / Kick squat 1 min each side
Standing sumo squat 1 min / Jump squat 1 min / Calf raises 1 min
Run backward 1/4 mile
Full Body – Burpees 1 min
Mt Climber 1 min / Jumping jacks 1 min
Jump squat turns 1 min / Burpees 1 min / Fast feet 1 min
Run 1/4 mile
Abs – Bike crunch 1 min / Toe touches 1 min
Leg raises 1 min / Pull thru 1 min / Bike crunch 1 min
Side shuffle 1/4 mile
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program). Put 2 cones 30 yards apart and that is where you will shuffle back and forth. All other stuff is done at mat.
Shuffle 2 min / Squat 1 min / Star Jumps 1 min
Fast feet 1 min / Squats 1 min / break 1 min
Shuffle 2 min / Lunges 1 min / Mt climbers 1 min
Fast feet 1 min / Lunges 1 min / break 1 min
Shuffle 2 min / Good mornings 1 min / Burpees 1 min
Fast feet 1 min / Good mornings 1 min / break 1 min
Shuffle 2 min / Leg Raises 1 min / Knee tucks 1 min
Fast feet 1 min / Leg raises 1 min / break 1 min
Shuffle 2 min / Side leg raises 1 min / Jump squats 1 min
Fast feet 1 min / Side leg raises 1 min / break 1 min
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program).
Walking Lunges 6 min
Step ups on bench/bleachers 6 min
Run up bleachers or rocky runs on step 6 min
Jump Rope 3 min
Push ups 3 min
Run around track – 10 minutes at your own speed
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight, (while laying on tummy)
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse ab twist
Butterfly crunch
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. 50 minutes (when the time is up you will stop the program).
Agility drills ( set up 4 cones in a square about 20 yards apart from each other) go from cone to cone sprint
side shuffle / run backwards / side shuffle
break 1 min
Biceps push ups – 1 min each side / Burpees 3 min
break 1 min
Sit ups 3 min / Push ups 2 min / Sit ups 3 min / Toe Touches 2 min
break 1 min
Jog 1/4 mile
Reverse crunch 2 min / T-hold ( while on back you raise arms and legs 6″ off ground) 1 min
Butterfly arms 2 min / Jabs Up – 2 min / Jabs down – 2 min / Jabs forward – 2 min
break 1 min
Froggy pushups 1 min
Jumping Jacks 2 min
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg scissor kick (on your back) L
One leg scissor kick (on your back) R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Ankle Twist
Reach Through
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program)
Squat 1 min / Plank 1 min / Prisoner squat 1 min
Plank with 1 lg up 1 min / Squat Hold 1 min / Plank with 1 lg up 1 min
Squat Jump 1 min / Plank hold with jacking legs (your legs open and close)
break 1 min
(2 cones about 30 yards apart)
Run cone to cone 3 min / Lunges 2 min / Back lunges 2 min
R Shuffles 2 min / L Shuffles 2 min / Run backwards 2 min / Skip forward 2 min
break 1 min
Up/Up Down/Down push ups 2 min / Side plank 1 min each side
Dead fish 1 min / Bicycle crunch 2 min
break 1 min
run if time is left
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
One leg Mt. Climber – L
One leg Mt. Climber – R
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program).
CARDIO (do each for 2 min) (set up 2 cones about 30 yards apart)
Jog / Run backward / Skip R – Shuffle / L-Shuffle / Backward Skip
STRENGTH (do each for 2 min) (set up 2 cones about 30 yards apart)
Lunges / Sumo squats / Backward lunges
Frankenstein walk / Frog jumps
FAT BURNING (do each for 2 min)
Push ups / Single leg hip ext / Single leg hip ext other side
Burpees / Ab twist / Fast Feet / Bicycle
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Bird Dog
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Elevated Knee Tuck
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program).
You will do each of these for 1 min and repeat each one 3 times.
High knees / Wide squats going up on toes-SLOW
High knees / Wide squat hold
Turkish Get-ups / Froggy Push up-SLOW
High knees / Bird dog-hold
High knee / Plank
Turkish Get-ups / Bicycle -SLOW
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Hold Hip Bridge
Hip Bridge up and down
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Elevated Bike Crunch
Stir the Pot
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. (When the time is up you will stop the program). Do this workout while going around a track or the park so you are always moving around
1/2 mile run
Run/sprint 20 years 4 min
Leg lifts on bench 1 min
Lunges 1 min
Push ups on bar 2 min
Lunges 1 min
Run/sprint 20 years 4 min
Prisoner squats jumps 2 min
Fast walk 1 min
Dips 1 min
Run/sprint 20 years 4 min
Mt. climbers 2 min
Up and down stadium stairs if you have one or rocky runs 10 min
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Bird Dog
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Up and Overs
Elevated Knee Tuck
Then :
WORKOUT 50 minutes. Set out 2 cones about 50 big steps away from each other.
Sprint to the cone and jog back 3 times.
40 Push-ups
sprint/run 3 times
75 V-ups
sprint/run 3 times
100 Jumping Jacks
sprint/run 3 times
100 lunges
sprint/run 3 times
50 Squat/turns
sprint/run 3 times
100 Butterfly arms
They do at their own pace and take the breaks as needed
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Back leg pulse – leg straight,
Leg pulse – leg bent up to sky
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Touch toes
Scissor kick
Then :
WORKOUTWORKOUT 50 minutes. At their own pace. Put out 10 cones in a row about 10 big steps apart from each other.
Have them start at the first cone and do the exercises listed and they will jog to the next cone and do the same
and once they get to the end they will run back to the front and start the next exercise on the list.
20 Standing side to side abs
20 Squat jump turns
30 Butterfly arms
10 Burpees
30 Jumping Jacks
20 Push-ups
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels
awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Inner thigh leg raise
Outer thigh leg raise
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Reverse crunch
Pull the ropeCOOLDOWN
Then :
WORKOUTWORKOUT 50 minutes. Set out 2 cones about 50 big steps away from each other.
Butterfly arms – 1 minute
Standing side to side abs – 1 minute
(do this set 4 times in a row) Break – 1 min
Push – ups – 1 minute
Knee tucks – 1 minute
(do this set 4 times in a row) Break – 1 min
Mt climbers – 1 minute
Leg Raises – 1 minute
(do this set 4 times in a row) Break – 1 min
Lifting arms up from the side – 1 min
Reverse crunch – 1 min
(do this set 4 times in a row)
Run if more time is needed
BUTTS AND ABS – 10 minutes
Butts – You will start everyone at the same time and once it is burning sooooo bad they each will yell “it feels awesome” and they will do 10 more till everyone is done and everyone will start on the next side together.
Fire hydrants
Hold Hip Bridge
Hip Bridge up and down
Abs – You will do each of these for 1 minute each
“My Favorite” Over head toe touches
Elevated Bike Crunch
Stir the Pot
Then :
90 secs / 60 secs repeat all / 45 secs repeat all / 30 secs repeat all
Alt lunges
Ski squats
Mountain climbers
Towing sets 10 minutes total. Vary drills
Partner side to side toss on big run 90 sec / switch partners and repeat
“My AB circuit” (each camper calls out their favorite ab drill at 60 seconds each (repeat the cycle depending on number of people)
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 2-3 times
25 partner row
20 pressbacks
45 secs side plank hold with leg kicks
20 Russian twist on each side, repeat other side
20 ankle band alternating side squats with forward raise
20 squats w/1 heel lifted, repeat other side
25 hip lifts
45 secs leg lower and lift
25 biceps band curl
25 hammer biceps curl
45 secs cross punch
20 Russian twist on each side, repeat other side
15 Pilates standing leg circles R, repeat L
15 forward and back swings
15 standing hip openers R, repeat L
15 slow plea squats
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 2-3 times
45 secs dips
45 secs mountain climbers
45 seconds horizontal press
45 secs alternating supine punches
45 secs T pushups
45 secs downward dog
90 sec MB chest toss and run and fetch
60 sec MB slams
90 sec side squats w/MB raise, 90 sec other side
60 secs MB overhead presses
90 secs pushups
60 secs plank hold
90 deadlifts
60 secs 1-leg deadlift, repeat other side
90 secs hip lift
60 secs 1-leg hip lift, repeat other side
“My AB circuit” (each camper calls out their favorite ab drill at 60 seconds each (repeat the cycle depending on
number of people)
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 2-3 times. 45 secs each exerciseChilds pose to kneeling plank
1-leg down dog to plank; repeat other side
Oblique alternating rollbacks
Side plank with high arm circle, repeat other side
Russian twist
Mountain climbers
Glutes all moves done on one side, then the other side:
30 hydrants
30 bent knee circles
30 bent knee crossovers
30 straight leg upward pulses
20 clean and press
20 deadlift
20 wood choppers, repeat other side
20 pullovers
20 French presses
20 alternating pullovers
Glutes all moves done on one side, then the other side:
30 hydrants
30 bent knee circles
30 bent knee crossovers
30 straight leg upward pulses
Then :WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 3 times at 30, 45 then 30 secs
Squat touch press
Biceps curl
Partner row with lunge
1-sided abs, repeat other side
Reverse crunch
Press backs
Shoulder raise
Good morning
Bent row
Alt shoulder press
Reverse grip bent row
External shoulder rotation
Forward lunge R
Forward lunge L
Run drills to time is up
Then :WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 2-3 times
30 alternating lunges
30 speed squats
30 shuffle splits
30 jump squats
30 jacks
30 side hops, repeat other side
30 slow wide squats
20 pushups
20 fast triceps overhead
20 uppercut punches
20 cross punches
20 diamond pushups
20 fast alternating kickbacks
20 alternating shoulder presses
Glutes all moves done on one side, then the other side:
30 hydrants
30 bent knee circles
30 bent knee crossovers
30 straight leg upward pulses
Repeat all
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 3 times
30 lap walking lunge with rotation
30 squat touch press
30 deadlifts
20 1-arm swings
20 rows
20 center (or 2-arm) swings
40 mountain climbers
20 side raises
20 biceps curls
30 lap walking lunge with rotation
30 squat touch press
30 deadlifts
30 1-sided bicycle
30 1-sided bicycle other side
30 v-ups
Repeat all one time
Final run to end
Then :
20 jacks
20 squats
20 stationary lunges 1 side, repeat other side
20 DB behind knee and bent knee press heel to sky, repeat other side
20 DB on quad for balanced weighted leg extension 1 side, repeat other side
20 hammer curls
20 regular curls
20 dips
20 shoulder presses
30 sec figure 8 w/DB, repeat others side
Repeat all total of 5 times
20 side crunches, repeat other side
20 v-ups
20 toe touch abs
60 sec plank
Repeat AB set total of 3 times
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 2-3 times
2 minutes weaving in and out of cones or trees
2 minutes walking lunges
30 alternating curb lunges with shoulder press
30 plea
30 cross punches
60 sec pushups
60 secs crunches
45 secs pushups
45 secs crunches
30 secs pushups
30 secs crunches
Glutes all moves done on one side, then the other side:
30 hydrants
30 bent knee circles
30 bent knee crossovers
30 straight leg upward pulses
Then :
Run up and over big hill (2 minutes)
All drills 60 secs:
Alternating forward lunge with DB kickbacks
Alternating side squats with biceps curls
Alternating reverse lunges with upright row
Alternating curb lunge with side raises
Alternating pivoting side curb squat with curls
Alternating reverse lunge with upright row from top of curb
Side plank with 1-arm raise (with or without DB), repeat other side
Kneeling reverse fly
Alternating shoulder press
Squiggly worms
Mountain climbers
Jumping jacks
Walk lap
Walking windmill lunge
Playground band rows
Walking lunge with twist
Playground band Russian twist, repeat other side
Downward dog to plank
Repeat all from beginning
End with big run
Cone to cone drills: split up group so they face each other and will run toward each other. Group A runs while Group B performs a standing exercise, when Group A arrives to B, B runs to the other side while A performs the standing exercise, etc.
