30/9/15 – 5 NEW WORKOUTS

Perform the following circuit in order by setting a timer or a clock for intervals of 1:15. Start by performing the first movement in each set. Once the reps have been reached for the first exercise, move to the next and perform that movement for the remainder of time left in that given interval before moving on to the next set. Rest only where designated.

1a. Prisoner Squat – 15 reps
1b. Plank w/ Alternate Leg Lift – remainder of the 1:15 interval

2a. Burpee – 10 reps
2b. Side Plank – remainder of the 1:15 interval

3a. Mountain Climber – 15 reps/side
3b. Side Plank – remainder of the 1:15 interval

4a. Wall Stick Up – 10 reps
4b. Plank Saw – remainder of the 1:15 interval

Rest 30 seconds

5a. Romanian Deadlift – 7 reps/side
5b. Wide Out – remainder of the 1:15 interval

6a. Penguin – 15 reps/side
6b. Skater – remainder of the 1:15 interval

7a. Get Up – 7 reps/side
7b. Side Squat Walk – remainder of the 1:15 interval

8a. Wood Chop – 10 reps/side
8b. Skater – remainder of the 1:15 interval

9a. Shoe Touch – 20 reps/side
9b. Burpee – remainder of the 1:15 interval

Rest for 1 minute then repeat the intervals 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 circuits


Then :

13-Minute Tighten & Tone Workout

Jumping Jacks – 40 reps

Core Cardio Pushups – 10 reps

Goblet Squats – 10 reps

-Repeat as many times as possible in 13 minutes, rest ONLY when necessary.

So what exactly are Core Cardio Pushups?  You do a regular pushup (or kneeling pushup), then bring your right knee up to your chest and back, then bring your left knee up to your chest and back. It’s essentially a pushup with a mountain climber…. Which means not only will you be working your chest, shoulders, and the back of your arms, but you’ll ALSO get some extra core and ab work in there. And that’s how you get FASTER results 🙂 As for the Goblet Squat, use a dumbbell, kettlebell, or something around the house that has a little bit of weight to it. Hold it with both hands, right in front of your chest, then perform a squat.


Then :

15-minutes of as many rounds as possible…AMRAP

-9 Deadlifts (using a light-medium weight)
-12 Pushups
-15 Box Jumps


1-Leg Lying Hip Extensions – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

1-Leg Lying Hip Extensions (other leg) – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Eccentric Pushups or Kneeling Pushups – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Bodyweight Squats – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Plank or Kneeling Plank – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Repeat 1 more time

Wall Squat – 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Pushups or Kneeling Pushups – 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Reverse Lunges – 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Dumbbell Row – 50 seconds (25 seconds/side) – rest 10 seconds

Mountain Climbers – 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds

Repeat 1 more time


Lying Hip Extensions – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Band Pulls – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Pushup Hold (hold the top pushup position) – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Split Squats – 40 seconds – rest 20 seconds

Split Squats (other leg) – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds

Repeat 1 more time

1-Leg Lying Hip Extensions – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

1-Leg Lying Hip Extensions (other leg) – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Eccentric Pushups or Kneeling Pushups – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Bodyweight Squats – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Plank or Kneeling Plank – 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Repeat 1 more time

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