More On Abs

Here’s the truth about making your abs “pop”…

#1 – You Must Train Your Abs Directly

However, you don’t need to work them more than 2-3 times a week.

And by the way, DIRECT ab training alone will not work. Direct ab training with extreme conditioning is the fastest way to do it.

#2 – Use Metabolic Resistance Training

Density training, metabolic circuits, challenges and more will boost  your fat-burning hormones and make you burn calories while  you sleep.

 4 Favorite Ab Conditioners :

# 1 The Plank Jumping Jack <= Conditioning and Abs Exercise in One

#2 Plank with Weight Transfer

#3 Stability Ball Stir-the-Pot

#4 Strap Ab Fallout <= My Favorite (that and Ab Wheel Rollouts)

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