Run vs. heel raises (repeat) / run vs. high knees (repeat) / run vs. cross punch (repeat)
60 secs squats 4-0-4 tempo / 2-0-2 tempo / 1-0-1 tempo
60 secs jumping lunges
60 secs reverse lunge with knee up (same side), reverse other side
60 secs narrow squats 4-0-4 tempo / 2-0-2 tempo / 1-0-1 tempo
60 secs speed squats
60 secs pushups
60 secs triceps overhead
60 secs narrow speed squats
60 secs speed squats
60 secs alternating shoulder presses
60 secs front raises
60 secs narrow speed squats
Cone to cone drills: split up group so they face each other and will run toward each other. Group A runs while
Group B performs a standing exercise, when Group A arrives to B, B runs to the other side while A performs the
standing exercise, etc.
Run vs. jacks (repeat) / run vs. jump squats (repeat) / run vs. flutters (repeat)
Repeat all but cardio
WORKOUT – set up cones in workout area. Distance is dependent on Camper ability
Run to each station with reps of 20, 15, 10, 15, 20. There are 5 cones.
Set 1 is jacks at each cone, then set 2 pushups, then set 3 skaters, then set 5 run with weight for triceps overhead, last drill set 5 is squats
Mat work is 45 secs each set
Boat to upside down plank, repeat boat to upside down plank
Leg lower and lift
Side knee tucks R
Knee to chest
Side knee tucks L
Knee to chest
Walk with random whistles for jog intervals
Then :
Run up and over big hill (2 minutes)
All drills 60 secs:
Alternating forward lunge with DB kickbacks
Alternating side squats with biceps curls
Alternating reverse lunges with upright row
Alternating curb lunge with side raises
Alternating pivoting side curb squat with curls
Alternating reverse lunge with upright row from top of curb
Side plank with 1-arm raise (with or without DB), repeat other side
Kneeling reverse fly
Alternating shoulder press
Squiggly worms
Mountain climbers
Jumping jacks
Walk lap
Walking windmill lunge
Playground band rows
Walking lunge with twist
Playground band Russian twist, repeat other side
Downward dog to plank
Repeat all from beginning
End with big run
Then :
Cone to cone drills: split up group so they face each other and will run toward each other. Group A runs while Group B performs a standing exercise, when Group A arrives to B, B runs to the other side while A performs the standing exercise, etc.
Run vs. heel raises (repeat) / run vs. high knees (repeat) / run vs. cross punch (repeat)
60 secs squats 4-0-4 tempo / 2-0-2 tempo / 1-0-1 tempo
60 secs jumping lunges
60 secs reverse lunge with knee up (same side), reverse other side
60 secs narrow squats 4-0-4 tempo / 2-0-2 tempo / 1-0-1 tempo
60 secs speed squats
60 secs pushups
60 secs triceps overhead
60 secs narrow speed squats
60 secs speed squats
60 secs alternating shoulder presses
60 secs front raises
60 secs narrow speed squats
Cone to cone drills: split up group so they face each other and will run toward each other. Group A runs while Group B performs a standing exercise, when Group A arrives to B, B runs to the other side while A performs the standing exercise, etc.
Run vs. jacks (repeat) / run vs. jump squats (repeat) / run vs. flutters (repeat)
Repeat all but cardio
Then :
WORKOUT – set up cones in workout area. Distance is dependent on Camper ability.
Run to each station with reps of 20, 15, 10, 15, 20. There are 5 cones.
Set 1 is jacks at each cone, then set 2 pushups, then set 3 skaters, then set 5 run with weight for triceps overhead, last drill set 5 is squats.
Mat work is 45 secs each set
Boat to upside down plank, repeat boat to upside down plank
Leg lower and lift
Side knee tucks R
Knee to chest
Side knee tucks L
Knee to chest
Walk with random whistles for jog intervals
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 2-3 times
30 hip lifts / 15 ball curl (or 15 ea 1-leg hip lift)
Circuit: timed for 60 secs each station
Heavy slow squats / 5 stationary lunges, repeat other side, continue / forward and back alternating runners lunges
60 sec plank / 20 pushups
Circuit: times for 60 secs each station
Horizontal chest press / bridge hold with triceps to forward / band chest punches
30 reverse crunches
30 obliques
Jump rope / mountain climbers / suicides cone to cone (short distance)
“My AB circuit” (each camper calls out their favorite ab drill at 45 seconds each (repeat the cycle
depending on number of people)
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 3 times at 30 secs, 45 secs, 60 secs
Overhead triceps
Butt kickers
Pendulum swings
1-arm DB or KB swing, repeat other side
Biceps curls
Cross punch
1-leg squat pulses, repeat other side
Triceps kickbacks
Speed squats
Butt kickers
Pendulum swings
Alternating hammer curls
Russian twist
Sprints to cone + jabs / sprint back / cross punch / sprint to cone / jacks / sprint back and repeat
Yoga poses
Slow yoga crunch abs
Slow yoga alternating obliques
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 3 times
20 plea squats
20 plea w/overhead triceps press
20 L split squats with triceps kickback, repeat R
20 curtsey lunge L
20 curtsey lunge R
20 curtsey lunge with abduct L
20 curtsey lunge with abduct R
Ladder hops for 2 rounds each (jogging in between)
60 sec ankle bands side stepping squats L, repeat R
60 secs standing 1-leg heel pressback, repeat other side
60 secs fast shuffle L lead, repeat R lead
Triceps overhead
Biceps curl + OH press
Triceps kickback alternating
Hammer curls alternating
“My AB circuit” (each camper calls out their favorite ab drill at 60 seconds each (repeat the cycle
depending on number of people)
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 2 times
30 pullovers at 4-2-1 tempo on ball if available
30 French press at 1-0-1 temp
30 leg lower and lift
30 obliques
30 hip lifts
30 leg curls (if ball) or 15 ea 1-leg hip lift on each side
20 deadlifts at 2-0-2 tempo
30 walking lunges with knee lift
Cone to cone:
Sprint then shuffle R, repeat L
Sprint forward, run backwards, repeat
Carioca L, carioca back, then carioca R, carioca back
30 partner row with alt reverse lunge
30 partner biceps curl with band
20 side DB shoulder raises
20 DB upright rows
30 squiggly worms
30 clams
Final run or repeat cone to cone drill
Then :
Mat to cone:
10 pushups 20 squats
8 pushups 16 squats
10 pushups 20 squats
8 pushups 16 squats
20 prisoner squats
60 plank with alternating knee ins
20 pullovers
45 sec plank with side arm wave (aka “pet the doggie”), repeat other side
20 pullovers
45 sec plank with jack legs
20 squats
45 sec plank with alternating abducts
20 squats
45 sec plank with alternating kicks
Repeat pushups set
20 partner leg toss, trade partners
20 each side kickboxing abs, repeat other side
20 1-sided Russian twist, repeat other side
20 1-sided oblique, repeat other side
Cone to cone drills
Grapevine and back / sprint and back / Jog forward and back pedal
Then :
WORKOUT – repeat each group of exercises 2 times, 60 seconds each
Wide rows
Alternating partner row
Supine chest fly
Alternating horizontal chest press
Biceps curls slow 2-0-2
Alternating fast biceps curls
Triceps overhead 2-0-2
Alternating triceps kickbacks
“My GPP set” at 30 seconds each. Each camper calls out their favorite cardio drills for total of 6 minutes
Toe touch abs
Side knee tucks, repeat other side
Alternating 1-leg drop
Repeat all 1 time
Then :
Then :
Then :
Then :
Workout 1
Mountain Climbers (30 seconds)
Staggered Pushups (30 seconds)
Jab & Cross…Left foot forward, 2 jabs with left hand, 2 Cross with right (1 minute)
Jab & Cross…Right foot forward, 2 jabs with right hand, 2 Cross with left (1 minute)
Jump Squats (15 reps)
Rest for 2 minutes
Mountain Climbers (45 seconds)
Staggered Pushups (45 seconds)
Jab & Uppercut… Left foot forward, 2 jabs with left hand, 1 Uppercut with right (1 minute)
Jab & Uppercut…Right foot forward, 2 jabs with right hand, 1 Uppercut with left (1 minute)
Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat circuit 2 more times.
*note: make sure you pivot the back leg to a 90 degrees angle on the ball of your foot when you cross and uppercut.
Workout 2
Jump Rope and Resistance Bands needed. Perform each exercise for 2 minutes. Complete all exercises and rest for 2 minutes. Perform circuit 4 times.
Jump Rope
Lat Pull-down with Band
Jab, Cross, Hook… Left foot forward, 2 jabs with left hand, Cross with right, Hook with left
Jab, Cross, Hook… Right foot forward, 2 jabs with right hand, Cross with left, Hook with right
Squat Thrusts
*note: make sure you pivot the back leg to a 90 degrees angle on the ball of your foot when you cross, and pivot the front leg when you hook.
Workout 3:
Dumbbells needed.
Shadow Boxing (1 minute)
Squats with Alternating Front Kicks holding dumbbells to chest (1 minute)
Military Pushups with a slow negative (1 minute)
Wide Squats on Toes holding dumbbell overhead in one hand….perform this exercise slow focusing on keeping the chest out and head up (30 seconds each hand)
Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut… Left foot forward, 2 jabs with left hand, Cross with right, Hook with left, Uppercut with right. (2 minutes)
Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut… Right foot forward, 2 jabs with right hand, Cross with left, Hook with right, Uppercut with left. (2 minutes)
Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat circuit 3 more times.
*note: make sure you pivot the back leg to a 90 degrees angle on the ball of your foot when you cross and uppercut, and pivot the front leg when you hook.
Workout 4:
Partner training. Medicine balls needed.
Wheelbarrow… Partner #1 walks on hands while Partner #2 holds onto Partner 1’s ankles (1 minute for each partner)
Side-to-side Twists with medicine ball… Partners are back-to-back and hand off ball as they twist (1 minute)
Jab & Cross…Left foot forward, 2 jabs with left hand, 2 Cross with right (Partner #1 holds mitt while Partner #2 performs exercise) (2 minutes each partner)
Jab & Cross…Right foot forward, 2 jabs with right hand, 2 Cross with left (Partner #1 holds mitt while Partner #2 performs exercise) (2 minutes each partner)
Rest for 2 minutes.
Wheelbarrow Complex… Partner #1 performs pushups while Partner #2 performs squats (1 minute for each partner)
Medicine Ball Throws… Partners throw ball to each other from chest with equal amount of force from arms (1 minute)
Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat circuit 2 more times.
