29/9/14 – 5 NEW WORKOUTS

Before you start, be sure you are FULLY warmed up and ready to go.

• Rest when needed throughout the workout.

• Be sure to time each sprint you perform and mark it down in your notebook.

Cycle One

• 400 Meter Sprint

Rest as needed then complete 20 seconds of each exercise below with a 10 second rest in between:

• Superman Jumps: 20 seconds

• Spiderman Pushups (each side): 20 seconds

• Spiderman Plank Climbers (each side): 20 seconds

Rest as needed then move back to the 400 meter sprint.

Repeat 3 more times for 4 total rounds.


Before you start, be sure you are FULLY warmed up and ready to go.

• Rest when needed throughout the workout.

• Be sure to time each sprint you perform and mark it down in your notebook.

Cycle One

• 400 Meter Sprint Rest as needed then complete:

• Pushups: 8 reps

• Mountain Climbers: 8 reps each side

• Side Plank Reach Through: 8 reps each side

Rest as needed then move back to the 400 meter sprint.

Repeat 2 more times for 3 total rounds.


Before you start, be sure you are FULLY warmed up and ready to go.

• Complete Cycle #1 before you move to Cycle #2.

• Rest when needed throughout the workout.

• Be sure to time each sprint you perform and mark it down in your notebook.

Cycle #1

• 400 Meter Sprint

Rest as needed then complete:

• 8 Spiderman Pushups or Spiderman Climbs

• 10 Jump Lunges

• 12 Squat Jumps

• 14 Outside Mountain Climbers (total)

Rest as needed then move back to the 400 meter sprint.

Repeat one more time for 2 total rounds.

After 2 rounds in Cycle #1, rest 2 minutes and move to Cycle #2:

Cycle #2

• 200Meter Sprint

Rest as needed then complete:

• 5 reps each side Plank Leg Raise (alternating)

• 5 Plank Spiderman Climbs (each side)

Rest as needed then move back to the 200 meter sprint.

Repeat 2 more times for 3 total rounds.


Upper Body Push-Squeeze

Move from one exercise to the next without rest. Rest ONLY where it says to rest.

Circuit #1:

-Pushups: 20 reps

-Iron Cross Squeeze*: 10 seconds

Do not rest and repeat 5 total rounds (100 pushups, 50 seconds of IC squeezes)

*Iron Cross Squeeze: Stretching the chest, tighten your forearms as much as possible while squeezing your shoulder blades together in the back as hard as you can. Hold in this position for the allotted amount of time.

Circuit #2: 

-Spiderman Pushups: 20 seconds

-Sit Throughs**: 20 seconds

-Bench or Chair Dips: 20 seconds

Rest 20-seconds and complete 4 TOTAL rounds. 

**Sit Throughs: Start in the pushup position with core tight and back straight. Twisting in your core, drive one leg through to the opposite side until you are seating on the floor with one arm on the ground and the opposite arm in the air. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Circuit #3:

-T-Pushup Hold***: 60-seconds

-Rocking Planks: 30-seconds

-Burpees: 30-seconds

Rest as long as needed and complete 3 TOTAL rounds. 

***Perform three straight pushups, then hold for 3-seconds in the T-position. Repeat for 60-seconds.


Before you start, be sure you are FULLY warmed up and ready to go.

• Rest when needed throughout the workout.

• Be sure to time each sprint you perform and mark it down in your notebook.

Cycle #1

• 200 Meter Sprint Rest as needed then complete:

• 5 Squat to Squat Jumps

• 7 Burpees

• 10 Spiderman Pushups or Spiderman Climbs

Rest as needed then move back to the 200 meter sprint.

Repeat 5 more times for 6 total rounds.

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