*note: make sure you pivot the back leg to a 90 degrees angle on the ball of your foot when you cross.
Workout 5:
Dumbbells and Jump Rope needed.
Side Squats holding dumbbells. (1 minute each direction)
Jump Rope (2 minutes)
Jab & Cross…Left foot forward, 2 jabs with left hand, 2 Cross with right (2 minutes)
Jab & Cross…Right foot forward, 2 jabs with right hand, 2 Cross with left (2 minutes)
Rest for 1 minute.
Lunge Jumps (30 seconds)
Speed Bag (2 minutes)
Alternating High Plank to Low Plank (1 minute)
One-arm Dumbbell Back Row… Slow on the negative (1 minute on each arm)
Uppercuts holding dumbbells (1 minute)
Rest for 1 minute. Repeat circuit 3 more times.
*note: make sure you pivot the back leg to a 90 degrees angle on the ball of your foot when you cross.
Then :
60 second side plank, repeat other side
30 second side plank with hip raise, repeat other side
60 seconds jump rope
40 mountain climbers
20 shoulder presses
40 seconds jump rope
30 mountain climbers
15 shoulder presses
30 jump squats
30 biceps curls
20 jump squats
20 biceps curls
Repeat all
40 squats
40 calf raises
20 ea 1 – leg airplane squats, repeat other side
30 squats
30 calf raises
15 ea 1 – leg airplane squats, repeat other side
40 hip lifts
20 1 – leg hip lifts, repeat other side
30 hip lifts
15 1 – leg hip lifts, repeat other side
Repeat all
Big run/walk
Then :
20 jacks
20 speed squats
20 burpees
20 squats
20 deadlifts
20 1 – heel lifted squats, repeat other side
20 1 – heel lifted deadlifts, repeat other side
20 High knee jog
20 speed squats
20 jump squats
1 min downward dog
1 min plank
1 min downward dog
10 sec plank, 30 side plank, 10 sec plank
30 sec downward dog
10 sec plank, 30 sec other side plank, 10 sec plank
30 sec downward dog
20 upper half biceps curls
20 external rotations (with bent arms)
20 lower half biceps curls
20 press backs
20 curl and presses
Repeat all and keep repeating till time runs out
Then :
60 seconds up up down down, jack jack (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8); repeat repeat, etc.
30 roundhouse kicks, repeat other side
60 seconds walking lunges w/ whistle runs
30 alternating DB cleans
60 seconds light DB cross punch
20 each kickboxing side abs, repeat other side
30 sec chair hold (squat hold) with biceps curls, repeat
60 seconds walking lunges with biceps curls
60 seconds DBs overhead run
30 dips on bench
30 seconds carioca, repeat other direction
30 pushups on bench
90 seconds / 60 seconds / 30 seconds of “My AB circuit” (each camper calls out their favorite ab drill
(repeat the cycle depending on number of people)
Then :
Set A:
15 TRX or playground row
15 squats
30 alternating biceps curl
15 DB bent row
30 crunches
30 1 – sided crunch, other side
Weave in and out with cones or trees run for 4 minutes
Set B:
15 TRX or playground 1 – leg squats, repeat other side
15 Dips
15 1 – arm swings, repeat other side
15 burpees
Weave in and out with cones or trees run for 4 minutes
Repeat all
Then :
Interval runs – 3 minutes
20 single crunches/20 2-0-2 crunches/20 pulse – 3 crunches
20 alternating crunches/20 2-0-2 alternating crunches/20 pulse-3 crunches
20 leg lower and lift
Supine pointed leg circles, 10 each direction, switch to other side
10 side lying leg lift (both feet glued, lift feet and head 1 – 3-1 tempo, repeat other side
20 hip lifts 1-4-1 tempo
Interval runs – 2 minutes
Plea squats with weights 10 at 1-0-1 tempo, 20 pulses, repeat both
Good mornings 10 at 2-0-2 tempo, 20 good morning squat pulses, repeat both
20 supine jumping jack abs (1 2 3 4, lift open close lower)
Supine flexed leg circles, 10 each direction, switch to other side
20 hip lifts 1-4-1 tempo
10 shoulder raises / 10 presses / 10 upright rows, repeat all
20 pullovers /
20 alternating pullovers
20 pullover + French press combo
Supine pointed leg circles, 10 each direction, switch to other side
10 side lying leg lift (both feet glued, lift feet and head 1-3-1 tempo, repeat other side
20 hip lifts 1-4-1 tempo
20 single crunches /
20 2-0-2 crunches /
20 pulse-3 crunches
20 alternating crunches / 20 2-02 alternating crunches / 20 pulse-3 crunches
20 leg lower and lift
Interval runs – 3 minutes
Set A
30 sec v leg crunches / 30 sec bird dog
30 sec crunches / 30 sec bird dog
30 sec toe touch
30 sec plank / 30 sec side plank / other side
10 pushups / 30 sec rest / 10 pushups / 30 sec rest / 10 pushups
Set B
10 alternating squat + kick / 30 cross punches
10 jumping jacks / 10 R jabs / 10 jumping jacks / 10 L jabs
10 kicks L front, R back; repeat other side R front, L back
30 seconds speed bag
10 2 – point kicks (hi and low) on R, repeat on L
30 seconds boxer shuffle
10 jabs / 180 degree jump / 10 jabs / 180 degree jump; repeat with 10 hooks and jumps
Repeat set A
Final run until time is up
– repeat each group of exercises 2 times
20 leg swings forward and back, repeat other side
20 pendulum swings side to side, repeat other side
20 sumo squats R foot lead, repeat other side
Run uphill and downhill x2 (2 – 4 minutes)
20 jacks / 20 R jab / 20 jacks / 20 L jab
Plank with 20 leg lifts R, 20 leg lifts R, hold 30 more secs
40 squiggly worms
20 R side lying abs (with bent knees), repeat other side
20 alternating 1 – leg drops
2 – supine knee tucks
Tabata running lap (3 minutes of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off)
2 dips / 2 jump squats
– repeat total of 10
40 mountain climbers
20 seated Russian twist
Then :
– repeat each group of exercises 2 times
15 each leg runner’s lunge (forward and back), repeat other side
15 side step lunge one side, then repeat other side
15 jump squats
30 up up down down (15 on each lead leg)
15 squats
30 pulsing low squats
15 ea 1 – leg hip lifts
30 pullovers
30 partner rows
30 biceps curls
20 pullovers
20 partner rows
20 biceps curls
2 running laps (2 minutes)
15 wood choppers, repeat other side
15 clean and presses
30 plea squats w/alternating leg lift
30 alternating shoulder presses
30 ankle band walks to one side, repeat other side
10 forward Frankenstein walks, 10 backward, repeat forward, repeat backward
Indian runs till time runs out
Then :
Cardio 30’s I:
Jack squat
Roundhouse kicks, repeat other side
Alternating squat touch press angles
Cross punch
Strength: 1
– 10 push up pyramid
30 triceps overhead
30 flyes
30 squiggly worms 30 1 – sided obliques, repeat other side
30 triceps overhead
30 flyes
30 crunches
30 alternating obliques
Cardio 30’s II:
Jump rope 30 seconds
High knees with weights overhead 30 seconds
Squat with alternating front kicks
Mountain climbers
Repeat strength
Repeat both cardio sets until time is up
Pilates supine leg circles 10 in each direction, repeat other side
30 sec each Pilates supine bicycles forward, repeat backward
20 alternating shoulder raise with light tubing under L foot
15 curtsey lunges
15 lunge with shoulder press at the top
Repeat all on other leg
25 partner row
25 slow squat at 4 – 0 – 4 tempo
15 1 – leg reaching squats (1 leg squat with 1 arm reach), repeat other side
REPEAT ALL for total x3
20 Russian twist
20 alternating chest fly
20 chest press slow 4 – 0 – 4 tempo
20 toe touch abs
20 hydrants / 20 90 degree pumps towards sky / 20 bent knee circles, repeat other side
Repeat for total x3
20 triceps overhead presses
20 side squats wi
th alternating raises
20 triceps kickbacks
20 v – ups
20 hydrants / 20 90 degree pumps towards sky / 20 bent knee circles, repeat other side
Repeat for total x3
– repeat each group of exercises 2 – 3 times
20 pendulum swings, repeat other side
20 plea squats
20 jack squats
20 jumping alternating lunges
30 partner wide row
10 deadlift row combo, reset 10 more, reset 10 more
30 biceps curls
30 weighted cross punches
Towing laps timed 60 – 90 seconds each partner tows another and switch
Running laps (up and over hill, hill runs) 90 seconds
Shuffles to one side 60 seconds, repeat other side
Repeat 1st two sets one time only
Towing laps repeat once
Yoga poses to end
– repeat each group of exercises 2 – 3 times
30 plea squats
30 plea squats with alternating abduct
15 each wood choppers
15 each swings
30 reps supine band above knees, abduct
30 knee to chest crunches
Move band to ankles, stand
– 60 seconds trot to side, repeat other side
30 supine hip lifts
30 toe touch abs
30 biceps curl
30 triceps overhead press
20 biceps curl
20 triceps overhead press
Interval runs to end
Dynamic Warm Ups – 50/10
Squat to Stand
Warrior Lunge into Inverted Hamstring Stretch
Push Up to Glute Stretch
Spiderman Lunge w/ External Rotation
Seal Claps/Pogo Jumps/High Knees (15 seconds each)
60/15 Intervals – 2 round, 60 second break
1. KB Combo: KB DL/Double Hand Clean/Goblet Squat/Reverse Lunge
(NOTES: Grip the KB tight, neutral spine at all times/stay tall, big breath in the belly, stay upright on lunges, drive through heel)
2. Quadruped Sit Out
(NOTES: Start in start of bear crawl position and sit out, pack the shoulder down and back, core tight)
3. Sprint 40 yard shuttle + 10 Battling Rope Slams
(NOTES: Keep spine tall and core tight on ropes slams, powerful slams)
4. Single Arm TRX Row w/Guard
(NOTE: Keep the shoulder packed, no rotation, glutes tight, free arm in guard position, tall neck)
5. Push Ups (5 close grip, 5 shoulder width, 5 wide)
(NOTE: Stay tall like someone is pulling you by a string on top of the head, pull yourself down with lats, glutes and core tight)
6. OH Lunge Var. (Static, Reverse, Forward, Walking) – Dynaball/Plate
(NOTES: Keep the shoulders packed, core tight, elbows locked out and behind the ears, brace core when going into lunge)
7. Swiss Ball Plank or Stir the Pot/Swiss Ball V-Up
(NOTES; Glutes firing, push elbows into swiss ball, stay tall neutral spine)
8. Jamball Slams
(NOTES: Pick it up with deadlift hip hinge, slam with full body core tight, no rounding of the back)
9. Sandbag Carries
(NOTES: stay tall, bear hug sandbag to activate upper back, keep the sandbag and shoulder blades packed)
Squat Jumps x 10
NOTES: Staying in Squat Position waiting for coaches command to squat jump, everyone yells out number…keep the whole set around 2 minutes
Density Warm Up – 6 minutes
OH Squat w/ Pause x 10
Atlas Lunge x 5/side
Push Up to Calf/Hamstring Stretch x 10
Spiderman w/ Extension x 5/side
Glute Marching x 5/side
Total Body Strength: EDT- 7 minutes/station
Double KB Deadlift x 8
Push Up w/ 3 sec. negative x 8
Knee to Elbow x 8/side
(NOTE: On the deadlifts make sure you see a logo on the chest, tall spine, brace the abs, spread the floor with your feet and drive from the hips….Push Ups: Head on a string, glutes firing, upper back flat, knees locked out)
Single Leg Glute Bridges x 8/side
Broad Jumps x 8
Jamball Slams x 8
(NOTE: On glute bridges extend the knee and drive the glutes, feel like you’re pinching a quarter, while breathing through your belly……borad jumps, stick the landing and don’t let feet collapse, spread the floor…..)
Sandbag Lunge Var. x 8/side
TRX Rows x 8
Pallof Press x 8/side
Dynamic Warm Up – 50/10
Squat to Stand w/ External Rotation
90/90 OH Static Lunge
Side Lunge + Reach
Wideout Drops/High Knees/ Seal Claps (15 secs./each)
45/15 Intervals – 2 rounds, 60 second break
1. KB Deadlift
2. Push Up Var. (Progression: Spiderman Push Up)
3. Jamball Burpee (w/ 180 degreee turn and slam)
4. Broad Jumps
5. Knee to Elbow + Kick Out
6. Battling Ropes
7. TRX Rows (Progression: TRX Grappler Rows)
8. Mountain Climbers/Bear Crawls
9. Shuttle Sprints
Core Finisher:
Sprinter Sit Ups x 30 seconds
Plank Hold x 30 seconds
L-Sit Up + Reach x 30 seconds (switch half way)
Knee to Elbow x 30 seconds
Dynamic Warm Up – 6 minutes density
Quadruped Thoracic Extension (elbow behind head) x 5/side
Blackburns x 10
Frankenstein into Reverse Lunge x 5/side
Squat to Stand x 10
Glute Marching x 5/side
Full Body Strength – 6 minutes/station
Station 1
KB Deadlifts x 12
Burpees x 12
Staggered Single Arm DB Rows x 12/side
Station 2
DB Lunge Var. (Progression Walking Lunges) x 12/side
Kneeling Jamball Slams x 12
Push Up Var. x 12
Station 3
TRX Rows x 12
Sandbag Squats x 12
Skater Jumps x 12/side
Push Ups x 1 minute
Squat Jumps x 1 minute
Lunge Var. x 1 minute
Dynamic Warm Up – 50/10
Prisoner Squats w/ Pause
Staggered Single Leg RDL (Hip Hinge)
Spiderman Lunge w/ Thoracic Extension
Push Up/Downward Dog/Glute Stretch Sequence
High Knees/Wideout Drops/Highland Flings x 15 sec/each
20/10 Tabatas – 8 rounds/station (4 minutes/station)
1. KB Deadlift/KB Swings
Push Up Var.
2. Dynaball Slams
3. TRX Rows
DB Thrusters
4. Battling Ropes
Lunge Var.
Finisher – 15/15 for 5 minutes (10 rounds), twice through each exercise
Mountain Climbers
Prisoner Squat Jumps
Push Ups
High Knees
Then :
Cardio: I (2 cones spaced apart)
45 sec cross punch / 45 sec shuffle / 45 sec jog
45 sec cross punch / 45 sec shuffle back
Strength 1
10 row plus 10 1 – leg squats, repeat 10 rows plus 10 1 – leg squats on the other side
10 clean and presses
Strength 2
– partner with light tubing (not crossed together, but 1 band to each hand)
10 swimmers, 10 1 foot balance swimmers, 10 1 foot balance other side swimmers
10 squat and pull
10 Russian twist to R, 10 Russian twist to L, 10 side to side
Cardio 2
Sprint and run back x3 (or 3 minutes)
Strength 3
20 reverse lunges w/ upright row from top of curb
20 side abducts with lateral raises, repeat other side
10 offset squats L, 10 offset squats R
Strength 4
20 toe touch abs
20 pulse 3 crunches
20 1 – sided obliques L, repeat on R
Repeat entire workout for total x2
Then :
– repeat each group of exercises 3 times
All exercises 45 – 60 seconds unless otherwise noted
Directional runs and drills
I: line up side by side facing coach over at least size of basketball court, then stagger for side drills.
Shuffles, back pedals, shuffles, high knees, butt kickers, skaters, jacks, forward run, etc.
all make up for what the coach calls out to the Campers. 3-5 minutes Sets
Bridge hold with up and down pulses, then hold with inner and outer knee abducts
Jack abs (1234 – lift abduct together down)
Pushup and kneeling shoulder press: 1 pushup, 1 press, 2 pushups, 2 presses, etc to 5 then 4, 3, etc.
Side – lying crunches, repeat other side
Supine frog plie
1 leg squat with airplane arms, repeat other side
Triceps overhead press
Jumping jacks
Directional runs and drills II
line up side by side facing coach over at least size of basketball court, then stagger for side drills.
Shuffles, back pedals, shuffles,jump squats, boxer shuffles, cross punches, jabs, upper cuts, forward run, etc. all make up for what the coach calls out to the Campers. 3
– 5 minutes
Then :
– repeat each group of exercises 2 – 3 times
60 seconds jog in place, 60 seconds walk or jog around
20 rows
20 siff squats
20 biceps curls
60 seconds jump rope in place, 60 seconds walk or jog around
20 table butt kickers
40 calf raises
40 cross punches
60 seconds jacks, 60 seconds walk or jog around
20 partner rows
20 biceps curls
20 band rear delt pull
Repeat once
Walking lunges
20 partner rows
20 biceps curls
Walking lunges
20 partner rows
20 biceps curls
Walk or jog to end of time
Then :
WORKOUT – a giant set style workout
8 DB shoulder presses
8 biceps curls
8 Y shoulder presses
8 upright rows
8 forward lunge & press same leg, repeat other side
8 alternating reverse lunge with upright row
8 cross punches
8 boat to upside down plank
*Indian run #1*
8 flyes
8 triceps pushups
8 flyes
8 triceps pushups
8 slow step ups same leg, repeat other side
8 weighted leg extension (DB above knee and leg at 90 degree angle), repeat other side
8 squats
8 pulses
8 squats
8 pulses
8 slow step ups same leg, repeat other side
8 weighted leg extension (DB above knee and leg at 90 degree angle), repeat other side
*Indian run II*
8 dumpees, skip for 60 seconds
8 dumpees, skip for 60 seconds
Repeat giant set x2 total
*Indian run III*
Then :
– repeat each group of exercises 2 – 3 times. Each set is 45 – 60 seconds, except for GPP.
Ankle band – 2 steps R, 2 steps L, etc. (leave band on)
Upright row
Heavy weighted squats
Russian twist
Ankle band walking or running in a circle – R, then L Hip lift on ground (keep feet a little wide)
Side – lying leg lift for 30 seconds, 30 second pulsing lifts, repeat other side
Heavy plea squat
Standing knee opener (bent knee abducts)
Split lunge R
Split lunge L
Pullover w/ 2 DBs
French press (alternating fast)
Chest fly
Chest press (alternating fast)
GPP in 3 minute rounds
– repeat x2
30 sec jump rope / 30 sec jacks / 30 sec jumping lunges / 30 sec ski squats
Then :
60 sec plank hold
60 sec plank triceps pulses
60 sec running lap, L lead up up down down at curb, repeat lap and R lead up up down down
20 pushups
50 crunches
Repeat x3 total
60 sec walking lunges
20 high step ups one leg, repeat other leg
60 sec triceps overhead 20 3 – dot
– drill on one leg, repeat other leg
Repeat x3 total
Partner abs seated side by side in boat position, toss MB or Pilates weighted ball side to side
Toss across MB or Pilates weighted ball with 1 dyna disc under each foot
Run side by side tossing or handing off MB or Pilates weighted ball
Jog in place/get drink
Repeat x2 total
Bench or table Burpees
Bench mountain climbers
Jump squats
Bench dips
Repeat x2 total
Then :
– repeat each group of 60 – second exercises 3 times
Supine toe touch abs
Wide hip lift
Standing shuffle splits
Bent speed row with band
Plank hold
Supine obliques
Prisoner squats
Jumping jacks
1-leg good mornings, repeat other side
Plank hold
Leg lower & lift
1 – leg hip lift, repeat other side
Forward jumps 10 times, back pedal, repeat
Cross punches w/DB
Plank hold
MB ball hand off Indian run for 3 – 6 minutes
45 second clams
30 second v – ups
45 second plank
30 second side plank, repeat other side
Pushups mat to mat with run in between: start 10 run 10, 5 run 5, 10 run 10, 5 run 5
Crunches mat to mat with run in between start 20 run 20, 10 run 10, 20 run 20, 10 run 10
Circuit stations
(repeat circuit x2 total):
15 playground rows
Up up down down at curb fast
15 triceps pushups
15 squat touch press
High knees
Partner drill: MB toss back and forth
DB plank alt row (hold DBs) mat to mat w/ run in between 10 run 10, 6 run 6, 10 run 10, 6 run 6
Repeat 1st AB set
Tabata squats: 10 cycles (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
15 burpees
Tabata squats: 6 cycles
10 burpees
– rep eat each group of exercises 2 – 3 times
DB cross punch
Plea squat with shoulder press
Plea squat with heavy DB
Toe touch abs
Alternating obliques
Shuffle back and forth (shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, back, etc.)
DB forward jabs
Plea squat with forward chest press
Plea squat with heavy DB and alternating abducts (squat, abduct, squat abduct, etc.)
Seated Russian twist
Reverse crunch
Jumping jacks
Cone to cone drills: split up group so they face each other and will run toward each other.
Group A runs while Group B performs a standing exercise, when Group A arrives to B, B runs to the other side while A performs the standing exercise, etc.
Run vs. heel raises (repeat) / run vs. high knees (repeat) / run vs. cross punch (repeat)
Triceps overhead
Biceps curl + OH press
Triceps kickback alternating
Hammer curls alternating
Then :
45 seconds jacks
45 seconds high knees
45 seconds jump rope
45 seconds butt kickers
Push -up pyramid: 1 pushup, 1 kneeling shoulder press, 2 pushups, 2 kneeling shoulder presses, etc on up to 8 then back to 7, etc. back to 1
20 each abs partner leg toss, repeat for other partner
60 second plank
30 second side plank with arm wave parallel with ground “pet the doggie”, repeat other side
20 reverse crunch
Repeat total of x 2 Intervals of walking lunge, run, power walk at random times (with whistle signals) up to 5-10 minutes depending on time left
– repeat each group of exercises 2 times
20 upright row
20 upright row w/reverse lunge
30 crunches
30 leg lower & lift
20 biceps curl
20 biceps curl w/forward lunge
30 alternating obliques
30 squiggly worms
20 good mornings
20 triceps overhead press w/plea squats
30 Russian twists
30 seated knee to chest
20 partner band biceps curls
20 partner band triceps pressdowns
20 heavy biceps curls
20 triceps overhead presses
30 partner band row w/reverse lunge combo
30 partner squats while holding band
30 partner band row w/reverse lunge combo
30 partner squats while holding band
– repeat sets A and B x2 total, then do set C x2 total
A: 60 second alternating lunges
60 second side to side squats
45 second roundhouse kicks, repeat other side
60 second kickboxing squat (squat + alternating forward kicks – squat kick, squat kick, etc.)
60 second walking lunges
60 second plank
60 second reverse crunches
3 minute run weaving in and out of cones or trees
60 second ankle band travel (side step to one side while squatting), repeat other direction
60 second standing balance with back heel kicks (fast), repeat other side
60 second standing balance with heel forward kicks flexed (fast), repeat other side
60 second hip lift (leave band on)
60 second abduction (put band up higher above knees)
60 second jack abs (band to ankles and lift, jack feet, close feet, lower; 1234, etc.)
60 second crunches
3 minute run weaving in and out of cones or trees
30 sec boat with pumping arms (like Pilates 100s)
30 sec side plank, repeat other side
30 sec bicycles
Repeat 45 sec, repeat 30 sec
Then :
20 band standing rear delt pulls
20 overhead band lat pulls
20 partner band oblique twists
20 MB squat touch press (advanced add jump)
20 MB wood choppers, repeat other side
20 MB chest toss and run after and fetch it
20 partner “butt butt”
– partners stand back to back, partner 1 hands off ball between legs and then ptr 2 holds ball overhead till ptr 1 reaches for it, repeat up to 20 alternating reach side. Repeat with ptr 2 handing off and reaching it, etc.
10 MB partner tosses right to right, repeat left to left
60 seconds rest
4 cone drill: start A, walking lunge to B, sprint to C, shuffle R to D, shuffle L to A, sprint to B, run backwards to A; begin again with walking lunge to B, sprint to C, shuffle R to D, shuffle L to A, sprint to B, run backwards to A; STOP
Repeat all
If time: “My AB circuit” (each camper calls out their favorite ab drill at 45 seconds each (repeat the cycle depending on number of people)
Then :
– repeat each exercise 4 times
30 crunches, 30 obliques 30 hip lifts, 10 shelc curls 30 ball wall squats, 15 seconds isometric hold 20 Russian twists on ball, 20 ball crunches
*Cardio drill of choice (if steps available do simple drills like basic step, corner to corner, v – steps)*
20 supine ball pullovers w/ 2 DBs,
10 French press
20 band standing rear delt pulls,
20 triceps overhead
20 supine crunches with legs over ball,
20 ball raises (ball between legs – lower and lift)
*Cardio drill of choice (if steps available do simple drills like basic step, corner to corner, v – steps)*
Then :
20 bent rows
20 biceps curls
20 upright rows
20 prisoner squats
20 siff squats
30 partner rows
30 band curls
20 side lunge w/ 1 – arm row to right, repeat to left
45 secs mountain climbers
60 secs cone to cone suicides
45 secs boxer shuffles
45 secs flutters
Repeat all exercises total x3
20 slams
20 wood choppers each side
20 squat touch press (advance add jumps)
20 prisoner squats
20 siff squats
30 press backs
30 alternating shoulder presses 20 side lunge w/ 1 – arm row to left, repeat to right
45 secs mountain climbers
60 secs cone to cone suicides
45 secs boxer shuffles
45 secs flutters
Repeat all exercises total x3
45 sec standing MB Russian twist – extended warm-up
45 sec supine MB pullovers – extended warm – up
20 MB chest toss and run after and fetch it*
20 MB squat touch press
20 MB toe touch abs
Repeat both total x2
*BLAST 2 *
MB run intervals of MB at chest/MB overhead (whistle at random intervals). 90 seconds*
20 MB wood choppers, repeat other side
20 MB walking lunge w/twist
Repeat both total x2
20 MB chest toss and run after and fetch it*
20 1- leg squat and opposite arm reach, repeat other side
40 mountain climbers (40 steps)
Repeat both total x2
*BLAST 2 *
MB run intervals of MB at chest/MB overhead (whistle at random intervals). 90 seconds*
20 1-leg-good mornings, repeat other side
20 supine hip lifts at slow 4-0-4 tempo
Repeat both total x2
20 MB chest toss and run after and fetch it*
20 kneeling flex straight leg circles out then in
20 hydrants
20 knee to chest
Repeat other side
*BLAST 2 *
MB run intervals of MB at chest/MB overhead (whistle at random intervals). 90 seconds*
– each group, except run, is repeated total of 2 times
Run 3 – 6 minutes
30 walking windmill lunges
30 jacks
30 squat touch press (add jump for advanced)
20 1-arm swings, repeat other arm
20 bent rows
20 seated Russian twist
20 side shoulder raise
20 biceps curl
40 mountain climbers
30 1-sided obliques, repeat other side
30 reverse crunch
30 leg lower & lift
Giant set of A-E (less repeats), repeat again for total x2 or until time runs out
– repeat each group of exercises 2 -3 times
20 chest presses at medium 2-0-2 tempo
20 hip lifts at medium 2-4-2 tempo (4 count hold at top)
20 heel lifts at bridge hold at regular 1-0-1 tempo
20 chest presses at regular 1-0-1 tempo
20 hip liftsat 2-0-2 tempo
20 hip lifts at regular 1-0-1 tempo
Walk/run 2 minutes
20 plank w/ 1-arm DB row, repeat other side
45 second forearm plank
20 deadlifts
20 bent rows
45 second side forearm plank, repeat other side
60 seconds crunches
Run/lunge 2 minutes
KB or DB swing cardio:20 swings (or 20 1-arm each swings)
20 jump squats
15 swings (or 15 1-arm each swings)
15 jump squats
10 swings (or 10 1-arm each swings)
10 jump squats
Then :
10 ball pushups
10 transfers (hands to feet with v-up crunch)
repeat x4 total
20 alternating shoulder presses on ball
20 flyes on ball
repeat x4 total
20 hip lifts on ball
20 shelc ball curls
20 crunches with feet on ball
repeat x4 total
Step aerobics with or light DBs –3-6 minutes (basic up up down, corner to corner, v-step, etc)
10 downward dog to plank Glutes. all moves done on one side, then the other side:
30 hydrants
30 bent knee circles
30 bent knee crossovers
30 straight leg upward pulses
Then :
– repeat each group of exercises 3 times
20 alternating supine DB pullovers (keep opposite arm up)-light
20 alternating supine DB chest flyes
(keep opposite arm up)
20 alternating supine DB pullovers (keep opposite arm up)
20 alternating supine DB chest flyes
(keep opposite arm up)
20 rows on TRX, Lebert equalizer or playground swing or bar, etc
20 slow heavy biceps curls
20 slow squats
Run 1/8-1/4 mile and repeat
8 cycles of Tabata squats (20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest)
20 clean and presses
20 1-leg standing weighted leg extension (DB above knee, leg at 90 degree angle), repeat other side
20 jumps to curb
20 each side pendulum swings
Run 1/8-1/4 mile and repeat “My AB circuit”
(each camper calls out their favorite ab drill at 45 seconds each (repeat the cycle depending on number of people)
Then :
Curb side approach:
20 reps knee, abduct, knee, abduct (I,2,3,4)
20 side squats (foot on curb and foot on ground)
Repeat both on other side, then repeat all total x2
Deadlift/row combo:
10 deadlifts, 10 rows, 10 deadlifts, 10 rows; stand and repeat for total x2
Line and cones: (set up cones and form 2 or more single file lines at cone A)
Approx 3-5 minutes
Boxer shuffle or jog in place while in line while waiting to sprint to cone B and back, get to back of line
30 squats regular 1-0-1 tempo, 10 squats at slow 4-4 tempo
30 biceps regular 1-0-1 tempo, 10 squats at slow 4-0-4 tempo
Repeat total of x2
30 plea squats
30 triceps overhead regular 1-0-1 tempo, 10 overhead at slow 4-0-4 tempo
Repeat total of x2
Line and cones: Carioca from A to B and run back. Approx 2-3 minutes
Pushup/shoulder raise combo:
5 pushups,5 no-weight raises
Repeat total of x4
30-30 Beginner 10-Minute Total Body Workout
Protocol: Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Once you finish the first round, repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds.
- Lying Hip Extensions – 30 seconds
- Rest 30 seconds
- Kneeling Pushups – 30 seconds
- Rest 30 seconds
- Bodyweight Squats – 30 seconds
- Rest 30 seconds
- Stick Ups – 30 seconds
- Rest 30 seconds
- Glute Bridge – 30 seconds
- Rest 30 seconds, repeat 1 more time
Stations – Campers paired into 2’s
Each round lasts 4 minutes
Switching at 2 minutes into each round at each station
After each round follow with 45 seconds to 1 minute of rest
Participants will get through all 9 stations in roughly 45 minutes
Station 1: Kettlebell Swing / Kettlebell High Pull
Station 2: Dumbbell Suitcase Deadlift / Dumbbell Overhead Squat
Station 3: Jump Rope / Jump Rope
Station 4: Kettlebell Circles / Kettlebell Snatch
Station 5: Medicine Ball Overhead Wall Slam / Medicine Ball Rotational Wall Slam
Station 6: 6” Hurdles lateral High Knees / 12” Hurdles lateral High Knees
Station 7: Bodyweight T-Push-Up / Prisoner Lunge
Station 8: 6” Hurdles Tuck Jumps / 12” Hurdles Tuck Jumps
Station 9: Bodyweight Prisoner Squats / Bodyweight Inverted Row
Stations – Campers paired into 4’s
After each Series follow with 45 seconds to 1 minute of rest.
Series 1: 7 metre Drill
Cones set apart 7 m on the floor/field in box format. Cone-lane for each camper.
Each round lasts a total of 45-90 seconds.
Suicides w/cone touches – Hand Walk – Forward Run/Back Pedal w/cone touches – Tuck Jumps
Series 2: 30m Drill (Sprints)
Sprint 30 m, Walk back to starting line x 6 Sprints
Series 3: 15 m Drill (Body Crawls)
Each round lasts the length of time to cross 15 yard distance
Forward Bear Crawl – Lateral Bear Crawl Right – Lateral Bear Crawl Left – Reverse Bear Crawl
Crabwalk Forward/Reverse at halfway mark – Spiderman Crawl at halfway mark Walking Plank
Series 4: Hill Interval (Sprinting up Hill)
Sprint Up Hill, Walk back to starting line x 4 Hill Sprints
Series 5: Bodyweight Drill
4 Minute Rounds. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Switching between exercises.
A1) Plank with External Rotation Left A2) Plank with External Rotation Right
B1) Overhead Squat B2) Mountain Climber
C1) Reverse Plank C2) Total Body Counters (Burpee’s)
Series 6: 25m Drill (Sprints)
Sprint 25m, Walk back to starting line x 3 Sprints
Protocol: Do each exercise for 35 seconds and rest 25 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Once you finish the first round, repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 rounds.
- 1 Leg Lying Hip Extensions (switch legs next round)
- Plank
- High Knees Sprint in Place
- Close Grip Pushups
- Wall Squat
Protocol: We’re using the 20-10 format here, which means 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. That equals 1 round. Complete as many reps as possible in each 20 second interval. Do the specified number of rounds for each exercise.
- Close Stance Bodyweight Squats – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds (2 minutes total)
- Eccentric Pushups (4 second lowering phase) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
- Split Squats (switch legs each round) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
- Side Plank (switch sides each round) – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
- Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds on, 10 off x 4 rounds
Protocol: Set your timer for 4 ½ minutes. Do the exercises listed below; complete the specified number of repetitions before moving on to the next exercise. Once you’ve completed all the reps for each exercise, that’s 1 round. Try to complete as many rounds as possible in 4 ½ minutes. Record your score. Rest 1 minute and repeat 1 more time. Try to beat your score from the first round. Rest only when necessary.
- 5 Decline Push-Ups
- 10 Duck Unders
- 15 Jumping Jacks
For example, you will do 5 Decline Pushups, followed by 10 Duck Unders and then 15 Jumping Jacks. That’s 1 round. Complete as many rounds as possible in the time given.
Protocol: Perform each exercise for 1 minute, completing as many reps as possible. Only rest when necessary – especially when your form starts to dip. After the final exercise, rest 2 minutes and repeat 1 more time.
- Burpees
- Total Body Extensions
- Cross Body Mountain Climbers
- Prisoner Squat Jumps
- Rest 2 minutes, repeat 1 more time.
20-min BW Total Body Challenge
Perform the following circuit in order by setting a timer or a clock for intervals of 1:15. Start by performing the first movement in each set. Once the reps have been reached for the first exercise, move to the next and perform that movement for the remainder of time left in that given interval before moving on to the next set. Rest only where designated.
1a. Prisoner Squat – 15 reps
1b. Plank w/ Alternate Leg Lift – remainder of the 1:15 interval
2a. Burpee – 10 reps
2b. Side Plank – remainder of the 1:15 interval
3a. Mountain Climber – 15 reps/side
3b. Side Plank – remainder of the 1:15 interval
4a. Wall Stick Up – 10 reps
4b. Plank Saw – remainder of the 1:15 interval
Rest 30 seconds
5a. Romanian Deadlift – 7 reps/side
5b. Wide Out – remainder of the 1:15 interval
6a. Penguin – 15 reps/side
6b. Skater – remainder of the 1:15 interval
7a. Get Up – 7 reps/side
7b. Side Squat Walk – remainder of the 1:15 interval
8a. Wood Chop – 10 reps/side
8b. Skater – remainder of the 1:15 interval
9a. Shoe Touch – 20 reps/side
9b. Burpee – remainder of the 1:15 interval
Rest for 1 minute then repeat the intervals 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 circuits.
Protocol: We’re doing this one ladder up style! That means you’ll start by doing one repetition of each exercise, one right after the other.
Once you complete one rep of each exercise, you’ll start back at the beginning and do 2 reps for each exercise. Then 3, 4, 5 and so on – you’re simply adding one rep to each round that you do. Set your timer for 10 minutes and climb as high up the ladder as you can. Only rest when necessary.
- Triple Stop Push-Up
- Low Squat Hop
- Prisoner Reverse Lunge w/ Knee Up
First half
Perform each superset for 4.00 with no rest between exercises.
Rest 1 minute between supersets.
A1: Swings 20
A2: Jump pull ups 10
B1: Thrusters 10
B2: Concept 2 row 150m
C1: Split jump 20
C2: Jump rope 50 jumps
D1: Single arm row 10 each arm
D2: Mountain climber 30
Second half
Perform each circuit continuously for 9 minutes.
Rest 1 minute between circuits
A: Snatch or swing
Push up
Jump squat
B: See-saw press
100m sprint (may be done as shuttles)
First half
Perform each exercise Tabata interval style (20 seconds hard, 10 seconds rest x 8) then move straight on to the next exercise with no rest other than the 10 seconds.
Concept 2 rower
Jump squat
Hurdle hop to push up (jump sideways over object – down for push up then back over!)
Second half
Perform the following circuit for 16 minutes continuously
Jump pull ups 10
Swings or snatches 20
Burpees 10
Split jumps 20
Don’t forget your 5 min cool-down
First half
Perform each superset for 4 minutes with 1 minute rest between supersets.
A1: Weighted reverse lunge 8
A2: Push ups 8
B1: Thrusters 8
B2: Split rows 8 each arm
C1: Burpees 10
C2: Jump rope 50
Second half
Perform the following circuit for 15 minutes continuously
Swing or snatch 20
Pull up or inverted row 10
Fast high knee alternate press 10 each side
Perform this superset 3 times with 1 minute rest between supersets
A1: Wall squat 60s
A2: Jump squat 8
Perform the following circuits for 5 minutes each with 1 minute rest between supersets
A1: Burpees 10
A2: Pull ups 5
A3: Push ups 10
B1: Split jumps 10
B2: Jump squats 10
B3: Bent over row 10
C1: Swings 20
C2: Mountain climbers 20
C3: Jump rope 50
Perform the following exercises Tabata style (20 seconds hard, 10 seconds rest x 8) Rest 1 minute then move on to the next.
Thruster – rest in the overhead position
Squats – rest with buttocks at knee level
First half
Perform each exercise Tabata interval style (20 seconds hard, 10 seconds
rest x 8) then move straight on to the next exercises with no rest other than
the 10 seconds.
Concept 2 rower
Second half
Perform the following circuit for 15 minutes with no rest.
Jump squats 10
Push ups 20
Swings 30
Jump rope 40
First half
Perform the following circuit for 15 minutes with no rest
Burpees 20
Push up 10
Inverted row 10
Concept 2 rower 250m
Second half
30 squats 100m sprint
25 squats 75m sprint
20 squats 50m sprint
15 squats 75m sprint
10 squats 100m sprint
Perform the following supersets.
Rest 1 minute between supersets.
A1: Jump squats 20 15 10 5 10 15 20
A2: Push ups 5 10 15 20 15 10 5
B1: Thrusters 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
B2: Burpees 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
C1: Concept 2 rower 150m
C2: Swings 20 swings
(5 minutes continuous)
D1: Sprint 100m
D2: Jump pull up 10
(5 minutes continuous
First half
Perform the following supersets for 4 minutes with 30 seconds rest in
A1: Burpees 20
A2: Walking push up 10
B1: Thrusters 10
B2: Jump rope 100
C1: Squats 20
C2: Single arm rows 10 each side
D1: Sprint 50m
D2: Med ball vertical toss 10
Second half
Perform the following circuit for 15.00
Split jump 20
Jump pull ups 10
Concept 2 rower 150m
High pull 10
First half
Perform the following exercises for 10 minutes – 15 seconds work, 15
seconds rest
Jump squat
Second half
Perform the following circuits for 10 minutes with 1 minute rest between
A: Burpees 10
Push ups 20
Sprints 100m
B: Swings 20
Single arm rows 10 each arm
Mountain climbers 30
Get a deck of cards and assign the following exercises to the corresponding suits. Draw cards for 15 minutes performing the number of cards shown on the card face.
J, Q, K = 10
A = 11
Clubs – Burpees
Hearts – Jump squat
Spades – 50m sprint
Diamonds – Diamond push ups
Rest 2 minute then repeat as follows
Clubs – Burpees
Hearts – KB snatch
Spades – 50m sprint
Diamonds – Jump pull ups
Perform the following supersets for 5 minutes each with the following rep scheme
For example, you would do 15 thrusters, 15 mountain climbers, 10 thrusters 10 mountain climbers etc
Thruster – mountain climber
Reverse lunge – burpees
Swing – Single arm row
Sprint (100m) – Squats
Perform each exercise Tabata interval style (20 seconds hard, 10 seconds rest x 8) then move straight on to the next exercises with no rest other than the 10 seconds.
Reverse lunge
Burpee-pull up
Push up
Second half
Perform the following circuit for 15 minutes
Concept 2 rower 150m
Burpees 20
Swings 20
Sprint 100m
WARM-UP : 5 min
WORKOUT – perform each set2-4 times
30 reps Plea squat w/db
30 second soccer taps
30 second medicine ball chops (each side)
20 leap frogs
20 alligator crawls
30 second bicycles w/medicine ball
Rest 1 minute, repeat
Warm-up, then :
20 seconds each exercise:
Walking lunges
Prisoner squats
Squat jumps
Mountain climbers
Rest 1 minute, repeat for 30 seconds each
Rest 1 minute, repeat 45 seconds each
Warm-up, then
1 minute each exercise:
Hurdle jumps
Rope pull-ups
Power pushups
Rest 1 minute, repeat circuit 5 times
10 tire flips
10 jumps in and out of tire
10 sledge hammer whacks on tire
once around of pushups on tire
Rest 2 minutes, repeat circuit 5 times
Warm-up, then :
30 second sled drag
30 second sled pull
30 second pushups/feet on top sled
40 second sled drag
40 second sled pull
40 second pushups/feet on top sled
50 second sled drag
50 second sled pull
50 second pushups/feet on top sled
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-5 times
Warm-up, then :
20 reps each exercise:
Lunges twisting side to side
Dumbbell shoulder presses
Squat, kick, and punch with dumbbells
Pushups to one arm dumbbell rows
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 5 times
WARM-UP, then :
45 seconds each exercise:
Kettlebell swings
Inverted rows
30 second march in place
30 seconds each exercise:
Jump squat to pushup
Alternating side kicks
Hip thrusts
30 second march in place
Rest 2 minute, repeat all 2-4 times
WARM-UP, then :
1 minute run
30 seconds wide squats
30 seconds pushups
1 minute run
30 seconds band rows
30 seconds band upright rows
1 minute run
30 seconds band bicep curls
30 seconds diamond pushups
1 minute run
30 seconds plank
30 seconds leg raises
1 minute run
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 3 times
15 wide squats
15 pushups
15 supermans
30 second plank
12 squats on toes
12 wide pushups
12 supermans
40 second plank
10 one legged squats (each side)
10 diamond pushups
10 supermans
50 second plank
Rest 2 minutes, repeat
30 walking lunges
15 staggered pushups
15 pull-ups
30 second mountain climbers
15 t-pushups
30 second bicycles
30 side-to-side lunges
15 pull-ups
30 stationary back lunges
15 spider pushups
15 wide pull-ups
15 squat-thrusts
Rest 2 minutes, repeat
WARM-UP, then:
20 second shadow boxing
20 side-to-side kicks
30 seconds jumping rope
20 seconds shadow boxing
20 jump squats
20 alternating front kicks
30 seconds jumping rope
Rest 3 minutes, repeat
Warm-up, then :
15 step-ups each leg
15 toe raises
15 fire hydrants each leg
15 v-ups
15 squat-thrust w/pushup
15 front kick to back kick (each leg)
15 military pushups
15 round house kicks (each leg)
Rest 3 minutes, repeat
Warm-up, then :
30 second wall-sits
15 mule kicks (each leg)
15 inverted rows
30 second isometric pushups
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 3 times
Warm-up, then :
30 second chops each side
20 wide squats holding ball overhead
30 second plank with hands on ball
20 pushups with hands on ball
20 side to side crunches holding ball
20 reach thru’s with ball
20 squat jumps throwing ball up
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 2 times
Warm-up, then :
1 minute ball toss with partner or on wall
20 ball swings between legs
20 walking lunges holding ball overhead
20 lying ball tosses
20 crunches
20 laying leg raises with ball between knees
30 second soccer taps
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 2 times
Warm-up, then ;
20 standing side twists
20 overhead triceps extensions
20 standing chest presses
20 overhead presses
20 wide squats holding ball in front
20 toe raises holding ball overhead
20 standard squats holding ball in front
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 2 times
Warm-up, THEN :
1 minute squat-n-toss ball up on wall
20 crunches
20 ball slams
30 second wall sits holding ball
20 side squats with ball chest press
20 bicycles with ball
20 mountain climbers (hands on ball)
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 2 times
Warm-up, then:
20 back lunges w/ball twist
20 pushups alternating hands on ball
20 step-ups swinging ball overhead
20 ball slams
20 crunches w/ball overhead
rest 2 minutes, repeat 3 times
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 3 times
WARM-UP, then:
30 seconds for each exercise, rest 2 minutes after each round, 3 to 5 rounds
Front lunge to back lunge
Isometric pushup
Side lunge
Plank with side twists
Hip thrusts
Inverted rows
WARM-UP, then:
30 seconds for each exercise, rest 2 minutes after each round, 3 to 5 rounds
Bent over rows with resistance band
Alternating bicep curls w/band
Lying leg raises
Squats w/band
Half pushups (slow pace)
Half pushups (fast pace)
Stationary lunges
30 seconds for each exercise, rest 2 minutes after each round, 3 to 5 rounds
Mountain climbers
March in place
Jump rope
Squat thrusts
Tabata squats
Then :
30 seconds for each exercise, rest 2 minutes after each round, 3 to 5 rounds
Wide pushups
Wide squats
Wide pull-ups
Military pushups
Stationary lunges
Reverse grip pull-ups
Diamond pushups
Back lunges
Narrow grip pull-ups
Then :
30 seconds for each exercise, rest 2 minutes after each round, 3 to 5 rounds
Fire hydrants
Mule kicks
Walking lunges on toes
Hanging leg raises
Then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Body bar overhead squats
Body bar windmills
Body bar snatch
Station #2
Run in place
Jump squats
Station #3
Wall sits
Standing band rows
WARM-UP, then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Wall squats w/stability ball
Back extensions on ball
Pushups w/ feet on ball
Station #2
Dumbbell shoulder presses
Dumbbell curls
Dumbbell kickbacks
Station #3
Jumping jacks
Jump rope
Arm circles
Warm-up, then:
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Rope pushdown
One leg squats
Cable rows
Station #2
Medicine ball toss
Side squats
Medicine ball swings
Station #3
Standing bicycles
Cat stretches
Split squat jumps
Then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Dumbbell upright rows
Crunches w/dumbbell punches
Dumbbell chest presses
Station #2
Medicine ball wall slams
Station #3
Dumbbell curls
Lat pulldowns
Dumbbell overhead triceps extensions
Then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Decline pushups
Station #2
Squat thrusts to side kicks
Dumbbell deadlifts
Station #3
Butt kicks
Mule kicks
Front-to-back kicks
Then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Jump rope
Stationary lunges
Front kicks
Station #2
Squat kicks
Station #3
Dumbbell flyes
Dumbbell alternating rows
Dumbbell shoulder presses
Then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Side-to-side Pushups
Cat stretches
Station #2
Medicine ball chops (right side)
Medicine ball chops (left side)
Standing side twists w/medicine ball
Station #3
Box squats
Decline pushups
Then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Kettle bell swings
Shadow boxing
Station #2
Jump squats
Side-to-side planks
Station #3
T-bar rows
Dumbbell chest presses
Dumbbell laterals
Then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Morning glories
Box jumps
Diamond pushups
Station #2
Inverted rows (wide grip)
Staggered pushups
Prisoner squats
Station #3
Jump rope
Side lunges
Farmer walk
Then :
1 minute each exercise, rest 1 minute after each station
Station #1
Dumbbell clean and jerk
Arm circles w/dumbbells
Windmills w/dumbbells
Station #2
Knee tucks
Side crunches
Station #3
Reverse dumbbell flyes
Dumbbell curls
Dumbbell overhead extensions
Then :
30-60 seconds per exercise :Squats, walking lunges
30 seconds knee taps Pushups, bear crawls
30 seconds windmills Fire hydrants, mule kicks
30 seconds knee taps Mountain climbers, jump squats
30 seconds windmills Side crunches, side plank
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
Then :
30-60 seconds per exercise :Suicides, grape vines, Inch worms, crab crawls
30 seconds arm circles
Medicine ball toss,
pushups (negatives)
Duck walks,
wheel barrels w/partner
30 seconds standing side twists
Ladder hops,
squat kicks
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
30-60 seconds per exercise
Dips, inverted rows
30 seconds march in place
Narrow pushups, calf raises
30 seconds march in place
Crunch/knee tuck, toe reaches
One leg hip thrust, wall sits
30 seconds march in place
Sprints, walk, sprint, walk
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
30-60 seconds per exercise
8 count bodybuilders
Side leg lifts
Squat thrusts
Side shuffles
Flutter kicks
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
30-60 seconds per exercise
High knee skips
Wide pushups
One leg squats
Split jump squats
Isometric pushups
Walking Lunges
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
30-60 seconds per exercise
Alligator crawls
Butt kicks
Knee raise/crunch
Dumbbell side raises
Jump squats onto stepper
Kettlebell swings
Windshield wipers
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
30-60 seconds per exercise
Planks w/hands on medicine ball
Jumping jack squat
Side step ups
Front to side to back lunges
Jump rope
Dumbbell deadlifts
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
Then :
30-60 seconds per exercise
Round-house kicks
Inverted rows w/rope
Front kick to side kicks
Spiderman pushups
Walking lunges on toes
Reverse flyes w/rope
20 mountain climbers to 20 step-ups
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
Then :
30-60 seconds per exercise
Dumbbell squat to curl to overhead press
One arm dumbbell rows
Alternating dumbbell presses
Reverse lunges w/one arm row
Alternating dumbbell kickbacks
Pushups w/dumbbell row
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2 to 4 times
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
Then :
30-60 seconds per exercise
Bear crawls
Jumping jacks
Crab crawls
Duck walks
Side squats
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
Then :
30-60 seconds per exercise
Hamstring curls on stability ball
Roll-outs on stability ball
Lying leg raises
Crunches on stability ball
Wall squats w/stability ball
Back extensions on Stability ball
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
30-60 seconds per exercise
High knee skips
Traveling side pushups
Side shuffles
Fast run in place to 30 sec. plank
Hip thrusts
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2-4 times
Jump rope 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Jump rope 40 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Jump rope 50 seconds, rest 50 seconds
Jump rope 60 seconds, rest 60 seconds
30 second squat thrusts, rest 30 seconds
Repeat 30 second squat thrusts 4 times
30 second mountain climbers
30 second plank
40 second mountain climbers
40 second plank
50 second mountain climbers
50 second plank
60 second mountain climbers
60 second plank
Rest 2 minutes, repeat 3 times
2 minute walk
30 second sprints, 1 minute walk
repeat sprints and walk for 20 minutes
10 pushups (fast), 30 crunches (slow)
Repeat pushups and crunches 5 times
10 box jumps
20 second rest
10 squat thrust to pushup
20 second rest
60 second speed bag
60 second rest
Repeat above 3 times
10 hill sprints (walk down)
20 yard bear crawls
20 yard walk
repeat crawls and walk 5 times
10 jumping knee tucks
20 second rest
Repeat knee tucks 20 sec. rest 5 times
20 wide squats, 20 wide pushups, 20 crunches
15 standard squats, 15 standard pushups, 20 crunches
10 squats on toes, 10 military pushups, 20 crunches
2 min. water break
20 walking lunges, 20 seated wide band rows, 20 v-ups
15 stationary lunges, 15 seated band rows, 20 v-ups
10 walking lunges on toes, 10 seated high band rows, 20 v-ups
2 min. water break
20 sec. mountain climbers, 20 sec. plank, 20 hip thrusts
15 sec. mountain climbers, 15 sec. plank, 15 hip thrusts
10 sec. mountain climbers, 10 sec. plank, 10 hip thrusts
2 min. water break
10 eight count bodybuilders
30 jumping jacks
30 arm circles (each direction)
20 pushups
30 sec. squat hold
1 min. jump rope
1 min. squat kicks
20 side crunches (each side)
20 side to side lunges
15 wide pushups
20 wide squats
20 supermans
1 min. jump rope
30 windmills
2 min water break, repeat 2 – 3 times
Then :
Perform each exercise for 30 sec. for first round. Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat each exercise for 45 sec. Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat each exercise for 60 sec.
Jump rope
Static pushups
Windshield wipers
Squat thrusts
Spiderman pushups
Plyo jump w/ knee tucks
1 min. power slide
1 min. boxing
30 sec. laying knee tucks
30 sec. mountain climbers
30 sec. (each side) one arm kettle swings
Pushups (12 reps)
Inverted rows (12 reps)
Sumo squats (12 reps)
Rest for 2 minutes, Repeat 3 to 5 times.
5 min stationary walk/run interval (30 sec. for each)
Walking lunges
DB flyes on stability ball (12 reps)
Alter. Bent over DB rows (12 reps)
5 min. jump rope interval (30 sec. jump then 30 sec. rest)
DB curl (12 reps)
Dips (12 reps)
DB bent over reverse rev. flyes
Rest for 2 min, repeat 2 – 5 times
20 Pushup/knee tucks
2 minute tabata squats
20 staggered pushups
Fire hydrants (15 a side)
Plank (count to 30)
Supermans (count to 30)
Rest for 2 min, repeat 2 – 5 times
30-second stations. Rest for 1 minute after station, continue to next station
Station 1 Plank w/DB row laying DB chest press DB kickbacks
Station 2 DB punches Squat kicks DB uppercuts
Station 3 Bosu squats Stability ball jackknife Stab ball hamstring curl
Station 4 Butt kicks Wide pushups DB side raises
Station 5 Supermans Farmers walk plank
After all five stations are completed, Repeat 2 more times
30-second stations. Rest for 1 minute after station, continue to next station
Station 1
DB overhead press
DB swings
DB pushup to rows
Station 2
Jump rope
shadow boxing
squat thrusts to front kicks
Station 3
Fit band curls
fit band rows
fit band squats
Station 4
wide squat holds
jumping jacks
Station 5
Stationary lunges
calf raises
prisoner squats
After all five stations are completed, Repeat 2 more times
For round 1, perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest for 2 minutes then round 2, perform each exercise for 45 seconds. Rest for 1 minute then round 3, perform each exercise for 30 seconds.
Knee taps
Walking lunges
8 count bodybuilders
March in place
Alternating fire hydrants
Bear crawls
Knee taps
Jump squats
Hip thrusts
For round 1, perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest for 2 minutes then round 2, perform each exercise for 45 seconds. Rest for 1 minute then round 3, perform each exercise for 30 seconds.
Grape vines
Side shuffles
Inch worms
Crab crawls
Flutter kicks
Arm circles
Duck walks
Ladder hops
Squat kicks
Wide pushups
March in place
Jumping jacks
Perform each exercise in a station for 1 minute then switch to next station. When all stations are completed, rest for 2 minutes. Perform each exercise for 45 sec. in round two. Rest for 2 minutes.
Perform each exercise for 30 sec. in round three.
Station 1
Jump rope
stationary lunges
butt kicks
Station 2
Squat kicks
Station 3
Medicine ball chops
medicine ball floor slams
medicine ball swings
Station 4
Laying leg raises
side plank (right
side plank (left)
Station 5
DB lateral raises
DB curls
DB kickbacks
Track drills.
Group 1
Grapevines down one side of track
Walk around bend
Sprints down other side of track
Group 2
Bear crawls in middle of track (one end to other)
Jog back to other end
Each group repeats 3 times. Rest for 2 minutes then switch groups.
Rest for 2 minutes.
Partner wheel barrels down side of track
Partners switch for other side of track
Slow jog twice around track
Repeat 3 times.
Track drills.
Hill runs (run up, walk down 6 times total)
Bear crawls up hill/crawls down
30 second plank
Staggered pushups uphill/walk down
15 Inclined leg raises on hill/30 inclined crunches
Rest 2 minutes. Repeat all 2 to 3 times
15 wide pushups
15 flutter kicks
12 standard pushups
12 flutter kicks
10 military pushups
10 flutter kicks
8 diamond pushups
8 flutter kicks
Rest 2 minutes
15 wide squats
30 second plank
12 standard squats (hold for 10 seconds)
30 second plank
10 alternating lunges (20 total)
30 second plank
Rest 2 minutes. Repeat all 2 to 3 times
20 squats/20 high band rows/20 pushups/20 upright rows with band/20 alternating curls with band
Rest 1 minute
15 wide squats/15 reverse fly with band/15 wide pushups/15 overhead press with band/15 hammer curls with band
Rest 1 minute
10 alternating lunges (20 total/10 military pushups/10 low band rows/10 front raises with band/10 hammer curls with band
Rest 1 minute, repeat 2 to 3 times
Then :
Track drills.
30 second sprints
15 pushups
rest for 1 minute
15 plyo jumps
15 squat jumps
rest for 1 minute
1 minute plank
15 supermans
rest for 1 minute
30 second grapevines
30 seconds bear crawls
rest for 1 minute
15 wide squats
1 minute hill runs (run up, walk down)
rest for 1 minute
20 crunches
20 laying leg raises
rest for 1 minute
Repeat 2-5 times
Then :
For the first round, perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest for 2 minutes. For the second round, perform each exercise for 45 seconds. Rest for 2 minutes. For the third round, perform each exercise for 30
Laying bicycles
Overhead dumbbell press
Hip thrusts
Alternating lunges
Bent over dumbbell rows
Run in place
Then :
For the first round, perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest for 2 minutes. For the second round,perform each exercise for 45 seconds. Rest for 2 minutes. For the third round, perform each exercise
for 30 seconds.
Wide pushups
Wide pull-ups or band pulldowns
Kettlebell swings
Medicine ball squat throws to partner
Step ups
Dumbbell curls
Dumbbell upright rows
Side-to-side crunches
Star jumps
Then :
20 reps for each exercise, rest 1 minute
15 reps for each exercise, rest 1 minute
10 reps for each exercise, rest 1 minute
Repeat 2-3 times
Wide squats
standard squats
feet together squats
Wide pulldowns
reverse pulldowns
narrow grip pulldowns
Wide pushups
standard pushups
diamond pushups
seated band rows
dumbbell chest presses
Then :
–perform each set 2-3 times. Using hand weights where needed.
30 reps squat
30 alternating lunge w/biceps curl combo
30 ski squats
30 alternating side squats with lateral raise combo
30 shuffle splits
30 bent rows (do 15, stand and reset back, repeat)
30 biceps curl
30 supine pullovers
30 leg raises
30 crunches
CARDIO CIRCUIT: Timed 45 second sets, repeat once
Step ups (up-up, down-down) / football feet / stairs up and down (or mountain climbers) / jacks
30 reps squat
30 alternating lunge w/biceps curl combo
30 ski squats
30 alternating side squats with lateral raise combo
30 shuffle splits
30 chest press
30 supine triceps press
30 flyes
30 toe touch abs
30 dead bugs
CARDIO CIRCUIT: Timed 45 second sets, repeat once
Step ups (up-up, down-down) / football feet / stairs up and down (or mountain climbers) / jacks
* medicine ball
Then :
All sets, except for runs, are 45-second sets
Interval run (5 mins total with random whistleblows for walk/run)
MB squat touch press
Partner MB toss from the left, partner toss to the right
Plea with MB chest press on the way up
Chest toss and run after and fetch it
Side plank with leg lift, repeat other side
1-sided oblique crunch, repeat other side
MB slams
MB wood choppers from the left, from the right
Directional side step squat with chest MB scoop, repeat other direction
Seated MB Russian twist with 3 pulses in each direction
Vertical scissors
Interval run (5 minutes total with random whistle blows for lunge/run)
Repeat MB drills in 45 second sets
Interval run (like beginning walk/run)
Repeat MB drills in 30 second sets
Then :
– perform each set 2-4 times and 30-45 seconds each
Alternating reverse lunge
Curl and press
Split lunge, repeat other side
Hammer curl
Uneven squat on one side, repeat other side
Tubing partner row
Wide squat
Band pulls (arms shoulder level and long, separate arms)
Toe touch abs
French press
Russian twist
Monster walk with ankle bands forward, repeat backward
Shoulder press
Side abducts with band, glute pressbacks; repeat both on other side
Reverse alternating flyes
Then :
– perform each set 2 times then repeat both as a “giant” set, finish with ab circuit and run
30 push-ups
30 dips or reverse plank hold
30 tubing rows
30 biceps curls
30 seconds boat
30 lunge on curb (or step)
30 sumo squats
30 good mornings
30 3-dot drill (leg pumps with reach)
“My AB circuit”
(each camper calls out their favorite ab drill at 30 seconds each (repeat the cycle depending on number of people)
(laps of sprint to point A and jog to point B)
Then :
Pendulums, repeat other side
Jack squats
Plea squats
Jumping lunges
Partner wide row
Bent row
Biceps curl
Weighted cross punch
Repeat 4 times
Towing laps 1 minute each partner leads
Shuffle one direction 1 minute, repeat other direction
Sprint 10 second forward, run 10 second back, sprint 10 second forward, run 10 second back
Repeat set above 2 more times
Yoga poses: Warrior I, Warrior II, Triangle, Reverse Warrior; repeat other side
Then :
– each move is 30-45 seconds, 1 min rest after each 4.
Mountain climbers
Carioca cone to cone (distance varies depending on the level of the participants)
Football runs (fast feet)
Cone to cone sprint, jog back, sprint, jog back, etc.
Get-ups (get up from supine on mat and run to the cone and back, get back down
–ideally without using hands to get up and down)
Carioca Dips
Cone to cone sprint, jog back, sprint, jog back, etc.
Plank with jumping jack legs
Carioca cone to cone (distance varies depending on the level of the participants)
Cross punch/jabs
Cone to cone sprint, jog
back, sprint, jog back, etc.
Jumping jacks
Carioca cone to cone (distance varies depending on the level of the participants)
Cone to cone sprint, jog back, sprint, jog back, etc.
REPEAT the above 3-4 times
Alternating 1-leg drops / side plank (each side) / alternating obliques / bridge w/alt foot lifts, repeat
Indian run (time varies on level of participants)
Then :
–form stations with partners at each station. Repeat circuit at least 4 rounds, then go to next.
If time at the end, go through one more circuit of each.
Circuit 1
Partner band rows
Straddles over a step (up up, down down) or with a hoop or box drawn with chalk (in in, out out)
Med ball toss with partner on dyna disc
Med ball slams
Plank hold
Circuit 2
Partner band triceps pressdowns
Step or curb up up down down (or plyo jumps up and down)
Seated Russian twist
Walking lunge to cone and run back to cone
Jump rope
Final interval run/walk
Then :
– repeat each group of exercises 3 times
30 hip lifts (with Bender ball between knees)
20 1-leg hip lifts, repeat other side
30 hip lifts with heels lifted and ball between knees)
30 1-sided obliques, repeat other side
15 leg circles with flexed foot in each direction (on or off Bender ball), repeat other side
20 tubing lat pulls to chest
30 1-arm DB bent row, repeat other side
15 tubing bent rows, reset back do another 15
30 partner standing tubing oblique twists (don’t move hips)
30 standing butt kickers (straight leg, flexed foot), repeat other side
10 plea squats
20 plea low pulses
10 plea with 1-heel lifted, repeat other side
10 plea squats with heels lifted
20 plea low pulses with heels lifted
30 ea bent knee up & over (a bench)
Then :
10 ball pushups
10 transfers (hands to feet with v-up crunch)
repeat x4 total
20 alternating shoulder presses on ball
20 flyes on ball
repeat x4 total
20 hip lifts on ball
20 shelc ball curls
20 crunches with feet on ball
repeat x4 total
Step aerobics with or light DBs
–3-6 minutes (basic up up down, corner to corner, v-step, etc)
10 downward dog to plank Glutes all moves done on one side, then the other side:
30 hydrants
30 bent knee circles
30 bent knee crossovers
30 straight leg upward pulses
Then :
– repeat each group of exercises 3 times
20 alternating supine DB pullovers (keep opposite arm up)-light
20 alternating supine DB chest flyes
(keep opposite arm up)-light
20 alternating supine DB pullovers (keep opposite arm up)- heavy
20 alternating supine DB chest flyes
(keep opposite arm up)
– heavy
20 rows on TRX, Lebert equalizer or playground swing or bar, etc
20 slow heavy biceps curls
20 slow squats
Run 1/8-1/4 mile and repeat
8 cycles of Tabata squats (20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest)
20 clean and presses
20 1
-leg standing weighted leg extension (DB above knee, leg at 90 degree angle), repeat other side
20 jumps to curb
20 each side pendulum swings
Run 1/8-1/4 mile and repeat“My AB circuit”
(each camper calls out their favorite ab drill at 45 seconds each (repeat the cycledepending on number of people)
Then :
Curb side approach:
20 reps knee, abduct, knee, abduct (I,2,3,4)
20 side squats (foot on curb and foot on ground)
Repeat both on other side, then repeat all total x2
Deadlift/row combo:
10 deadlifts, 10 rows, 10 deadlifts, 10 rows; stand and repeat for total x2
Line and cones: (set up cones and form 2 or more single file lines at cone A) Approx 3-5 minutes
Boxer shuffle or jog in place while in line while waiting to sprint to cone B and back, get to back of line
30 squats regular 1-0-1 tempo, 10 squats at slow 4-0-4 tempo
30 biceps regular 1-0-1 tempo, 10 squats at slow 4-0-4 tempo
Repeat total of x2
30 plea squats30 triceps overhead regular 1-0-1 tempo, 10 overhead at slow 4-0-4 tempo
Repeat total of x2 times
Line and cones: Carioca from A to B and run back. Approx 2-3 minutes
Pushup/shoulder raise combo:
5 pushups,
5 no-weight raises
Repeat total of x4